April Fools

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     "Hey, Calla!" I look up from my work in surprise as Sophie bounds into my chambers.

     "No knock?" I ask dryly, and she rolls her eyes, barely keeping still.

     "Your door was open, anyways!" She says, "Now, come on! There's something I need to show you!" Sophie, granted, she always had a lot of energy, seemed overly enthusiastic.

     "Why must I?" I ask, gesturing to the pile of documents in front of me, "I need to get this done."

     "Oh, hush. You Asgardians and your sense of duty," she babbles, "Just come on! It will only be a minute!"

     With a sigh, I nod, caving in and standing. Although I am suspicious, I allow her to pull me out into the hallway.

     My suspicion only grows as Sophie tries to stay behind me, rather than lead me as she usually would. I stop walking. "What is all of this about, Sophie?"

     "You'll see," she insists, "Just go."

     "And why will you not lead me as you normally would?" I ask, a smirk making its way onto my face. Sophie's expression changes instantly from joyful to guilty, and I know that I have caught her in the act of whatever it is that she has planned. "What is it, really, Sophie?" I ask again, "I can tell you're up to something."

     "Just go," Sophie groans, pointing down the hall, "Really. Only a minute."


     "What? I promise!"

     The look I give her shows that I'm not playing her game, and the guilty look of hers returns.

     In that very moment, Siobhan comes out of her room, next door to Sophie's, and says, "Soph, where are you, we've got the pr-" She freezes as she sees me, and turns bright red.

     "You have got the... what?" I ask, almost certain of what is going on.

     "Nothing!" Sophie insists, pushing me towards her door. Of course, she cannot push me more than a few inches, before I use my Asgardian strength to stay put.

     "Sophie... Siobhan..." I start, staring each of them in the eye, "Do you really believe that I would have walked into this without having an idea of what was really going on?"

     "What are you talking ab-"

     "Siobhan, the prank isn't going to work if you're just standing..." Tom walks out of Siobhan's room, where the rest of the girls must be, as well, and once he sees me, a sheepish grin captures his face, "...there?"

     "I knew it," I say under my breath, "Did you all really expect me to fall for this?" I ask, amusement filling my voice. The three just stand there, embarrassment rolling off of them, "I spent not so many centuries around this for a reason," I continue smugly, completely aware that Aleda is creeping up behind me with something. "For instance..."

     I turn to face Aleda, who stands frozen with shock as I gently take the bucket of fake spiders from her hands.

     "However," I continue as Tom grins at my acute awareness, "Two things..." Sophie raises an eyebrow as the girls peek out from Siobhan's room, "I do warn you all to be prepared for something from me in return," I smirk a little as slightly terrified looks from from everyone but Tom.

     "Question, if I may," Tom says, nearing me, and holding up a finger, "Does this require having to get ideas from a certain look-alike of mine?"

     I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Of course not." I reply cooly, "If I may say, I came up with a good number of our childhood shenanigans." I earn a surprised look from him for a moment before he gets a familiar, mischievous glint in his eyes.

     "So, Loki's free to be on my side when it's revenge time?" Tom asks hopefully.

     I laugh, "Tis something that depends on if you would like a loyal ally. Loki rarely sticks to sides. He goes wherever the mischief is."

     "Fair enough," Tom decides, crossing his arms, "So, your second 'thing'?"

     "Ah, yes!" I begin, "Why such an elaborate prank with no pretenses? Tis not like tis a special occasion or anything of the sort."

     Sophie and Tom exchange quick, guilty looks, which floods me with confusion. "What is it?" I ask earnestly, "What in the Nine Realms did I not deduce?!"

     Tom chuckles, and shoots me a sympathetic smile. "You see," he starts, "and for the record, I thought you knew- we... Midgardians... have a sort of holiday today."

     "A holiday?" I ask, not entirely catching his point.

     "Every April first," Tom continues, "We have a day called April Fool's Day."

     "I-" I sputter, "I am no fool!"

     "We noticed!" Tom chuckles.

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