Author Style Imitation: The Mission

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      I scanned the room after Mason went to get drinks, and looked over the enemies in the room between me and my target.

     The closest to me was Leonardo Alez. Alez was a multi-millionaire who loved playing chance games, as long as he could rig them. Rigging was a large factor in his schemes, which ranged from small games to forcing his ideas onto large companies with it— all to gain money— which was, all in all, not my largest concern, especially since he had his favourite accessory, Laura, who spent night and day trying trying to change his ways through love. Alez was as big as a black bear, and had the personality to go with it, while his wife was like a delicate swan— graceful, fair-haired, and quiet.

     Stationed near every exit were the Shibazaki Brothers, deadly shadows who were my largest threat to the acquisition of my target. Tomoe, the one near the left stage door, was the darkness in the shadows— barely noticeable as his raven eyes scanned the crowds— and would notice me in a split second if I didn't play my cards right, what with his ninja skills that were better than his brothers, combined, and his perfect position to intercept me in nearly any plan I had. This was going to be tough. The youngest, Hibachi, was by the front door, his shaggy black hair and lazy appearance keeping him from gaining attention. I didn't have to worry about him, he would only have to block me if I tried to leave through the front doors. By the right stage and side entrance doors was Hatsuharu, the brother who relies purely on his strength and speed to get the job done— nothing to worry about until a chase ensues. One more plan out the window.

     The last enemy I could spy in the room was Lexi's date, Jason. He had the kind of stature that just reeked of intimidation if you pushed the right buttons. Not that many people had that figured out. Jason was the guy around town that had the georgeous eyes, perfect height, dazzling smile— anything that the girls wanted, he had for sure. The downside of him was that he worked for the enemy organization, and though intel, my organization informed me that he was on patrol for finding the target tonight. The boy was really sweet, regardless of the fact the he was the enemy, and I had to acquire the target at all costs. I just had to try to get to the target without wrecking Lexi's date.

     "Maddy? Maaaddddyyyy. Maddy!" Mason said.

     Mason smirked as I startled.

     "I've spent two minutes trying to get your attention." Mason told me, "Why are you staring at random guys?"

     Why did I let him notice, I asked myself.

     He looked me in the eye.

     "I just spaced out," I assured him, "Sorry."

     Mason nodded, handing me my drink.

     "Okay. Just making sure you're alright."

     The Shibizaki brothers noticed Mason looking at them. They slinked towards me, lions closing in on their prey, and I didn't have a single plan on getting both of us out while getting the target. They closed in, sticking to the shadows to avoid suspicion. Mason hadn't noticed them, and I couldn't put him in more danger. I had to get him out safely. At least, for a few minutes.

     "Hey," I said as he sipped his drink, "I left my wallet in your car, under my seat. Can you go get it?"

     Mason gave me a look.

     "Fine. I'll go," he says as Tomoe came into earshot, "Even though you don't need it. But don't expect to be paying for anything. It's my turn to pay."

     Mason only left after I agreed to his terms.

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