Nina the killer X Jeff the killer

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Sally girl: Jeff, you and E.J. are both man whores!

Jeff the killer: whoa what?

Eyeless jack: Jeff you promised!

Jeff the killer: do you not know what a one night stand is?

Nina the killer: You said you loved me!

Jeff the killer: there's a lot of things I say.

Ben drowned: that's not so bad I mean....

(Every one stares at Ben)

Laughing Jack: Ben what did you do?

Ben drowned:(takes out phone and pulls up pic):

Oh wait! That's the wrong pic....umm(teleports away)

Ticci Toby: um Sally?

Sally girl: (runs away crying)

Ticci Toby: shit( sit in the corner.)

Ben drowned: ( teleports back) I'm so sorry Toby... I forgot about that picture.

Ticci Toby: ....l-leave...n-n-now.

( every one leaves to comfort sally girl)

Classic Ben...always ruins everything... Sorry about the short chapters...I'm trying but I need ideas.... :P

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