Ticci Toby X Masky

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Sally girl: Toby, I would kill you...but you can't feel pain!

Ticci Toby: what are you talking about?( looks at picture)oh....ummmmm.

Masky: Toby....

Sally girl: care to explain?

Masky: it was a slumber party....relax.

Sally girl: oh really...then were was every one else?!

Ticci Toby: Masky, shut up...sally look...I'm not interested.... You're a little girl and I'm not into that...sorry.

Sally girl: fuck you Toby!

Masky: Toby's mine!

Sally girl: no, Toby's a man whore like E.J and Jeffy!

Masky: sally that's a line you don't wanna cross....

Sally girl: oh really and why is that?!

Masky: because I know....

Sally girl: know what?

Masky: about....the R-a-p-e....

Ticci Toby: masky, stop!

Sally girl: ( quietly stares into distance as tears run down her face)

Ticci Toby: you need to leave... Now!

Masky: fine...(storms out)

Ticci Toby: (kneals next to Sally girl) you OK?

Sally girl: what do you think?!

(Ticci Toby and sally girl stay quite)

Sally girl:(whispers) get out...

Ticci Toby: what?

Sally girl:(screams) GET OUT!!!!

(Ticci Toby leaves without another word and sally sobs until her tears become blood. Laughing Jack walks in worried)

Laughing Jack: sally( holds sally girl in his arms.)

Sally girl: Jackie....what's wrong with me?! What am I such a little girl....why can't I grow up like Sadie and Nina and every one else?

Laughing Jack: don't worry about that sally your perfect just the way you are...

I'm so sorry about not updating....I've been busy and almost forgot I was in the middle of a story and yea..my stories are dark...oh well. If there are any more ships you have let me know plz! Luv ya!

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