Chapter 2!

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A/N: Hi everyone! I finally got round to adding a new chapter of this, like everyone was saying I should :) This one is like a continuation of the last one. Hope you all enjoy reading this, or atleast get a few laughs out of it! I dedicated this chapter to Looey16 because she helped me come up with the first 7 :D


11.)When you're sitting next to someone, fall asleep on their shoulder, and stroke their arm every once in a while.

12.)Sit on the park bench and have a loud conversation with your imaginary best friend.

13.)If someone is running on the sidewalk, run with them, and see if they speed up.

14.)Dance-walk everywhere you go.

15.)Make funny faces at people in their cars, when stuck in a traffic jam, try talking to them too, don't forget the waving like a maniac!

16.)Confess your love to everyone who makes eye-contact.

17.)Look up at the sky, point and scream 'WOAH!!!', and when people look up, keep on pointing and staring, hold it up until they leave.

18.)Pick your nose out when someone sits next to you on the bus. Then, smile and nudge them, explaining that it's the biggest bogey you've found all year.

19.)Sing lame songs, whilst skipping down the street, waving at anyone who you pass.

20.)Go up to a random person at school or work, and smile creepily, before explaining that you've been having a really weird dream about them, for the last week or so.

21.)Start up random conversations with strangers, in the supermarket.

22.)Making loud 'farting noises' then blame the person next you, in a really loud voice, waving your hand in front of your face and complaining, wholeheartedly.

23.)Go to the local police station and ask if they've seen your underwear, because it's randomly disappeared, all of a sudden.

24.)Pretend to sleep in class, and when the teacher comes up to your desk, wave and grin. If they tell you off start to sing and yell, 'I can't hear you!'

25.) Go up to random people in town, and make conversation, waving your arms around and saying, 'Judgement day is coming!!!! Be aware, and change your ways. Can you hear it? The sky is falling all around us.'(Somebody actually said that to me, the other day)


If I get  a couple of comments and votes, and people say they'd like me to add another chapter, I'll get one done by next week or so :D

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