Chapter 3 :)

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A/N: I'm back again! I took a while to upload due to the fact I had to revise for an evil exam, but whatever, atleast it's over and done with now, and I can finally come up with more Creepy things to do xD Anyways, I'll stop rabbiting on, so you can read the list. Don't forget to vote and comment if you have any suggestions or want to point out which ones you've done!


26.)Run into your local shop, screaming and dressed in your pyjamas. When people look at you, smile and say, 'Sorry, wrong shop!' Wave a bit, before going out and repeating the process in the shop next door.

27.)Walk up to your local McDonalds drive-thru, and take your order whilst speaking in a funny accent and occasionally drooling.

28.)Clap like a retarded seal whenever somebody tries to start up a conversation with you. Nod your head repetitively and roll your eyes a bit.

29.)When somebody asks you your age, give them something really ridiculous, like 8 months or 1009. When they explain that you can't possibly be hat old or young, shrug and say you were born on Mars, or another random planet.

30.)Wear dark glasses and walk around the shops in baggy clothes. Behave suspiciously and if people ask what you're doing, explain that you are currently a VIP in hiding. See if anyone believes you, or better yet, carts you off to a mental asylum.

31.)Set up a stall outside your house and try to sell passers by flowers and leaves picked from your garden. Remember to explain that they are all precious herbs that will help you do anything and live forever.

32.)Buy an odd instrument that nobody has ever heard of before and play it on the street corners, whilst doing a weird jig.

33.)Embarrass people by yelling across the street, 'I know your secrets! Beware! I know everything about you...'

34.)Approach a random person in the street and start a weird conversation with them, calling them by a random name, like you actually know them.

35.)Go into the local dry-cleaners, and ask politely if they have a shower you could use. Explain that you haven't washed all week, so it's imperative.

36.)Laugh hysterically every time people look at you; see how fast the room empties.

37.)In every sentence you say, make sure to add 'OMG', at the end, throwing your hands up in the air.

38.)Wear a pillow under your clothes and pretend you're pregnant, walking around patting your stomach and speaking to your inexistent baby.

39.)Sit on the floor, singing twinkle, twinkle little star in a quiet voice, grinning at anyone who walks past(Believe it or not, somebody actually did that, round the corner from me).

40.)Try to get somebody's trolley off them when you go shopping, and smile creepily, saying you really admire everything they've picked up in the store.


Hmm...I'm not really sure if that was any good xP Meh, let me know in any comments. I might add another chapter in the next 2 weeks :)

Have a creepy day!


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