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The cold wind was no match for Lia's determination to find the books. It was her father's. Her family's. Her posession. Jeonghan had no right to suddenly volunteer to throw them away. And what was with Seungcheol, agreeing to everything the boy says? It was as if there was no more family between them; Jeonghan and work was prioritized.

Although Seungcheol himself had said that the main reason why he had stopped the business was to stay at home with family, but why does it feel different? Family was only for them; only for Lia, Seungcheol and Hansol. But why with all these people?

Why with Jeonghan, especially?

She huffs. Her bangs had grew. She needed a haircut.

The area that Seungcheol had texted her seemed quiet and lonely, like the outskirts of the city. There were still people passing by, although not much. The day was already dull enough based on the clouds, and her day couldn't have gotten any more dull than this.

She took a right turn and entered a building. It looked somewhat like a small public library, but she wasn't sure herself. There were a lot of books, though, books that were waiting to be thrown away.

"Excuse me, have you perhaps gotten anyone entering here with a large amount of books today?" Lia asks the woman by the counter. The woman hums, checking the board on the table to see.

Her eyes lit up, "Ah yes, we've had one recently. Is anything wrong?"

"I was wondering if we could get the books back, they were something important to me." Lia tells her, eyes full of hope, not being wanted to let down.

"I'm sorry, but the last van has taken them to charity. There is no way to return them back to the owner; a contact was signed between the donator and our company." The woman says, fixing her gold-framed spectacles. Lia's heart dropped. Her eyes had faded. There was no choice now.

"Is there any way to get the books back?" A voice from behind interrupts, the figure standing by Lia's side "if I kept the paper we could still get it back right?"

Lia looked up. Jeonghan?

There was no way he was there to help, right? He had thrown away the books at his own will, why was he changing his mind all of a sudden?

"Apparently yes you can! Good for you, so do you have the paper with you sir?" The woman stands up from her seat, ready to reorganize everything.

Jeonghan offers a smile.

"Nope, sorry, I threw it away."

Lia grits her teeth. She dragged Jeonghan's arm out of the building, ready to attack him with questions, hit him, even.

"Wow, your hands sure are cold, do you want my gloves?" Jeonghan asks, offering another smile of his. It just addes fire to Lia's already burning flame.

"You didn't have to do that. At all," Lia says sternly "if you weren't there to help me then you could've just; fucked off."

Jeonghan's eyes were elsewhere, acting like it wasn't a big deal. He had trimmed his hair, the short black locks right below his ear. He looked better with dark hair, but it meant nothing to Lia, remembering what had happened, what he did towards his hair.

"I never said I was going to help you, did I?" Jeonghan retorts, shoving his hands inside his pockets. Lia wanted to scream. Has he no idea of how her father's books meant so much to her? Of course he does. It was obvious. He had read her father's journal. He knew those books contained everything. And there was no way to get them back now.

Lia's ears were red from both the cold and the frustration. There was no hiding it already. And she didn't need to. Jeonghan had already known that she was pissed.

"Oh my, did I flick an anger switch? I'm sorry." Jeonghan chuckles, leaning against the brick wall "perhaps a little anger was needed to warm you up in this cold weather? I mean, look at those cute red ears, they're fiery red."

Lia wasn't sure what to do. Yell at him? No. Slap him? No, that wouldn't cause anything but more inconvenience for her, since Seungcheol was always siding with this asshead. She didn't want to let her anger control her again. It was foolish.

"Well you're quiet today. Surprised by my new haircut?" Jeonghan runs a hand through his short locks, tucking them behind his ear "thank you, I love it too."

"You're so fucked up in the head, you know that?" Lia asks, her gaze not causing Jeonghan to flinch the least bit. He laughed.

"I guess I am. I look happier that way do I? Enjoying people's misery. What fun." Jeonghan had stood up straight, causing Lia to tilt her head upwards just a bit to look at his face.

"Why are you like this?" Lia asks in a soft tone, almost sad, almost disappointed, almost unable to believe the fact that Jeonghan had changed this much, causing disasters to her and her family. No, maybe just her, they were blind to it all.

Jeonghan stares at her, that sharp piercing gaze was bolder thsn hers. He took a step forward, towering over Lia, although failing to cause her to cower in fear.

"Want to know why?" Jeonghan asks, brushing her bangs away from her face, so that he could properly see her eyes "because I have the power."

"I am able to control your happiness and other's depending on mt mood. One snap of a finger, and your happiness could all be gone, Lia."

"So what you're saying is," Lia could feel her knees trembling of suspension "you want to take away my happiness?"

"It really is fun to see you suffer, but you're not the one I'm laying my hands on." Jeonghan tells her. Lia processed what he reslly meant, internally demanding for a clearer explanation.

"I'm causing the people around you to suffer. And why?" Jeonghan leans forward, into her face "because your happiness is the people around you. And I know that well. Ever since you were a child."

Her heart was pounding. What was he talking about? How did he know? Why was he so confident?

Lia had a thousand things to ask, her voice just wouldn't come out. It was her childhood all over again; unable to say what she really wanted to say. Her lips quivered for a split second, not being able to make out what she really, really wanted to say.

"Scared? Oh, you shouldn't be. You're the one who's safe and sound, dear Lia. I guess that's all I can tell you." Jeonghan backs away, fixing his coat. He looks so casual, as if he never mentioned those threats to her before, if they even were threats.

Jeonghan turned to walk away before walking back towards her direction, bending down to her height to whisper something. He tucked her hair behind her reddish ears, warm hands gliding against her cold skin.

"Oh and one more thing; tell your lover boy his angel won't be looking out for him anymore, not for long."

He placed a chaste kiss on her cheek before walking away, Lia's head flooding with question. What does he mean angel? Jisoo? Look out?

What does Jeonghan know that she doesn't know?

Lia felt a ticklish sensation against her ear, reaching to scratch it. A fluttery object was brushing against her skin, and when she reached for it, she knew things were really going to change.

"A black one," she breathes out, looking at the same black feather that she had gotten once, long long ago.



"Is Lia home?"

Jisoo appears through the crack of Hansol's door, Hansol not looking up to look at the older male. He had been in bed reading a book, something that he rarely does, but the book was something that he got from Seungkwan during his birthday and he never touched it, so why mot?

"I don't think she is," Hansol answers, folding the page of the book to mark where he was reading "aren't you worried? She's been out for the whole day."

"I wouldn't be asking you if I wasn't worried." Jisoo laughs. Hansol laughs too.

"Noona seems depressed nowadays. You should ask her what's wrong, Josh." Hansol tells him, scratching the back of his neck. It's not just nowadays. Lia looks like she's been bothered by something since the last few weeks ago. And she didn't want to open up with him no matter how many times he had asked.

"I'll check on her. Don't stay up too long." Jisoo tells the younger boy, earning a mocking 'yes mom' from Hansol. He closes the door behind him, walking down the stairs to wait for Lia's arrival.

Jisoo was worried. At why Lia looked so out of it everyday. Why she seemed like something was pressuring her. Why she acted like she had lost something, and was desperately trying to find it. It made Jisoo think, was she not hsppy to meet him again? Of course not, that's ridiculous.

"Late night thoughts?" Minki had appeared out of nowhere, almost causing Jisoo to drop his mug and fall off the high stool. Minki just laughed.

"I see you're worried about her." Minki raises his eyebrows.

"Yes- no- wait, firstly how did you get in here?" Jisoo asks in disbelief. All the doors were locked. Maybe he was just imagining things?

"I have my ways." Minki answers, and Jisoo doesn't even bother to ask. It's not that he's not bothered by the fact that the same stranger appeared in front of him out of nowhere, he just felt like there were much more things for him to know other than that.

"Why are you here?" Jisoo squints his eyes at the long haired male, feeling slightly uncomfortable of his presence.

"Oh, I'm just here to talk about your future," Minki takes a seat in front of Jisoo, resting his chin on his hand "it's not gonna be as happy as you thought it would be."

"Why exactly are you telling me all this?  You can't determine my future." Jisoo tells the demon, who was already laughing at Jisoo's naiveness.

Minki's laughter trails off, "Well you aren't wrong, but the signs are so obvious, and you're just too naive towards everything, Joshua. So please, look out."

"History repeats itself if you don't try to make a change."

The doorbell rings, Jisoo's head shooting towards the door behind him. He got up, knowing that it was none other than Amelia, from wherever she was at this time of the night.

Meanwhile, Minki had disappeared from sight.

"Where have you been?" Jisoo holds her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. He kissed the top of her head, taking her coat off for her and proceeding to drag her inside.

"I visited dad." Lia answers, short.

"Till this late? You could've asked me to come with you," Jisoo says, placing a mug of hot liquid in front of her "so how was your day?"

Lia didn't know how to answer that. So many things had happened today; as in so many questions to uncover. She needed to be alert of the future, whatever that was going to happen. It scares her, just the thought of losing her loved ones, especially Jisoo.

"Hey what's with that face? Talk to me," Jisoo sits down beside her, looking at her wigh a concerned look on his face. He's been longing go ask that, and he's also been longing for a proper answer.

"I'm scared of the future."


"Things wouldn't be the same."

He was cofused as to why she was talking like this. Did she get her fortune read again? What ridiculous fortune teller fibs she was told.

"Everything changes, Lia." Jisoo pats her gently on the head, trying to console her.

"Yes but this; it's a matter of losing your loved ones and misfortune."

"Lia, who told you sll this?"

She couldn't answer him. If she told him about Jeonghan, matters would get even more worse. There might be a fight between the two. It might be an ugly sight.  She didn't want to pressure Seungcheol anymore either; her brother's still busy with the closing ceremonies.

Tears pooled in her eyes. She looked extremely pathetic right now. Jisoo felt even more pathetic; for not being able to understand what she was saying, and what she was crying for.

"Just promise me you won't ever, ever leave my side again, okay Jisoo?"

Jisoo sighs. He wipes her tears away gently, embracing her shuddering shoulders. Jisoo had calmed her down. She breathed into his sweater, remembering that Jisoo was still there by her side, that he still loved her the same way, and will always.

"I won't ever." Jisoo answers, kissing her forehead. Lia put her arms around his neck, resting her head against his shoulder.

Jisoo flinched a little when her fingers accidentally brushed against the spot behind his neck, causing Lia to immediately ask if he was okay.

"I'm fine. There's been a red spot there these days, but its probably just an insect bite, nothing more." Jisoo smiles assuringly.

Sadly, he was yet to know the ugly truth of the red spot. Something that could definitely, definitely ruin his future.


Im sleepy bye

- cee ♡

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