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Part IV: Love

After thorough study of the previous chapter, it is given that we are allowed to confirm at the fact that angels, too have emotions. Among all of them, the scariest is greed and jealousy.

Not just the negative emotions, angels can feel love. They can fall in love with humans, hate them, despise them, anything. It just depends on themselves, whether to resist the emotion; to bow down to God's orders or disobey. Either follow their instincts or shut down their emotions out with utter rejection.

We humans can never expect anything.

For this entry, I am writing on behalf of this topic based on what I know, and what I expect to happen in the future. I was never a fortune teller, but this will most likely to happen to other people who were guarded by angels, especially, my own family.

I am writing to those who are confused, helpless and in need.

As mentioned above, not only can angels feel greed, but they can fall in love too. These creatures are most likely to love humans no matter how twisted they are, just like what other creatures say. But it's never impossible. Love is not a question, even for these pure creatures. Once they fall in love, there's no turning back. They know how to choose wisely.

Love in this case isn't just in terms of lovers, but also in terms of family. God knows where these half-human siblings of these angels are, or whether they exist or not on earth. Not many stories were heard, but they exist. It's never a surprise to hear one anymore.

An angel's love for a human is simply beautiful, much much more beautiful than other things God has created. These creatures protect their loved ones with all their might, until things get ugly. Yes, even love can cause them to stray away a little too much for angels.

All the creations of The Above know that to love a human is forbidden. Yet some still break the rule; be it demons or angels. It was as if Earth was their hideaway, repeating the same history where they get banished from The Above over and over again. They know the disasters, the misery, the malevolence that would occur. Yet, their emotions won over.

An angels oath to protect a human could either be a miracle or a misery.

Once they swore to protect a man, the man's life depended on the angel's love for him. In this case, it never occurs towards all humans, but only special ones, the chosen ones. Since the man's life depended on the angel's love for him, it would bring him ultimate good luck and a good life, a peaceful death and a happy hereafter.

But if the angel changes it's mind, things will happen.

Bad things. Your life is on the line. The angel's love for you is like the oxygen that you breathe; your life depends on it.

If the angel's love for you darkens, then most likely, death will meet you.


Lia had never felt too good about this. What, you ask? Oh, maybe just her father's journal.

Jeonghan made her promise that she has to read an entry a day, and she wasn't really sure why she herself was obeying that promise he forced her to make. She could break it anytime though, finishing heaps of entries in a night, but her instincts told her not to. Like her father would actually pop out and tell her to close the book shut, keeping her promise.

Call Lia blunt; it was the truth. She is blunt. Clueless. Empty. There were too many things that were going on in her mind that didn't feel too good, any of them. She was sensing something about to happen, but she doesn't know what. Maybe it was her imagination, who knows. But that uneasy feeling, she was unable to shrug it off.

The door to her room opens, startling Lia as she shoves the journal in her blanket. Hansol had popped out, toothbrush still in his mouth with toothpaste foam still dripping all over from his face.

"Hwy nwunyer shyine liyen'sh shere." He says through brushed teeth, Lia laughing.

Her laughed only lasted for a second, "Wonderful. Great. I'll get ready A-S-A-P. Did you really think I could understand that? Geez." Lia gets off her bed and slips on her slippers, walking towards the door, signaling Hansol to step aside.

"I said china line are back," Hansol repeats, gargling and swallowing the water, causing Lia to cringe "Minghao hyung's downstairs."

Ah well, forget the suspense of the journal or Hansol being a disgusting booger, china line, her ultimate happiness was here.

"Minghao!" Lia screamed, her smile had never been so wide since she's been in quite a slump these few days. Lia jumped- no, slid down the handrail of the stairs, ever so excited to reunite with Minghao. They hugged, Lia squeezing Minghao so tight the poor boy tried hard to ask her to let him go. Hey, what else could she do? The last time she saw him was months ago.

"Hey, just Minghao?" Junhui pouts, fixing his new dark hair "what about me?"

"Uh no thanks, Junhuis have cooties." Lia replied, shoving a 'talk-to-my-hand' pose towards Junhui.

"How old are you, five?" Minghao laughs at Lia's words. Lia smiled back. God knows how much she's missed these two.

Ah, china line. Her air, her life, her happiness.

"Hey Lia, why do you look happier to reunite with these two rather than when you reunited with me?" Jisoo couldn't help but ask. It's not wrong to ask, is it? I mean, it's just Jisoo feeling slightly insecure about whether Lia still loves him the same or maybe not-

Insecurities, man.

Lia slips into one of the chairs by the kitchen counter, "Oh I was happy, alright. I cried seeing you."

"Yeah man you should see her greet Seungcheol hyung when he comes back from the airport," Hansol says, pouring a glass of milk "she doesn't even give a shit about him and just drags him away."

"Yeah man, don't give a sh1t." Boo pops out of nowhere with a pair of sunglasses, imitating Hansol's words. Lia puts a hand over her chest, looking devastated.

"Seungkwan! You mustn't say that!" She gasps, but inside she was eternally laughing at the Jeju boy. Good god, just what has Hansol taught him these days.

"But Hansol said I sounded cool if I swore in english." Seungkwan raised his sunglasses up to his head.

Hansol stopped drinking, putting on his signature 'wtf' face. He looked confused, "Uh, just when did I say that?"

"In your dreams. You were sleeping."

"And why were you watching me while I was asleep?"

A moment of silence for Seungkwan as he slowly lowers his sunglasses to cover his eyes again, striking a weird pose before he leaves the room.

"Blackmail purposes."

Junhui suddenly interrupted their awkward moment, "If it's blackmail purposes....doesn't that mean he's got ugly pictures of you.."

Hansol spit out his milk.

"Holy shit."


"Have I met you before?"

The woman squints her eyes at Lia, her wrinkly skin showing even more prominent wrinkles on both her eyes and her forehead. The setting of the place was the same, nothing has changed; not even a speck of dust. Okay, maybe there was a lot more dust than the time she's been here, long ago. Thinking back, why did she even trust this fortune teller in the first place? People can never tell luck, and nothing happens 100% according to what they predict.

But there's no denying it that what the woman said was true. A new flower has bloomed, and now it's growing it's buds and petals, ready to bloom. Or perhaps its already in bloom. Lia wonders what kind of flower she and Jisoo would make. Maybe dandelions? Who knows.

"Apparently, yes, I've been here before." Lia shuffles in her seat, uneasy at the woman's gaze on her "you told my fortune months ago."

The woman's face softened, resting back against her velvet seat, "So what brings you here again? Was my fortune telling a mistake?"

"No! Not at all. Apparently, almost all of them...happened." Lia trailed off.

"I'm sorry for what's happened to you, child, you never deserved him."

Lia's eyes lit up, "You remember my fortune?"

The woman chuckles, "I might get the story right if I ask you a few more questions, but not only that, I could easily sense a cloud of uneasiness hovering over you, darling. Mind telling me what's going on?"

Her eyes. The woman's eyes, she didn't like it. It was as if she was at the counselor's all over again, that cold, emotionless, icy stare. Lia hated those, as if they were trying hard to look like they care. They didn't need to if they didn't like it, forcing your kindness onto someone is what Lia hated the most. Why do something nice half-heartedly?

Lia coughed, shoving her emotions down her throat, "Apparently, things did happen. A lot. And well, that's totally none of your business now, but I want you to take a look at this," Lia hands the woman her father's sacred journal, the black silky leather slipping away from her hands.

The woman inspected it, tracing the satisfying material of the cover before flipping the first few pages of the journal, one by one. There was no reaction of any sort when she read the first entry, but her eyes glowed, widened when she spotted something.

She looked up at Lia with eyes almost popping out of her sockets.

"Choi Ethan...?" The woman asks, stating her father's name. Lia was confused as to why she was so surprised at her father's name. Her father was clearly not well-known among anybody, moreover, they saw him as nothing but a foreigner.

"Um...who is he again?" Lia asks, pretending not to know. What was her father to everyone else? How was he so well known?

"He's such a famous writer. A person who believes in mystical beings' existence. People loved reading his books. I've read some too, but I've never seen this copy," the woman seemed to take interest in the book, and Lia knew she couldn't stay there for long.

"Um, mind telling me what he does for a living?"

"Well, he's famous for his studies on creatures like angels or demons. He's written a few entries on his blog before, but they were never quite in detail. My, what a jackpot you've got here. Mind if you sell this copy to me? It'd be truly amazing-"

Oh no.

Lia knew that the book she brought wasn't any of the books her father had publish. Of course, it was his journal. The studies that he was carrying on about angels and demons; everything was written down in there. Of course people never saw this copy before.

She had only one choice.

Lia snatched the book from the woman's hands and dashed out the place, knowing that the book was extremely important, and she couldn't afford losing it to anybody. The sharp air of the cold weather hit her but it was totally worth running away from the woman who was yelling for her name behind.

Her phone was ringing. Lia stopped after finally finding a bench to sit down. She reached inside her pocket, answering the call.

"Lia? It's me, I've got some big news to tell you."

"Oh, it's just you." Lia mumbles, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, what's with the reaction?" Seungcheol grumbles, disapproving Lia's tone of speaking "anyway, here's what I wanted to tell you. I've closed down the café. Our café."


"Sorry if I've disappointed you, Lia, but I really can't stand the work that I have to do, from being a sponsor to travelling all around the world. I'm sorry I had to tell you this all of a sudd-"

"No, forget the damn apology and your useless yabbing. Tell me, are the things inside the library still there??"

"Wow, books over me huh."

"Hyung I'm not joking; answer me."

"Geez, okay, we just removed them from the shelves."

"Does that mean they're still there?"

"Nope. Jeonghan volunteered to throw them out."

Lia felt her heart stop. The books were with Jeonghan. Jeonghan.

Those books should be kept away from his hands.

"Is he still there?" Lia got up, heading to the station, the fastest her legs could take her.

"Nope, Jeonghan's left. Look, just come back alright, we've got a closing ceremony-"

Lia let her phone screen fade to black as she ran, the sound of her heartbeat loud enough for her ears to hear.

The only thing she could do besides running is to pray that Jeonghan didn't harm any of those books.



OH MY GOSH CEE'S ALIVE?!??:v:fafva?:">>"

Hell yea b1j im back hoes

the long hiatus was waaaay too long, i was busy with school, of course, what else keeps me busy other than sleep lmao

im happy i could finally write omg, im on a 2 week holiday break so man to the sae h0es

RAMADHAN KAREEM TO THE MUSLIMS OUT THERE!!! i hope you guys stay put during fasting no matter how hungry yall get, remember there are still people out there who have it worser than you

i hope all of you have been doing well, please remember to stay hydrated and take meals properly and have enough sleep!! man we have to appreciate sleep while we can man

give your thanks to -mar0- for he is the one who kicked my ass and forced me to write god bless

It was so hard for me to type this bc i was chopping onions gordon ramsay style and accidentally cut my finger rip

till then please wait for my next update which might take forever, ill try to write bc i badly want to finish this story

forgive me i can never keep my promises when it comes to writing but i love all of you so much thank you <3

- Cee

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