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Lia had cut her hair into a short bob, one that bounced as she walked past people, one that would cover the expression on her face, one that concealed the smile on her lips or the frown she wore.

Back then, or even now, people claimed that haircuts were a statement. At times it could mean that one was moving on from their old lover. Other times, it could also mean changing for the better.

To Lia, it means to be reborn.

It had been exactly a month since his passing, yet so many things have changed. Seungcheol had went overseas to expand his business, after a long talk with them. Hansol went back to the States for college. Lia shared an apartment with Jihoon (which was basically, his studio), but the whole placed had been given to her when Jihoon got recruited by a company, and that made him move to an area that was located nearer to the place he worked for. Now Lia was living alone, better than ever, thriving, smiling, enjoying the peaceful and serene life as it is.

Perhaps if people knew about his passing, it would be hard for them to believe that Lia was in the peak of her best state right now. Lia thought that if God took Jisoo away, then it was probably for a good reason. It taught her many things in life already, which made her feel more collected than ever before. Had Jisoo not left her, he would be so proud of her right now.

"Oh, but I know you are proud." Lia mumbles to herself as she arranges the dishes she had just washed. "I know that you are pleased to know I'm doing well here, just like how you wished for me to be."

A changed woman, was what she was. Lia did not cry for long; it only took her about a day to look as if nothing had happened at all, and she was able to smile even brighter than before. Her friends came by to check on her often, but they lessened after seeing Lia's truthfulness and transparency, like she really had not cried all night, and she didn't do that after all.

"The most beautiful people get taken away so early by God, because he loves them so much." Lia mumbles to herself again, looking at the figure of Jisoo on one of the frames on the wall. Tall and slender he was, yet warm and comforting was his embrace. Mischievous at times and funny with words, but could say vows of love that could lull you to sleep. Lia truly missed that. She presses the ring on her pinky, hard.

However, there was something that she could not erase from the back of her mind. Her father's journals, the content that he had written. They were the answers to their death, and Jeonghan's misdoings.

By night, she was writing forums, interviewing people, receiving emails from all over the world who claim to be experts in this field.

It was too late to say that the paranormal world does not exist. Feathers appear when angels are near. A devil's cry may destroy one's life. Slowly but surely, she would come to believe them. Of course she would. Especially after that happened.

Other days, she had thought of Jeonghan. Anger fumed inside of her, blood boiling and the back of her head started to pound, but all was easily relieved with a long, long breath. Lia understood the truth, she understood it well. That there was no use in lashing out on him. Nothing would be settled with harsh words and piercing voices, what more a stormy heart.

If Jeonghan had appeared right then, Lia would not hesitate to call out to him and say, "Hey, I'd like to talk with you for a bit." What would happen then? Would he scowl in disgust and storm away, or would he offer a gaze of understanding and proceed to sit down with her somewhere that was quiet?

The truth was, her mind was occupied by the whereabouts of the wronged fallen angel, even more than the man she loved.


Anyone, whether dead or alive, humans or immortals, would be able to tell the difference once they step into the Afterlife.

It's the feeling that you get. The air is heavy, but not cold. You don't feel as if you're weighed down by gravity, but you're not floating, either. Jeonghan, on the other hand, felt his heart pound in his ears harder than ever before, not because he stepped into the Afterlife, but he was going against another rule that he was supposed to abide to, that would probably make him dead if found out.

His hair had grew out again, long and black. If any of the Archangels saw him now, it was hard to recognize the disgraced angel that was banished from The Above, but with a longer stare, his gaze and his movements, the way his wings beat with grace was the same.

The path to the Afterlife was not easy. It wasn't dull or scary like the ones he had seen portrayed in countless shows, instead, Jeonghan thought it was...peaceful. Everything is white. You walk forward without knowing how far your destination is, or where you will end up in the end. Heaven or hell was another question. No one, and absolutely no one, should be able to play God and tell someone where they will end up in.

Jeonghan ended up in neither. That itself was a big insult.

An angel having to stoop down and live with humans, downgraded as a creature that lives to destruct the world, constantly being hunted as your lineage was ordered to be rid of. The Above commanded that Fallens were to be vanished completely, whether with blood being shed or not. As long as their generations do not continue, it was fine.

Jeonghan shook his head. He walked faster, increasing the pace as he felt a twinge in his heart.

Minutes seemed to pass by like hours, Jeonghan was not sure where he was. His legs hurt, but he was unable to fly because that would catch him completely off guard. A twinkle of light caught the corner of his eye, and as he turned to his right, he saw the glimpse of a velvet brown suit, one so familiar he could even smell the fragrance of the rose neatly still placed in the pocket of the coat. The man looked the same as Jeonghan saw him last time, wearing the clothes he had been buried with.

The Fallen knew that it was wrong to go any further but, if he does not complete this task, he knew he would never die in peace, or never die without ever forgiving himself.

So he took steps forward towards the man. Every breath he took in made him suffocate a little, but it was fine. It was nothing, compared to the malice he had put people through.

Finally nearing the man with a mop of dark brown hair, Jeonghan calls for his name.


Their eyes meet. Jeonghan's tired, lifeless ones, and Jisoo's deer-like, star-spangled ones. The Fallen saw the starlight in his eyes completely fade, the gentle expression hardening. Jeonghan had saw it coming a long time ago.

"Are you dead too?" Jisoo asked.

"No, but I might be, if they find me."

"Why are you here?"

Jisoo does not like the long haired man. It was noticeable, in the tone that he uses. Jisoo never uses that tone. Ever.

Jeonghan finds the right words to say. It was a mistake to come here unprepared, without thinking of what to say first, or how to say it. But if he didn't, when will he? If Jisoo were to enter heaven or hell,  it would be too late. Jeonghan was destined to enter neither of them. He looks at Jisoo, studying the stiff expressions he had. Lips in a frown, eyebrows slightly knitted together.

"I came here to tell about both of us," Jeonghan hoped the things he said would go well, even as a start, "there are so much things that you don't know, Jisoo."

"I don't want you to be the one telling me." Jisoo held his hand up as a sign of refusal "Not when you hurt Amelia just like that."

"No, this has nothing to do with her, Jisoo. Listen to me." Jeonghan pleaded. Jisoo saw the sincerity in his eyes. He had never seen the Fallen look so desperate before.

"The reason behind your death was truthfully, not because of cancer," Jeonghan started, carefully phrasing his thoughts into words, "but it was because of an angel's love for you that dimmed. Hatred built up, slowly replacing the love it had for you. When love vanishes, your life vanishes too."

Jisoo's eyebrows knit together even more, "What are you even saying-"

"Your guardian angel, Jisoo!" Jeonghan yells, "Your guardian angel…"

"...it was me."

Jisoo's facial expression did not change. It was not surprising to see someone doubt everything Jeonghan had said. Anyone would probably think he was crazy. But Jisoo knew deep down that things like this really do work, and it was all just a work of the creatures.

Curious, he walks closer. "What brings you to love me? And why so?"

"Why did your love for me fade away?"

"Give me your arm."

Jeonghan folded his brown coat and unbuttoned the man's sleeve carefully, revealing his arm. On his elbow, there was a birthmark, a unique on, at that. It looked just like a wing from a pair, incomplete, the other half unknown to. Jisoo had never thought much of it.

Jeonghan folds his own sleeve too, and joins their arms together.

"When one becomes a guardian angel of a human, the human's birthmark is printed onto them on the exact same place." Jeonghan explains to Jisoo who still could not believe that their birthmarks joined together looked like a pair of wings.

"Jisoo, you are not the son of your parents. You were adopted." Jeonghan said it, he finally did. Straightforwardly. Strangely, he felt a twinge again in his heart, signaling that he better hurry.

Jisoo seems angry and confused, too speechless to say anything.

"Say something, Jisoo."

"No. You finish first."

"My love for you vanished because of my greed." The Fallen confesses, jet black hair covering the side of his face as he rolled his sleeve down again. "I had lived my life having to sacrifice everything. Seeing how you were so loved, I felt incredibly jealous."

"It wasn't your fault at all. In fact, it was mine. When Lia's father had killed mom and dad, I felt the urge to take their lives away as sacrifice so that you could get better. Unfortunately, the cure did not go too well, didn't it?"

Jisoo tilts his head a little. "What are you trying to say here?"

"Jisoo, it was only then when I realized that everything I do is useless. I'm just destined to live a torturing, painful life. Nothing will get better. God will not accept me; what more The Above. I remain as a disgrace Jisoo, for that, before anything else, for hurting you, I apologize."

"I'm not the one you should apologize to," Jisoo says calmly. Jeonghan knew what he meant.

"Jisoo, there's something important I have to tell you."


"Jisoo, you and I; we are brothers."

There was a long silence between them. Finally, Jisoo's expression had changed. He looked shocked, of course, discovering the truth after his life had been taken away. Perhaps he was better off not knowing? Perhaps he resented Jeonghan for that. Perhaps..

"It's fine if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it after a-"

"I do believe you."

Jisoo took steps closer to Jeonghan, grabbing him by the shoulders, "I believe you. I resent you even more for the things that you have done, knowing that I'm related to you."

"But listen, Jeonghan. Things are in the past now. What happened has happened, and all I am grateful of right now, is how you have learnt what you did wrong." Jisoo says, which shocked Jeonghan to no end. Wasn't this the moment where Jisoo walked away from him? Wasn't this supposed to be when Jisoo shouted words of anger at him? Why was he still trying to help Jeonghan, even when his heart raged with anger?

"There is no use apologizing to me. You know who you should apologize to." Jisoo says, patting Jeonghan's back.

"I don't think an apology is enough."

"You are right, but Amelia isn't that brutal."

"Have you any idea what you are saying? She despises me more than God does!"

Jisoo smiles softly. Jeonghan can tell that he really loved her.

"You have been all that she has been thinking about, these past few weeks."

It hurt for him to know that Jeonghan's heart still pounds with such a simple statement.

"Lia has...changed," Jisoo looked far off into the distance of the endless white horizon, staring into the abyss of nothingness. "Talk to her. She will not resent you."

"And lastly, you, brother," Jisoo emphasized his last word as he heldly grabbed Jeonghan's shoulders.

"You...Incidents have changed you into someone better. You'll be reborn again into someone completely changed. Your suffering will end. Deep down, you really do have a beautiful heart."

"Jisoo, stop telling me white lies, it's not-"

"God said so." Jisoo told. Jeonghan froze.

"He really did." Jisoo repeats himself. Jeonghan broke into tears.

"Soon, you'll find your own happiness." Jisoo says.

Jeonghan finally smiled. It matched the smile on Jisoo's face, and it reminded him of the expressions they wore as children, young and innocent, unharmed and pure, in a home with parents and love, just like any other.

"Take care, my brother." Jeonghan bids his final goodbye to Jisoo as his wings grew out, and he was ready to take his leave. Without looking back, the Fallen flew up and away into the whites of nothingness, unaware of the tears that welled up in his eyes, not because of the wrongs he had committed, but to know that there was still hope for him.

It was not long after he had flew for about fifteen minutes when something incredibly fast passed by him, just inches away from his right wing. It was so near, it felt as if it was purposely targeting for his right wing.

It was then Jeonghan thought that it really was.

The Hunters. They're out for me. Jeonghan thought, increasing his speed. It was hard to fly as he was not as agile as he used to be, unable to use the wings as much anymore. Two more of those bullet-like things missed, giving Jeonghan no time to think. They were out for him, of course they were!

The same people who hunted his family to kill their lineage, The Hunters they were. Banished from The Above, not only was he not supposed to wander around here, but he was supposed to be wanted dead. Jeonghan's heartbeat quickened, knowing that there were more of them behind him, gradually increasing along with the number of bullets fired. Jeonghan knew that his wings wouldn't last long, and that he had to come up with something, even while trying to escape in a land of nothing.

"Stop right there!" One of them had yelled, and it made Jeonghan think; what were they, cops? It made sense if they were. He was the bad guy in this scene, in this story. He had always been. Bad guys in stories always get punished in the end, while the viewers rejoiced at the character's pain, without even batting an eyelash at the fact that whether the character had a reason for doing so or not.

This world is most likely the same. It revolves around that cycle, that same storyline. The antagonist suffers and is cheered for deserving so. While the wrongdoing he had committed was never interrogated before, or asked why it had been committed. Maybe, not all antagonists regret their mistakes, but of course there will always be another side to a story.

Jeonghan thinks about Lia, and how she had been thinking of him.

He thinks, and thinks, and thinks...


Lia could not sleep, even if it was already three in the morning. Had it not been the caffeine she usually took to stay up, it would make sense. But this time, her mind was not at peace. She could not focus. Instinct told her that something was going to happen, something bad.

She goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Her thoughts stop when she heard a crash from the second bedroom.

Grabbing the nearest sharp object, Lia ran to the room and caught sight of something, or someone, so ethereal and beautiful, it was hard to take her eyes off him.

"Jeonghan…" she had trailed off, unable to find the right words when she saw him in the state that he was in. Severely wounded, like he had been tortured many times. Blood dampened his dark wings, and they flowed and dripped onto the floor. Jeonghan looked unconscious, but he was breathing ever so painfully.

"Jeonghan, what happened-"

"Do not touch me!"

Jeonghan's sudden yell made her freeze.

"Please, don't come closer." Jeonghan says, breath hitching with every word that comes out of his mouth. Lia cannot bear the sight of him in that state.

She kneels down, slowly inching closer, "Jeonghan, please let me at least wipe the blood off-"

"Amelia, for the love of God, please do not touch me."

Blood pooled around him. By now, half of his wings were drenched in blood completely. She finally saw the true damage of it all that was putting him in such a painful state; Jeonghan's left wing was broken severely, completely twisted and cut into two. Lia didn't want to look, but she knew she had to do something.

"Lia, please let me tell you something" Jeonghan still manages to bring the words out of his mouth, despite the intense expression on his face that displayed the sensation he was going through.

"With all my heart, I had always loved you."

"No, Jeonghan, tell me where you came from, why you disappeared for so long, and why all this happened."

"Jisoo — I met Jisoo."

Lia could not believe her ears.

"Brothers. That's what we are."

Jeonghan coughed up blood. Lia came closer, but Jeonghan flinched away.

"He loved you so much, Lia. As much as I did."

Lia didn't want to cry. She had vowed not to.

"Then why did you…"

"No excuses could justify why, Lia. I just-" More blood, followed by the withering of his feathers. "I wanted to feel what Jisoo felt."

Where did all the calamity go? What had her mentally prepared self become? Why now, did she feel the long lost sensation of the hot tears that blurred her vision, representing anger, frustration, or perhaps even sadness. Even so, Lia could not say anything, but instead she could do nothing but let the tears flow, even if she didn't want to.

"All my life, I've been hunted by these guys, can you imagine that, Lia? Being hunted down your whole life because of something you have committed."

Jeonghan laughs, "They really got me, didn't they."

"Are you out of your mind?"

Her blood had started to boil. Oh no. Anger was slowly starting to seep out, out of the nooks and crannies of her heart, frustration, replaying and replaying in her mind.

"What the hell are you doing, laughing when you're almost dying?" Lia yelled, no longer being able to look at Jeonghan's condition.

"Let me be, Lia. I deserve i-"

"No you don't!" Lia sobbed, loud and clear, for a moment, so loud it took Jeonghan's pain away by surprise. "You don't! Nobody deserves to die like this!"

"Not when I was the one who murdered your parents!"

"I know that, for God's sake, I already know that!"

Jeonghan could finally look at her. Mustering up the courage was already hard; both from enduring the pain and having to look into her eyes again.

"I know that….so..." Lia trails off, wiping her tears.

"I know that, so please, Jeonghan, no matter what, let me help you now."

For a moment, he almost let her touch him. Was this the magic she held this whole time? Was this how much he had loved her before?

When he regained his senses, Jeonghan backed away and grimaced when his wings had hit the wall.

"Humans are not allowed to touch an angel's wings." Jeonghan says, almost glaring when Lia puts her hand out.

"What happens?"

"They wither, disappear forever."

"And what about you?"

"I don't know. I don't care."

Lia bites on her bottom lip. Bravely, she takes a step forward, lunging at Jeonghan. He had escaped, knocking a few things off the shelf in the meantime.

"Jeonghan, please, please just let me help you." Lia begged, heart tearing to pieces when he sees the wounds on him slowly turning black, and the change made him grimace harder than ever before. They were not ordinary hunters, Lia had thought.

"My wings are my pride, Lia, please don't do this to me."

"No, you don't do this to me, Jeonghan! Do you know how much it hurts to see you in this state?" Lia yelled back, taking his hands into hers and gripping them tight. Even his hands were affected, dark patterns had slowly appeared.

"If I touch your wings, it is them that wither, not you?"

Jeonghan doesn't answer.

So she touches them. Jeonghan doesn't have the strength to scream or thrash around.

And they did, they really did wither. One by one they fell from the huge structure that held them together all at once, just like fallen leaves on an autumn day. Lia looks at Jeonghan, who had his eyebrows knitted together, groaning in pain. When each feather falls, they turn to dust, and the main structure of the wings, they disappear too, leaving Jeonghan's back wounded with blood, and two huge scars that will forever remain there and haunt him.

It was hard for her to feel sad and relieved at once.

Jeonghan's breathing finally slowed down, he seems to be less in pain than before. He turned to look at her.

"Why did you do that?"

Lia hesitates.

"If this was your revenge, then I definitely deserve it."

"I couldn't afford losing you." Lia says, with words that came out fast, as fast as her train of thought. Why she did that; she was not so sure either. But she wanted to save him, at the very least. That much at least, she knew that there must be something behind it.

Jeonghan remained silent.

"What will happen to you, Jeonghan?"


"You have been through a lot." She gently places her hand on his. It feels nice to have your hand held, Jeonghan thought. How long has it been since he last felt the warmth of a palm? It wasn't until he met her that he was able to feel it.

"Thank you." Jeonghan gripped her hand back.

"I'll get your wounds treated. Please wait here, and don't disappear."

Jeonghan smiled weakly, "I cannot guarantee that."

When Lia returned with ointment, Jeonghan was gone.

The next day, she woke up as if nothing had happened at all, and is left with so many questions unanswered, even more than before.


Not the best writing, too much description and too much dialogues, but I wanted to get this out there..

Finally I got to use the idea from when i first started this story!! It's going to end real soon...oh my...

It's really ending after 5 years...i seriously cannot believe-

Anyways, take care, and have a nice day!

- Cee

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