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"I missed you."

Joshua wrapped his arms around me in, and I could hear the calm beats of his heart ; slow and steady and so soothing. His breath was on my neck, and I missed the ticklish feeling of it.

And Joshua chuckled. Lord, his chuckle-

"I missed you too, Amelia." He cooes, and how I loved the way he said my name. It was different.

Different from how Jeonghan used to say it.

We kept hugging each other and I'm sure things got pretty awkward since we were hugging in public, because Hansol lets out an awkward cough from behind.

Joshua and I quickly let go despite the embarrassment, and I could see Boo looking so done with the free romance drama that he didn't ask for.

Seungkwan shoved a packet of breadsticks inside his purse, "I gotta go-" and he took off, leaving us confused. How did he-

"Yo its Joshua Hong man!" Hansol stepped up and fist bumped him, both of them looking like crazy maniacs. When did Joshua learn all these dorky swagness from Hansol?

"I can't believe you're so different now," Hansol says, eyeing Joshua from up to toe, making Joshua laugh.

"I'm okay now." He says, and I smiled.

"Can we go home now? I really need some sleep." Seungcheol hyung sighs "let's eat some bibimbap though."

• • • • • •

"Here's your room." I say, pushing the door open to reveal his room. I helped Joshua with his stuff and placed them by the bed. Joshua came in dragging his remaining things with him, and I wondered if he was just visiting or permanently staying here judging by his stuff.

"Thanks." He says, and places the bags away. I nodded.

"I'll get going now. " I say before leaving.

"Wait!" Joshua grabbed my hand "we didn't even say hi to each other properly."

"Okay. Hi." I say awkwardly, and we both burst out into a giggling mess, like how we used to during our past days.

"Hi. I'm Jisoo." He introduced himself for no absolute reason.

"I'm Lia." I say, and after a few seconds of this silence, we started cringing, him cupping my cheeks despite the cheesiness.

"This. Feels. So. Awkward." I say through cupped cheeks, and Joshua laughed.

He lets go of my cheeks and sat on the edge of the bed, heaving a sigh, "I know. We haven't met in so long."

I agreed though. It's been so long...to the point where Joshua looked so different now. His skin was fully coloured and he wasn't as thin as he used to be, and for some strange reason I feel like puberty hit him for the second time since he's gotten so damn tall and his looks- damn.

How did God even create Joshua holy shit-

I stifled a laugh and reached out to touch his hair, "What's with the dyed hair and why'd you part it to the right though?" Not complaining, he looks so good this way. I never thought bright orange would go so well with him. Screw that, everything goes well with him.

"Just to celebrate my victory. It's just temporary dye though," Joshua replied with a smile, taking my hand away from his hair "and you know, just to look good since I'm meeting my girlfriend after so long."

Girlfriend? Holy cows did I miss something or-

Seeing my expression, Joshua's cheeks flushed red, "Oh wait no, I meant girlfriend as in the girl as a friend, get it? Not the girlfriend kind of girlfriend its the-"

I laughed, "You're such a dork. I get it, Jisoo."

"I don't like it when you call me that." Joshua says "it makes me sound girly."

"What should I call you then?"

"Call me daddy ;)"

"Oh look at the time now I gotta make dinner-"

"I was kidding I was kidding!" Joshua quickly says, stopping me from leaving. I shook my head. Damn boi where'd your church oppa vibe went?

I couldn't help but laugh, and wrapped my arms around him as I rested my head against his chest. There goes his heart beating again.

Joshua hugged me back, placing his chin on top of my head. His heartbeat was getting faster, and I looked up at him and chuckled.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him, and Joshua replied with a nod "why are you even this nervous?"

"Because I'm hugging the girl that I like."


^i ship lia and jisoo lol jkjk im gonna make jeonglia shippers mad-

Im getting so cheesy omg save me

Tbh the only thing i can imagine from that gif was jisoo cupping your cheek before shyly pecking your cheek- nope im ded and cringing mostly cringing

Author disses : lol who's jeonghan


My fault tho LMAO

Jisoo and seokmin have been getting on my nerves lately omg stay in yo lane

I have this tendency to call josh jisoo instead of josh bc idk???¿¿?¿

Anyway there's another update soon ;)

- cee

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