3:- LadyBug!?

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HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!! Meluune .haha,sorry,wattpad was'nt publishing cuz of weak wifi on these past days but it's back now.sorry for typos,i'm too lazy to proof read.


I woke up in the middle of night,Completely Restless. My eyes automatically turned to The Box of Earrings. I got up and got the earrings out. They're cute,i wonder why they were in that flower. Hmm. I put them on and A ball of light popped,A tiny looking flying creature was right in front of me. "Wha?....What?....What are you?!" I jumped back and waved my hand trying to shoo it away.

"Aaaahhhhhh" Get away,get away. "No,Marinette. i'm you friend,listen to me" wait,it talked...it talks!" it flew near me. i grabbed a transparent cup and trapped it. "oh,ok. if it makes you comfortable" i was confused beyond my mind at this point. "what...are you?" the thing started talking,"i'm tikki,i'm a ladybug kwami. kwami's are like tiny gods,get it?" i think? "anyway,you've met chat noir before,right? he also gets his powers from a kwami." he has powers?! and a kwami?! what's happening? " So that means,i'll also get these powers?" i let tikki out and flew up again."yes,you will but you must use them for good. See,Ladybug brings good luck but on the other hand,The Black Cat brings Bad luck." a thought popped up inside my head."wait,but cat noir steals and that means he's not doing good,right?" as i asked my question tikki smiled."you'll have to found out about that yourself" hm?

"So how does my power activate?" tikki started explaining to me."you have to say spots on and you can say lucky charm to get things to help you but after you use lucky charm ,spots on your earrings will start beeping and after all the spots are gone,you'll turn back to yourself"

"let's go try it." tikki said. "ok,Tikki,Spots on!" i transformed into a ladybug suit. "wow,it fits.This is nice,tikki" i didn't get an answer. "tikki? where are you?" Huh,I wonder where she went. I walk to up to the roof. I Smile And dissapear in the Darkness of the night.

Cat Noir Pov-

I look at the New Cargo that just arrived. It was hard to see from so far away but it works. Time to go. I Went to the cargo truck and stood on top of it. Well,Here goes another perfect piece of history. "Cataclysm!" The door to it opens and I see it,The thing. A vase with a black cat! How cool is that? This is going in my collection. "Hehehe~ "

"What are you doing?" A voice comes from behind me.i turn around and a girl is there,standing in the shadows."You know,I should be the one asking that." I glare at her. " What are YOU doing here?" I walk towards the outside of the truck. She lets me pass. "If you would kindly excuse yourself,I have to go and not talk to someone who's a waste of my time." As i start to leave she takes the vase from me."Give it back to me,A Girl like you would'nt be able to do anything else."
I hear a little laugh and she comes out from the dark.Her hair as dark as the midnight sky,Her eyes like the Blue Ocean. Hmmmm. "Have we met somewhere before?" The girl got a little flustered. "What? No,why would you think that? No,no,never." Ok then,anyway. "Give it back." I say,reaching out my hand and walking closer. "Hm,let me think....,No." She turns around and goes on top of a nearby building.i Follow her and we soon stop At the top of the eiffel tower."Stop following me." She says without turning around."What's your name? And what do you want?" I say. "Ladybug,you can call me Ladybug." She turns around, " I Want to join you" eh,what?? "Not happening,now hand it over." I try to take it but she puts it behind her back. "Let me repeat myself,I want to join you." Stubborn little bug "Listen,I don't like to repeat myself,i said No,or are you deaf as well as stupid?" I move forward to take it but she just steps back. "Why? Are you afraid i'll be better than you"

"Hahaha,Dream on,princess." Wait,she could be of use somehow...Time for a test. "You're just a little ladybug,You won't be able to do anything." I said. "Well then, i guess this vase is not of importance anymore." She dropped the vase,she freaking dropped it! My collection! "Noooooo!" I jump to save it from falling and breaking but a string pulls the vase back. Wha..? "Tree! Tree! I was'nt ready!" I close my eyes and brace for the hard ground but instead i feel like a wire tied around me slowly lowering to the ground. I open my eyes,i was faced towards the sky and saw her slowly lowering me down by her yoyo. "Hey,kitten,still think i won't be able to do anything?" She tricked me good....but i'll still have to keep my guard up. "Fiiine,You can stick around but don't get in my way." She laughed,"Yes,Great then,Now i have one more thing to ask." What does she want now?.. " What is it?" I asked,annoyed. "Do cats land on all fours?" .....maybe? "I don't know,i never fell from anything."

"Then let's try it,shall we?" What the heck? Is she gonna..? Her yoyo's string lets go of me and i fall. "Aah!" Wait,i fell but it didn't hurt. "She jumps down and kneels beside me. "You were too close to the ground." Hell...she's fast.

And that's how a new team was formed but could it be good for them? Or will it be for the worse?

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