Chapter One

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I opened my eyes and shot up faster than a heartbeat. I was huffing and puffing as sweat ran down the side of my face. I held my hand over my heart to instantly feel it beating rapidly. After a few moments of trying to collect my thoughts I sighed in annoyance.

I had that dream again, I thought. Dang it.

I could never get the image of my bloodstained mother, or that mans grin, out of my head because of these dreams. Just when I think I'll be able to get over it I relive that day over and over again.

It started just like a normal day, but ended in tragedy. I'm ten now, so after five years I should move past that night. I was easily convinced that it was impossible to do so, however, so I accepted that.

The people here at this orphanage don't think the same, however. They pity me, and feel sorry for me. I don't need their pity. I am managing perfectly well on my own. Just because I saw my mother get murdered before my very eyes and I'm gloomy all the time that doesn't mean something's wrong with me. They say I should make friends, but why would I be friends with kids who pick on me just because they think I'm "different?"

I swung my legs over the bed and sat there for a second. I closed my eyes and began to tell myself the same thing over and over again.

It was just a dream. Forget about it.

After breathing in and out I sat up and went over to my dresser. There I pulled out my emerald green dress that went down to my knees. Once I was dressed I went over to the small wooden vanity and brushed my long dark locks down in order to get rid of my bed head and reveal my bouncy curls. I took a quick glance at the clock.

9:36 AM

"I'm late again," I muttered before sliding my feet into my black and white sneakers.

I closed the door to my room and ran down the corridor. I was surely going to get scolded at least a little for being a few minutes late. Not that I cared.

When I arrived all the attention instantly shifted towards me.

"Glad you could finally join us, Hajime-chan," the director said in a monotone voice as she checked my name off of a list.

I instantly noticed a group of kids whispering to one another before breaking out into laughter moments later. I knew they were talking about me but I didn't say a word. What they said about me didn't affect me and I hope they knew that.

Today the director had the brilliant idea of going down to the park with a group of children. Well, she wouldn't. One of her assistants, Mrs. Fujinuma, was going to. There were only a few of us and, surprise surprise, I didn't want to go in the first place. However, Mrs. Fujinuma thought it'd be a great way for me to make some new friends. I hope by "making new friends" she didn't mean the kids across from me who were snickering up a storm.

"Alrighty kids. We'll be going down to the park for a lil' while. Let's go!" Mrs. Fujinuma said in an excited tone.

This is going to be a long day, I thought.

The park wasn't too far away from the orphanage. Actually it was just a couple blocks up the street. As soon as we got there the other kids ran off and began to play as I just stood there. Within moments I decided to go over and sit on a bench. Where I then looked up at the bright blue sky with barely any clouds.

The sky is so.... clear and calm, I thought. Just like that day.

My mind instantly went back to that night. That happens a lot and I just can't help it. I was pulled back into reality when a voice erupted in front of me.

"Hey!" I looked in front of me to see a boy, whose name was Satoru if I recall, staring at me annoyingly in the face.

I started blankly at the boy without saying a word.

He hissed under his breath before continuing. "Hajime-chan, we were hoping that you could show us how to climb the play set. You know, to the very top," Satoru said in the kindest voice I ever heard come out of a devious twelve year old boy.

I didn't say a word.

"Answer my question: Will you do it or not?!" Satoru exclaimed.

I looked behind him and saw how tall the play set actually was before looking back at Satoru and giving him my answer.

And by answer I mean giving him a slight nod gesturing that my answer was no.

"But I've seen you climb tall things before! You have great balance."

I continued to stare blankly at him.

Satoru became enraged by this. He quickly exclaimed, "I know you can speak! Stop being cocky! Do it or else!"

Why does he want me to do that? I thought. Is he hoping that I'm going to hurt myself?

I didn't want to deal with this any longer so I stood and began to walk away. I suddenly felt something grab my wrist and pull me backwards, making me fall and hit my head slightly on the concrete.

"Don't walk away from me!" Satoru yelled.

Before Satoru could say another word I heard I voice emit from in front of me.

"Leave her alone!"

I looked over and saw a boy with silver hair and lavender eyes making his way towards us. There was another boy trailing behind who looked just like him. Twins?

"What the hell do you want?" Satoru asked the mysterious boy.

"What has she ever done to you?" the silver haired boy spat back, getting right in Satoru's face with a twisted expression.

As the two of them got into it the silver haired boy's twin brother came over to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and he helped me to my feet.

"Let's go guys," Satoru hissed moments later. "This isn't worth the trouble."

Satoru and his lackeys ran off after that. Leaving the mysterious twins and I by ourselves.

I wasn't going to speak but I didn't think these two boys were any trouble. They helped me after all. Besides even if I did think they were trouble, there was a part of me that thought I'd be able to trust them.

"You didn't have to do that," I mumbled as I rubbed the back of my aching head.

"Of course we did!" the boy across from me exclaimed. "Our parents taught us to help anyone in trouble!"

I stared blankly at the boy as a smile etched it's way across his face. Moments later I heard the boy next to me speak.

"Umm..... if you don't mind me asking.... what's your name?"

"Makoto Hajime," I said shyly. "Yours?"

"My name is Zero and the boy next you is named Ichiru!" Zero said in an exhilarated tone. "Do you want to hang out for a little while? We don't have to go home just yet."

I thought long and hard about it for a second. I was going to say no, but what was the harm in saying yes? They helped me with Satoru, so I guess I owed them something because of that.

I pondered on this question for a few more moments before looking at Zero and with a slight smile I gave my response.


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