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It hurts, okaa-san.

There I was. My face was covered with wet tears and stained with red. I just sat there, hands around my bruised knees and cut up thighs.

Please wake up, okaa-san.

Before me laid someone who was unconscious. Not just unconscious, but deceased. My little self couldn't cope with the fact that my mother was dead. I still had that little hope in myself that she was alive, and everything would be okay.

How naive.

I recognized that woman more than anyone else. Her now tangled midnight black hair was just like mine. Her eyes, which were now frozen in shock and terror, were hazel. Just like that woman's eyes my hazel ones were wide, completely taken aback by the scene that just unfolded in front of me.

"Please wake up, okaa-san," I mumbled to myself.

I instantly noticed a shift from the side of me and I shivered. That man was still here. He was the same man who hurt, no, killed my mother.

I perceived that he was making his way towards me, knife in hand. I tried my best not to move, but I couldn't help myself from backing up as fast as I possibly could, only to instantly hit a wall.

The man kneeled down to my level and I whimpered. Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! I thought desperately.

The man grinned, "What's your name?"

I was dumbfounded by what he asked me, but only for a second. I hastily replied, "M-Makoto Hajime."

The man snickered before asking me, "How old are you?"

I decided to answer all his questions without hesitation, my life depended on it.

"Five years old."

The man chuckled before bringing the glistening, blood stained knife up to my eye level. My eyes grew wider and it became harder for me to breath. I didn't want to die; I didn't want to end up like my mother.

"I've had enough pleasure for today," the man sighed. "Maybe next time, Makoto-chan."

The man stood and exited the house without saying another word. As soon as I heard the door close before him I rushed up to my mothers limp body. I took one of her hands into my palms and instantly began to weep.

Why us? I thought. We did nothing wrong!

This memory of mine would haunt me for years to come.

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