How it all begun

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Miko's P.O.V.


That's all I could think of to run faster. What am I running from you might ask? Well, your probably going to think I'm crazy, but I'm running away from demons. I know what your thinking ' How is that possible!? There are no demons here!' Well, let's rewind a bit.

I was at home. I woke on a Saturday morning. I got up out of my bed and got dressed in a black skinny strap tank top, a white T-shirt that reveals my right shoulder, and black skinny jeans. I also wore black sandals. I grabbed my solar powered MP3 player and my katana that I called 'Crimson Mist'. I walk over to my bedroom door and opened it. Before leaving my room, I looked at my empty bed. I felt sadness run through my body though I don't know why. I left my room and into the kitchen. I opened my fridge and pulled out a granny smith apple. I walked into my living room while flopping onto the couch while eating my apple. I lived in an apartment. I put my MP3 player into my pocket and held my katana tight in my had as I threw out the apple core in the trash and turned on the T.V. I put Inuyasha on, my favorite anime out their. I watched all the episodes. I turned it to the episode to where Sesshomaru first shows up. I have watched this episode so many times, but I'm never able to control myself when I see him. "Oh My God, it's Fluffy." I whispered to myself. I all of a sudden have a headache. Not a big one, but it still hurt. "Ow. Well, seeming as I'm up, mind as well pack my black rucksack with my things." I put my katana on the couch as I walked through the kitchen, and into my room. I pulled out my rucksack from my closet. I put it on my bed and looked inside. My throwing knives were still there as well as my two kimonos. The one kimono is white with a gold rim. It was like a normal kimono with the sleeves and everything, but it was short it went to 3/4's to the thigh. The other one is black with a gold rim and crimson red designs on the shoulder and bottom edge of the sleeves. The designs were sakura (cherry) blossoms. It was also short to 3/4's to the thigh. I'm fine with normal kimonos but I can't run that well, that is why their so short. I sighed when I realized some things were missing. I walked out into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out two big bags of chocolate. Not just any chocolate, but worlds finest chocolate. One bag was full of mint chocolate and the other full of caramel chocolate. (I know, I know, my last name is mint is Latin but hey, I'm not complaining.) I closed the fridge and walked to the counter. There, I grabbed my favorite fruit, pomegranates. I then went back into my room and put them into my rucksack. I then went to my closet. I pulled out my priestess kimono. The same one as Kikyo. I folded the kimono and put it into my rucksack. I closed my rucksack so nothing falls out. My headache got worse. I did my best to ignore it though. "Now that I packed everything, I can try to get rid of this headache. But first, I feel like I'm missing something." I said as I massaged my head. "Now, what am I missing? Oh! Now I know! I left my katana in the living room!" I said as I grabbed my rucksack and speed walked through the kitchen and into the living room. Where I left my katana on the couch. I grabbed it. Then, my headache from a small throb, to a stabbing throb. I staggered. "I-I think I should sit down" I said as I held my head with one hand and the other holding my katana tight. I wasn't able to sit down though. The next thing I knew, my headache was so bad, I collapsed to the ground. I couldn't see clearly, but I could tell I was laying on shattered glass. Then, I blacked out.

Oh my! What is going to happen to Miko? Find out in the next chapter! Also, I will take comments. Please no negativity. Take care my Kitsune pups!

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