Why Me?

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Thank you my Kitsune pups for being so patient with me. I am grateful! Also, I don't own Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, or any of the Inuyasha characters. I only own Miko and some things tied to her. Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. Now, on with the story!

When I came to, I kept my eyes closed. I felt around me. I felt nice soft grass and- wait, WHAT?!? Grass! I shot up, opening my eyes to see a forest around me. As I looked around, I saw a tree I knew far too well. I gasped "The God Tree. But that means-" I then heard yelling coming my way. I grabbed my black rucksack and my katana while standing up. I was about to run when it turned silent. I looked around me. Studying my surroundings. I quickly placed my katana on my right hip while holding the hilt in my left hand. I glared everywhere I looked. "Show yourself! Or are you afraid to get beaten by a girl?" I yelled to no one in particular. I heard rustling in the bushes behind me. I whipped around quickly. I saw Inuyasha jumping at me with a face showing I hurt his pride and now he's mad at me for it. He was about to claw me when Kagome came out of the same bushes as Inuyasha did. "Inuyasha! Sit!" Inuyasha face-planted. I stared at Inuyasha on the ground. I couldn't help but smile at Inuyasha's form. I covered my mouth as I giggled quietly. Inuyasha looked up and glared at me, which made him look more adorable! My giggles turned into laughter. I turned away from Inuyasha and Kagome so I could regain my posture. After I sobered from my laughter, I turned back around, facing Inuyasha and Kagome. I put on a blank face, or tried anyway. Inuyasha glared at me, but I knew he didn't mean it. Kagome sighed in annoyance before walking and smiling at me. "Hello. I'm Kagome, and dog boy over there is Inuyasha. Sorry for him almost hitting you." I gave Kagome a sweet smile. "That is alright. I kind of deserved it though seeming as I kinda hurt his pride." I looked at Inuyasha, who was now standing up and avoiding looking at me. "Um... Inuyasha is it?" I had to play dumb, or he will get suspicious. Inuyasha looked at me with a half-hearted glare. "Yea. What of it?" I pretended to look thoughtful. "Doesn't that name mean 'dog kind spirit?'" Inuyasha looked at me in shock.

Inuyasha's P.O.V.

I was shocked. For her to know this means she is Japanese, though her clothes say otherwise. She was wearing weird clothing. More weird that Kagome's clothing. I come back to reality. I go back to my half-hearted glare. "How do you know that?" The girl, Miko was it? Anyway she looked like she was hiding something. I don't know why, but I have the feeling we were being watched. I ignore it. Miko sighed and looked at the ground. "Inuyasha. Why don't we go to Kaede's hut so Miko doesn't have to explain twice or more. Okay?" Kagome said sounding up beat. I glanced at Miko from the corned of my eye and noticed that she gave a sigh of relief. I sighed in annoyance. "Fine" I said, not wanting Kagome to tell me to 'sit' again. Kagome got on my back, like she normally does. I turned and looked at Miko, who looked uncomfortable. "Do you need a ride?" Miko looked up in shock and put her hands up. "Oh no! I-I couldn't! And besides, I don't know if you can carry Kagome and I to where 'Kaede's hut' is." Kagome giggled "It's okay. Inuyasha is very strong, he can carry both of us no problem." Miko was hesitant, but she walked over to me and got on my back and sat beside Kagome. I was surprised at how light she was. "Everyone ready?" I asked. "Yes Inuyasha. We're ready" Kagome said in her up beat tone. I started running to the village, I noticed Miko's tight grip on my shoulder. It wasn't tight enough to cause pain, but it was tight enough for her not to fall. As if that would happen. I also noticed that Miko didn't scream like the other people I carried. Miko's aura seemed calm. As we entered the village, I stopped and let the two girls down from my back. As we were walking through the village, I glanced at Miko to see her slightly uncomfortable. Well, no kidding. She is wearing different clothing from the rest of the people. Sure Kagome wears weird clothing too, but the villagers already gotten used to her. Kagome pats Miko's shoulder. "Don't worry Miko. Everything will be okay. We just need to see Miroku, Songo, Shippo and Kilala." Miko looked shocked. Almost as if she already knew Miroku, Songo, Shippo and Kilala. Though Miko did well in covering up. "Um... I don't feel comfortable talking about my life story infront of people I don't know." Miko said sounding like she was trying to sound like my brother. I mentally snarled at that thought. I decided to be nice. "Don't worry about it. Though I must warn you. Miroku is-" Kagome, Miko and I entered Kaede's hut and I was interrupted by Miroku coming up to Miko. "My your a beautiful young woman. I would be honored if you could consider baring my children?" Miko's face went from shocked, to creeped out, then to mad. Miko pulled her hands away from Miroku and glared at him. "I'm sorry! But for a man that I don't know and just met, asking me to bare his children?! No way in the seven hells! And to top it all off, your a priest for Ra's sake! You shouldn't be asking woman these things!" Miko said while backing Miroku up to the wall, who was looking scared. I smirked. 'serves him right.' I thought as Miko sighed and backed up away from Miroku. "I haven't properly introduced myself. I apologize" Miko gave a small bow to all of us minus Miroku. "I am Miko Mentha, I am 18 years old" Kaede decided to speak up. "Well, hello there child. What brings ye to this village?"

Miko's P.O.V.

'Damn! I was hoping I wouldn't have to answer that question!' I thought as I tried to think of a good excuse to hide my identity. Seeming as I couldn't come up with any, I decided to tell the truth. "You all might want to sit down. This is going to be a long story." Everyone sat down. So I told them my life. "Well, when I was born, my family didn't want me. Well for a while, I thought it was normal, you know, being only 3 you would thing everything is alright. But no, my siblings were treated differently, almost like spoiled brats. Where I was treated like dirt. My father died 1 hour before I was born. So I never knew him. My mother thought I was cursed because I was born on this sad day. I had 5 older siblings. 2 girls and 3 boys. One by one, they killed themselves. Each one had a message with them saying that without me, they would of had a better life. My mother died last. After that, I have lived on my own. Then...." I didn't know what to tell them. I didn't know if I should tell them that they are a T.V. show or not. I decided to skip that part. "Then this morning, I had a massive headache and collapsed. The next thing I know I wake up beside the God Tree." I finished and looked at the floor. I didn't realize I was crying till I felt something wet on my hand. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Inuyasha looking at me with a look of understanding. 'Well, technically he does understand my pain. Seeming as he lost his father the same day he was born and lost his mother at a very young age. Then theirs Sesshomaru. He hates Inuyasha' I thought as I nodded towards Inuyasha with a sad smile. "Well, wanna travel with us?" Songo said, trying to cheer me up. "Yea! It would be a lot of fun!" Shippo said with excitement. I giggled. "Sure. Why not?" I said with joy. Though I might have seemed happy on the outside, I was troubled with my thoughts. 'Why? Why am I here? Well, there must be some reason I'm here, but that doesn't explain it. Why? Why me?'

Their you all go my Kitsune pups! I hope you all like it! I would appreciate compliments, positive. Not negitave. Also, is you could maybe vote on this story, that would be amazing! Thank you for taking your time to read this story!

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