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Hello again my Kitsune pups! Here is another chapter! Again, I don't own the Inuyasha characters. Also, I want to thank all of you for being so kind as to take your time out of your life to read this story. It means a lot to me. Anyway, enough of the chit-chat. Story time!

Miko's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to something jumping lightly on my stomach. I groaned in annoyance and tried to push it away, but it just came back. I slowly open my eyes to see Shippo at least 2 inches from my face. "AAAHHHH!!!" I screamed as I jumped at least 2 feet and scurried away till my back hit the wall. I looked around to see I'm still in Kaede's hut with Inuyasha and the gang, who are now awake if not already and looking at me with worried faces. "Miko!" Kagome said. "Are you alright? What happened?" Songo said next, concerned. I sighed in relief. "No. I-I'm fine. I just woke up to Shippo's face close to mine. I still haven't got used to this place yet." Kagome smiled at me sweetly. "Don't worry, I had to go through the same thing when I first arrived here, though your taking it a lot better than me..." I looked down, not wanting to answer the unasked question. Inuyasha scoffed. "She's obviously not going to answer that question Kagome. So their's no point in trying to get her to tell you." Kagome got mad and they started bickering at one another. I looked at Kaede. "Good morning Priestess Kaede. Did you sleep well?" Kaede looked at me with a generous smile. "I have slept well. What about ye child?" I guess I looked sad, because Kaede looked concerned, Songo was patting my back, Inuyasha and Kagome also stopped bickering and looked at me, Shippo was on my shoulder and Miroku looked at the ground lost for words of comfort. I smiled. "Guys. I'm okay. It's nothing new. Actually" I looked at my folded hands in my lap. " It was a lot better than the other times. Most of the time it was so bad, I wouldn't be able to sleep again for 2 to 4 weeks. It's got so bad back then, the doctors had to hypnotise me just to get me to sleep." Kagome looked at me sadly walk walking over to me and hugging me from behind "I'm so sorry Miko. I didn't know that it was that bad." I gave a small smile "That's alright. Besides." I got up with a big genuine smile on my face. "We should get going. I'm dying for adventure!" Everyone smiled "Alright!" Shippo said sitting on Kagome's left shoulder. Kagome smiled at Shippo. "Okay. Let's go to the God Tree first. Then we shall head off." We all nodded as we walked over to the God Tree on the edge of the village.

{ Time skip. Brought to you lovely readers by an impatient Sesshomaru! }

Still Miko's P.O.V.

We have been walking for a while and not a single demon attacked us. I was getting bored, so I walked faster till I was walking beside Inuyasha at the head of the group. "Hey. Inuyasha?" Inuyasha looked at me through the corner of his eyes for a second before looking ahead of him. "What is it Miko?" he said in an annoyed tone. I sighed. "Don't you find it odd that not a single demon has attacked us for the jewel shards that Kagome has? Call me curious, but that kinda sounds suspicious to me." Inuyasha stopped and his eyes went wide. "Now that you mention it, that does sound kind of strange. I wonder why?" I giggled. "Maybe they heard how awesome we are and don't dare to come and face us for themselves!" I heard people giggling. So I turned around along with Inuyasha and we could see Kagome and the rest of the gang tried hard not to laugh. Key word: Tried. Everyone, including Inuyasha and I, were laughing out heads off. Though our fun was short lived. Inuyasha immediately stopped laughing and stuck his nose into the air. I could tell he was sniffing the air currents from all my Inuyasha anime watching back in my world. Inuyasha started growling. Meaning it was ether Naraku, who I hope I don't see for a while, or- "Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha snarled looking ahead of us. I looked to see Sesshomaru appearing out of the shadows. Sesshomaru looked at me quickly before looking at Inuyasha with his usual blank face. " Well Inuyasha. It seems you have another weak human with you. How pathetic." And I know you shouldn't talk back to someone you know can kill you in an instant, but him talking about me like that while I am clearly standing right here set me off. 'I'm going to regret doing this but...' I thought as I walked up to Sesshomaru with a glare that could rival his own. "Look mister! I don't care if your the Lord of the Western Lands or not, but I will not, I repeat, will not let someone who I clearly just met, talk about me like I'm nothing!" I yelled at him right in his face, knowing that my yelling that close to him will hurt his ears a lot. I must have caught him off guard, because Sesshomaru looked at me with a shocked face. As if no one has ever yelled at him before. I took the chance and managed to punch Sesshomaru in the face. Very hard. I could feel his jaw crack under my knuckles. In the corner of my eye, I could see Inuyasha wincing. Signaling that he heard the crack from Sesshomaru's jaw. I was about to walk over to the others when I heard a snap. I turned my head to see Sesshomaru standing and his only hand on his jaw, clearly saying he snapped his jaw back in place. He glared at me. Then, before I could blink, Sesshomaru has tossed me on his right shoulder and took off to who knows where. 'Probably to Rin more or less' I thought as Sesshomaru ran from Inuyasha and the gang.

Rin's P.O.V.

I was sitting at the fire while Master Jaken was nagging at me about how he should be with Lord Sesshomaru and not here watching over me. I sigh and look at the sky. 'Where are you Lord Sesshomaru?' I thought as I gave another sigh. Then, as if on cue, Lord Sesshomaru came into the clearing where Master Jaken and I set up camp. "Lord Sesshomaru! You came!" I said happily as I got up and ran over to Lord Sesshomaru with Master Jaken running after me. Lord Sesshomaru looked at me, then walked over to a near by tree and put down a woman that I noticed when Lord Sesshomaru came into the clearing. Though, Lord Sesshomaru dropped her kind of hard. "Ow! Hey mister! I don't appreciate you dropping like I'm nothing!" The woman yelled at Lord Sesshomaru while standing up. I whimpered in fear. The woman looked at me and her angry face softened to a sad face. She walked over to me, knelt in front of me and brought her and up to my face. I flinched and looked away. The woman stopped her hand and dropped it. "Forgive me. You are afraid of me. That was not my intention." I looked at her. She was beautiful! She had raven black hair that was braided, though it went to mid-shin on her, she also had gorgeous sapphire eyes that shone like the moon on a quiet night. Bathing the forest in it's beautiful light. Her voice was soft, unlike the angry voice she used with Lord Sesshomaru. I smiled at her. "My name is Rin. What's yours?" She smiled softly at me. "My name is Miko. It is great to meet you Rin." I hugged her. Miko hugged me back, almost like momma used to do. I let go to see Miko looking pale. I looked where she was looking to see Lord Sesshomaru with his red eyes. Lord Sesshomaru was also looking at Miko. "Rin. I want you to go over to your dragon friend. Okay?" Miko whispered to me. I nodded and ran over to Ah-Un. When I did, I looked over to see Miko standing and looking at Lord Sesshomaru with fear playing like a flame in her eyes.

Miko's P.O.V.

I looked at Sesshomaru while hugging Rin. Sesshomaru was mad and he was looking right at me! I told Rin to go over to Ah-Un. As Rin was running to Ah-Un, I stood up while looking at Sesshomaru with fear. Sesshomaru growled at me. "Se-Sesshomaru?!" I said as my legs were shaking. Sesshomaru just growled at me and pounced at me.

Their you go my Kitsune pups! Another chapter done. Miko has met Sesshomaru and Rin but, oh my! What's this?! Sesshomaru just attacked Miko! What is going to happen next! Until next time! Also, If you would comment, that would be awesome, like your favorite part, feedback, anything. Just no negativity please. Thank you!

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