Is Kagura... Jealous of Me?

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Sorry my Kitsune pups that I haven't typed a chapter in a while. But now I am back so lets get to it. I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I only own Miko and the plot. Now, onwards to the chapter!

Miko's P.O.V.

Until I could not stand the distance anymore. I closed the small gap between Sesshomaru and I and closed my eyes while wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt him tense up in shock, but then relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt Sesshomaru lightly nip at my lower lip for entrance. I didn't know what to do, being that this is my first kiss, I slowly let him in. When I opened my mouth enough, I felt Sesshomaru's tongue enter my mouth and started exploring. I moaned lightly. I didn't know why but my body wanted more. Soon though, for me being human, I needed air. I tried to ignore it but soon it became to great. Sesshomaru must have read my mind, because he parted for me. Sesshomaru connected his forehead with mine as we looked into each others eyes. "Miko. You need to let yourself breath." Sesshomaru told me with a firm but soft tone. "Yes Sesshomaru." I said still panting from the event that just happened. I then felt an odd aura. And it was coming fast. Sesshoamru must have sensed it to because his eyes turned from soft and warm to hard and cold. Icy cold. "Miko. Get out and get dressed as fast as you can." Sesshomaru said while he turned around as I got off his lap. "Ri-right." I said as I jumped out and put on my short kimono on and grabbed my katana, which somehow Naraku didn't notice or care to take it away from me. I turned away from the hot spring with my arms crossed. "Sesshomaru. You can get out now and get dressed before whatever or whoever it is gets here." I said with a sigh. I heard the light spash of water before I heard the sound of fabric. "Miko." I turned around to see Sesshomaru fully clothed and ready to draw Tokojin. " Yes Sesshomaru?" I asked with slight fear. Sesshomaru never talked in that tone before. At least, around me when I was consious that is. Sesshomaru glared at the bushes before straightening his posture. Before I knew it, Sesshomaru grabbed me bridal style and ran. I closed my eyes and silently prayed that whatever, or whoever, will lose us or give up at least. But sadly, that wasn't the case. Sesshomaru can to a sudden stop and quickly placed me behind him. Sesshomaru started walking through the trees and bushes into a clearing. Me, being me, followed right behind him. When Sesshomaru stopped, I peeked out from behind him enough for me to see but not enough to be seen. I saw Naraku fighting with a group of people that looked oddly familiar. There was a half-demon that looked similar to Sesshomaru minus a few things. The there was a human priestess in odd clothing, a demon slayer, a human monk, a twin tailed cat that was big, and a Kitsune pup. 'Odd combination' I thought as I re-focused my attention to Naraku. 'They are not important. Keep you attention on the one who you know wishes to kill you' I thought as I examined the small team Naraku has set up. A young boy who was a demon slayer and looked similar to the demon slayer in the half-demon's team. The next person was a demon for sure, though I didn't know what. When the demon woman turn to face Sesshomaru, her eyes softened before looking at the half-demon with cold eyes filled with disgust. "Hey! Kagura! Why are you fighting along side Naraku? I thought you hated him like we do!" The half-demon yelled at the woman who I now know as Kagura."Shut it, half-breed! I don't have to answer to you!" She yelled back at the half-demon that I now know is Inuyasha. 'Well that was not very nice. What does she know about half-demons anyway? It is not like she is one, that is for sure.' I thought with disgust for Kagura as she used her fan to create blades made of wind. 'But Inuyasha is wounded! I can't just let him die!' I thought as I felt a weird urge to go and help, like everything was going to be okay. So, without thinking, I jumped out from behind Sesshomaru and ran at alarming speed and stopped in front of Inuyasha. The blades of wind crashed, creating dust.

Inuyasha's P.O.V.

I was getting ready to get hit with Kagura's 'Dance of Blades'. Then, out of nowhere, Miko jumped in front of me and stood in a protective matter. 'Damn it! She won't survive!' I thought just as the blades of wind crashed and created dust. As the dust cleared, I saw Miko standing in front of me with her hands in prayer form. When she opened her eyes again and brought her hands down, the barrier thing can down as Miko glared at Kagura. "You should be calling him a half-breed, even if he is, if he is more powerful then you are." Miko said as she slowly walked forward to Kagura, who looked beyond pissed. "And who the hell are you to tell me what to do?!" Kagura yelled. Miko's look softened to a blank face. "Someone who knows your future. Naraku will give you your freedom, yes, but he will kill you with his miasma and give you a slow and painful death." Miko said will pain laced with her words. Kagura used he 'Dance of Blades' again and aimed them at Miko. Miko was getting ready for the impact but then, Sesshomaru comes and saves her bridal style out of the way.

Miko's P.O.V.

Sesshomaru saved me... again. After he got me out of harms way, he placed me on my feet but kept his left hand firmly around my waist and kept me extremely close as his right hand held Tokojin. Kagura looked at me with such disgust, that it was clear to everyone. Kagura took a feather from her hair and with a strong gust of wind, the feather grew. Kagura and the young male demon slayer jumped on the feather and the feather took off. I couldn't help but stare where the feather disappeared in the sun setting sky. 'Is Kagura... jealous of me?'

There you go, my Kitsune pups! Another chapter done. I am sorry if it is not long enough, I am dealing with a minor case of writers block. Anyway, besides that, I hope you all enjoyed. If you could leave comments and votes on this story, that would be fantastic. And I can't wait to see you in the next chapter. And to add more fun to this. I will be doing a Q&A with Sesshomaru and Miko after the next chapter, so if you want to ask them anything at all, try to keep it reasonably clean, post it in the comments, you can and they will answer you honestly. See you there! Sesshomaru, Miko and I will be waiting!!!

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