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Author: Welcome! To the Q&A with our two main characters, Seshomaru and Miko! Give them a round of applause!

*Sesshomaru and Miko walk in and sit down*

Author: *sits down* now, are you two ready for the questions that the readers have wanted to know?

Miko: yes please! I am so excited to be here! Let's here what they got!

Sesshomaru: ......

Author: Alright, first question, comes from Monzca! *ahem* "When are they going to have kids?" Well, my dear Monzca, that is classified information..... but then will be coming soon. I guarantee it!

Miko: *blushes* Author-chan! Couldn't you answer that when we were not listening?

Author: No. Cause then it would be no fun at all! Anyway, next question! From Monzca! "Will their be a lemon part?" My dear, sweet, young Monzca. Yes. Their will be. BUT! Not right now. Maybe in seven or so chapters. Depending on my mood.

Sheshy/Miko: *blushes*

Author: Next question! "If you guys do have kids, what do you plan on naming them?" This is not mine to answer, Miko and Sesshomaru. This is all you.

Miko: *index finger on chin with a thoughtful look* I don't know. I never thought that far in my life before.

Sesshy: ..... (tipical -_-)

Miko: Well, if I do, I would probably name the male, or males, Kodi, Alex, and Ing No Tashio, after Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's father.

Audience: *makes awww and squealing from fangirling, and fanboying*

Miko: If I end up having a girl, or girls, probably Silver, Mizuki, and Luna.

Author: *chino mode* I love those names! *back to normal* *ahem* ANYWAY, onto the next question.... from Monzca. "What genders do you hope they will have?" Again, not mine to answer.

Sesshomaru: ..... I don't care what gender the rest are, as long as I have a first born son to take up the throne after me.

Miko: *giggles*

Author: OMG!!! HE TALKED!!! EVERYONE, TAKE COVER!!! *ahem* anyway, we better continue before anything bad happens. Another, from Monzca. Just letting you all know, right now, Monzca asked a lot of questions. Anyway, the question is, " What would you do if one of your children turned out to be gay?" Again. Not my say. Miko?

Miko: Well, if one of my children, provided that I ever have any, turned out to be gay..... i would be shocked at first, and it would take a while to except, but I would still love them the way they are. No matter what.

Author: *nods* sounds reasonable. Next question, from Monzca. "This question goes to Sesshomaru's bed" oh. Getting specific now. "What do you think of them getting together?" *growls slightly* Well,I would not have made this fan fiction if I wasn't prepared to feel the pain. I'm sure the Sesshomaru fangirls would understand, Yes?

The girls in the audience: YES!!!!!! *anime cries*

Author: Alright. Next question. From Monzca. "Miko, do you want to marry Sesshomaru?" Ohhhhh! Miko! You gotta answer that one!

Miko: *blushing and hides face in hands* I can't do that! The fangirls will kill ME!

Author: I will kill them first. Now, answer the question. And be honest.......

Miko: Well....... I suppose I do. At first I wasn't sure, cause he practicality kidnapped me. But now, I am not so sure.....

Author: good enough answer. Next question. From Monzca. *looks at papers* "Do you want to have kids?"

Miko: Well, like I said before, I didn't think that far ahead yet. Though, I would like to have a family to call my own.

Sesshomaru: ......

Author: ....Next question! From Monzca! "Would you ever cheat on him?" Oh! Getting personal!

Miko: Never! I could never do such a thing! I am very loyal to whoever earns my trust! I could never do that to anyone. Though, if I was mind controlled, or someone is controlling my body, I can't do anything, but I will stay with however I am with for the rest of my life.

Author: Alright. Next question! From Addison Bowler! "Why does Inuyasha want to be your mate when he practically just met you?"

Miko: Well, to be honest with you, I don't know myself. I didn't even know about mating season! How would I know.

Author: I know! But the thing is, is that Sesshomaru is no different. Also, with mating season, you could have met your mate for more than 50 years or just one day. But when mating season comes, they will mark their mate, no matter what the cost. So..... yeah......

Author: Anyway, Here is the Q&A that I promised to all of you, my Kitsune pups. Thank you for giving me your questions! If you want more of these, or any side chapters you would like me to do, just put it in the comments. And if you could vote on this, that would be fang-tastic! So anyway, love ya my Kitsune pups, and see you next chapter! And I am willing to share Lord Fluffy, to those who know who he is, and his fluffy! So, enjoy!

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