What Is Going On With My Heart?

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Hello my Kitsune pups! I came back to write another chapter for you all! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far. Also, none of the characters are mine nor are the song lyrics that I used for these chapters. They all belong to their rightful owners. Anyway, enough of the chit-chat. Let us continue!!

Miko's P.O.V.

I woken up due to the sunlight. I kept my eyes closed and snuggled into the warmth that was around me. Then, it clicked into my head. 'Wait a minute. I fell unconscious at Naraku's castle. Why am I surrounded by warmth and comfort?' I thought as I opened my eyes only to be met with white. 'Like fresh fallen snow' I thought as I looked at it in a small daze. I then noticed a heart beat that wasn't my own. I then heard breathing. A slow, steady breathing that wasn't my own ether. I slowly lifted my head and looked up. My Sapphire blue eyes were met by golden ones. My heart skipped a beat for a minute. 'Damn! That means he can hear it too!' I thought as I mentally slapped myself. "Good morning, Sesshomaru" I said as I tried to get up out of Sesshomaru's grasp. Key word: Tried. As I was trying to get up, I was pulled back down into Sesshomaru's lap. 'Well..... This isn't awkward at all. Nope. Not at all.' I thought sarcastically. "Stay." I was shocked that Sesshomaru would ask me of this. I thought I miss understood him. "Umm. Pardon?" I asked looking up at him again only to look into Sesshomaru's golden eyes. "I will not repeat myself." He said as he looked away from me. I just gave myself a small sigh before laying my head on Sesshomaru's chest again. I felt something running through my hair. I let it be. It was actually quite soothing. Then, a question popped into my head. "Umm. Lord Sessh-" I was cut of by said person. "You are to call me by my name." I gave a small nod into his chest as I continued. "Of course. Lor- I mean, Sesshomaru. May I as you a question?" "Hn." was all I got out of Sesshomaru, letting my know that he was listening. "Why..... why did you save me from Naraku? You could of just found another woman to watch over Rin and take care of her so..... why did you?"

Sesshomaru's P.O.V.

"Why..... why did you save me from Naraku? You could of just found another woman to watch over Rin and take care of her so..... why did you?" Miko had asked me. I was wondering that myself. 'Why did I save her? She is right. I could of just found another woman to watch over Rin and take care of her in my absents, yet I went through all the trouble to find this human woman. Could it be that I, Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands, have feelings for this human?' I realized that I was staring off into space with Miko watching me. "Sesshomaru? Are you okay?" Miko asked with concern. "Hn" Was all I said as I let her go so she could get up. Miko, I noticed, was hesitant, but then got up and dusting off her kimono. I got up myself. "We're leaving" I said as I started walking. I heard quick movement behind me, knowing that it was Miko catching up to me. As we were walking, Miko started singing. I left her alone so she could feel at peace.

Miko's P.O.V.

As we were walking, I felt the urge to sing. I have no idea why, I just felt this urge in my gut telling me to do so. So I looked through my memories trying to find one. I then thought of one and started to sing.

Even if we can't find heaven... heaven... heaven...heaven...heaven...heaven...

Hands, put your empty hands in mine.

And scars-show me all the scars you hide.

And hey, if your wings are broken,

Please take mine so yours can open, too

'Cause I'm going to stand by you

I looked at Sesshomaru through the corner of my eyes to see a flash of relief run through his eyes. But only for a second before looking forward to the trail we were following.

Oh, tears make kaleidoscopes in your eyes.

And hurt, I know you're hurting, but so am I.

And, love, if your wings are broken

Borrow mine 'til yours can open, too

'Cause I'm going to stand by you.

Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through

Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you

Love, your not alone, 'cause I'm going to stand by you

Even if we can't find heaven, I'm going to stand by you

Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you

Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm going to stand by you

Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed

And the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating

And, love, if your wings are broken

We can brave through those emotions, too

'Cause I'm going to stand by you

Oh, truth- I guess truth is what you believe in

And faith- I think faith is having a reason

And I know now, love, if your wings are broken

Borrow mine 'til yours can open, too

'Cause I'm going to stand by you

Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through

Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you

Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm going to stand by you

Even if we can't find heaven, I'm going to stand by you

Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you

Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm going to stand by you

I'll be your eyes, 'til yours can shine

And I'll be your arms, I'll be your steady satellite

And when you can't rise, well, I'll crawl with you on hands and knees

'Cause I... I'm going to stand by you

Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through, come on

Even if we can't fine heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you

Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm going to stand by you

Even if we can't find heaven, I'm going to stand by you

Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you

Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm going to stand by you

Love, you're not alone

Oh, I'm going to stand by you

Even if we can't find heaven... heaven... heaven...

Yeah, I'm going to stand by you.

After I was done singing, I looked at the sky to see that the sun was setting. 'Wow. Have I really been singing all day and Sesshomaru didn't stop me? Speaking of the devil...' I thought as I looked to my right to see Sesshomaru sitting under another sakura tree. "Miko" I was so lost in thought, when Sesshomaru spook it made my jump a little. "Y-yes Sesshomaru?" I said, mentally slapping myself for stuttering. "There is a hot spring in the woods behind me. Go wash up" Sesshomaru said sounding, and looking, bored. I bowed before jogging behind him into the woods. A few minutes later, I can cross the hot springs. I looked around, making sure that no one was around to watch me strip. As soon as I assured myself that no one was around, I quickly stripped and walked in quickly to be on the safe side. After I was in, I walked through the water to a rock, placed my back towards it and slid down the rock till the water was up to my shoulders. I sat where I was looking at the entrance of the hot spring I was in in case any male decides it show their self that they won't catch me by surprise. As I sat there, I heard water splashing in the hot spring beside me. I got defensive as I built up the courage to speak. "Sesshomaru? Is that you?" I said with as much courage I could muster at the moment. "Hn." Was all I got, signaling that it was Sesshomaru and not someone else. I brought down my guard ever so slightly, so I could relax, but still be ready and prepared if anything happens. Though, what ended up happening was not what I has expecting. I had my eyes closed as I heard the water in my hot spring move. Meaning there was someone else in my hot spring besides me. I open my eyes to see Sesshomaru in my hot spring sitting beside me. "Se-Sesshomaru?! What are you doing in this hot spring?" I said a little scared and tried my best to cover up my breasts with my arms. Even though they were under water, the water was clear, and demons, especially Inu demons, have very keen eye sight. Instead of saying something, Sesshomaru picked me up by my waist, turned my body to face him, and sat me on his lap with my thighs were on both sides on his legs. Sesshomaru pulled me close to him into an embrace with his hands around my naked waist. To keep Sesshomaru from seeing my front, I pressed my chest against his and wrapped my arms around Sesshomaru's neck. I then heard a rumbling coming from Sesshomaru. Almost like a purring. I pulled away only enough to look at Sesshomaru in the eyes but not far enough for Sesshomaru to see my breasts. "Sesshomaru? Why are you purring?" I asked in a calm and loving tone so Sesshomaru doesn't get offended. Sesshomaru looked me in the eyes with a passion dancing through his golden eyes like a dancing flame. Sesshomaru brought his left hand (he has both arms in this) to my chin and tilted my head up. "For a reason that I don't understand myself." Sesshomaru said as he brought his face closer to mine. I could feel the blush on my cheeks and my heart beating like a hummingbirds wings. We were only two inches from each other. 'What is going on with my heart?' I thought as we were getting closer to one another until.....

There you go! Another chapter for all my Kitsune pups! Yes, in this story, Sesshomaru does have both arms. I thought it would make it more interesting to this story. As I have said before, I don't own the characters or the song lyrics that I use for this chapter. If you could comment on this story, good or bad, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all and the next chapter will be coming soon!

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