What The Hell?!

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Sorry my Kitsune pups for not updating! I was busy with high school! But I have managed to make time so I could type this story for all my Kitsune pups out there! You don't know how much I am grateful for all of you who are reading this story! Anyway enough of the chit-chat! Story time!

Sesshomaru's P.O.V.

I walked to a flower field with Miko. When we got there, Miko had a smile on her face. When I saw that smile, I felt something inside me. I felt... proud. Proud that I have made her happy. Me. No one else. The full moon has caught her eyes in the right angle. Making them shine more than they already do. If that was possible. The light breeze blowing gently in her black ankle length hair. I noticed that I was starring at her for a while now. I looked away from her, though that didn't stop me from inhaling her scent. It didn't smell like a normal human does, but I could tell she was human. Her scent was a mix of a gorgeous floral and a musk scent. I can't get enough of it. It's so intoxicating. The more I smell it, the more that I want. Wait! What am I thinking?! She's human. I refuse to follow my fathers footsteps. I sigh as I looked up to the full moon. I heard footsteps. They would be silent to a human but to a demon, our hearing is more advanced. I turned to see HIM hit Miko on the back of her head and catching her in his arms. I felt a rage growing inside me for another male and not me in holding her. I run towards her but Miko and her kidnapper disappear before I was close enough to touch her. I then felt another emotion. Despair. I felt like I just had my soul ripped from my chest. I felt alone, empty. I brought my head back and howled a painful howl into the night.

Miko's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of silence. I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a hut. I sit up. I look around and observe my surroundings. I was in what looked like a palace kind of place. The place I'm in only had three walls because the fourth wall was gone, revealing a pretty garden. I tried to stand up, only to be brought down by chains that I just realized were on my ankles, wrists, and a choker on my neck connected to a chain. All the chains were connected to the wall. I heard someone, or something outside the door. I looked up at the door just as the door opened to see a handsome man with black wavy hair and beautiful crimson eyes. 'Stop it Miko. You and I both know that he is the enemy. Besides, Sesshomaru is waaayyyy cuter and more handsome than- wait, WHAT!! Stop thinking those things! Sesshomaru probably doesn't like you that way!' I thought to myself as I got myself to calm down. 'Act like Sesshomaru. Show no signs of fear, shock, joy, etc.' I thought as I put on a blank face as my eyes followed this man as he walked into the room and sat in front of me. "I see your awake." He said as he looked at me with that same insane smile that I remember from the Inuyasha series. I remained silent. I just narrowed my eyes slightly at him. Not into a glare, but could be mistaken as one. The man chuckled. "Your a tough one. You know that." the man said. 'He's flirting! He's trying to get me to open up to him. Well, I'll show him.' I thought as I returned my face to a blank one. "What do you want." I said with as much venom I could muster. The man chuckled again.

???'s P.O.V.

I chuckled. 'This girl has a fire in her soul. I like that. I could use that to my advantage.' I thought as I looked at her. She had the most beautiful eyes anyone could see. Almost like an uncut sapphire in the sunlight and/or moonlight, but more beautiful. Her raven black hair was braided, but I could tell that with it down, it would reach her ankles. I smiled at her. She had a blank face and showed no emotion in her eyes. 'Sesshomaru is starting to rub off her I see.' I thought as I tried to think of a way to get her to talk. I then thought of something. "You know. Your the most beautiful woman that I have ever met." I said trying to sound gently, though it didn't fool her. If she wasn't acting like Sesshomaru, she probably would have scoffed. "You lie. You may not see it in your soul. Though you still think Kikyo is more beautiful than I. So get to the point." She replied with venom that sent shivers down my spine. "Not going to beat around in the bushes now are you?" I questioned. Waiting for her to reply. She remained silent. I gave a small sigh. "Nothing passes you, does it?" I asked her. She glares at me but says nothing. "What do you want." She said again with more venom in her voice than before. I smirked at her. "Your simply bait to lure Sessho-" I was cut off by the woman. "It's LORD Sesshomaru to you!" I smirked at her outburst, though she had a blank face. "Anyway, your bait to lure him to my castle where I can kill him." I said sounding confident. This time, she did scoff. "Like Lord Sesshomaru would ever come for me. I am, but a simple human being that can easy be replaced. You mind as well kill me." She said with a smirk as see looks away from me. I will admit, I was shocked at her words 'She isn't afraid to die?' I thought as I stood up. I smirked as I made the chains around her ankles and wrists tighten, leaving the one around her neck alone. So she could scream in pain when the time is right. The tightening around her ankles and wrists made her wince ever so slightly. "How long was I here and what is your name." She said. I didn't dare look at her. "Naraku. And you have been here for 4 months." I said as I left the room and closed the door behind me before walking away.

Miko's P.O.V.

'WHAT!?! 4 MONTHS?!' I thought as I tried hard not to break down into tears of sorrow. 'Sesshomaru hasn't come for me in 4 months, I doubt he is even looking for me. Let alone care for me not being there by his side.' I thought as I let a tear slide down my cheek. I decided to sing to get Sesshomaru out of my head. Even if it's only temporary. I took a deep breath and started to sing.

No time for rest

No pillow for my head

Nowhere to run from this

No way to forget

Around the shadows creep

Like friends, they cover me

Just wanna lay me down and finally

Try to get some sleep

We carry on through the storm

Tired solders in this war

Remember what we're fighting for

Meet me on the battlefield

Even on the darkest night

I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage

And you will be mine

The thought of Sesshomaru by my side made tears fall from my eyes that I tried so hard to conceal.

Echos and the shots ring out

We may be the first to fall

Everything can stay the same or we can change it all

Meet me on the battlefield

We're standing face-to-face

With our own human race

We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay

Our tainted history, is playing on repeat

But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead

When I was younger, I was named

A generation unafraid

For heirs to come, be brave

Then another thought came to me about Sesshomaru leaving me, making tears fall faster.

And meet me on the battlefield

Even on the darkest night

I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage

And you will be mine

Echos and the shots ring out

We may be the first to fall

Everything can stay the same or we can change it all.

Meet me on the battlefield (x2)

I finished the song. By then, I couldn't help it, I started crying. I was showing weakness in enemy territory but I didn't care. It hurts to much for me to keep deep down inside anymore. The daiyokai lord probably went to go and find another woman to watch over Rin. The chains around my ankles and wrists tightened to the point where they could break my bones any minute. I screamed. Not because of the chains, but because of my heart breaking. Little did I know that a certain someone heard my scream.

Sesshomaru's P.O.V.

I made it to Naraku's castle. Miko's scent is here and it's strong. I saw Naraku standing outside the door, blocking my way. "Naraku." I said in my monotone voice. Though deep inside, I wanted to kill him right where he stood for taking Miko away from me. "Ah, Sesshomaru. What a sweet surprise." Naraku said in a mocking tone. "Where is Miko" I said in a cold tone. Naraku smirked at me. "Oh she's here alright." Naraku said as he lifted his hand and snapped. It was then I heard a scream. Not just any scream, Miko's scream. Though something sounded... off. Like she wasn't screaming from physical pain, but from something else. "You should have got here sooner Sesshomaru. For now, as we speak, she is crying." Naraku said 'Crying? Why would Miko be crying? This must be a trick. Miko doesn't cry, she's stronger than that.' I thought as I looked at Naraku with a glare, though Naraku smirked, not fased. "Sesshomaru. Miko has a better glare than you could ever muster." Naraku said in a taunting tone. It was then that Inuyasha, my lower excuse of a brother, and his group of human friends entered the castle grounds. "Ah. More guests. How fitting." Naraku said as he looked at Kagura. Naraku nodded at Kagura and she left. She came back soon after with Miko. Though her hair, which I noticed wasn't in a braid anymore, was covering her face and her head was down. Kagura stopped and pulled on Miko's chains. Miko looked up. My eyes widened at the sight. Miko's face was red from crying so much. As soon as she say me, her eyes gathered tears. Miko looked down, covered her face with her hands and shook. The beast inside of me wanted to go and comfort her. Though I had to tell it to back down until Miko and myself were alone. My beast wouldn't listen. My beast came out and started attacking Naraku. As soon as I got Naraku and Kagura away from Miko, who went unconscious and collapsed, I picked her up gently in my mouth and flew away.

*time skip! Brought to you by Sesshomaru's beast form!*

still Sesshomaru's P.O.V.

After a while of flying, I landed in a very small clearing with a sakura tree. No one was around so Miko and I would be alone. I set Miko down gently and carefully on the ground before going back to my normal self. I then knelt beside Miko and held her. I noticed the chains around her ankles, wrists, and her neck were tightening. So I used some of my poison to melt them off of her but not enough for it to touch her skin. After the chains were off, I picked her up bridal style and walked over to a sakura tree. I then sat down, placed Miko into my lap, and wrapped my arms around her. I then noticed I was falling asleep. 'What the hell is going on with me for this human.' I thought as I fell asleep. Unaware of someone's presence in the trees.

Their you go my Kitsune pups! Another chapter just for you! Anyway, the Inuyasha characters are not mine nor the song lyrics I use for these chapters. Also, if you could compliment, that would be awesome and lovely! Until next time my Kitsune pups!

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