A Few Feets Behind ( 2 )

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Hey sugars ❤️ who have requests then you can leave requests without hesitation.

You and Shu immediately got up from the couch and looked at Y/f in horrible.

Y/f : I didn't expect this from you Shu!!!

Y/n : Dad...I am the one who is in love with him then why are you shouting on him ?

Y/f : I am not talking with you Y/n...go to your room I have to talk with Shu only.

He glared at you and this might be the first time he actually glared at you in anger.

Y/n : Noooo!!! Blame me!!! I am the one who's asking him out but he keeps on rejecting me.

Y/f : I said go to your room Y/n!!!

He shout on you.

Y/n : But dad---

Y/f : Do you want me to fire him right now ?

You bite your lips in fear and looked at Shu who was already looking at you.

Shu : Go to your room ma'am.

He said with a soft smile and you nodded slowly with tearful eyes and walked towards your room while tears rolling down from your cheeks and as soon as you left the living room Y/f looked at Shu who immediately looked down.

Y/f : Did you groom her ?

Shu snapped his head towards Y/f when he heard those words.

Shu : W-What ?

Y/f : Did you groom her Shu ?

Shu : No! Never! Why would you think like that boss ?

Y/f : What else am I supposed to think Shu ? She grew up with you and you are the one who has been with her since she was a kid...you were by her side more than me and now she is attract towards you...did you plan this all so, that you can become my son-in-law and the king of this mansion in future ?

Shu felt like the ground slipped beneath his feets when he heard such unexpected words.

Shu : I-I didn't want this to happen either boss...I also don't want ma'am to fall in love with me, I swear I never wanted this to happen...I don't have any bad intentions towards her I can swear of my life.

Y/f stared at Shu for a minute he don't know what to think about Shu, when he saw Shu and you in that position he almost got an heartattack...he didn't expect to see his daughter like that in that position with the person he trusted the most.

Y/f : Answer me honestly Shu...are you secretly dating my daughter ?

Shu : No! We are not having any kind of relationship!

Y/f : Then do you love her ?

These words made Shu speechless...he bite his lips in nervousness and looked down.

Y/f : I asked do you have any romantic feelings towards my daughter Shu ?

He asked in a harsh tone but Shu stayed silent and Y/f understood everything.

Y/f : You love her ?

He is now too angry and completely disappointed on Shu.

Y/f : I didn't expect this from you Shu!!!

Shu sighed and looked at Y/f's dead angry eyes.

Shu : Do you really expect someone to not fall in love with ma'am ? I might look heartless but I do have heart too...how can someone not fall for her ? At least not to get attracted towards her ?

Y/f was speechless now, he knew his daughter was too beautiful and attractive and Y/f had lost the count of proposals he had received from different businessmen since you was just 15 years old girl.

Y/f : I don't want you around Y/n---

Shu : Please boss!!! Don't do that please!!!

He shouted and for the first time he cut Y/f's words while talking. 

Shu : Please don't remove me from her side...no one can protect her like I do...I am sure you know that too.

Y/f : But you love her!!!

Shu : That's exactly why you should trust me boss...I love her with everything I have that's why I won't hesitate for a second to give my life for her.

He said without taking his eyes off from Y/f.

Y/f : How can I trust that you won't start a relationship with my daughter ?

Shu : I love her that's why you should trust me boss, I know myself I know that I am not good enough for ma'am, I am a sinner I have blood in my hands but she is pure like an angel, I know that I don't deserve her that's why I keep on rejecting her and I'll do that until she gets over her feelings...I am refusing her because I love her too much.

Y/f kept staring at Shu not knowing what to do or say, from one side he didn't want to remove Shu as your personal bodyguard because he knew no matter what you would be the safest when you was with Shu until now Shu hadn't even let a mosquito bite you but from another side he don't want to keep Shu by your side after knowing you both has feelings for each other...Y/f trusted Shu only as a bodyguard but not as his son-in-law, as his daughter's husband cause just like every parents in the world Y/f also wanted to give the best to his only daughter and from his point of view Shu definitely wasn't the best for a freshly bloomed flower like you.

Shu : I swear of my life boss I will never start a relationship with ma'am and I know my place, I am from a hell and ma'am is from a heaven...it's true I love her but I don't want to make her mine I just want to see her shinning above everyone...I will kiss the path she walks, I will bow down to her feet but I won't dare to hold her hand which I never did.

~After An Hour~

It's been almost an hour you was crying non-stop...your face was fully soaked with tears, your hairs become messy and your bambi eyes were swollen and reddish you are looking like a complete mess suddenly there was a knock on your bedroom's door.

Shu : Ma'am...may I come in ?

As soon as you heard his voice you ran towards the door and quickly open it to see the man that you missed like crazy in just 1 hour.

Y/n : Senpai!!!

You jumped on him wrapping your arms around him and he was quick enough to catch you without letting you fall.

Shu : Ma'am...

Y/n : I-I was so s-scared! I thought I'd n-never get to see y-you again!

You cried loudly while hugging him tightly and Shu closed the door with his foot.

Shu : Shhh!!! Don't cry ma'am...I am here now.

After almost 15 minutes your sobs died and only little sniffles were heard that's when he put you down.

Shu : Omg! Look at your face...

A small chuckled escaped his mouth seeing your red and swollen face as you are looking like a boiled potato.

Shu : Wait...

He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wipe your face with it...he cleaned your cheeks and nose that was wet due to crying continuously then he put his handkerchief back into his pocket and combed your messy hairs with his hands.

Y/n : Dad didn't f-fire you right ? You won't leave my side right ?

Shu : No ma'am...I am not leaving your side.

Y/n : Really ?

Your eyes shined happily and your trembling lips immediately curved into a wide smile.

Y/n : Really ? Really ? Really ? Really ?

Shu : Yes but you have to treat me only as your bodyguard.

Your happiness vanished away and your hands turned into fists in frustration.

Y/n : What does that mean ?

Shu : Boss said If you treat me like a normal bodyguard and got rid of the feelings you have for me then he will let me stay by your side.

Your mood completely changed and you started fuming in anger and you was ready to talk with your dad about it but Shu stopped you.

Shu : Please don't ma'am...If you try to go against boss then he will fire me.

He said desperately.

Y/n : That doesn't mean he can force me to stop loving you!!!

You ran out of your room and come in front of your dad with anger on your face while Shu followed you behind trying to stop you but you can't handle it anymore...you can't stop loving him when you loves him bottomlessly.

You spent minutes, hours and even days trying to change Y/f's mind but nothing worked...for the first time your dad refused to give in to the tears in those bambi eyes of yours, for the first time he refused to give something that you are desperately asked for and you had to back down after Shu disappeared from your sight for whole 3 days when you absolutely refused to stop loving him that's why Y/f hide Shu from your eyes then you have to begged your dad that you would try your best to forget Shu and not to get close to him so, Y/f let Shu come back to the mansion again.

After that day you had to maintain your distance from Shu and had to treat him like other bodyguards and Y/f thought that everything was fine now, he thought that you had given up on Shu cause he believed that it was just an attraction but your love only increased day by day but on the other side Shu looked at you like someone who was above him, he looked at you like a heavenly being that he didn't deserve to love, for Shu you was someone who didn't deserve someone like him...he just wanted you to be on the top of the world, he wanted you to get all the luxury in the world, he wanted you to be with someone who could give you anything you ever ask for because his love for you is selfless that's why he didn't utter a word when Y/f talked about your marriage with one of the billionaire that ruled the western business.

You cried, shout like crazy, starved and even tried to run away but Y/f didn't change his mind but what hurts you the most when Shu also take Y/f's side and now both of them wanted you to marry some random guy cause he had money and luxurious life...everyday you shout, destroy the things you saw or crying continuously but Y/f always threatened you by using Shu that he will fire Shu so, you stopped throwing tantrums and agreed for the marriage.

~At Wedding Day~

Shu was trembling internally because whom he loved with his whole heartedly was going to become someone else's wife...he wanted to cry, his heart was aching badly but he made his heart a stone and kept his tears inside his cold eyes.

Y/n : Senpai...

Shu took a deep breathe to control his emotions and turned around to face you and after seeing you only one word come into his mind.

Shu mind : Beautiful...

You looked like an angel, you are too pretty to be a human and Shu was sure that you are an angel who had accidentally been born on earth but no matter how pretty your outer appearance was, your eyes were teary and even make-up had failed to hide your swollen eyes.

Shu : Ma'am...

He took a step towards you as he was really so mesmerized by your beauty that was raised under his protection and before he could say anything you kneel down on the floor in front of him making him shocked.

Shu : Ma'am!!!

He immediately kneel down in front of you worriedly.

Shu : What are you doing ma'am ? Please stand up!!!

Y/n : Run away with me...

You grabbed his hands and begged while tears were running down from your cheeks.

Y/n : I am begging you senpai, p-please save m-me...s-save me from this unwanted marriage...t-take me somewhere, let's run away.

You started crying loudly giving a unbearable pain to his heart.

Shu : Ma'am please...

Y/n : I-I don't w-want to marry him...please I don't like h-him.

He sighed and wipe your tears.

Shu : Ma'am...after marrying him you'll eventually fall in love with him.

He said completely ignoring the pain that his own words caused him and you looked at him with broken face.

Y/n : Why does no one believe in my love for you ? Why does everyone think I'll fall out of love so easily ? Are my feelings just a joke ? Do you all think I don't love you for real ?

Shu : Ma'am...you aren't in love with me...you are just attracted towards me but don't worry you'll get over it soon.

He said without knowing how deep his words wounded your heart.

Y/n : Don't you love me at least a bit ?

Shu : Ma'am---

Y/n : Please tell me...I am going to get married anyway...I just wanted to know whether I was loved by you or not.

He stared at your bambi eyes that had a little hope shinning in them, over the past few months he tried his best to prove you that he doesn't have at least an ounce of romantic feelings for you and now he was scared that If he tell you the truth then your little hope would develop and you wouldn't get over him so, he lied.

Shu : I love you but not in a romantic way.

The last string of hope that was left inside you just broke like that...you stood up along with him but this time your eyes were emotionaless showing that you had finally accepted your fate.

Y/n : You broke me the most senpai.

You left your room and Shu again fall on his knees...his eyes didn't tear up but they held nothing but pain and regret, his heart was burning in guilt and he felt like his heart was breaking into pieces brutally.

Shu : I wanted to run away with you, I wanted to keep you all for myself but look at me...I am nothing but a sinner, my hands are rough, my body is full of scratches, I can't keep you happy but your husband would treat you like a petal...that man was also raised in a palace like you and wasn't rough like me, he will keep you as his queen...I am sorry...I am sorry.

~After 6 Months~

But did only rough hands hurt ? Did only strong arms hurt ? Didn't belts with diamonds hurt ? Didn't sharp teeths hurt ? Didn't slaps with soft hands hurt ? Didn't punches with pale hands hurt ? Didn't foots with expensive shoes hurt ?

They did...they hurt a lot like hell and you learn about pain on your wedding night, you understand that you are trapped with a monster when you refused to have s3x with your husband...only 6 months passed but you changed drastically, your cheeks which used to be squishy were now always swollen and had fingerprints on them, your lips which used to had a natural pink colour on them were now always dried and bloodied, your skin which used to be milky and white were now always covered with uncountable scars and bite marks and most importantly your eyes which used to shine were now always dead, not broken but completely dead.

Y/n : Ahhhhhh!!!

A painful scream left your mouth when your husband harshly grabbed your hairs and dragged you towards his bedroom heartlessly.

Zan : You bitch!!!

Y/n : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

You screamed loudly when your arm hit hardly against the wall.

Zan : You dare to refused my friends ?

He dragged you inside his room and harshly throw you on the floor.

Zan : You have so much guts right ? Let me break your attitude slut!!!

You just cried helplessly as you already knew what's going to happen, you know your husband will kill you when you refused to spend nights with his friends so, you accepted every slap, every hard punches, every whip with closed eyes and again bear the pain of being raped by your husband and when Zan get satisfied he left his room then his maids immediately ran inside his room to check on you who was barely breathing on the bed...new wounds, new bruises, new bite marks, the maids wipe their tears seeing you in such a state again and quickly arrange a hot water bath for you and called the personal doctor and took your unconscious body to the bathroom to clean you up just like they had been doing for past 6 months.

~After 2 Weeks~

A old lady nervously walking out of the airport of Tokyo and got a taxi.

Lady : Y/f mansion please...


I hope you like it
Thank you for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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