Chozetsu/Turbo Shu Kurenai X Reader Love Triangle

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Request by ShuKurenai2009
Thanks for your request...I hope you'll enjoy it...

~At College~

R/G : Hey Shu-san...I want to tell you something.

Shu : Okay say...

R/G : You'll be heartbroken after knowing what your Y/n did to you.

Shu : What are you trying to say ? Just tell me fast.

R/G : She is---

Fubuki : Hey R/G...can we talk please ?

Shu : Hi Fubuki...what happened ?

Fubuki : Nothing I just want to talk to R/G.

Shu : Okay then I am leaving...bye.

He left from there and R/G looked at Fubuki with angry eyes.

R/G : What's your problem ? I already told you I don't love you...I only love Shu.

Fubuki : I know and I'm not forcing you to love me but please don't try to separate them...they both love each other so much.

R/G : SHUT UP!!!

She left angrily and Fubuki sigh...he is trying to stop her from separating Shu from his love one but she is too blind in obsession.


R/G, she is one of Shu's crazy fangirl and she fall for him when she first saw him at college but her heart broke into million pieces after knowing Shu loves Y/n and they both are dating since 3 years but R/G didn't give up so easily...she always try to get close with Shu but always got interrupted by Fubuki cause Fubuki never let her separate them which make R/G hell mad, Fubuki loves her from the start but R/G is too obsessed with Shu that she can't see what she is doing is wrong and one day she put fake editing pictures of yours and Silas which was given by someone but she also don't know that those pictures were edit and at first Shu didn't believe them but R/G started to fill his ears against Y/n and now he become insecure...he is hurt, sad and mostly angry and comes to her home to talk to her about it.

~End of Introduction~


Y/n : Coming honey!!!

You ran downstairs and come towards him and was about to hug him but he backed off making you confused.

Y/n : What happened ?

Shu : Do you know Silas ?

Y/n : Honey listen please...I know him but he---

Shu : I get are cheating on me with him right ?

Your eyes widened as you didn't expect him to say something like that.

Y/n : What are you saying Shu ? You know I only love you then why are you doubting on my love ?

Shu : Because I have proofs that you are cheating on me with him.

Y/n : Proofs ? Okay then show me.

He show you the fake editing pictures and your eyes get teary because your love didn't trust you.

Y/n : Y-You believe in these fake editing pictures over m-me ? How can you even think like that ?

You started to cry and he panicked...he realized what he just did.

Shu : Y/n! My princess please don't cry...I trust you more but I got insecure but now please tell me how you know Silas ?

Y/n : He proposed me but I refused him kindly but he cross his all limits, he try to force me but that time Fubuki save me but that time R/G saw us when Silas was forcing me and she misunderstood by thinking that I am cheating on you that's why she always try to ruin our relationship but I know that she loves you.

Shu : Hmmm...okay! Forgot this all and take some rest, you didn't come college today because of sickness...go upstairs I'll make some hot soup for you it will make you feel good.

Y/n : Okay! But promise me that you'll never ever doubt on my love.

Shu : Pinky promise...

He said cutely and you chuckled at his action.

Shu : I love you my princess.

Y/n : I love you too my cutie pie.

~Next Day~
~At College~

R/G : Hey are you ?

He just ignored her and went away with you making her eyes teary because he never ignored her.

R/G mind : Now you are ignoring me...what will I do without you ? Please don't ignore me it hurts so much, I love you Shu Kurenai.

~After College~

Now you both are walking towards his car but suddenly R/G come in front of you.

R/G : Shu please stop...I want to talk to you.

Shu : What do you want to say now ?

R/G : It's our private talk so, you have to left her and come with me.

Shu : What do you mean ? If you want to talk to me then say in front of us or we are leaving.

R/G : Okay! You want her to hear the bitter truth about herself then fine...don't blame me later If she cried.

Y/n : I will not gonna cry because there is nothing wrong I did.

R/G : Shu...this girl is cheating on you with Silas, I saw her with him with my own eyes a long time ago but I didn't get the chance to tell you but today I am telling you the truth...she is a cheater and she slept with---


R/G : B-But Shu I say the t-truth.

Shu : What truth huh ? You always try to separate us even after knowing how much we love each other, you always fill my ears against my love and always try to get close with me...DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SHAME ?

R/G : S-Shu---


Y/n : Shu calm down please.

Shu : No!!! Not's enough, she need to know the truth.

R/G : Truth ? What truth ?

Y/n : Listen R/G I know that you love Shu from the start but we love each other so much and you can't separate us and can't force someone to love you, I know that you fill his ears against me and try to get close with him but I never utter a single word because I know you are deeply hurt knowing your first love was loving someone else but open your eyes and see the truth...Silas make you fool by giving you fake editing pictures his intentions are not good towards me and after I rejected him he got crazy and used you for separate us.

R/G eyes widened hearing that Silas lied to her.

Shu : Also we know that Fubuki loves you but you always refused him and talk to him rudely because he didn't let you separate us but you didn't see his love for you, he try to stop you from doing these things and he didn't even let us know about your plans because he truly loves you and don't want to lose you...try to accept him he is the best choice for you.

R/G eyes get teary because now she realized what she did is completely wrong and she is feeling guilty.

R/G : I-I am s-sorry...I did so b-bad with both of you, I know I didn't deserve your forgiveness but still please forgive me...I was so hurt because I lose my first love but now I realized what is good for me.

Y/n : Okay! We forgive stop crying.

She nodded and wipe her tears.

R/G : I know you both didn't forgive me so easily after what I did...I can do anything for your forgiveness.

Shu : If you want us to forgive you truly then try to accept Fubuki, he is so alone and he needs you...we are not forcing you but try to see his love and care and one day you'll realized that Fubuki is the best for you.

She is so broken inside cause it's not so easy to forget her first love and accept someone else whom she don't love but still she try to accept Fubuki.

R/G : Okay! I'll accept him...did you forgive me now ?

Y/n : Yes! We forgive you and trust me he will keep you happy forever.

R/G : Hmmm...

~After 1 month~

You told her to meet Fubuki and now she started to meet him everyday and chat with him late night, she started to feel comfortable around Fubuki and they both daily went on a date, they talk nicely, they both give time to each other and now R/G slowly fall for him day Fubuki proposed her and she gladly accept him and she completely change herself and becomes friendly with everyone and she and Fubuki live happily with each other.


Thanks for reading ✨
Sorry if this story is not good 🙁
I try to make more good stories once I got out of my tension.

Love you sugars ❤️
Have a good day 👍

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