Beyblade Burst Season 1 Shu Kurenai X Abused Reader

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Request by Sl33pd3pr1v3dS1mp
Thanks for your request...I hope you'll enjoy it...

~At School Ground~
~Y/n P.O.V.~

Here again I'm getting bullied by my school bullies, they bully me cause I'm a nerd but still some guys are attracted towards me because of my intelligence and good looks...some people think me as a nerd because I always wear long and oversized cloths to hide my deep scars and round-shaped glasses with a book always on my hand but they don't know the pain from I'm going through, well! It's normal for me cause I'm used to it now and after beating me up they all went away for their classes and I slowly got up from ground and took my bag and went inside the school.

~End of Y/n P.O.V.~

Shu : Hey Y/n...

He come towards you while running, he is Shu Kurenai...your best friend and the school heartthrob...he is so handsome, hot, smart and kind-hearted guy...his fangirls always try to flirt with him but he don't give a shit about them.

Shu : Good morning Y/n.

Y/n : Good morning Shu.

You said in a weak voice and he noticed some bruises on your hand.

Shu : Y/n...are you injured ?

Y/n : N-No! Why ?

Shu : Cause I see some bruises on your hand.

Y/n : Oh! It's just because I accidentally burned my hand while cooking.

Shu : Oh! But be careful from the next time.

Y/n : Yeah! I will...

He smiled and held your hand gently and started to walk in the hallway and found your friends.

Valt : You guys are finally here.

Rantaro : Where did you both stuck ? You both are late...we were waiting for you for 10 minutes.

Y/n : Actually I forgot my bag on the school ground so, I went there and found my bag on the bench that's why it took long for me and Shu was waiting for me and get late because of me.

Daigo : Let's go guys...history class is about to start in 5 minutes.

Valt : Ugh! I hate this history class, it's so boring as hell and always about democracy, politics bla bla bla bla bla.

He was saying rubbish and everyone was looking at him with so done face cause it's his daily routine to saying rubbish to every subjects cause he hate studies.

Wakiya : Are you done ? If yes then let's's getting late.

Then everyone went to the classroom and sat on their usual seats and Shu sit beside you making his crazy fangirls jealous as hell.

~After Classes~

Everyone gathered in the hallway as they decided to go to the canteen for lunch today. 

Ken : Where is Y/n ?

Shu : I didn't saw her after classes...maybe she is---

Y/n : I am here guys...

Valt : Oh! There you are...we are going---

He stop speaking when he noticed you are sweating rapidly.

Valt : Are you okay Y/n ? You seems are sweating a lot, do you want to go hom---

Y/n : No! I just washed my face...I am okay.

You lied and everyone nodded then went in the canteen and had lunch.

~|Time Skip|~
~At Evening~

Now you entered inside a cafe and the owner of the cafe looked at you surprisingly.

Owner : You are early today.

Y/n : Yeah!

Owner : You looked tired, are you okay ? Maybe you should take a day off and go hom---

Y/n : No! I am alright...

Owner : Okay then you can start your work.

You nodded and start your work, you works nightshift and goes straight home after working and goes school early morning cause you has to pay for your school fees...your parents didn't care about you nor pay your school fees like other parents do and not even want to know if you are doing well or not...they kicked you out of your own home and you started to live by yourself in a rented apartment.


You are sitting in the backyard with your mother's phone on your hand and suddenly the phone started knew who it would be so, you immediately picked up the call without checking the caller ID.

Teacher : Good afternoon ma'am...I call you on the behalf of your daughter, can you hear me ?

You cleared your throat and said in a deep voice to make her believe that your mother is talking to her.

Y/n : Yes! I can hear you...go on.

You imitated your mother's voice.

Teacher : Your daughter's behaviour has been horrible these days, she beat up two girls in school yesterday and now their parents are requesting to speak to you tomorrow...I called you to let you know that you and your daughter will be needed at school tomorrow and also she misbehaved with teachers so, we arrange a PTM for her.

Y/n : Okay! I'll be there tomorrow.

You hangup the call and put your mother's phone next to you on the ground.

Y/n : Liars...fucking liars...

Just then your father come in front of you making your eyes widened and you immediately stood up.

Y/f : You stole your mother phone...who taught you stealing others things huh ?

You just stayed silent and he called your mother.

Y/f : Honey!!! Come here fast!!!

She come out while running.

Y/m : What is it ?

Y/f : Look...what your daughter is doing...she stole your phone.

Y/m : What ?

Her eyes widened when she noticed her phone was lying on the ground.

Y/f : She took your phone knowing the fact that her teacher would call you because she beat up two girls at school and misbehaved with teachers.

Y/m : What ?

Y/n : This is not true father.

Y/f : Oh! So, I am lying now or your teacher ?

Y/n : Father...they set me up.


Y/n : I d-did but I can explain.

Y/m : You can ? Go ahead...we wanna hear.

Y/n : Mother...father...I was set up, I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SET UP!!! You always told me not to cause any type of trouble at school because it would ruin your reputation and I can understand it own a company and any little news about you can be exaggerated out in public but father I was being picked on, they knew I wouldn't fight back because I supposedly didn't want to ruin my father's image to the public but mother this time I just couldn't hold myself back.

You remove the stockings from your legs and then you took off your long gloves from your hands making their eyes widened in shock.

Y/n : Look at my bruises mother...I'm tired, they all are liars, they lie to everyone about me...I told my teacher about it but do you want to know what she said ? She said "We all go through these phrases once in a while, get over it" Now that I also beat them up then why doesn't she tell them the same to get over it ?

A slap landed on your face and you placed your hand on your cheek while tears formed in your eyes.

Y/n : M-Mother...

Y/m : You beat your classmates! Where are you getting these types of behaviours from ?

Y/n : Mother...don't you hear me ? I am the victim not them.

Y/m : Your father's reputation might be ruined because of you Y/n!!!


Y/m : Get out from this house!!!

Your eyes didn't expect her to say something like that.

Y/n : M-Mother! What are y-you saying ?

Y/f : You hear her right ? GET OUT FROM THIS HOUSE!!! I cannot let you ruin what took me so long to built up.

Y/n : F-Father...I am s-sorry...I promise I'll never do that a-again.

Tears were flowing from your eyes like a rainfall but it didn't even effect on them.

Y/n : F-Father---


You sighed and wipe your tears then slowly left the house.

~Flashback End~

It was a night time and you just finished serving a customer and a co-worker come to you.

Co-worker : Y/n...someone booked a table no. 7 and they are here so, you have to be there for their necessary.

Y/n : Okay! I'll leave now.

You reached towards the table no. 7 and your eyes widened seeing the people in front of you.

Y/n : Hello everyone...welcome to our cafe.

They looked at you and was shocked.

Valt : Y/n ? What are you doing here ?

You didn't said anything and looked at the CCTV camera on the ceiling because in every corner of the cafe are being monitored by higher up so, you had to be professional because you can get fired.

Rantaro : Y/n! What are you doing here at this time ? We thought that you are sick and you need rest that's why we didn't tell you to come here with us at night time.

Y/n : Can we talk about it later ?

Wakiya : What's going on ? Why are you---

Shu : Y/n! We need to talk.

Y/n : Can we talk later after work ? I can get fired if things goes upside down.

They all nodded and you started to serve them and after 35 minutes they all come outside the cafe and you followed them behind then Shu asked.

Shu : What are you doing here ? Why did you serve us ? Did you perhaps work here ?

Y/n : Leave it Shu...I don't want to talk about it.

Shu : But I need to know...tell me why are you here ? Where are your parents ? You are sick but still working here...why ?

Y/n : Please leave need to worry about me, I am all fine...I am independent and I can do whatever I want so, please...

You turned around and was about to go but he held your wrist making you hissed in pain.

Y/n : Ahhh!

He immediately let go off your wrist and got worried.

Shu : Y/n! What happened ? Are you okay ? Did I hurt you ?

He noticed a deep cut on your wrist which was hidden by your long sleeves shirt.

Shu : How did it happen ? It's so deep.

He was about to hold your hand but you back off.

Y/n : Leave it's just a small cut...I am alright.

Shu : are did you get so deep cut on your wrist ?

You stayed silent for a minute then said.

Y/n : I-It's just because I-I accidentally cut my wrist while chopping vegetables.


He suddenly burst out and everyone's eyes widened seeing him getting angry.

Y/n : S-Shu---

Shu : I know it was not a hurt yourself right ?

Your eyes widened and you shook your head as no.

Shu : Don't need to hide anything from me, I saw you abusing yourself many times but I didn't ask you why did you do that because I thought that maybe it is because of stressed cause you looked tired, pale, weak and stressed so, I thought not to ask you anything about it because it can give you more stressed and I don't want that but now it's too always hurt yourself why ? WHY Y/N WHY ?

You looked down not knowing what to say and he held your chin up made you looked into his crimson eyes.

Shu : Why did you do that ? Why are you working here ? Did your parents know about it ? Why you always make excuses whenever we talk about your home huh ?

Y/n : Cause I hate when my friends got worried about me and you know I don't like sharing my feelings with anyone.

Shu : Then why are you working at cafe ?

Y/n : Because my parents kicked me out from house 2 years ago.

You said and looked down making everyone gasped.

Y/n : I know it sounds weird for an 19 year old girl to be working at the cafe but it is not bad at all.

Ken : But why did your parents kicked you out of your own house ?

Y/n : Because of my behaviour apparently...I started to live by my own and work at cafe after school so, that I can pay for my school fees and look I become an independent girl at the age of 19.

You smile at them but your smile hold the pain behind your smile.

Shu : Then why you always abused yourself ?

Y/n : Because I don't know how else to cope with my feelings and you know I am like a moon, alone and full of imperfections but still trying to shine with a smile.

Shu : You know Y/n, nobody watches you harder than the people that don't like you so, give them a show and tell them who you are...stand for yourself the finest souls are those who gulped pain and avoided making others taste it...the pain will leave once it has finished teaching me Y/n, once you stand for yourself nobody would be dare to make an eye contact with you.

You looked at him and you can clearly see so many emotions mixed in his eyes and somehow you felt motivated by his words.

Y/n : Why Shu ? Why do you care for me so much ? Why do you stand for me ? Why do you motivate me ? I cannot understand.

Shu : Because I love you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Your eyes widened and the others was just watching like they are watching a romantic movie.

Shu : I know you are shocked but I am loving you since the first day you come at the school and not gonna lie I can see the pain, emotions and mixed feelings in your eyes so, I decided to be your friend so, that I can know about you, about your pain, about your likes and dislikes...I want to protect you from this cruel world and I already know that you are suffering from something but I didn't ask anything because I was waiting for the right time and after knowing your struggles I fall for you even more deeply like ocean...give me a chance, I'll prove my love for you.

Y/n : I love you too Shu...I wanna be with you forever.

He hugged you tightly and kiss your forehead and Rantaro immediately covered Valt's eyes 😅

Shu : And from now on you don't need to work here cause you are going to stay with me forever.

Y/n : Okay! As you say my handsome heartthrob.

Wakiya : Guys...if your romance are over then let's go's getting late.

Ken : All of sudden I am feeling single 🥺

Valt : Hey! Why did you cover my eyes...I want to see their romantic moments.

Rantaro : You are too small for that kid.

Valt : Who is the kid here 🤨? I am grown as beautiful boy 😊

Daigo : Beautiful boy ?

Valt : Yup! My mom said that I am really an beautiful boy 😉

Wakiya : Just dream on boy 🙄

Rantaro : Hey man...don't break my friend's heart 😤

Wakiya : Why ? Are you sensitive boy ? 😏

Rantaro : SHUT UP HELL UP!!! 😠

Shu : Okay guys...stop fighting like a cat and dog.

Y/n : Like tom and jerry.

Everyone laughed at them and they looked away.

Wakiya+Rantaro : Whatever 🙄

Daigo : Valt...what happened to you ? Why are you sniffing ?

Valt : It was an happy yet emotional ending.

He said dramatically said everyone looked at him with done face.

Everyone : Dramatic king 😑

Valt : Meanie friends ☹️


I hope you like the story 😉
If you want more these types of stories then vote for me 👍

Love you sugars ❤️
Have a great day ✌️💜

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