Quaddrive/Dynamite Shu Kurenai X Ex Wife Reader

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Request by ShuKurenai2009
Thanks for your request...I hope you'll enjoy it.

~At Office~

You and Sasha come towards the receptionist lady and she bowed at you both and said politely.

Receptionist : Good morning ma'am.

You both wished her back and check the time.

Sasha : Has the boss already arrived ?

Receptionist : Yes! He just come 20 minutes ago.

Y/n : Oh god! I am late...let's go Sasha, I don't want to get fire at the first day.

Sasha : Yeah yeah! Let's go and best of luck for your first day.

Y/n : Thank you...

She smiled and you both ran towards the boss cabin and stop in front of the door.

Sasha : It's our boss cabin...go and wished him first.

Y/n : Okay! Thank you...

She smiled and walked away towards her work area and you took a deep breathe and knocked on the door.

??? : Come in...

Hearing a deep voice your mind went blank and your heartbeat started to beat very fast.

Y/n mind : That voice is so familiar, no...no...what are you thinking Y/n ? Stop thinking about him...he is not here.

You slowly opened the door and get inside but you couldn't able to see his face because his chair was facing the other side.

Y/n : Good morning boss...

You said softly and the boss immediately turned his chair around and was too shocked, you just froze on your spot you don't wanna see this face again but your fate is not with you while the boss eyes get teary cause he miss this beautiful face and soft voice of yours...he slowly get up from his chair and stood up while being still shocked yet happy.

??? : Y/n...

You closed your eyes and control your emotions then you open your eyes and said in a cold tone.

Y/n : Hello boss...I am Y/n, your new secretary.

??? : Y/n...are you still mad at me ? Please princess talk to me.

Y/n : Mr.Kurenai...it's office so, please don't call me princess cause I don't like it.

Shu : Y/n...you know I was finding you like a crazy person but you left me without saying anything...you don't know how much I wanted to see you again.

Y/n : Oh really ? I think you forgot that you were the one who wanted me to leave your life because I was burden to you...isn't it ?

Shu : Y/n...you are taking me wrong, I never think you as a burden...you can't be a burden princess.

Y/n : Boss please...I don't like these types of nicknames and If you want something then call me...I'll tell you about your today's schedule.

You said in a cold tone and left without giving him time to say something.

Shu : I know you are mad at me but don't worry princess...I'll make you mine again and this time no one can separate us.

He sat down on his chair and started to think about how to make you forgive him.


Right now you are making breakfast for your husband with a smile on your face because today is your first wedding anniversary then you heard footsteps so, you looked back and saw your husband coming downstairs and walked straight towards the main door that's when you called him.

Y/n : Shu wait...where are you going without having breakfast ?

Shu : I am not hungry...

Y/n : But please at least eat a bit or you'll get sick.

Shu : Listen Y/n...I am not a child and you don't have to worry about me...have your breakfast and call me If you want anything...bye.

He said in a cold tone and left making you pout.

Y/n : Today he didn't eat anything, I guess he forgot about our first wedding anniversary but it's okay I'll prepare a special dinner date for him.

You smile and started to think about what to make special for dinner.

~At Afternoon~

You packed the lunch box for your husband cause you decided to go to his company to give him his lunch.

Y/n : I don't know how he gonna react cause I never went to his company, I always sent lunch box by driver's hand...oh god! give me some courage.

You took the lunch box and went out and after 30 minutes you reached his company and went towards the receptionist.

Receptionist : How can I help you ma'am ?

Y/n : Can you please tell me where is Mr.Kurenai's cabin ?

Receptionist : Sure but who are you ?

Y/n : Actually I am his wife.

Receptionist : Oh! I am really sorry ma'am...I didn't recognise you.

Y/n : It's okay...just tell me where is his cabin ?

Receptionist : Boss cabin at the 6th floor.

Y/n : Okay thank you!

With that you walked towards the elevator and after 5 minutes you reached at the 6th floor and walked straight directly towards his cabin and was about to knock on the door but stop after hearing a girl voice.

Girl : Shu...I know It was just an forced marriage...right ?

Shu : Yeah! You are right Lily, I can't tolerate her anymore...she is getting on my nerves now so, I decided to prepare the divorce papers cause I don't want her anymore.

Lily : That's the right decision for everyone.

You couldn't believe what you just heard, your eyes get teary and you immediately ran away from there and come down towards the receptionist.

Y/n : C-Can you please give him his lunch ?

Receptionist : Okay ma'am but didn't you go to his cabin ?

Y/n : Actually I got an emergency call so, I couldn't able to give him.

Receptionist : That's alright ma'am...I will give him the lunch box.

Y/n : T-Thank you...

You put the lunch box on her desk and left while tears were non-stop flowing from your eyes.

Y/n : I'll l-leave him, I w-want his happiness...I'll soon send him the d-divorce papers.

~On the other side~
~Shu P.O.V.~

I was talking to my secretary a.k.a my best friend, yes she is Lily my best friend and we know each other since high school...she is such a understanding girl that's why I felt so comfortable to talk with her openly but I couldn't able to talk with my wife like this cause I think that she will get uncomfortable by me that's why I couldn't able to talk to her openly but she is so caring and lovely that stole my heart...yes I love her so much but I didn't confess her but today is our first wedding anniversary and I decided to confess my feelings towards her that's why I am taking some advice from my best friend.

~End of Shu P.O.V.~

After talking about 15 minutes Lily walked out of his cabin and that's when the receptionist lady come inside after taking permission.

Receptionist : Boss...your lunch.

Shu : Okay! Put it here...

She put the lunch box on his desk and left without telling him that you come here to give him his lunch box but she forgot about it so, he thought maybe you again sent his lunch by driver's hand.

Shu : Ahh! I am really so hungry and I know my wifey did make a delicious lunch for me.

He smiled and open the lunch box then started to eat peacefully, enjoying the lunch.

~At Night~

He is returning home early today with a smile on his face cause he didn't want to miss his first wedding anniversary.

Shu : I hope she will like these gifts which I buy for her.

Now he reached home and parked his car in parking zone and took the shopping bags carefully as the gifts were wrapping around the boxes very neatly...he couldn't able to rang the doorbell cause of so many bags so, he directly entered inside but see only darkness.

Shu : Where is she ? Why the house is so dark ? Did she went out ? But she never went out without telling me...maybe she is in our bedroom.

He turned on the lights and went upstairs towards his bedroom and went inside but didn't found you anywhere in the room.

Shu : She is not in the room then where is she ?

He put the shopping bags on the bed and started to search for you everywhere in the house but still didn't found you.

Shu : She is nowhere to be found...I am really worried right now.

He come downstairs and heard the doorbell rings...he immediately ran towards the door thinking you must come back and open the door but didn't found you but saw a man.

Shu : Who are you ?

Man : Hello sir...here this is a document which Mrs.Kurenai sent for you and this envelope...there is a letter inside the envelope, please read it for sure.

He gave Shu the document and the envelope then left without saying anything.

Shu : Why Y/n send this document and the envelope ?

He closed the door and sat down on the couch then he took a glance at the document carefully and soon his eyes widened seeing the divorce papers.

Shu : D-Divorce papers but why ?

He read the document and found your signature already on it.

Shu : Why did she sign the paper ?

He placed the document on the table and took the envelope and open it and found something written on it so, he started to read.

~Dear Shu

When you are reading this letter means I already left, I know you are happy now that I finally leave your life...don't worry I'll never disturb you and I know you were forced to marry me that's why I send the divorce papers and I already sign it but before leaving you, I want to tell you that I love you a lot but I know you never gonna love me back but for me your happiness is the most important thing in my life so, be happy and good luck for your new life...be successful like this forever.

Your Ex Wife Y/n~

He done reading and the letter fell from his hand, he can't hold back his emotions anymore and burst into tears...he cry hard as he feels like he lost the most precious gem of his life.

~Flashback End~

Right now you are working on your laptop while your eyes was filling with tears again and again, no matter how much or how many times you wipe those tears but they won't stop filling your eyes, you can't believe you saw your love after 6 months...once again you wipe your tears but suddenly heard a voice.

Employee : Miss Y/n...boss is calling you.

Y/n : O-Oh!

You stood up and went towards his cabin and went inside after taking permission.

Y/n : Did you call me boss ?

Shu : Princess...you come.

Y/n : Mr.Kurenai please stop calling me that...I don't like it.

Shu : But I'll call you whatever I want...now let's go, we have a meeting.

Y/n : Fine...let's go boss.

Shu : Princess please don't call me boss...call me Shu.

Y/n : No...I'll not and never.

Shu mind : I have to work hard to make her forgive me but I'll not give up this easily...I'll make her fall for me, I love you princess.

He smiled and you both left to the meeting room.

~Shu P.O.V.~

I come inside the meeting room but what I see make me hella mad, I see my princess hug one of my employee while laughing but why is she holding his hand ? Did they know each other ? I sighed and tried to control my anger.

Shu : Are you guys done ? Then can we start the meeting ?

Both of them looked at me and leave each other's hands.

Free : Hello boss, we both were waiting for you to come.

Shu : Hmmm...now start the meeting.

I sat down on my chair and wait for my princess to sit beside me but she sit beside Free, I again control my anger and the meeting started but my all attention was on Y/n and Free cause they both were talking and laughing which annoyed me so much.

~After 1 Hour~

The meeting finished and I agree with the deal of my business partner and after that everyone left the meeting room but I was still sitting on my seat while signing some papers but then I heard Free and Y/n conversation which make me so angry.

Free : Did you eat your lunch ?

Y/n : No! I didn't...what about you ?

Free : Same...let's go and eat something outside near the company and there we can spend some more time with each other as I missed you so much.

Y/n : But work ?

Free : It's lunch time and after the lunch we will continue our work.

Y/n : Okay then...wait for me outside, I am coming.

Free : Okay! But come fast...I am waiting.

Y/n : Yeah!

With that Free left the meeting room and Y/n also left without even asking me If I had my lunch or not, she changed so much...I sighed and also left the meeting room and come back in my cabin and sat down.

Shu : They both seems so close to each other, did they know each other for so long ? Or Y/n already move on ? Did I really lose her forever ?

A drop of tear slip from the corner of my eye and after sometimes I calm myself down and wipe my tears.

~End Of Shu P.O.V.~
~Next Day~

You come to your working area and put your bag on the desk but something caught your attention, you saw a bouquet of blue tulips were placing on your desk with a small note attached on it...you smile and took the bouquet and sniff the fragrance of your favourite flower and then you took the note and read it.

Blue Tulips : Happiness and Good Luck

I love to see your smile and whenever I passed by you I felt something special...It suit on you very well that you can't even imagine ♥️

After reading the note, a wide smile formed on your face and you can guess the person very well who sent it for you so, you looked around and saw someone was hiding and you chuckled knowing the person but didn't show it and put the bouquet on the desk and walked away and when you left the hiding person come towards your desk and took the bouquet.

Shu : She didn't like it ? But she loves tulips flower, it's okay I'll not give up this easily...I'll make you fall for me again princess.

Hearing someone's footsteps he quickly hide somewhere and saw you coming back with a vase and you put the vase on your desk and put the blue tulips on it making him smiled.

Shu : So, my princess like it...I know how much you love tulips...now it will become my daily routine to sent tulips for you.

He happily left towards his cabin and come inside and sat on his chair.

Shu : I know she didn't show it but she likes it.

Then someone knocked on the door and he gave permission to enter and Sasha get inside with a cold face.

Sasha : Boss...these files you gave me I completed it. 

Shu : Oh! Okay...put them here.

She placed the files on his desk.

Sasha : Can I go now boss ?

Shu : Wait...do you know Miss Y/n ? Cause I saw you talking with her yesterday.

Sasha : Of course she is my sister-in-law but why did you ask ?

Shu : Sister-in-law ? Does she have a brother ?

Sasha : Yes! Free is her brother and I am her brother's wife Sasha so, she is my sister-in-law.

Shu : What ? Oh! That means Free is her brother and I didn't even know about it.

Sasha : Oh really ? Did you ever try to know anything about her ? Then how will you know that she have a brother.

Shu : What ?

Sasha : What do you think huh ? I didn't know anything...I know everything Mr.Kurenai that you are her ex husband.

Shu : She told you about me ?

Sasha : Yes! Listen If you again dare to hurt her feelings then I'll kill you, don't think me as a weak girl I can get you down on my feets for hurting my sister-in-law.

Shu : Woah! I never saw someone confident like you but please trust me I love your sister-in-law so much and I never wanted to divorce her...it was she who gives me divorce I didn't even sign on those papers cause I still loves her a lot and there is an misunderstanding between me and her.

Sasha : Hmmm...fine If you truly loves her then win her heart cause she still loves you.

Shu : Really ?

Sasha : Yes! Now I am leaving...have a nice day boss.

Shu : Shu...call me Shu not boss.

Sasha : Huh ?

Shu : You are my wife's elder sister-in-law so, call me Shu.

Sasha : Okay Shu brother...is it okay now ?

Shu : Better...

She smiled and he smiled back then she left.

~Next Day~

You come to your desk and again found a bouquet of tulips but this time it was orange tulips with a note attached on it...you smile and took the note and read it.

Orange Tulips : Care and Understanding

I still care about you, I understand your point of view and I respect your every decision but I want you to know that how much I love you ♥️

Y/n mind : He makes my heartbeat fast just by his note but If he wants me back then why he wants me to leave him before ?

You sighed and put the orange tulips with blue tulips in the same vase.

~After 1 Week~

He gives you tulips everyday with a note on it which makes your heart melt cause of his trials you fall for him even more, he always ask Sasha about you that if you eat or not...he always gives you less work and because of his small steps you started to talk to him nicely not rudely like before.

~Next Day~

You came to your desk and as usual found a bouquet of yellow tulips...you smile and picked it up and read the note.

Yellow Tulips : Endless Love and Jealousy

I feel jealous everytime whenever you talk or smile at someone which is not me ☹️

Y/n : So, he is jealous that's why he looked so angry yesterday because I talked with other man in front of him, he is so possessive...don't worry hubby your princess is all yours.

You smile shyly and wanted to give him a chance to clear everything about past.

~After 1 Month~

You are getting ready for office, it's been 1 month since he is sending you tulips flower with note on it and you fell for him even more than before and today you decided to talk to him and now you took your phone and about to put it inside your bag your phone suddenly started ringing...you saw the caller ID and smile widely seeing the ID and picked it up.

Shu : Hello ?

He said in a weak tone.

Y/n : Yes boss...what happened ?

Shu : Actually princess can you please come to my house with those important files I need to sign on them.

Y/n : But why house ?

Shu : Actually my health is not good...I am not feeling well so, I can't come to office today.

Y/n : What ? How ? What happened ? Are you okay ? Did you take medicine ? Did you went to doctor for checkup ? Should I call ambulance ?

Shu : Hey! Relax just relax...I am fine princess it's just a headache.

Y/n : Okay! I am coming...

You hangup the call and hurriedly left to his house and after sometimes you reached his house and rang the doorbell and the door was opened by a tired, weak, pale and exhausted Shu.

Shu : Oh! You are here...come inside.

You get inside and he closed the door then he took you in the living room and you both sat down in front of each other.

Shu : So, what would you like to have ? Tea, coffee, juice or something else ?

Y/n : No...no...it's okay I just wanted to know how are you feeling right now ? Is your headache is hurting a lot ?

Shu : No...it's a bit fine now.

Y/n : That's a relief and here those files.

You took out the files from your bag and handed them to him.

Shu : Thank you princess for bringing them to me and sorry for troubling you.

Y/n : It's okay but I want to talk to you about our past.

Shu : O-Oh! Okay say...

Y/n : Listen Shu...I know both of us had a past together and because of something we get seperated and after 6 months we both again meet but as a boss and employee, from the starting day you call me princess and saying you want me back by those small notes which you sent to me with my favourite tulips flower but I can't understand why ? Why are you doing this when you were the one who wanted me to leave you ? So, can you please explain everything.

Shu : I know Y/n our past was past and in future we both meet again but not by coincidence but by destiny, I never ever think about divorcing you...I know I was a cold person because it was my nature but after you left me I changed myself now I never behave cold to anyone and because of my nature I couldn't able to talk to you or spend some time with you because I thought that you would be uncomfortable because it was an arrange marriage and you know I fell for you the first time I saw you but I was a coward for hiding my feelings but trust me I love you so much and always do.

Y/n : But that day you were saying to that girl it was just an forced marriage and you decided to prepare the divorce papers.

Shu : What ? When ?

Y/n : At our first wedding anniversary, that day I went to your office to give you the lunch but then I heard your conversation with a girl and I ran away from there...I told the receptionist lady to give you the lunch box.

Shu : Princess...you misunderstood me, you didn't heard the full conversation and yes I said those words but not for you for my best friend's cheap wife.

Y/n : What ?

Shu : Yes! Actually I have a best friend who was married to a gold digger girl, his grandmother fixed his marriage with that girl because she likes that girl and also she wanted to saw her grandson getting married but that girl only want his money and she cheated on him with so many other men for money and when he get to know about it he decided to divorce her as it was just an forced marriage for him but because of his grandmother he couldn't able to divorce her so, he called me and request me to help him and I decided to prepare the divorce papers for them and now they both are divorced and his grandmother also knows the whole truth.

Y/n : Then what about that girl ?

Shu : The girl whom I was talking to that day is my best friend Lily, she is married and have two kids and I hired her as my secretary cause I know her since our school days and one more thing I never signed on those divorce papers that you sent for me.

Your eyes get teary, you realized that you misunderstood him and left him without talking about it...you realized that it was your fault to take a step towards your separation.

Shu : Then the receptionist lady come and give me the lunch box but she forgot to tell me that you come If I got to know that you come then I would ask you one time.

Y/n : I-I am s-sorry, I am so stupid, I b-break your heart...I m-misunderstood my husband,  p-please forgive m-me.

You started sobbing and he wipe your tears gently then hugged you.

Shu : It's okay princess I was never mad at you and I am also sorry for my strange behaviour towards you but princess will you give one more chance to our relationship ?

Y/n : I'll...I'll solve the problems between us.

Shu : Thank you princess...I love so much.

Y/n : I love you too...

Shu : But I want to say something.

Y/n : What is it ?

He broke the hug and cupped your face gently and looked deeply into your eyes.

Shu : I know we both had a misunderstanding but now everything is clear and I want you as my better half I know we both were married but you give me the divorce 6 months ago so, I wanted to ask you again...Miss Y/n will you be my wife again ?

You nodded with a wide smile.

Y/n : I'll be your better half and your wife...I love you a lot.

Shu : Love you too princess.

~Next Day~

Now you happily come to your desk and saw a bouquet of red tulips, you smile and turned around to saw Shu was watching you with a smile...you took the note and read it.

Red Tulips : Romantic 

The way I fell for you I never fell for anyone else, do you think it's easy to bear everything ? I am dying in your love...I love you forever ♥️

You smile shyly and looked at Shu who wink at you and gave you a flying kiss and you pretend like you catch it and placed it on your heart dramatically and you both chuckled at each other's reactions.

It's not a end It's a starting of their love story 😉


Thanks for reading 😊
Love you sugars ❤️
Have a good day/night 🥰

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