Horror Romance

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Choosen by SakshiChan943 Shu_kurenai001 NarayaniBisht thanks for choosing 💕💕💕

You get down from your car and saw an massive mansion in front of you.

You get impressed by the design of the mansion but you felt an unknown vibe from the mansion and the mansion agent Mr.Robert walked towards you with a smile and bowed before speaking.

Mr.Robert : Ma'am...do you like this new theme black mansion with golden lights ?

Y/n : Yes...It looks so ethereal Mr.Robert.

Mr.Robert : Glad you like our new theme.

Y/n : Can we explore this mansion ?

Mr.Robert : Sure ma'am...come with me.

He guides you inside the mansion and you started observing every corner, every details and every stuff of the mansion carefully.

Mr.Robert : Ma'am...this is the private living room and you can see mountains through this massive window.

Y/n : Wow! It's so gorgeous...

Mr.Robert : Next is the main living room and you can see the tall trees and it gives the mansion an eternal sparks.

Y/n : Hmmm...

Mr.Robert : And this is the master bedroom ma'am and you can see an heavenly view from your bedroom's window.

Y/n : It's so aesthetic and cozy Mr.Robert...I really like it.

Mr.Robert smile proudly.

Mr.Robert : This mansion have a special place and nobody have that kind of place in this world ma'am...I am 100% sure you'll fall in love with it.

You looked at him with curious eyes.

Y/n : Then show me...

Mr.Robert : Sure...this way ma'am.

He lead you towards that place and you followed him with excitement and soon he takes you to a place making your eyes widened in disbelief and a loud gasped left your mouth.

Y/n : WOW!

Your eyes roam all over the place, mountains, waterfall, the blurry wind, it is just so delightful yet deep as the green plants and trees were all over the place.

Y/n : Mr.Robert...it's so beautiful and I am really so in love with this mansion and the places here.

You smile widely while looking around.

Mr.Robert : Glad you like it ma'am.

Y/n : But why this mansion was abandoned for past 10 years when this place is such a heaven ? Many business tycoons are dreaming having a mansion like this then why nobody buy it yet ?

Hearing your sentence Mr.Robert starts sweating while you was looking at him with confused face then he laughed nervously while gulping hard.

Mr.Robert : Ummm...t-that because m-ma'am this mansion is h-hidden in the forest place and about business tycoons they only saw this mansion as ugly because they never tried to see its true beauty that's why nobody buy it except you.

Y/n : Oh! Well! I am lucky today and thanks for showing me this mansion Mr.Robert...I will tell my secretary to give you double bonus.

Mr.Robert's eyes started sparkling and he smiled widely.

Mr.Robert : Thank you so much ma'am.

~|Time Skip|~
~After 6 Months~

It's 12:00 a.m. at midnight and you was sleeping peacefully and there were a peaceful silent suddenly there was a knock on the main door...you flicker your eye lids before opening them fully and looked at the clock which was hanging on the wall showing sharp 12:00 a.m. at midnight.

Y/n : Who could be at this time ?

You made your way downstairs but the knocking sound on the main door non-stop irritate yet curious you, once you held the doorknob the knocking sound immediately stop and now the mansion again filled with pin drop silence but that didn't stop you to open the door out of curiosity and as soon as you open the door you let out a small scream cause there was standing a man covered with mud and water.

Y/n : W-Who are y-you ?

The man looked at you with his dark crimson shinning eyes sending shivers down your spine and you felt goosebumps all over your body when you heard his deep yet dark tone.

??? : Sorry to bother you but my enemy throw me in this forest from my car.

You gasped loudly and your eyes filled with worry.

Y/n : Omg! Sir...please come in.

You move and give him space to enter inside and he tiredly come inside.

Y/n : Sir...there is a guest room and there are some extra shirts and sweat pants in the closet so, you can change after taking a shower.

??? : Thank you... 

Y/n : It's okay sir but what's your name ?

??? : Shu Kurenai... 

After that he left to guest room leaving you shocked behind because you still didn't told him the way of the guest room but he was walking like he knew this mansion.

~After An Hour~

You went towards the guest room since it's been 50 minutes but the man still haven't come out from the room so, you decide to check him and knocked on the door.

Y/n : Sir...

You got no response.

Y/n : Sir...are you okay ?

Still you didn't get any response which confused yet worry you.

Y/n : Sir---

Suddenly you heard a deep voice from behind making you flinched and you immediately turned around then sighed in relief.

Shu : Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you.

You gulped and smile nervously.

Y/n : I-It's okay si---

Shu : You can call me Shu...

You smile and offer hand to shake.

Y/n : Hello Shu...I am Y/n...

He shook hand with you.

Shu : Nice to meet you Y/n...

You gasped when you felt his cold hand, it's really cold as ice with no warmth and you immediately let go off his hand but Shu made a upset face making you feel guilty for your action.

Y/n : Sorry Shu...I didn't mean to upset you...it's just your hand is so cold.

Shu : Oh! Actually it is because I get drenched in cold water that's why.

You again held his hand.

Y/n : Then let's give you some warmth.

You took him near the fire place to heat his body, you starts rubbing his cold hands with your warm one while all the time he kept on staring at you with desires and possession...you looked at him and caught him staring at you without blinking, his dark orbs are seducing your soul and body then he lean in to capture your soft lips and both souls started to explore each other's body while the atmosphere become hot and steamy.

( After 🚫🌚 )

You both were panting hard while lying on bed, Shu looked at you before again hovering over you making you looked straight into his dark eyes.

Shu : I love you darling...

You blushed.

Y/n : R-Really ?

Shu : Yes...when I saw you for the first time and now I want to live without any problem with you...no one ever show such kindness towards me which you show me and it really melts my heart.

He brush his lips on yours making you moan softly.

Shu : Now you are mine and I am yours.

You nodded shyly and again you both share a hot session and he pour all of his desires and possession while you moan like a kitten.

~|Time Skip|~
~After 3 Months~

Right now you are sitting on the couch in the private living room along with Shu who was caressing your cheek softly, Shu become more possessive and caring towards you showing his insane possession and he only told you that he is a businessman but he never mentioned about his family or friends and also you never asked or forced him because you love him way too much and only need him in your life without knowing the real truth about him.

Shu: Darling...

He looked at you with lustful gaze.

Y/n : Hmmm...

Shu : Are you okay ? You aren't feeling pain right ?

You blushed knowing he is talking about last night hot session.

Y/n : I am in pain Shu but a little bit.

He smirked darkly.

Shu : Then let me ease the pain by pleasure.

He lift you up in a bridal style before making his way towards the bedroom.

~After 3 Hours~

Shu looked at you who was hugging him and was in a deep slumber but you were not breathing, his evil soul left his body and stand up in front of the bed while smirking devilishly in victory as he stare at his body which you were hugging and his body was also not breathing.

Soon the whole mansion filled with his evil laugh, wind starts blowing hard making the curtains, tall trees and waterfall water moving hard, thunderstorms could be heard all over the place and climate starts changing.

Shu's evil soul : My poor darling didn't know all this is done by me, once I laid my eyes on something means that thing only belongs to me!!!

Suddenly a huge black hole appeared in the bedroom and his evil soul took your soul with him to another world leaving his body along with your dead body lying lifelessly on the bed.


I hope you like it ❤️
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars 🥰
Let's meet with another oneshot so, go and choose another oneshot which I'd given different ideas.

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