🔪Psycho Killer🔪

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Hello sugars ❤️ I am sorry for late updating but I have a busy schedule but still I will tried to update it.

Y/n : Jack...how can you give me this type of dare ?

Jack : Why ? Where does your bravery gone now ?

Y/n : Oh! Hello...I am brave okay.

Jennifer : Yes Y/n...you are so brave and you can do it.

Mary : Yes! My Y/n can do it!!!

Y/n : Seriously ? How can I give my first kiss to a stranger ?

Jack : Aishhh!!! Stop being dramatic and do your dare!

Y/n : Ugh! Fine...

You are having nightout with your friends and to fun you all play truth or dare but one of your friend Jack give you a dare to kiss someone.

Jack : Y/n...look there...a guy is standing on the road so, go and kiss him.

Y/n : What the hell ?

Jack : Don't worry...he is alone so, we will easily run away after you kissed him...go~ go Y/n~

You took a deep breathe and starts walking towards a tall guy whose back was facing you and as soon as you stand behind him you spoke nervously.

Y/n : E-Excuse m-me ?

The guy turned towards you and your breathe stopped for a moment as you can't explain how handsome he is.

Y/n : S-Sorry if it's your f-first ki--- I m-mean I got a d-dare and I have to do it.

You grabbed his collar and pulled his face down a bit as he is taller than you and kissed him which shocked him but soon he wrapped his arms around your waist and shoulder kissing you back deeply, you was about to pull away but he tightly held you and kissed you back.

Y/n : L-Leave mhmmm~ n-no----

He noticed your breathless state so, he broke the kiss and you looked at him with scared eyes but suddenly your eyes fall on something or more like someone lying lifelessly behind him.

Shu : You will be mine baby!

He smirked after seeing your scared expressions and you immediately ran away with your friends but your friends didn't saw the dead body cause they were standing far away from you.

~Next Day~

S/f ( Step father ) : Y/n!!! Come here right now!!!

You hurriedly walked towards your step dad cause you knew If you didn't obey him then he will again hurt you physically.

Y/n : Y-Yes dad ?

S/f : Where the hell were you last night ?

Y/n : I told you I was with my friends.

S/f : You are having too much fun nowadays with your friends huh ? Now it's your time to leave my home bitch!

Your eyes widened as you looked at him in disbelief.

Y/n : W-What do you m-mean dad ?

S/f : You are not living here anymore cause I have sold you to someone!

You gasped loudly in shock and your heart started to beat very fast.

Y/n : W-What are y-you saying dad ? H-How can you s-sold me ?

S/f : Ugh! Stop your drama...please take her!!!

Few men come inside and started dragging you while you tried to release yourself from their grips but suddenly you felt a light pain on your neck then everything turn black.

~After An Hour~

You woke up with a slight headache and looked around to found yourself in a luxurious room.

Y/n : W-Where am I ?

You hurriedly sat straight on bed and started panicking that's when someone entered inside the room and you looked at the person in shock.

Shu : You are awake baby...

He smirked and sat on bed beside you and you back away a little cause you are really scared of him.

Y/n : W-Who are y-you ? W-Why am I h-here ?

Shu : Your step dad has sold you to me so, now it's your mansion too Mrs.Kurenai and I am your husband baby.

You got froze on your spot upon hearing his words and felt like your soul has left your body.

Y/n : W-What ? H-Husband ? When did I-I marry y-you ? I am s-sorry for last night...that was just a d-dare.

You started crying and he lean closer to your face then he wiped your tears softly.

Shu : Don't cry for that...your step dad used to abuse you right ?

Y/n : H-How do you know ?

Shu : I know everything about you my love.

He smiled in a psychopathic way which scared you even more.

Shu : And I already take your thumb signature on the marriage papers so, now we are officially married.

You cried even more hearing his words which now frustrated him.


You flinched hard and immediately looked down while closing your eyes tightly then he hugged you.

Shu : Don't cry baby...you don't look good while crying.

You nodded while shivering in fear and he peck your lips.

Shu : Sleep well...I will be back soon.

He left the room and you sighed in relief.

Y/n : I am so scared of him...he is a dangerous person, I don't have any other choice rather than staying with him but what If he kills me If I tried to escape ?

You continue crying silently but soon your eyelids got heavy and you fell asleep.

~At Evening~

You woke up as you was thirsty and looked around to find water but there was no water in the room so, you got up from the bed and come out of the room but got amazed by the beauty of the mansion.

Y/n : Wow! His mansion is so luxurious.

You was coming downstairs but suddenly you heard gun shot sounds.

Y/n : Ahhh!!! W-What was that ?

You gulped in fear and got curious at the same time so, you start walking towards the direction of the sound and after walking for 5 minutes you saw a door at the end of the corridor.

Y/n : The sounds was coming from this room...I wonder what could be inside it ?

You slowly opened the door but your nostrils hit a very strong and disgusting smell and your eyes widened, your whole world collapsed after seeing Shu who was shooting a guy without any mercy and there was two more men lying motionlessly on the bloody floor.

Y/n : Ahhh!!!

A small scream accidentally left your mouth and Shu was about to turn around but you hurriedly ran away and rushed towards your room.

Y/n : I-I hope he d-doesn't saw m-me.

You hide under the blanket while shivering in fear.

Y/n : H-He is a p-psycho killer...

Suddenly you heard door unlocked sound and you tightly closed your eyes while sweating.

Shu : That was fun to see blood right ?

You didn't reply and pretend to sleep.

Shu : Stop pretending to be sleep baby.

He held the blanket and take it off from you.

Shu : What happened to my beautiful wife ?

Y/n : N-Nothi---

Shu : First stop crying love...

You nodded multiple times and wipe your tears.

Shu : Come lets sleep...

He laid down beside you and pulled you into his warm embrace then he kissed your forehead.

Y/n mind : I don't know what happened to me but I feel so safe in his arms and my all fear vanished away when he kissed my forehead.

He starts caressing your hairs softly making you sleepy and you both fall asleep while hugging each other.

~After 3 Months~

You start falling for him, his words, his care and the way he comfort you gives you a special feelings and now you are not scared of him anymore but every night you saw blood on his clothes which really scared you.

Shu : Love...

Y/n : Yeah ?

He come closer to you and cupped your face.

Shu : I will come late tonight so, don't wait for me and sleep on time okay ?

Y/n : Where are you going ?

Shu : You don't have to know...

Y/n : Please don't go for kil---

Shu : Shhh!!!

He pulled you into a deep kiss and you kissed him back then he broke the kiss and you hugged him tightly making him chuckled and he hugged you back then after sometimes he left.

~Around 12:30 a.m.~

Whenever he said he will come home late it means he will come back around 12:30 a.m. after killing someone but today you got some weird feelings and was too worried for him.

Y/n : I am so scared and worried today...where are you Shu ?

After waiting for 30 minutes he finally arrived at home and tears fall from your eyes after seeing blood on his face and clothes.

Y/n : S-Shu...

He angrily come towards you because he told you to sleep early.

Shu : I TOLD YOU TO---

You ran towards him while crying and hugged him making his anger go away.

Y/n : S-Shu...please s-stop this!!!

Shu : Y/n!

Y/n : No! Please it's not right...why are you killing people ?

Shu : I am going to our room to change.



Y/n : C-Cause...cause I LOVE YOU!!!

You shout while crying hard and he got shocked because it's your first time that you confess to him.

Shu : W-What ?

Y/n : Yes...I love you a lot and I don't like to see you like this!!! Please stop doing this work Shu!

Shu : I-I can't...

Y/n : Then...

You pulled away and grabbed a sharp knife from the table and put it on your neck making his eyes widened.

Shu : Y/n!!! Don't play around!!! It's dangerous!!!


Shu : Are you crazy ? I can't lose you...please don't do this!!!

The knife fell from your hand and you kneeled down while tears was continuously falling from your eyes and he also kneeled down and throw the knife away from you then he hugged you tightly.

Y/n : P-Please stop killing p-people!!!

You was crying massively which clenched his heart badly.

Shu : It's gonna be hard but I promise I will change myself for you love.

Y/n : P-Promise ?

Shu : Yes promise love...

You immediately hugged him back and he promised himself that he will change himself only for you.

"If you don't sacrifice for what you want...what you want becomes the sacrifice" 


Thanks for reading 🥰
I hope you like it ☺️
I will tried to update next oneshot soon.

Love you sugars ❤️
Bye...take care 💅

Hey my dear...I am getting so many projects from my college that's why I couldn't able to give time to my readers but as soon as the projects will be ended you all can leave requests here.

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