Quaddrive/Dynamite Battle Bunny Plushie Shu Kurenai X Reader

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My birthday is coming soon 🥳 but this one is for my all sweet sugars 😋

~At Night~
You was sitting on the sand and looking at the sky and a bunny plushie in your hand as you said.

Y/n : I miss you dad...Coco do you think he can hear me ?
You said to your bunny plushie whose name is Coco, you sadly smile because you know he can't hear you.

Y/n : Coco...you remind me of my dad, I wish he was with me all the time like you.
Your dad died in a car accident, you got shivers as you thought about your dad's death and all.

Y/n : I just hope you're resting in peace.


Little Y/n was running around the shop and looking at the toys with admiring eyes.

Y/n : Wow!!!

Y/d : Don't run around kiddo.

Little Y/n : Ok dad...

Y/d : Good girl if you like something then tell me, I'll buy it for you okay ?!

Little Y/n : Yes dad and you're the best.
You smiled widely as dad chuckled and you wondering around but then you saw a bunny plushie, it was looking different from all the toys, you just couldn't stop looking at it suddenly your dad called you.

Y/d : Y/n...do you like it ?

Little Y/n : Huh ?

Y/d : I mean you like that plushie ?
He asked and you nod your head.

Y/d : Then why you didn't tell me, let's buy it.

Little Y/n : Yahhh!!!
You happily hugged your dad and he picked you up.

~|End of Flashback|~

You have so many plushies that your dad gave you but you don't know why you feel your bunny plushie special for you and whenever you talk to your plushie, you feel like he can hear you and tell you everything going to be fine.

You smiled and a couple of tears left from your eyes.

Y/n : Life is hard, I sometimes feel like a burden to others and sometimes feel like to giving up but I won't maybe something big is waiting for me.

You said and took a glance at your watch as you stood up and started walking towards your home while hugging your plushie.

When you reached home, you went inside and walk towards your bedroom as you put your plushie on bed then you went towards bathroom to change your clothes...after changing your clothes into comfortable one, you come out and lay down beside your plushie as you smiled and kiss your plushie's forehead while saying.

Y/n : Good night Coco...
After saying you fell asleep and when the clock come on at 12:00 am means it was midnight, something started to happen to the bunny plushie and soon he turned into a human.

Shu : Finally I come back to my human self...why she daily kiss me like that, omg it makes my heart fluttered...it's so hard to stay like this whole day and this necklace or bell whatever it is around my neck.

He removed that thing from his neck and put it in his pocket.

Shu Kurenai a famous legend blader he also known as Red eye because when he lost against free de la hoya he becomes red eye and forget his all friends that time he just hungry for powers...He even destroy so many Beyblade's and in tournament he destroy Luinor like Lui destroy Spryzen in past...but in finals he lost against his best friend Valt Aoi making him turned into his normal self, after this all happened he becomes a owner of raging bulls company but one day he went to the forest and he get lost there no one knew where he was right now...everyone tried to find him but no one can't find him but they just find a bunny plushie there so, they gave that plushie to a toy shop.

It's been so many years but no one knew where he gone.

~Shu P.O.V~

Since when she brings me with her, I was feeling so many things inside my heart and I know what's that feelings I fall for her since she is a kid...I know everything about her and I hope I can make her happy.

I said while smiling and kiss on her forehead then I went towards kitchen to make something for me even after I just get only one chance to eat only in night because only in night I turned into my human self and do whatever I want.

I decide to make my favourite spaghetti carbonara, after j finish making food I started eating peacefully.

After finished eating I started to wash utensils after at all I don't want to make my Y/n worried.

I finished washing and decided to went outside as I walking towards the road I saw a couple is kissing each other against the wall I felt like my cheeks are heating up as I ignore them and continue walking it's very normal for me to walk like this at midnight because no one can see me because I am invisible.

After enjoying all the night I took a glance at my watch and it's 5:00 am at morning, I huuriely went towards home or else Y/n can't able to find me.

After reaching home I quickly went to the room and see her sleeping so cutely...I smile and slowly laid beside her.

~End of Shu P.O.V~

It's 7:00 am at morning and you slowly open your eyes when your alarm started ringing as you slowly sat straight and yawned cutely then cheerfully said.

Y/n : Good morning world!!!
Then you look at your plushie and smile as you softly kiss your plushie's forehead while saying.

Y/n : Good morning Coco...
You said and got up from the bed and went inside the bathroom for fresh up after a while you come out and stand in front of the mirror while comb your hairs.

After you done doing all your work and breakfast...you went outside for practice.

~|Time Skip|~
~At Beypark~

You were practicing with your bey all alone...After practicing 6 hours, you sat there while looking at sky you don't know what to do every single second, minute, day and months are same for you like boring, busy and lonely.

~At Night~

You were just practicing all day as you tiredly reached your home, after reaching at home you straight went towards your bedroom and fall on bed and after sometime you fell asleep...you was that much tired that you forget to wish your plushie and kiss him before sleeping.

~At 12:00am~

It's too late but for some reasons you just woke up at midnight and can't fell asleep again, you was just overthinking your eyes were closed and scared that what will happen tomorrow.

As usual your plushie turned into a human while mumbled.

Shu : Finally!!!
He mumbled as you heard that and froze when you felt some moments beside you.

Shu : Finally now I can satisfied you.
You immediately open your eyes and saw a boy standing there as you screamed your lungs out and he flinched a little.

Shu : Yahhh!!! Don't screamed like that it's tearing my ears.
He said and you asked him.


Shu : You forget your Coco ?


Shu : I am your Coco and also Shu Kurenai or a red eye.

Y/n : Are you a stalker ?
You said and started beating him with a pillow.

Shu : Ahhh!!! No I am not a stalker,  believe me I am your Coco your bunny plushie.

Y/n : Why should I trust you ?
You stop beating him with a pillow and started to find your plushie.


Shu : I didn't throw it because it's me.

Y/n : I am not a fool okay and I don't believe you.

Shu : You don't believe your Coco ?

Y/n : No I don't because my Coco is a little innocent plushie not a giant guy like you.

Shu : Ok then before the sunrise see me I'll transform into your innocent Coco.

Y/n : Ok fine then stay here I'll look at you the whole night.
You said making him smirk.

Shu : Really am I that handsome that you'll look at me the whole night.
He said teasingly and you blushed and said.

Y/n : N-No I mean I'll look at y-you to see how you transform into m-my baby Coco.

Shu : At least give your Coco to eat something?!

Y/n : Fine...
You both went downstairs to the kitchen as you started making something for him.

After you finish making you served him pasta and he started eating while you sat in front of him admiring his handsome and charming face with a shy smile.

After a while he finished eating and look at you who is staring at him without even knowing, he smirked and said in deep voice.

Shu : Are you done staring at me ?
He said with a naughty smirk and you look away with blush face.

~A short Time Skip~
~At 3:00am~

You were keep staring at him but feeling shy too because the whole time he look at you while checking you out with licking lips.

Shu : Let's have a staring in eyes competition.

Y/n : Why ?

Shu : Because I see you are feeling sleepy and if you fell asleep then in morning you can't find me and then in night you will see me here again and I am 100% sure you will not believe me.

He explains and you nodded and look at each other eyes staring without blinking.

~After Some time~

He was really competitive and you could barely open your eyes since you was super sleepy so, you just look away.

Shu : So, that means I won.
You nodded then after some hours sun started rising up as you still keep your eyes open to see him.

When it's come to at 7:00am you see shu turned into your plushie as you stood there with shocked face trying to process what just happening.

~|Time Skip|~
~At Midnight~

You were sitting on couch seeing TV to waiting for shu to come into his human self, after some times he come back to his normal self as you said.

Y/n : I want to ask something can I ?
You asked and he nodded and you said.

Y/n : How this all happened I mean you becoming a toy and then a human ?

Shu : Fine I tell you so, there is a old lady she was living in forest and one day I decide to go forest as I walking there then I saw a vintage wooden toy or whatever it was...when I pick that thing I accidentally broke it and that old lady suddenly come in front of me with a very angry face and without saying anything she cursed me and I become a bunny plushie and then some police officers come there and they gave me to a toy shop and since then I am like this you come and took me with you and you know the rest.

He explains you and you heard him carefully.

Y/n : Then how can we free you from this curse ?

Shu : Well if I give her the same exact toy and also apologize then she will forgive me and broke my curse.

Y/n : But how can we find the same toy ?

Shu : Well it had a drawing and...
He started to tell you about that wooden toy.

Shu : Got it ?

Y/n : Yes...

Shu : But why you asking ?

Y/n : I just want to know.

Shu : Anyways shall we go out ?

Y/n : Ok...
You both went outside while walking as he makes you laugh telling about his best friend Valt clumsiness.

After walking too much your legs started hurting as you told him that and he picked you up in bridal style making you blush and continue walking.

Y/n : Why you take me to a garden at midnight ?
You asked and he put you down and went somewhere then he come back with a red rose in his hand he come close to you and give it to you as you shyly take it.

Shu : That's my favourite garden and I specially grew this red rose for you few months ago, I was planning to give you secretly but then I decided to give now.

Y/n : After so many years, I felt special and love.
You said and hug him tightly as he hug you back.

Y/n : Thank you...I love it.

Shu : Glad that you like it and I also want to say something can I ?
He asked and you nodded as you broke the hug and and he take a deep breath and said.

Shu : I love you Y/n...I always did since you took me with you, I always want to do the things you like...I know you don't feel the same and never likes me back because of my this self but trust me my love is true...I just wanted to confess my feelings since I can't keep them hidden anymore.

After confession he pecked your cheeks making you blush so hard and he turned into a plushie, you get down and pick him up then walk towards your home.

~|Time Skip|~
~At Night~

You were making wooden toy as he described and also you are so good at making these kind of stuffs after sometimes, you finished making toy and shu turned into his human self.

Shu : Finally.

Y/n : I made something for you.

Shu : What ?
You gave him the wooden toy as his eyes sparkling with a wide smile.

Shu : Omg...How ?

Y/n : You know I am really a good at making these stuffs.

Shu : Oh yeah I know and you can also won awards, thank you Y/n...Thank you so much.

Y/n : Welcome...anyways let's go now.

Shu : Yes...
You both went outside and he did some magic which brings you both to the magical world.

Shu walk towards the forest house and he entered and gave that wooden toy to that old lady as she happily except it.

Old Lady : You gave me wooden toy and then the curse will be broken.
She said happily and he went outside from the house.

You both sitting on the sea while talking and shu is too happy because his cursed is broken now.

Shu : Y/n...
He said and he look at you and you hmmmed in respond.

Shu : So, What you think about me ?

Y/n : Huh ?

Shu : I mean you remember I propose you yesterday and now I am waiting for your answer.

Y/n : I also love you...
You said shyly as he smile widely and pecked your lips and you both stood up and look at each other in eyes.

You both come close to each other and kiss passionately.

Director : CUT!!!
You both broke the kiss and sat on the couch.

Shu : Finally it's done, I am so tired.

Y/n : Me too...
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you making you sit on his lap.

Shu : I am hungry so let's go to our favourite restaurant and eat.
He said and kiss your neck.

Y/n : I am not hungry.

Shu : You call me a giant guy in a movie right so now prepare yourself for later.
He said with a smirk making you blush.

Y/n : Hey it was just a act.

Shu : You're still gonna get the punishment baby.
He said and you gulped.

Now only you both know what happened after the movie right hehehe.


Thanks for reading sugars 😚

Have a nice day/night 😊
Love you sugars ❤️

Here is your bunny boy ❤️

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