Sparking/Surge Pervert Wolf Shu Kurenai X Shy Neko Reader

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Request by KaoruKenzaki555
Thanks for your request I hope you will like my story 👍

After practicing with your bey you were walking through the raging bulls building thinking about what you could possibly do today. You tried to go to shu's office and sit with him in silence like you always do after feels bored but surprisingly he's not there.

You don't know what to do considering you don't have a lot of friends because of your were too shy to talk to anyone you have only 3 friends Valt, Naoki and your pervert friend Shu Kurenai...he is a most famous legend blader and also a pervert wolf, yes he is a half human and half wolf and no one knew that except you and Naoki also no one knew that you are a half Neko except shu and Naoki.

You guys didn't tell this to Valt because everyone knows he can't keep a secret because how innocent he is...You just walked around until you heard someone screaming out through the hall making you look around panicked. The screams didn't stop and you begin to walk towards where the source of the sounds is coming from...Suddenly you heard that screamed again while saying.

??? : HELP!!!

The closer you get the more you realized that the voice sounds very similar to Naoki he is yelling for walked more closer and you realized it all comes from a Naoki's Lab. You let out a disappointed signed as you wonder if you should help him or just let him suffer whatever his latest experiment is...

After contemplating for a while, you decide to enter there. When you open the door you see Naoki running around scared with scratches all over his arms, as with everything involving have no idea what's going on...

He spots you and begin to run towards you with teary eyes as he said.

He screams as he hugs you tightly.


Y/n : What are you-
You get caught off by a loud growl making you scared. What a kind of monstrosity did Naoki create this time you thinks. You don't see anything but you can hear him and you can feel Naoki move to hide behind you.

Y/n : Hey!!! I am not going to be your-

You heard a male voice yell that sounds very similar.

You see a large figure jump out from the table at closed your eyes and prepare for impact by covering your face and let out a yell.

??? : Y/n...
You heard someone voice and you slowly open your eyes to see shu is standing in front of you as you let out a heavy sighed and you asked.

Y/n : What happened to you ? Why you both are shouting ?
You asked as Naoki comes and stand beside you with scared face.

Shu : I told to that crazy scientist to make something which turned we both in our completely human self but instead of making something like that he gave me Viagra.

Naoki giggles nervously as you look at him and asked.

Y/n : Naoki...why you did this ?

Naoki : It was a accident, actually when I am tried to make turning animals into a human I accidentally mixed Viagra into a drink Instead of making medicine.
He explains as you sigh and asked.

Y/n : When will the effect of Viagra vanished away ?

Naoki : Don't should vanished away by the end of the day.

Shu : I guess I need to sleep.
He says as he begins to walk out and you stare him until his figure disappeared.

~|Time Skip|~
~At morning~

You were practicing with your bey then suddenly something popped in your mind when you realized you didn't see shu anywhere as you saw fubuki practice there, you went towards him and asked.

Y/n : Hello Fubuki...
You said with a smile as he look at you and smile back, you were not talking with anyone but fubuki is shu's favourite student so you can ask to him about shu.

Fubuki : Hello Y/n...

Y/n : Ummm...did you see shu anywhere ?
You said while your face become red you don't know why you feel so nervous and shy when someone mentioned shu's name, you always think maybe it's because he tease you alot.

Fubuki : Actually he's sick...
He said as your eyes widened

Y/n : O-Okay thanks for telling...
You said as he smile and you walk out of the building while thinking.

Y/n mind : Should I go there and ask him about his health or maybe he is not sick and Naoki again give him something like he gave him yesterday.

You were thinking then finally you decided to go to his apartment to see him.

~|A Short Time Skip|~
~At Shu's Apartment~

Right now you were standing in front of his apartment door as you took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. When the door open you were feeling like to faint right now after seeing the view in front of you shu is standing there shirtless.

( Think he is standing like this in front of you )

He noticed your face expressions and he smirked as he said in sexy tone.

Shu : Now enjoy what you see~
He said and you look down and said.

Y/n : H-How are y-you now ? Fubuki t-tell me that y-you are sick so, I-I come to see y-you.
You said in nervous tone while blushing madly.

Shu : First come inside...
He said and you went inside and ask to him again.

Y/n : So h-how are y-you now ? D-Did you f-feel better or not ?
You said and he grabbed your wrist pulling you towards his bedroom as you just look at him confusly thinking why he takes you in his bedroom.

Y/n : Ummm...Shu why you take me in your room and I ask you about your health but you didn't said anything why ?
You asked and he looks at you and started coming closer to you making you feel uncomfortable as he pulled you closer by your waist and said something.

Shu : Mmmm...Y/Ynie-chan~
He moaned your name in your ear making you red.

Y/n : S-Shu what are y-you doing ?
You said as he smirked and said.

Shu : Y/n~ you remember Naoki gave me Viagra yesterday and it's still not vanished away so, I need your help~

He said and his lips almost touching your ear giving you shiver in your whole body.

Y/n : W-What help ?
You asked making him smirk even wider as he look at you with his seductive eyes and he said.

Shu : First I am not sick...I am naturally hot cutie pie and second I need you for taking my virginity away~

He said as you feeling faint as you step back and fall on floor. He looks at you worriedly and confusly as he kneeled down and said.

Shu : Y-Y/n...what's wrong ? Are you okay ?
He asked as you look at him and said while blushing.

Y/n : It's because of you...
You said as his eyes widened and he asked with worried and confused face.

Shu : Because of me ? What I have done to you ?
He asked and you sat straight and said while pouting yet blushing.

Y/n : Because you tease m-me alot and always flirt with m-me.
You said making him smirk wider and pulled you closer and said in his deep voice.

Shu : Then sorry if I make you this much shy that you can fainted so, I decide you can punish me so hard as much as you can~

He said as he kiss on the back of your hand then licked it and pulled your hand away making him smirk.

Shu : It's okay...I am not going to eat you out~
He said and moaned a little and you stood up and said.

Y/n : Y-You need to t-take are n-not fine so now go and take some rest.

Shu : Hmmm...fine but I will take rest only if you stay here with me ?
He said and stood up as you just nod your head.

Y/n : Did you eat anything or should I make something for you ?
You said and he comes close towards you and said.

Shu : I didn't eat anything yet and I am really hungry if you don't mind then can I eat you ?
He said and you look at him with wide eyes.

Y/n mind : How can he be so flirty even when he is sick ?

Y/n : I-I am going to m-make something.

Shu : Be quick okay ? I wanna hold your hand...
He mumbled while sat on his bed as you blushed hearing he wants to hold your hand. You just ignore it and went towards kitchen to make something for him.

You laid your back against the kitchen wall while placing your hand on your chest. You have to admit that you started fall for his natural way of flirt but you are scared to admit that feelings so, you ignore it and started making food for him.

After making food you placed them on a plate and plate on a tray and went towards his room as you entered you placed tray on the side of his table and gently shake him.

Y/n : Shu...
You called him as he slowly open his eyes and slowly sat straight and you gave him the tray as you about to go but he grabbed your wrist and said.

Shu : Can you please feed me cutie ?
He asked and you just blushed at nickname he always calls you cutie to tease you as you just nod your head and sat in front of him and started feeding him.

When he takes a bite he moaned in it making you hard to feed him.

Shu : Mmmm~
He moaned every bite of food while staring at you without blinking making you uncomfortable.

After he finished his food you went towards kitchen to wash utensils.

After a while you finished washing utensils as you went towards his room and you slowly entered in his room not wanting to wake him up you saw him sleeping and you let out a heavy sighed as you already placed medicines for him on the table and you left from his apartment.

~|Time Skip|~
~After some days~
~Shu P.O.V~

I were working on my laptop while I was thinking deeply about Y/n...She keeps ignoring me those days I don't know why ? Did I do anything wrong ? After that day I am sick she started behaving like I am a invisible ?

I can't lose her she is the one who always with me in my worst days, I don't know what to do now ?

I was thinking deeply about it then suddenly I irrupted by fubuki he comes and noticed my sad face he asked.

Fubuki : Hey Shu...What's wrong ? You are looking stressed and sad why ?
He asked and I look at him with blank face as I said.

Shu : Fubuki...will you please help me ?
I asked and he nodded with a smile as I smile back.

I tell him everything that how Y/n is behaving towards me as he just sighed and said.

Fubuki : Oh!!! Shu maybe she falls for you but she is not ready to admit that.
He said and I just look at him confusly.

Shu :But why she is not ready to admit that ? She should have to tell me that she loves me ?
I said and Fubuki just chuckled and said.

Fubuki : It's girls problem should do something which make her confess to you directly.
He said and a idea popped in my mind as I smirk making fubuki confused.

Shu mind : My cutie pie I am gonna make you mine soon.

~|End of Shu P.O.V|~

~|Time Skip|~
~Y/n P.O.V~

Today shu is coming my home because he called me yesterday and told me that I have some problems with my Beyblade he told me my beyblade need some perfect blades and moves so, I told him to come my home I was so excited to meet him but I tried to not to show it.

I come out of my thoughts when my home doorbell rang. I excitedly went towards the door as soon as I opened the door my all excitement faded away when I saw a girl with shu.

~|End of Y/n P.O.V~

Shu : Hey Y/n...
He said in simple tone tried not to smile as you said.

Y/n : Ummm...Hello shu please come inside.
You said as they both come inside while you are just staring at that girl with sad face.

Y/n : Ummm...Shu who is she ?
You said while point at that girl as shu said.

Shu : She is G/N L/N...She is one of my best friend and I bring her here so, she can help us.
He said and you just nod your head.

~A Short Time Skip~

You were making lunch while they both are doing something in your Beyblade searching about something after making lunch you called them as they come and sat in front of you.

As they start eating while you were impatiently waiting for shu compliment for your cooking but surprisingly he didn't even say anything about food and keeps talking and laughing with G/N while ignoring you.

You felt a little jealous because they both are flirting with each other in front of you making you angry but you didn't show it and get up from chair and went towards couch to check your Beyblade.

After they finished their food they come and sat beside you as they were keep taking like their life depends on it.

You were feels so annoying about it so, you stood up and went towards your bedroom ignoring him.

~A Short Time Skip~

You were still in your bedroom and thinking about them.

Y/n mind : What they were doing ? Why shu is ignoring me ? He never ignore me but after making a new friend he started ignoring me why ?may I go and check them ?

You let out a sighed and decided to go downstairs you hold your launcher as you went towards your couch you see shu is standing in front of G/N while holding her both hands making you disappointed.

Shu : G/N...I know we are just a friends but still when I saw you I fall for you at first sight I got feelings for you and you know I can treat you better than anyone so, will you be my-

Your launcher dropped from your hands making them look at you they saw your eyes filled with tears and anger making them worried without saying anything you went towards your bedroom and started crying hard.

G/N : I told you Shu...

Shu : Now wait I will go and do my magic.
He said and went towards your bedroom as he entered he saw you crying mess in a corner making him broke his heart into million pieces as he said.

Shu : Hey ?
You look at him with your teary eyes and said.

Y/n : W-What are y-you doing h-here ? Go a-away!!!

Shu : Y/n...I don't love her, she is just a my friend.
He said and you slowly stood up and went close to him and asked.

Y/n : Then w-what was t-that ?

Shu : It's just a acting.
He said making you confused.

Y/n : I-I didn't u-understand ?

Shu : I just want you to realized that you love me, I know you always trying to hide your feelings for me but I always flirt and tease you so, you can confess your feelings towards me. That's why I being G/N with me here to make you jealous so you can directly confess to me there is no problem with your Beyblade I just said like that so, I can meet you properly because I noticed you keep ignoring me those days that's why I did this all and I am really sorry I didn't know that I will make you cry.

He explains and a wide smile formed on your face as you said.

Y/n : So, y-you really don't l-love her ?
You asked and he nod with a smile but then his smile faded away as he asked.

Shu : Y/n...why you were ignoring me those days ?
He asked and your smiled dropped as you look down and said.

Y/n : I am beginning to fall for your natural ways of flirting despite the fact that I am truly aware that it's just a joke for you. I always thinks that you always flirt when it comes to girls, I try hard not to think about that because it's hurts to think that it's possible. I couldn't tell you about how I feel because I am afraid that you might change and I don't want to lose a friend like you so, I thought that if I were slowly started ignoring your teasing and flirty ways you will stop flirting with me and that's why I am ignoring you.

You explains him then suddenly felt a pairs of arms around your waist hugged you tightly as you hugged him back and said.

Y/n : I love you shu.

Shu : I love you too my neko girl...

You both broke the hug and he placed his hand on your chin making you look at him and slowly leaned towards you as you closed your eyes when you felt his soft lips meet yours. You both kiss passionately showing all love not knowing someone is clicking a pictures of you both while kiss from outside of the room.

G/N : Awww!!! They are so cute, I think I should leave from here.
She went outside and left from there...while you both were enjoying something~

Your whole room filled with moans while saying each other names

Y/n : Mmmm~
Shu : Mmmm Y-Y/nie~


Thanks for reading sugars 🥰

Have a nice day/night 👍
Love you sugars ❤️

Here is your wolf boyfriend ❤️

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