Quaddrive/Dynamite Battle School Heartthrob Shu Kurenai X Shy Reader

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This is for my new sugars 😘
Hope you like my story 😊

Shu : Can you please stop R/G/N ?
He said in annoying yet cold tone and R/G/N just shook her head.

R/G/N : But why shu...all people saying we look cute together.
She said while trying to get close to him but he roll his eyes and push her away lightly.

Fubuki : But I don't think that a handsome school heartthrob and a hippopotamus looking cute together...LMAO.
He said and all started laughing but stop when R/G/N glared at them.

R/G/N : You-
Before she could say anything teacher comes there and said.

Teacher : Students...go to your class now!!!
She said and all students went to their class.

~|Time skip|~
~At Class~

Teacher : Can you please introduce yourself ?
She said to new student who is looking down feeling shy and said.

Y/n : H-Hello...my n-name is Y-Y/N L/N.
You just said and all people look at you making you more shy.

Fubuki : Woah!!! This girl is so beautiful...shu look at her.
He said and shu roll his eyes and look up.

~Shu P.O.V~

Wow!!! She is really so beautiful...her cute small nose...her beautiful eyes which is showing pure innocence and really making me go crazy right now...her pink lips...gosh!!! I want to kis- wait what the hell.

Wait...why I'm thinking like this...do I already fall for her ? Maybe love at first sight...gosh!!!

~End of Shu P.O.V~

Teacher : Y/n...go and sit beside fubuki.
She said and Fubuki raised his hand and you went to him and sit beside him and he said.

Fubuki : Hey Y/n...I'm Fubuki sumie...can we be friends ?
He said and give his hand for handshake...you nervously nodded and accept his handshake but someone was burning in jealousy.

Shu pinch Fubuki's left hand and he was about to shout but quickly fubuki put his hand on his mouth because fubuki is sitting between shu and you.

Y/n : A-Are you o-okay Fubuki ?
You said in worried tone and he nervously nodded and you look down.

Fubuki : What's wrong with you Shu ?
He look at shu who is rolling his eyes.

Shu : Stop being touchy with her if you love your life!!!
He said in cold tone and Fubuki smirk.

Fubuki : Already in love huh ?
He said while smirking and shu smirked back and nod his head.

Shu : Yes!!! Love at first sight.

~|A short time skip|~

Teacher : Y/n with shu.
She said and you widden your eyes as shu smirked at you.

Y/n : Mam!!! Can I do with fubuki ?
You said and she shook her head.

Teacher : I'm so sorry Y/n...but fubuki already have a partner...you have to do with shu...do you have any problem with shu ?
She said and you shook your head and nervously smile.

Y/n : No mam!!! I will do with him.
You said and look down and shu pulled Fubuki aside and sit beside you and said.

Shu : At my place...okay ?
He said and you nodded as you grab your things and went outside.

~At outside~

Fubuki : Bye Y/n...
He said and run to his car while you are comfortable with him.

Y/n : Hmmm...I have to go alon-
Suddenly one car stop in front of you and someone open the car door and said.

Shu : Sit.

Y/n : Huh ? Why ?

Shu : Did you forget about project ? We have to do...so let's go.

You nodded and sit in his car beside him and he started driving car and said.

Shu : Y/n...don't go too close to fubuki...he is a Playboy.
He said and you look at him with confused face and said.

Y/n : B-But he s-seems nic-
He cut you off by placing his finger on your lips making your heart skip a beat and he move his face close to your's and whispered.

Shu : Shhh!!! Listen to me or do you want...punishment ?
He said making your eyes widened and your cheeks turn extremely red and he chuckled.

Shu : Now don't blush too much.
He said and again sit on his seat and you look down with racing heart.

~At his house~

Shu : Sit here...I'll be right back.
He said and went to his room and you sit on couch.

Y/n : Wow!!! His house is house is really so beautiful.
You mumbled while looking everywhere.

~After 1 hour~

You were sitting while waiting for him from past 1 hour while using your phone, you were feeling so bored so, you decided to go upstairs.

You took deep breath and slowly open the door but...it's your biggest mistake as shu is standing there only in his pants his back facing you.

You screamed your lungs out making him cover his eyes and he turned around and saw you standing there frozen looking like a cute tomato girl.

He smirked and started walking towards you and he sliding his hand around your waist pulling you closer to him making your heart skip a beat and he move to your ear and whisper.

Shu : Why didn't you tell me before...you want to see me like this...it's bad to see someone secretly.
He whispered in deep voice sending shiver on your whole body.

Y/n : W-What ? I-I didn't m-mean to see a-anything...it's just you didn't c-come downstairs S-So I j-just thought to c-check.
He smirked and move his face to your neck making you scared.

Y/n : No no no P-Please don't do this...PLEASE DON'T...PLEASE LEAVE ME.
You started crying like a baby while kneeled down and he look at you with worried and confused face.

Shu : Shhh!!! Calm down...I will not do anything.
He softly whispered trying to make you calm down a little and he go to bathroom to wear his upper clothes and come out as he sit on bed pulled you make you sit on his lap.

You are still sobbing lightly on his chest while he is rubbing your back making you comfortable. After some time you calm down and about to get up from his lap but he make his grip around your waist more tight and said.

Shu : Sit here and tell me what happened ?
He said in cold yet sweet tone and you look at him with innocent eyes while driving him crazy and you look down and said.

Y/n : My father died when I was young...my mother married to another man thinking he will love her and treat me like his own daughter but after 2 months he started drinking and beating my mother...then one day I come back from school and saw my mother laying on bed lifelessly...I feel like my whole world stop...I try to wake her up but she was already gone then I realised she commit suicide...I cry hard while hugging my mother's body and then my step father come and harshly grab my hairs and try to rape me but I successfully run away from him and started living alone...I'm doing job now so I can manage my school life and everything by my own self...that's why I-I get scared and screamed.

Your eyes get teary while remembering your horrible past and he softly pull you in hug and you burst into tears.

Y/n : T-Thank you for listening to m-me...I'm feeling really b-better now.
You said and buried your face in his chest and he chuckled.

Shu : Hmmm...but you did mistake...so, you need punishment Y/N...or future Mrs.Kurenai ?
He said while smirking and your heart skip a beat and cheeks turn red.

Y/n : W-What are y-you saying ?
You said and hide your face in his chest and he chuckled and he said.

Shu : Don't pretend like you don't know...look...when I saw you today in class...you seriously took my heart harshly...I fall for you at first sight...I love you so much princess.

He said and you smile shyly and burried your face in his face.

Y/n : I-I love you t-too.
You said without looking at him and he grabbed your jaw and softly make you look at him and he placed his soft lips on your's.

He started kissing you softly showing his love and after some time you wrap your arms around him and started kissing back shyly.

After some time he stop kissing you and lay down on bed and make you lay beside him and hug you tightly.

Y/n : We are not going to do project ?
You look at him confusly and he chuckled and shook his head.

Shu : It's okay...we will do it later now let's take some rest.
He said and you place your head on his chest and said

Y/n : I-I love y-you shu.

Shu : I love you too princess.
After some time you both fall asleep in each other's arms.


Thanks for reading sugars 😚.

Have a nice day/night 😊
Love you sugars ❤️

Here is your school hot heartthrob 😏

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