Sparking/Surge Shu Kurenai X Fan Reader

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Request by kpopbts959
Thanks for your request and sorry for making you wait :'( I hope you like my story ☺️

It's a beautiful morning with your another day at raging bulls, you joined there and like every bladders you started your practicing with your bey ( B/N ) an attack type.

When you are practicing you feel like someone is staring at you so you turned around and found only your bully ( G/N ).

She always stand there when you practice and staring at you without blinking but a jealousy and anger in her eyes as she comes towards you and said.

G/N : So what's up bitch ?
She asked with bitchy tone while smirking at you as you just sighed but didn't saying anything.

G/N : Are you ignoring me ? Well I don't care but remember what I told you last week.
She said and you just look at her with angry face but don't have courage to arguments with her because you know if you started arguing with her you will only get hurt.

Y/n : Yeah! I remember and no need to remind me again and again.
You said as again started practicing with your bey ignoring her presence but she said something which broke your heart.

G/N : Well you know I am going on a date with shu.
She said dramatically while smirking as your eyes filled up with tears but you hardly hold back them.

Y/n : S-So W-What ?
You trying to say it normally but your ego is really hurt after at all you have a crush on Shu Kurenai you like him how he is good at bladding and getting serious when it's comes to train.

G/N : Nothing, I am just telling you so you can't disturb we both so bye bitch.
She went towards shu's office while leaving you all alone there feeling like to cry loudly.

Y/n : W-Why I'm feeling h-hurt when I s-saw shu w-with her ? W-Why God ?
You started crying silently don't want anyone to noticed you feeling heart broke into billion pieces feels like your soul left your body but you can't do anything because you are scared to tell him you like him more than a friend but it's too late now.

Actually in reality G/N is not shu's girlfriend she behaves like his girlfriend to tease you and hurt you she knows that you are his fan too so she wants to play a game with you like she always saying she is going on a date with him but actually she isn't and also you saw them walking together and thinks they are dating but G/N always behaves like this for showing you.

~|Time skip|~
~At beypark~

You are sitting on bench thinking about shu you tried to so many times to ignore him and stop thinking about him while he wants to practice with you but you always make a issue and leave him with G/N.

While you are sitting there suddenly a loud voice comes from the corner of the park as you cover your ears with both of your hands and you know who it was!!!

He shout while running towards you and you just look at him with sad face and said.

Y/n : Hey valt...what's up ?

Valt : Great and what about you ?

Y/n : Hmmm...fine!
You said with very low voice with sad face as he noticed it and ask.

Valt : What happened Y/n ? Why are you looking so sad ?
He said with soft tone as your eyes again filled with tears and said while stuttering.

Y/n : V-Valt you k-know already w-why I'm s-sad then why are you a-asking this.
You were crying silently while he just stare at you and said.

Valt : Hey Y/n...I know but you can tried it ? G/N is not shu's girlfriend she pretends like his girlfriend but it's not true and they are not dating.
He said straight forward but you just believe in G/N lies because so many times you caught them both talking like a couples and practicing together.

Y/n : I-I think I should l-left American and f-forget him.
You said and stood up about to walk away but Valt grab your hand and said.

Valt : can't leave him alone here he needs you understand, why you always believed in G/N lies if she is shu's girlfriend then why shu didn't treat her like his girlfriend but he treats you like one ok!!!
He has a point you think about it some minutes and let go off from his grip and said.

Y/n : I-I know it's h-hard to except the r-reality but I am not l-like who keeps thinks about which I can n-never have in my w-whole life.
You started running towards your house way as he just staring at you until you figure disappeared from there.

~|Time skip|~
~Next day~

Shu is walking with G/N while she keeps talking about expensive stuffs he felt so annoying with her but he can't say anything to her or else his dad will be mad at him.

G/N : know there is a new shopping mall open shall we go there and have some fun ?
She said with excited tone while smirking as always and shu just look at her and said straight forward.

Shu : Sorry G/N but I have so many works to do so I can't come with you.
He said and walk away leaving her there.

G/N mind : It's ok shu but remember one day I surely make you mine because you are mine ONLY MINE.
She started planning how to make him fall for her as she is thinking suddenly something popped on her mind and she smirks.

G/N mind : How can I forget my secret weapon Y/N...I will use you girl so shu can come close to me and...
She thinks and started laughing like a bitch.

While shu is walking in building to see how other bladders are doing once he comes to that place where he and you practicing like almost in 3-4 hours as a smile formed on his lips when he remembered that but suddenly his smile faded away when G/N told him that you wanted to be his girlfriend only for his looks and money so he decided to ignoring you.

He can't have a time with you so he can feels your real identity how much you loves him not for his looks but for his personality and for respective. One day he caught you talking to Valt and he listen you love him but suddenly G/N comes there and closed his ears so he can't listen what you are saying.

He ask her what she is doing and she takes him away from there and told him that you planning to propose him so you can use his money and he gets irritates after listen this so he walked away from there without thinking.

One day you tried to talk with him but he is busy to talk with G/N you saw them talking and laughing and when you went towards them he noticed you and suddenly put a cold look and ask you what you are doing here with cold tone it's broke your heart that how he is talking with you and how with G/N you just said nothing and went outside from the company leaving them talking with each other.

G/N plan become successful as she always comes between when she saw you and shu about to say anything she comes and dramatically take him away.

~|Time skip|~
~At raging bulls~

You were practicing with your bey suddenly fubuki comes and said.

Fubuki : Hey Y/n...shu calls you in his office.
He said and went off from there as you just think why he is calling you then you started walking towards his office and knock on the door and listen his voice saying "Come in" as you went inside and what you see again broke your heart you feel like the whole world just stop and you are standing in front of your death.

You caught Shu and G/N kissing there, when they noticed you they pulled away as shu just froze in his spot don't know what to say and without saying anything you run away from there leaving them all alone.

G/N mind : My plan is successful.
She smirks as shu tried to process what just happened and G/N sit on his lap with seductive look.

G/N : Hey Daddy that bitch is leave from here for forever so let's keep doing what we about to do~
She said in seduced voice and shu just look at her with angry face expression and he pushed her as she fall on floor with her eyes widened.

He said in very angry tone looking like a angry tiger who is going to kill G/N at anytime as she stood up slowly and tears started rolling down from her eyes.

G/N : B-Because shu I l-love you.


He shouts at her as she just froze while down her gaze didn't have courage to look at him.

He said as she just closed her eyes and said in one breathe.

G/N : Because S-Shu I l-love you and I k-know you still h-have deep feelings for Y-Y/N...that's w-why I did this a-all things to have you as m-my b-boyfriend.


He said and G/N crying loudly while keep apologized to him but he is not forgive her as he decided a punishment for what she did.

Shu : Fine!!! I will forgive you only in one condition.
He said trying to calm his anger and G/N looks at him having some courage he will forgive her.

Shu : I will forgive you if you explain everything to Y/n and leave from here for forever and never come back.

He said in cold tone with angry look as she nod her head and thanks to him for forgiving her.

~|Time skip|~
~At Your home~

All the lights are off door's and window's are closed and a crying sounds comes from your room as your room is too dark while hiding your face in pillow crying loudly while remembering shu and G/N kissing scene in front of her breaking your heart even more than anything.

Y/n : W-Why god I h-have so many p-problems in my l-life, whom I l-love is l-loving someone else.
You keep crying not eating anything since morning, your hairs are too messy eyes become red like blood and a blocked nose with heavy breathing.

Y/n : I t-think I should l-leave from h-here.
You decided to leave America tomorrow you stood up and wipe your tears and started packing all your things.

~|Time skip|~
~At airport~

Your flight have a alot of time so you took out your phone and started scrolling on your phone with cold look.

Since your heart breaks again and again you decided to become a cold girl who is not interested in love things.

~|In Your home|~

Shu and G/N comes to your home to explain you everything but when you didn't open the door for so long time shu ask to your neighbor's about it and they tell him you are leave America today, after hearing this his heart started paining feeling like a part of his body leaving him.

Not wasting a second he went towards his car and started driving towards airport as fast as he could not caring about speed.

~At airport~

You are waiting for your flight suddenly someone calls you as you turned around and found Shu and G/N coming running towards you.

Y/n : S-Shu what he is doing here ?
You think and a smile formed on your lips and about to run towards him but suddenly yesterday horrible incident comes in front of you as your smile faded away and quickly put a cold look and ask.

Y/n : Shu, G/N what you both are doing here ?
You asked in cold tone with serious look as he just got confused hearing your cold voice because you were so sweet girl who never behaved rude or cold towards anyone.

Shu : Y-Y/n...why are you leaving me ?
He asked coming closed towards you while holding your hand looking at you with pleading eyes.

Y/n : And who are you to ask ?
You said and yanked his hand away harshly as he tried to come more close but you stepped back.

Shu : Please Y/n don't l-leave me.
He again said but you just look at him with angry face and said in harshly.

Y/n : Why ? Oh I understand you want me to stay here with you so you can broke my heart again and again and totally killed me from inside and outside too huh ?
You said and look at G/N who is looking down.

Y/n : And you what are you doing here ? Are you here to bully me again huh ?
You said and coming closed towards her as a couple of tears left from her eyes and she said.

G/N : Y-Y/N...I'm really very sorry for w-what I did to you I k-know I didn't deserve your forgiveness but please forgive m-me I promise I will never bully you or disturbs you again, and I am the one who always told shu fake things like you just want him just for his money and looks, what you saw yesterday is all my plan I told to fubuki that shu is calling you and when you come knock on door I understand you comes so I forcelly grab shu's collar and kiss him.

She said while still looking down as you shocked in your spot don't know what to say while remembering all the memories of your and shu together before he become a boss a raging bulls but after he become boss there he started ignoring you and mostly not practicing with you.

That time G/N also joined raging bulls for shu but she noticed you are also his fan and tried to confess your feelings to him so she decided to go closed to shu so she can tease you.

You are a Innocent and sweet girl who got hurt easily but not so easily only when you saw Shu and G/N together talking to each other but when you tried to talk with shu he always make a issue and didn't talk with you properly and it's broke your heart but you still there at least for your friendship with him.

Shu : Yes it's true Y/n...please forgive me for ignoring you for breaking your heart again and again.
He said and kneeled down on his knees and you just look at him with surprise reaction.

Y/n : S-Shu what are you doing get up.

Shu : No first say you forgive me ?
You just went silent not wanting to forgive him for what he did, it's hurt seeing him with someone else happily but rude with you it's hurt that he keeps ignoring you without knowing the reality it's hurt to remember how he treats you before and how he treats you now.

Y/n : You know what I hate you so much.
You said straight forward and his eyes widened after hearing those three horrible words as he got up and tried to touch your face but you stepped back.

Y/n : First listen why I hate you so much ?
You said and look at G/N as she went off from there leaving you and shu alone and said.

Y/n : I hate you for being my favourite person to talk to even though you're awful at answering, I hate you for having no idea how much I love you, I hate how you tried to talk with me even after believe in G/N lies, I hate how you tried to hide your feelings, God I hate those red eyes and how I forget what I gonna say as soon as I saw them, but more than anything else I hate you for making me want you after knowing I can't have you in my whole life.

You said with teary eyes as he come close to you and hugged you tightly and you hugged him back.

Shu : Y/n...I love you I just love you so much.
He said as your eyes again filled up with tears but with happy tears you feel like your losing lights comes back to you.

Y/n : But if you love me then prove it.
You said and broke the hug and he asked.

Shu : How ?

Y/n : Prove it scream it to the world.
You said while crossing your arms and he just smile and hugged you again and whispered something in your ears.

Shu : I love you my princess.
He whispered it in your ear and you just look at him confusly.

Y/n : Why you whispered it on my ear ?

Shu : Because you are my world.
He said and you blushed and he just pecked your lips and your eyes widened.

Y/n : Shu!!! It's airport.
You said and hide your red face on his chest as he chuckled.

Shu mind : I promise I will love you till my death you are one and only my princess.


Hey sugars sorry for making you wait :'( and also sorry if the story is not good as you want.

Thanks for reading sugars 😚

Have a nice day/night 😊
Love you sugars ❤️

Shu : Love you my all Princesses keep supporting this author 😁😘

Author : Thanks shu 🥰

Shu : No need author bye bye good night 😊 and good night my princess have a sweet dreams ❤️

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