Quaddrive/Dynamite Battle Vampire Shu Kurenai X Shy Reader

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Request by Adeelahanim
Thanks for request I hope you like my story 😊

Woman : You betrayed me human, you shall now forever stay as a vampire.

She said while waving her magic stick as shu's body started to changing just like a vampire, his eyes were already red but become more red as blood and his side teeth's started to grow sharp as he feels his body suddenly become powerful.

Shu : I am really sorry.
He said with pleading eyes as that woman sighed and said.

Woman : Ok there is a solution, until you find your true love you will stay in this abandoned house. That's your punishment for not doing what I told you.

Shu : When will this curse break ?
He said with shivering voice.

Woman : After 900 years, there will be a girl who is suffering from nerve disorder. She will eventually comes to you, but if you failed to love her you will be forever stay as vampire and if you manage to make love with her, your curse will be broken and you will be back to your human self

That woman left leaving shu kurenai all alone in that dark forest.

Shu : I deserve this curse. Now I have to wait for my soulmate.
He said and disappeared.

~|Time skip|~
~After 900 years later~
~At doctor clinic~

Aunt : Sorry doctor ? What do you mean by that ?

Doctor : ( Y/N ) ( L/N ) is suffering from nerve disorder she needs to stay alone. A place where no one can disturb her.

Aunt : But she is only 20 years old, how can I let her stay by herself.

Doctor : It's for your niece's sake. If she continues to stay in your society then her life is at her foot. She will die, if you want to let her live long you must free her.

Aunt : Okay doctor.
Your aunt left while crying so badly.

~|Time skip|~
~At home~

Aunt : Y/n...come here.

Y/n : Yes, aunt.

Aunt : Do you remember that once you told me you want to live alone by yourself ?

Y/n : Why do you ask aunt ?

Aunt : Just asking, if you want to live alone you can.

Y/n : Really ? I would love too...but why so suddenly ? You never let me stay alone...is that because of my disease ?

Aunt : No...that's not like that. You are now grown up, you can stay by yourself now.
She said as she hugged you.

Y/n : Where am I supposed to live ?

Aunt : There is a house in a middle of the forest where no one lives. That's our great grand parents house. You will love to stay there because it's so calm and quite.

Y/n : Is that far away from our house ?

Aunt : No not so far. It will take only 2 hours to reach there.

Y/n : When am I going then ?

Aunt : Tomorrow, I already packed your things. I will show you the way because there is no road that lead to that way.

You nodded, after your parents dead your nerve disease starts to get worse. You mostly spend your time alone in a quite place. You even dropped from collage.

~|Time skip|~
~At evening~
~On the way to abandoned house~

Aunt : This way will lead you to your destination. Follow this way dear.

Y/n : Aunt, stay safe and take care. I will miss you alot.

Aunt : I will miss you too. Take care of yourself.
You gave her a tight hug because she will not meet you again. A few tears left from your aunt eyes as you break the hug and wipe her tears away and said.

Y/n : I need to go now.
You said with teary eyes and walk away.

~|Time skip|~
~At forest~

You were walking inside the dark forest it's completely dark now you think where that house located ? You were tired and exhausted too.

You are feeling scared because of wild animals sounds and some creepy noises comes from trees and bushes.

Then suddenly your gaze fall on a light which is coming from a distance.

Y/n : Ohhh!!! Finally there's the house... wait ? Aunt told me no one lives there but why there is lights on ? Well I guess my aunt told someone to light it up because I am coming.

From outside the house looks like a haunted, your body is shaking in fear but you having some courage and went inside.

Y/n : Woah! This house is much better but from outside it's looking so creepy but from inside it's really nice.

That place was really calm and quite for you. You sort all of your things and went to sleep.

~From Another room~

Shu : Human ?
A curse vampire wake up from a smell of hot blood. He slowly seek out from his room and went to opposite side of his room to his surprise.

Shu : A girl ?


Woman : After 900 years, there will be a girl who is suffering from nerve disorder she will eventually comes to you, but if you failed to love her you will be forever stay as vampire and if you manage to make love with her, your curse will be broken and you will be back to your human self.

~End of flashback~

Shu : I've waited for 900 years for you and you must be that girl who is going to break my curse.
He looked at your sleepy face and smile form on his lips and only one word comes from his mouth.

Shu : Beautiful.
He stare at your face while remembering what that woman told him.

Shu : Destiny bought you. We are born to meet.

You wake up by a strange sound coming from other side of your room. I looked at my watch and it's only 2:15 am.

You rolled up from your bed and went to the opposite side of the room. The door is slightly open. You went inside to see if someone was there.

A strong wind made you shiver as you shivering from coldness.

Y/n : Did I saw someone passed by my side ?
You looked back and found no one, again a cold wind made you shiver.

Y/n : Door are closed and windows too but where this wind comes from ? It's like someone is blowing a wind towards me. So cold, I better go to my room.
You walked inside your room.

You screamed your lungs out when you saw someone is laying on your bed but you can't see him clearly because of darkness.

Y/n : W-Who are you ? Are you g-h-o-s-t ?
You stuttered in fear, you asked several times but get no reply. This silent mood really irritates you now so you shakingly went near him and about to touch him but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down on the bed.

Your body starts to shivers more as you tried to run away but he again pulled you down on the bed.

Y/n : W-Who are you ? Are you g-h-o-s-t-
He cuts you off by pulling you more closer to him and he said.

Shu : Shhhh!!! You are so loud my ears are ripped because of your screamed.

Y/n : P-Please let me g-go.

Shu : No it's my house and you sneak into my house without my permission.

Y/n : I-I didn't k-know that it's y-your house.

Shu : Why are you stuttering I am not gonna kill you.

Y/n : W-What ?

Shu : Do you believe in vampires ?

Y/n : N-No, They doesn't e-exist-
You can't complete your words when he put his finger on your lips.

Shu : They exist and I am the one of them.
He said and your eyes widened.

You said while shout a little and he said.

Shu : Aren't you afraid of me ?
You don't know what to say because you were already scared and now become more after hearing he is a vampire so, you just nod your head.

Shu : No need to scared of me I am not gonna kill you.
He said in soft tone and it's gives you some hope that he didn't hurt you.

Y/n : S-Show me your f-face.
He obyed and looked down at you. You can't see his face clearly because of darkness in the room.

Shu : What's your name ?

Y/n : ( Y/N ) ( L/N )

Shu : Well I am shu kurenai.

Y/n : K-Kurenai can I a-ask you s-something ?
He chuckled when you call him by his surname.

Shu : Y/n...you can call me shu.

Y/n : Oh ok! Actually I see in movies that vampires have long nails, sharp sided teeth's and red eyes so can y-you show m-me that ?

Shu : Tomorrow let's sleep now.
He said and got up from your bed and went towards his room as you sighed and fell asleep.

~Next morning~

You woke up and caught shu staring at you with his hot red eyes. You can't see his face clearly last time but today you can clearly see his face.

Y/n mind : He is really so handsome with his white hairs and snow skin.

You were so lost to stare at him as he slowly smirked and said.

Shu : Are you enjoying the view cutie ?
He said while smirking naughtyly as you blushed when he calls you "cutie".

Y/n : Y-You are h-here ? What are y-you doing h-here ?

Shu : Nothing just enjoying to see a beautiful and cute girl in front of me.
You blushed again at his compliment and looked away.

Y/n : Can y-you show m-me your sharp teeth's ?

Shu : Ok make the room less dark and I will show my vampire self.

You turn off the lights and suddenly his cute vampire face changed. His eyes turned more red than before and his side teeth's was so sharp, but he still looking so cute even in vampire form.

You always thought that vampires are such a creatures but the vampire you met is very cute and handsome.

Y/n : Are all vampires are cute and handsome like him ?
You thinks if he is a human you would fell in love with him.

Shu : Ummm...are you satisfied ?

Y/n : W-Wow you are really a v-vampire.
Your face is still red to seeing a very sexy and handsome vampire boy in front of you.

Y/n : I have a question can I a-ask ?
You said and he nodded.

Y/n : Vampires drinks the blood of human what about y-you ?

Shu : I never taste a blood of human in my life.

Y/n : Then how do y-you survive ?

Shu : I eat what human eat.
You ask some more questions and he answers all of them and he said.

Shu : May I ask you a question too ?

Y/n : Y-Yes

Shu : Why do you come here ? I mean this place is very creepy.

Y/n : My aunt sent me here. I have nerve disorder disease and I am a kind of person who don't like to stay in a place where so many people live I like to stay alone at calm and quite place.

Shu mind : You are really my soulmate.
He thought staring at you while describing your natural beauty as he said.

Shu : But why this place ? This place is so far away from where you live. There is no way out from here. You can't go back.

Y/n : I am not going back. I come here to stay forever.

Shu : How did you find this place ?

Y/n : My aunt told me this house is our great grand parents house, but what about you ? Why are you here ?

Shu : it's a long story. I will tell you later.

~|Time skip|~
~After 2 months~

It's 2 months has passed and your nerve disease starts to get better and better and the bond between you and shu grows bigger and bigger.

~At night~

Since you born you have a nightmare where a woman is giving someone a curse and it's always make you hard to sleep.

Y/n : Ahhh!!! This dream again ? Why is this woman appearing in my dreams ? "A curse" what she is trying to tell me ?

You got up from your bed and walked towards shu's room.

You knock on the door and heard his voice saying "Come in" as you went inside in his room.

Shu : Y/n...why are you still up ?

Y/n : I had a nightmare. I can't sleep.
You said as he smirked and said.

Shu : So you want to sleep with me that's why you come in my room in night~
He said while smirking and you blush again looking like a whole tomato.

Y/n : N-No I t-thought you are s-still wake up b-because I see in movies that vampires didn't sleep too much.
You said while looking down as he said.

Shu : Come here, get inside the blanket I will tell you a story.

You still blushing but having no other choice after at all he is your best friend he is your first friend in your whole life so you immediately get inside the blanket hiding your red face.

~Come to the story~

900 years back, there lived a 20 years old boy who always had a nightmare the bad memories of his parents dead. So, one day he went to the witch and begged "Please get rid of all my bad memories so that I won't ever have a nightmare again, then I will do anything you want".

And the witch replied "I will get rid all of your bad memories but in one condition, you must marry my daughter, if you do that then your wish is fulfilled".

He married to a witch's daughter but he wasn't happy because that witch daughter always do something to poor animals like killing them and then give them birth etc. He hates how she ordered him to do what she says and one day he killed his own wife and run away.

When he reached at a forest where there is a big abandoned house the witch showed up.

"You killed my daughter and betrayed me human, now as your punishment you stay forever as vampire" a witch put a curse on him. Now his curse will be only broken by his wife, when his wife reborn after 900 years and his wife will eventually comes to him...

Shu : That's it.

Y/n : Ohhh!!! The poor vampire. Then what happened to the vampire ? Did his curse broken ? What about his wife ?

Shu : A curse is not broken yet but his wife is with him but she doesn't know about it.

His words made you shock as you slowly understand what he means.

Y/n : Is that curse vampire is YOU. You are telling me a story of y-yourself ?
He nodded and you sat straight on bed and asked.

Y/n : Then who is going to break your curse ?
You asked and he looks at you and said.

Shu : You
He said and your eyes widened.

Y/n : R-Really ? I can't b-believe this...how can this p-possible ?

Shu : I know it's hard to believe but the curse says if I manage to make love with you then my curse will be broken and if I failed to make love with you then I will stay forever as vampire.

He said while staring at you as you blushed more hard hearing "making love with him" and you tried to hide your red face and he said.

Shu : It's in your hands Y/n...to break a curse or not ?
You are thinking deeply while blushing more hard that how you make love with him.

Shu : Y/n...what are you thinking ? Are you mad at me ?

Y/n : N-No I am n-not.
You said as he sighed and said.

Shu : It's not necessary to do that Y/n.
He said and disappeared.

Y/n : He is angry or disappointed at me ?
You pout and after thinking about this you fell asleep.

~Next morning~

Shu is sitting on couch waiting for you to come after a few minutes you come downstairs and his breathe stop after looking at you, you were wearing a short pink skirt with black sleeveless crop top.

Shu mind : Damn she is looking so hot but still so cute.

Shu : Good morning Y/n...

Y/n : Good morning shu...
You said and sat on couch besides him as he can't stop staring at you.

You were sitting there peacefully but feeling someone keep staring at you so you turn your head to your right side and can't even process anything when shu pressed his lips to you kissing you passionately, you blushed like to tomato and still in shock he keep kissing you and the kiss was so soft that you don't want him to stop so you let him do whatever he wants and also you only let him to touch you because you are the only one person who can break his curse.

He picked you up and started walking towards his room and threw you on the bed and come on top of you. He attacked on your neck making love bites and hickies there.

Y/n : Ummmhmmm...s-shu~

Shu : Moaned my name princess~

You both started making out then he bend down to your stomach and kiss you there and bend more and~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now think by yourself I am still a Innocent girl 😅 LMAO just joking I will make lemon another day.


Sorry if I miss anything 🙃

You can leave request ;-)

Thanks for reading sugars 😚

Have a nice day/night 😊

Love you sugars ❤️

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