Sparking/Surge Sick Shu kurenai X Shy Reader

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Request by kpopbts959
Thanks for request I hope you like my story 😊
It's night and you are sitting on couch while watching TV and waiting your boyfriend to come home.

Shu kurenai...your sweet and caring boyfriend but some days he doing overwork because he owns a raging bulls company.

You always told him to not to do overwork or late night work but he always avoid your talking because of work.

You stood up and went towards the main door with a smile on your face when you heard car sound.

As soon as you opened the door your smiled dropped.

When you saw exhausted...pale...tired shu.

He smiled weakly and you slowly entered the house.

Y/n : Shu ??
He noticed your worried face and spoke.

Shu : Y/n...I'm fine...I'm just a bit tired.

Y/n : But-

Shu : Shhh! No more questions.
He smiled and you smiled back a hugged him like always but noticed his skin is warm.

You pulled away and placed your hand on his forehead to examine his temperature. Your eyes widened he is burning with fever.

Y/n : Oh! Shu you have a high fever.
He sighed.

Shu : Don't will go down by morning.
You just looked at him worriedly.

Shu : will be alright no need to worry.

Y/n : How can you say like that shu ? Why can't you take care of yourself ? health first then everything else.

He didn't say sighed and helped him to get to your shared bedroom.

He went to the bathroom to take a bath and you ran straight to the kitchen to make soup for him.

After preparing soup for him you took bowl and grab the wet cloth. You came back and saw him laid down on the bed and his eyes are closed.

You sat beside him and placed the soup on the nightstand. You took wet cloth and put it on his forehead.

He opened his eyes when he felt something wet on his forehead looking over to you he weakly smiled.

You did it few times to cool down the fever.

Soon you noticed his temperature is getting normal. You smiled and helped him to sit.

You took the bowl from the nightstand and started feeding him. Neither you said anything nor he but he was kept on starting at you whole time.

Spoon by spoon he finished the soup.

Y/n : Take some rest.
You said and made him lay down on the bed and carefully covered him with a blanket.

You sighed in relief and took bowl and went back to kitchen. After a while you come back and saw him sleeping peacefully.

A smiled formed on your face as you slowly walked towards him and sat beside him not wanting to wake him up.

Your hands slowly made their way towards his cheeks caressing it softly.

Y/n : Get well soon.
You whispered and loot at his lips and slowly leaned closer and pecked his lips softly then pulled away and again you kiss him softly, but this time he slowly moved a little making you startled as you quickly sat straight.

He opened his eyes and look at you.

Shu : What are you doing Y/n ?

Y/n : Ummm... nothing.

Shu : But I think you did something...

You bit your lower lips and shook your head.

Shu : I think you did something.

Y/n : huh...I didn't do anything.
You said innocently and he glared at you.

Shu : Aren't you going to tell me ?
You didn't say anything.
Shu : Just tell me I won't say anything.

Y/n : ...........

Shu : Don't test my patience.

Y/n : I-I just checked your body temperature.
The way he's looking at you making you nervous.

Shu : Really ?
You nodded while looking down. Then he didn't say anything just stayed quiet. You looked at him to see why he didn't say anything and you caught him staring at you without blinking. Your cheeks started to heat up.

Y/n : Shu...stop staring at me.

Shu : Why ? I'm making you blush hmmm ?
Your cheeks which were red already now become way more red than before.

Shu : I love it when your cheeks turns red because of me.

You couldn't take this anymore your heart is beating so fast like it could explode out of your chest at any moment.

Y/n : Stop shu...
You stood up and about to go but he immediately grabbed your wrist and spoke.

Shu : Then tell me what you did ?

Y/n : I already told you-
Suddenly he pulled you to lay down and hovered above you and pinned your hands to the either side of the bed as your eyes widened.

Y/n : Shu...w-what are you d-doing ?

Shu : Y/ already know I don't like if someone say lie.
He said in cold tone with serious look as you gulp because he is getting angry so you closed your eyes and spoke.

Y/n : Sorry...I k-kissed you.
He raised an eyebrow then got out off you and laid down on the bed beside you as you slowly sat straight beside him feeling shy.

Shu : You kissed me...when I was sleeping huh ?
You just looked down down have courage to look at him.

Shu : Answer me.
You nodded slowly avoiding eye contact with him.

Shu : How can you kiss me while I'm sleeping ? How did you do huh ? Do it again.
Your eyes widened as you blush so hard.

Y/n : huh ? W-What ?

Shu : Acting Innocent hmmm, I can't feel anything while I'm sleeping so, do it again.
You were feeling shy...he pulled you closer and rested his hands on your waist and spoke in a deep husky voice.

Shu : Why can't you do while I'm awake babygirl~
He said while smirking as you gulped and leaned closer and placed your lips on him pecking him and about to pull but...
He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you more closer to deepend the kiss. He continued to kiss you as you did the same.

Then he backed off to catch breath as your cheeks still burning. You laid down beside him and hugged him to hide your red face.

Shu : Don't be shy of your boyfriend.
He said while caressing your hairs, you moved closer to his chest and closed your eyes but suddenly he stopped caressing your hairs and spoke.

Y/n : What happened ?

Shu : We shouldn't be close like this I don't want you to get sick.

Y/n : Don't worry...I don't get sick.

Shu : What if you get sick then ?

Y/n : I really don't get sick that easily.

Shu : Yeah! You shouldn't get sick otherwise...
You opened your eyes and look up at him, he tucked your hairs behind your ear and spoke.

Shu : No cuddles for a week.

Y/n Ahhh! Shu...

Shu : Come on let's sleep.

Y/n : No...first take your words back shu.

Shu : Why ? Didn't you say you don't get sick that easily then why are you scared.

Y/n : What if I get sick then ?

Shu : Then there's no cuddles for a week.
You slightly pushed him and got out of his grip and turned around your back facing him, you felt a pair of arms sliding around your waist he back hugged you and spoke.

Shu : Princess...are you mad at me ?

Y/n : Of course not...why should I ?

Shu : Really ?
You sighed then turned around and cupped his face.

Y/n No...I am not mad at take some rest... good night prince.
His eyes widened when you call him "prince" he kissed your forehead then he came back to his side and closed his eyes. Soon you both fell asleep separately.


Sorry if story is not good :-( this is my first time to write but don't worry I will make good next time.

You can leave request ;-)

Thanks for reading sugars ❤️

Have a nice day/night
Love you sugars ☺️

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