Superking/Sparking/Surge Busy Shu kurenai X Reader

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Request by kpopbts959
Thanks for request I hope you like my story 😊
~Y/n P.O.V~
Since the day his works from home has started he has become very busy than before.

It is like he has converted this house into his office when he works 24/7.

Sometimes I wonder, am I even visible to him or he doesn't know I am exist!

I tolerated his behaviour for so long but now I am impatient.

He was sitting on couch in front of me with his laptop and some work related papers as always so I went there and snatched the papers from his hands.

Shu : What the hell Y/n...are you out of your mind ?
He asked me with a very angry and irritated tone.

How can he react like that ? does he remember when was the last time he gave me a smile or at least look at me ?

Shu : Give me those papers.
He commanded.

Y/n : No, I won't.
I protested.
Doesn't he know how am I feeling I had decided I won't let him work today I need him today I am not feeling well.

Shu : Stop being brat Y/n and give me those papers.
Really! It looks like this work is more important for him, doesn't he even care for me ?

Y/n : Why should I ? It is like the work is more important for you than me.
He didn't react to that instead he got up and started pulling papers from my hand.

Shu : I swear to God Y/n...if these papers get tear up because of you-
Before he could complete his sentence we heard the sound of paper tearing.

We both looked at the paper and then each other in very horrified way.

I wanted to apologize to him but before that I felt e everything getting blurry and my head started spinning.

I reached to hold him for support but before I could reached to him everything become darker.

~Shu P.O.V~
As I reached to pick her up I realised that she had become unconscious and her skin was burning due to high fever.

How can I didn't realised my princess was sick.

I ran into kitchen and bought some water sprinkle on her face but she wasn't waking up.

I quickly carried her in bridal style and ran towards my car.

~|Time skip|~
~On the way to hospital~
I can't believe how can I be so careless for her. I looked at my princess but she still not moving.

Why didn't you told me that you wasn't feeling well. I admit that I was busy these days but you should told me these important issues, was this how much I ignore her ?

I was trying to drive as fast as possible to reach quickly to the hospital. My princess was still not moving and my heart rate were out of control.

I still remember when I propose her first time.

We were sitting on a bench in our collage canteen. She was bowling her eyes out while treating bruises on my hand.

Y/n : Promise me you will never get into a fight again.
She said while couple of tears rolling down from her cheeks.

Shu : I can't stand it when some bastard bullies you.
I wipe her tears away with a smile.

Shu : Y/n...I promise you, I would never let anybody hurt you again.
She hesitated for some minutes and then asked.

Y/n : Why do you care so much for me shu ?

Shu : because I love you Y/n...
She was shock but was also blushing tremendously.

Y/n : R-Really S-Shu ?
She stuttered as I laughed a little.

Shu : Yes my princess I love you so much~

Y/n : I-I love y-you too.

~|End of flashback|~
Tears started rolling down from my eyes continually.

I promise her that I would not let anybody to hurt her again then how could I hurt her feelings ?

"Don't worry shu... nothing will happen to her, you need to be strong"
I calm myself.

As I reached to the hospital I quickly took her to the OPD and enrolled her the doctor sent me away to bring some medicines so I left her there for sometimes.

"I promise you Y/n...I will never ignore you again and I will also watch your favourite movie with you"

I was planning how to spend time with her after we go home, as I went back inside the hospital I saw doctor coming out of the OPD ward so I ran towards him and asked.

Shu : D-Doctor how is s-she now ? has she w-woken up ?
I wanted to be with her when she wakes up.

Doctor : I am sorry Mr.Kurenai, we tried our best but it was too late for patient to reach hospital.
I couldn't process his words in my mind, what was he talking about ?

Shu : Doctor I can't understand ? What you mean ?
I asked barely audible.

Doctor : I am sorry Mr.Kurenai but we couldn't save her.
Without wasting any second I rushed inside the ward, everything become blurry as I focused on Y/n.

Her whole body and face covered with white cloth.

My legs become jelly and I fell down on my knees, I wanted to stand up and go towards my princess to hold her and wake her up but I didn't have courage to do that.

I started crying loudly without care for others.

Shu : Y/n---my princess please w-wake up y-you can't l-leave me like that, I am sorry I a-accept my mistake but don't p-punish me this much bad.

I kept blabbering my thoughts while crying loudly. It's become very hard to breathe and I started getting suffocated.

Y/n : S-Shu...
huh ? am I hallucinating ? but I heard her voice once again, as I listen to her voice it was coming from another bed!

~Y/n P.O.V~
When I opened my eyes there was still some pain in my head and I realised I was in hospital and suddenly a guy started barking near next to my bed making my headache even worst, but when I heard him carefully the barking dog wasn't random dog, it was my dog- oh I am sorry I mean it was shu!

Why he is crying so loudly, I got confused and worried so I called him and the next moment like a lighting bolt he stuck on my body hugging me tightly.

Y/n : S-Shu I can't b-breathe.
I told him trying to lose his grip from me.

Shu : Oh! I am sorry!
He released me quickly.
He was looking like a living dead with those puffy red eyes which were become more red because of crying and his red nose.

Shu : Y/n---are you okay ? Thank God you are alive!

Y/n : What do you mean, I got unconscious not dead!
I punched him playfully.

Shu : Y/n...I was scared, I thought you leave me. I think there was some miscommunication with doctors.

I felt sorry for him by looking at his state he was really very scared and worried, so I pulled him closer and hugged him tightly.

Y/n : Don't worry shu-chan you know I am not leaving you easily.
I said trying to make him laugh or smiled but he got more serious and holding my hands as he looked into my eyes.

Shu : Y/n---i am sorry very sorry for ignore you, I am sorry for hurt your feelings, I am sorry that I didn't realised you are in that much sick.

At first I was very angry with him but when he apologized my anger got vanished.

Shu : but in order to make it up to you I promise I will watch the whole movie with you I will cook your favourite carbonara in dinner and we will cuddles the whole day.

He definitely knows how to make me happy I held his face into my hands and pecked his lips.

Y/n : I love you prince.
Shu : I love you too princess.


Sorry if story is not good but don't worry I will make good next time.

You can leave request ;-)

Thanks for reading sugars ❤️

Have a nice day/night 😊
Love you sugars ❤️

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