Choosing paths

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-Ruby POV-

I was in my bed, thinking about everything that has been happening until now. That shrine, the forest, how we met Marie, the plains, the colossi.

I stopped there. The fight against those creatures. In hindsight, that fight was extremely dangerous and stupid. The moment we knew that those things were a threat, we ran directly to them trying to kill them. If it wasn't for Asriel, all of us would have died there.

Right now, I just feel it wasn't worth it. We may have contained a possible threat to the city, but the damage that the fight caused to Asriel just makes it pointless to me. I still think it was the right thing, especially seeing the amount of hate those things had. We were trying to help, but...


Why were we so reckless!? Whatever we achieved that moment didn't justify the damage we caused him. He literally got his soul crushed in that battle!

What am I supposed to do to help now?

I sighed and laid down on my bed, staying in silence for a few minutes, thinking about what to do from now on. Even if I already have an idea of what I want to do, I don't know if I should do it. I want to be someone as important to him as Ahri is...

My face is starting to heat up by the thought. I mean, I just kissed him without any warning, running away immediately after doing so! I can't believe I did something so bold and just left without saying anything else!

How am I supposed to become Ahri's rival if I'm so shy at making advances!?

I need to think of a plan of attack! That's it! I'm going to work hard to become Ahri's love rival!...


I hugged my knees while making an embarrassed expression. I can't become Ahri's rival! Who could!? She's way too perfect in various ways! How can I even dream of competing with her!? I'm just a sixteen year old girl with no attractive qualities! I'm still so immature in so many senses.

What am I supposed to do!?


Maybe I should ask Yang for advice. Wait, maybe she is mad at him for what happened in the fight against Kurumi. After all, Asriel almost toasted me. Well, technically it was my fault for stepping in the middle like Ahri. But I couldn't just stand there with my arms crossed while Asriel was losing himself in a rampage.

Okay, let's stop for a moment.

So, I figured out what I want to do. The problem is that I don't know how to do it. But I'm sure I'll figure it out later.

Now that I think about it, I can't keep avoiding my friends all day. I need to go out and show them that I'm fine. Maybe ask them for some advice.

Anyway, I left my room and walked through the hallway towards Yang's room. As I walked closer, I could hear a conversation going on inside. I recognized my sister's voice and then Weiss'.

Weiss: How we should tell them?

Yang: I don't know. Ruby is probably still asleep, and I think Asriel is talking with Ahri and 2B in his room.

Some seconds of a silence, clearly filled with tension, followed. Weiss continued the conversation with the same question we all have.

Weiss: How did we get involved in this mess?

Yang: I have the same question. What really bothers me is, how are we going to get out of it?

Silence fell over the room, again. I made a worried expression, is there anything I can do to help? Is there anything that I'm making wrong?

Weiss finally broke the silence and asked the same question I had in mind.

Weiss: How do you feel about Asriel?

Yang: Huh? Oh! Ummm, I don't... I'm not sure.

Weiss: Are you scared of him?

Yang: A little, yes. What about you?

Weiss: To be honest, I am.

Yang: So... what are we going to do from now on?

I decided to enter the conversation, opening the door and entering the room. They both looked at me with surprised expressions, that right after became joyful faces.

Weiss/Yang: Ruby!

They ran towards me and pinned me down to a hug, hurting my back in the process.

Me: Girls! You're hurting me!

Yang: Are you okay? Anything broken? Any burn scars? Should I look for medicine!?

Me: Yang!

She stepped back with a slight embarrassed face.

Yang: Hehe, oops. I got a little carried away, sorry.

Me: A little? You were crushing me. By the way, I didn't expect that reaction coming from you Weiss.

She averted her gaze immediately. Sometimes she's just too shy.

I stood up and walked to the bed, sitting down and patting my sides to invite both of them to sit with me.

After a mental sigh, I resolved myself. I should tell them what my plan is from now on!

Me: *sigh* Girls, we need to talk.

Weiss sat down at my left and nodded with a slightly concerned face, Yang did the same as her. Both were waiting for me to talk.

I guess it's time to show my determination. But first, I want to hear theirs.

Me: What are you going to do from now on?

Weiss: So, you are wondering the same.

Yang: We are not entirely sure to be honest.

Me: Well, whatever you decide, I want you to know that I'm staying here. Even if you choose to leave, I won't stop you.

Weiss: You are staying? Without a doubt?

Me: Why would I doubt?

Yang: Aren't you scared? Or worried about what is going on?

I stayed silent for a moment, before standing up and turning to see them directly.

Me: I would be lying if I say that I'm not scared, I don't know entirely how to react to all the events that are happening so sudden. But I know that if it's about Asriel, Ahri and 2B, then I won't leave them.

My sister seemed to be surprised by this, in a bad way. She didn't take long before she started to freak out.

Yang: He almost killed you last night!

Me: It was my decision!

Yang: What if next time he doesn't react?! You'll end up as mere ashes!

Me: That won't happen, and you know it.

Yang: No, we don't!

Weiss: Okay! Calm down you two!

We both turned to see Weiss, clearly affected by our small discussion.

Weiss: Just 30 seconds and you two already started to yell at each other. So calm down. Now, Ruby, you said that you won't leave him and that you are sure he won't go on a rampage again. How can you be so sure?

Me: I'm not just talking about Asriel. I'm talking about Ahri and 2B too. We made a promise, Ahri and I. We promised that we were going to find a way back home for me. No, for all of us.

Yang: Okay, but the main question is still unanswered. What about Asriel?

Me: I-I don't know.

Weiss: If you don't know, then how can you be so sure he won't go on another rampage?

Me: I... I hope he doesn't.

Yang: *sigh* Ruby, do you even understand what are you going against?

Me: N-no, but you don't know either. The only difference is that I don't want to let my fear guide my decisions.

Both looked to each other, deeply concerned. But I'm not done with this discussion. Not yet.

Me: If I were the one in that position, would you abandon me?

Yang: Never, but you and he are not the same.

Me: I don't care. I won't leave them.

We three stayed silent for almost a minute, until Yang finally spoke.

Yang: You are not the only one that feels that way, but I still don't want to put you in danger.

Me: No one is putting me in danger, except for me. I'm the one that runs towards danger, but that's because running towards danger in order to save someone is what a hero would do, isn't it?

Yang: This is not a fairy tale.

Me: I know. This is not a novel, this is not a movie. This is our life. But that's what I want to achieve. I'm not abandoning him, I'm not abandoning them. I'll stand by their side, willing to help whenever they need me. We only have each other in this new world, in this new life. I'm not going to let everything get shattered by my own fears.

Yang: Do you even have an idea of what to do?

Me: No, but I'm still going to face everything ahead with a determined heart.

Weiss finally integrated in the conversation.

Weiss: I don't know what this is, but I imagine that it's related to... that nightmare. There is a strong connection between us and him now, whether we like it or not.

Me: He was there for you when you most needed him, without expecting anything in return. He barely knew any of us, actually. I did the same for him once, and I would do it again just because that's the right thing to do.

Another moment of silence fell on the room.

Yang: I know how he feels in a way. I can't deny that, in the worst-case scenario, I would undoubtedly do the same as him. To protect you, to protect my family, I won't hesitate to take a life. I'm scared of that resolution, and I'm scared about him, about me. I know that he wasn't like this before; that it's our fault that his heart is slowly falling into apathy. But I don't know what to do.

Me: We don't know either, but that's fine. We don't need to know right now. After all, we always solve everything as it comes to us, so why would this be any different?

Weiss: We promised that we were going to be there for each other whenever we're needed.

Yang: I know.

Weiss: Then why are you doubting so much? The answer is quite simple, isn't it?

Me: We all take care of each other.

She took a moment to think about it though.

Yang: So, we are going to try to help him?

Weiss: You are a little fixated with him, aren't you?

Yang: W-what?

Yang stumbled a little after hearing this, slightly blushing...

Wait a minute...

No way! My sister is going to be my rival too!? I could barely accept that I'm competing with Ahri!

Weiss: I mean, we are not just talking about him, we are talking about Ahri and 2B too.

Yang: No, uhm... I... My worries are...

Weiss: You like him, right?

Yang: W-why are you saying that?

She started to slightly pull the neck of her jacket in embarrassment while looking away with a blushing expression. So, yeah, my sister likes him too! Amazing, now my battle is twice as impossible as it was before.

Weiss: Got to admit, I feel attracted to him too.

Me: NO WAY!!! YOU TOO!!??

Weiss: You have to understand, meeting someone that cares about me for just being me, not knowing my family's influence, or even caring about that. It's something new to me. Even more, he's kind, well educated, and funny. He just makes me feel good while I'm around him.

Nooooo!!! The rivals are increasing at a high rate!! I can't let this keep going!

Me: Oh no! I'm drawing a line here! I came first to him! I'm ascertaining my dominance in this matter!

Both Yang and Weiss stepped back in surprise for a moment before looking to each other, then looking back at me with smug smiles.

Yang: You didn't tell me you were interested in him in that way.

Weiss: Is this like that time you were looking for a boyfriend around Beacon?

Me: W-what? No way! I'm serious here! Besides we are getting away from the original reason of this conversation!

Weiss chuckled a little at this. Somehow, I think that seeing her like this is becoming more common lately, like she's becoming nicer each day.

Weiss: You are right. So, we resolved ourselves?

Yang: I... think so. But if he suddenly tries anything funny with any of us, I'm going to beat him up.

Me: You know he won't. I'm actually more worried about Ahri.

We all laughed a little at the small joke. I don't know how, but I managed to cheer them up. Now the only one that is left to confront is Blake.

Yang: So, what are we going to say to Blake?

Weiss: You're right, she seemed to be really affected by this matter. She's notoriously more concerned about this than us.

Me: Well, Yang was the one who talked to her before the gala in beacon.

Yang: Hey, don't pin this on me, I don't know what to say to her now. Last time it was a situation where I completely understood how she was feeling. But now, I don't know. The only one that might understand it is Asriel himself.

Me: Then maybe we need to let the two of them talk.

Weiss: We also have to talk with him.

Yang: Yeah, well, maybe tomorrow. Have you seen outside of the window?

She said while pointing behind her. Weiss and I looked there, noticing that it was night time already. I guess I woke up at a very late hour then, or was it in the morning and I spent the day rolling around my bed thinking on what to do?

Weiss: Yang's right... wow, that's something weird to say. My mouth tastes funny.

Yang: Ha ha, very funny, ice queen.

Weiss: I told you to not call me that!

Me: Didn't your status plate show Ice Queen as your class?

Weiss: Don't remind me.

She looked down with a depressed mood, Yang only patted her back to give her comfort. I could only make a dry smile to this.

Me: Okay then. We better take rest and prepare for tomorrow.

Yang: Yeah, it's going to be a tiresome day.

Weiss: I'll come up with an annoying nickname for you two one of these days.

Yang: Just give up, that nickname will accompany you to your grave.

Weiss: I hate you two.

Me/Yang: We love you too.

She made a wry smile to our response, standing up right after and walking towards the door with a light mood. She looked back at us after opening the door.

Weiss: Sleep well, you two.

She walked out right after. I stayed there with Yang for a moment, before she started to take off her clothes.

Yang: Well, I guess I'll prepare for bed then.

Me: Have a good rest, Yang. I love you.

I walked to the door too and heard her response as I closed the door.

Yang: Love you too.

I closed the door behind me and rested my back against it for a moment, letting out a deep sigh. Maybe I should take a rest too. Being unconscious isn't the same as to be asleep, after all.

I guess.

Or is it the same?

I'm almost sure it isn't. Do you have dreams when you are unconscious? Did I dream something? I can't remember really well right now.


Me: Weiss! I need you to help me with something!

I heard her voice coming from the other side of the corridor.

Weiss: People are trying to sleep!

Me: Just answer me this! Please!


-Ahri POV-

I slowly opened my eyes, expecting the sunlight to pour down on them, but it didn't happen. I noticed how I was sleeping. If I remember well, last night I let my passion run wild with Asriel.

Speaking of him, I'm currently hugging his left arm as my body pillow. 2B was doing the same with his right arm. Can't blame her though, we were a little savage a while ago. Well, I was the savage one, Asriel was basically tied to bed. Does that mean we raped him? He was reluctant to it at the beginning, but he was really enjoying it after half a minute with 2B. I hope he's not mad at me now.

Sitting up, I checked the clock on the wall. It was still 5 am. Which means that I only slept for half an hour. Well, I got some pure life essence from Asriel while we were at it a while ago. For the record, he let me do it. I'm not hurting him while doing it either.

Asriel started grunting while sleeping. Just by looking at him I could tell that he was clearly in pain. He was sweating, showing a pained expression.

Me: Asriel!? Asriel wake up!

He didn't react after I shook him, something that seemed to wake 2B up. She sat up in the bed like me and looked at me confused, she then saw Asriel and immediately became as worried as me.

2B: What is going on!?

Me: I don't know! He just started to grunt in pain!

2B: Has this happened before!?

Me: No! We normally sleep without problems!

We both started to shake him with more strength, until I decided to do it forcefully. I haven't used this kind of magic until now, but it's necessary right now.

Me: I'm going to do something that I don't like.

2B: What are you planning?

I got closer to his face and softly breathed out some magic essence to him. He inhaled the glitter and immediately calmed down. 2B looked surprised at me.

Me: I-I don't like to use this kind of magic.

2B: What was that?

Me: I controlled his emotions, all I did was calm his fear.

He slowly started to wake up, clearly discomforted.

Asriel: What happened? Why do I feel so unnaturally calm?

Me: It was me. I-I manipulated your emotions, you seemed to be in pain and I...

Asriel: I see. Okay, don't worry about it. I feel better, actually. Next time, just let me wake up naturally. It wasn't that bad anyway.

Me: What do you mean? You were suffering back there.

Asriel: It's nothing new for me, it happens every time we don't have our little talks in the oneiric world you made.

Me: What!?

2B: How can you think about that as something normal!?

Asriel: As I said, I happens every time. You don't have to worry about it.

Me: Asriel...

Asriel: Trust me about it, if this were that bad, I would have asked for your help a long time ago.

2B: How long it has been since this started?

Asriel: Since the colossi.

I should have figure that out.

Me: Those things become more and more interesting as the time pass.

2B: The library of the city didn't have a single book about them. When I asked the people there, they said that every record of the creatures was lost in time, with the fall of the ancient Mahiri kingdom.

Me: Guess we'll have to figure it out for ourselves one day.

Asriel: Anyway, I'm going to the city hall.

He stood up and started to dress up, basically ignoring us.

2B: Why are you going over there?

Asriel: I'm going to take a simple petition about any stupid thing to go out of the city. Marie is still in that tree.

2B and I looked at each other with concern, he didn't even hesitate, and was about to leave.

Me: Wait, we are going with you.

2B: We were planning to return there anyway. We might as well do it together, there is no way to know what is waiting for us there.

Asriel stopped for a moment before turning towards us.

Asriel: You are going to follow me anyway, right?

2B: Indeed.

Me: Of course.

He sighed and gestured for us to follow him. We nodded before taking our clothes to dress up, meanwhile he went out of the room. A thought emerged on my mind, though.

Me: Do you think he's going to be okay? I mean, about those nightmares.

2B: I had nightmares before. Though they're not pleasant, I don't think we'll have to worry about it. Especially when he said that he can handle it.

Me: I know, I trust him after all, it's just...

2B: You are going to be there for him, no matter what, isn't that enough?

Me: I have my concerns.

After all, last night told me everything. "It may be impossible. It may look like a lost cause. But even if I throw away everything, even if I don't seem to hear your voice anymore. Please don't let me fall, please don't let me win that final game." He gave up on himself.

But I won't, no matter what. If I'm not enough, then I'll ask for help from those with the same feelings I have for him.

2B: By the way, about last night...

Oh, right, that.

Me: I thought it was necessary.

2B: How could something like that...?

Me: He needed that little push. Trust me, if it were for me, I would cut the hand of any woman that would try to touch him.

I looked at her with serious eyes, a mix of surprise and a little fear was visible on her gaze. Sorry B but that's the truth.

Me: You love him too. So, even if I want to keep him all to myself, I know that I'm just not enough.

2B: How can you say that? Why do you...?

Me: He hasn't noticed it yet, or maybe he's avoiding it on purpose. He already fell for you and the others.

2B: Even if it's that way, why would you let other women get closer to him? Or let me do what I did last night.

I won't let him fall, no matter what.

Me: Let's say there is a castle suspended over a bottomless abyss, with one powerful yet lonely pillar holding it. The pillar would keep the castle in place, but with time, the pillar would crumble down, and the castle will fall into the abyss.

Her first reaction was confusion, I expected it of course.

2B: Where are you going with this?

Me: But what if the castle was being held by multiple pillars? All of them strong, maybe not as resistant as the lonely one, but each one sharing the same weight to keep the castle standing. If one of the pillars happen to be destroyed, the castle won't fall, because the others are still there, holding on, until a new pillar rises to share the weight.

She seemed even more confused by my words.

2B: That sounds logical, but I still don't get what you mean.

Here it is, from now on, there is no turning back.

Me: I want all of us be those pillars, to hold him high and never let him fall into the darkness. I want all of us to be there for him, because I know that in the end, I will fail to save him just by myself.

2B: Ahri...

Me: Just promise me this. When the moment comes, become his strength the same way I'm doing right now.

Our eyes were locked onto each other. The atmosphere felt heavy, but it wasn't time to focus on that. I wanted to hear it from her.

2B: I said that I will stay with you from now on, and I'm planning on keeping it that way.

Me: Thank you.

All I could do was give her a hug. After that, we went out of the room and found Asriel talking with the young boy 2B calls 9... something.

Asriel: Don't worry kid, she's pretty strong already. Besides, we all are together with her. She'll be safe, we're all going to be safe. I promise.

Me: Making promises already?

2B: I see you are as worrisome as always Nines.

I smiled at her, but then I noticed the boy's face. Without the blindfold that all the androids of B's faction had, his expression was completely exposed. He was completely shocked, but that changed immediately to a huge smile...

Asriel and I locked eyes, then we turned to the boy, and averted our gazes with a hand covering our mouths. I know what's on his mind, because I'm thinking the same here.

That kid is cute as hell!

9S: 2B! You called me Nines!

2B: Y-yes, I thought that there was no need to hold back on that anymore.

Asriel: Hold back?

2B: You see, back in our world, I was...

9S: She was more distant, most of the time it was just me talking to her.

Asriel: I can relate to that, when we first met, I was the one that took the wheel in each conversation. Even though I was mute at the time.

2B: What can I say, I was still hesitant to open up to you.

Me: Well, you seemed to be pretty open to Asriel last night.

She turned at me with an upset look while Asriel tried his best to hold his laughter, luckily the boy didn't seem to understand what I meant with that.

9S: Wait, I was wondering. Where were you last night 2B?

She stiffened her whole body before turning back at him to try to explain.

2B: You see, I went to check on Asriel and Ahri last night because I thought that he might still be affected by what happened during the battle of two nights ago. But I decided to stay with them to... make Asriel feel safer and accompanied.

Asriel: I was scared for my life last night.

2B: See, he needed it.

Asriel: No, I was scared for my life because of you and this fox over here trying to dry me up. Seriously, why did you accept right away when you clearly saw me being tied and gagged by Ahri's tails?

2B: Wait, isn't that normal for you two?


That was a surprise, even for me.

Me: Do we really seem to be the type of couple that would have those kinds of games?

2B: I just thought that it was normal for you. Asriel seems to be the kind of guy that will please his lover no matter what, and you...

Do I really give that kind of image to others!?

Me: We'd better stop talking about this now. We have something to do, don't we?

Besides, I think I'm outnumbered here. I might win against 2B alone, but Asriel has a lot of information that I would like to keep secret from the others. Judging by how he's not entirely pleased with my actions last night, I'm sure that the more we talk about this subject, the more dangerous it'll be for me.

I'll make it up to him later.

Yet what I did last night was necessary. Even while disguising it as my usual playfulness, it was a much-needed step for him. He has to accept his own feelings for the others. He can't keep ignoring his heart; those feelings could end up turning into something dark.

It's not going to be easy to convince him about the little "harem" situation but it's necessary if we want to keep him sane from now on. Yet it's also a risky move if we act the wrong way, since we can't force it onto him.

He has to accept it by his own will; he has to let us become his bases, whom he can rely on to keep standing.

This is not only for him either, this is for all of us. We all share the same feelings for each other, we are not going to just hold him. We are going to hold each other. At least, that's what I'm aiming for.

Because I won't let this story have a bad ending, I swear.

By the way, the boy, who was left out of the conversation, seemed to be confused by what we were talking about. Tilting his head, wondering what was going on. At least that's what I think he's confused about.

9S: Wait, I got lost, what are you three talking about?

Asriel: It doesn't matter right now, the sooner we depart, the sooner we'll bring back my daughter.

His attitude changed completely when I reminded him what we were going to do. He turned around and walking away, towards the end of the corridor. B and I exchanged glances, then she beckoned the boy to follow us while we hurried to reach Asriel's side.

I don't know what is waiting for us in that tree, but whatever it is, there is one thing that I'm sure about.

We are taking back Marie, no matter what.

Took me time but here it is, I'm going to keep this going. I recently got distracted by my brithday and the litlte gift I made myself (A new PS4) So I'm not really organizing my time. But I got a lot of ideas to write and I'm not planning on stopping, so please don't abandon this story or the other I have, I really appreciate your interest. Thank you for reading this and thanks to the editor @Wolfyrino for helping me with this every time. See ya! :D

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