Extra chapter: A quick glance to the past

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-Ahri POV-

I was drinking some tea with Asriel. We were on the Oneiric Realm that I created some time ago. He was really talkative, as usual. I guess it makes sense, you know, since this is the only place where he can actually speak.

I really enjoy these kinds of nights. Being alone with him, hearing all the things he wanted to say during the day; just smiling and laughing.

I like to see his smiling face, so happy that he's able to talk with someone this way, not just have a one-sided conversation. Just to see him like this every night makes me feel happy.

I can't lie, the more I interact with him, the more I feel like he is special to me. I don't know yet what kind of feeling I have for him. I'm mostly sure is love, but I don't know if this is the maternal kind of love.

For now, I'll keep listening to his little story of the mission he took with Blake yesterday.

Asriel: Ignoring the annoying amount of people in the city hall, and the frustrating first day of investigation, something good came out of that mission.

Me: What?

Asriel: I discovered that Blake purrs if you pet her.

Me: You're kidding.

Asriel: Nope, she started purring when I pet her before going to sleep, I swear.

Me: Ahahaha! Even I don't make any sound if you pet me, and sometimes I think that I'm more fox than human!

Asriel: You don't? That's a shame, I think that would be one of the cutest things I'll ever see. One day I'll make you do it.

Me: I'm part fox, not cat. I don't do that.

Asriel: We'll see about that.

We both chuckled a little before he continued his story.

Asriel: Anyway, we spent the entire first day looking for anything that could explain why the golems of the ruins were advancing towards the forest, but we didn't get any results.

Me: You mean that you two wasted the entire day?

Asriel: Something like that, but at the end we discovered the source of the problem. It was some sort of boss golem; definitely stronger than the others. Besides, it was three times bigger.

Me: Did you take care of it?

Asriel: Yes. It was a troublesome fight. Most of our attacks didn't affect it, not even Raphael was able to do anything. It's a little embarrassing to say this, but Blake was the one that saved me there.

Me: Ohh~ I'll make sure to hear her side of the story some other day then.

Asriel: The best part is that I felt so much closer to her during that little time we got for ourselves.

Me: Like you and me here?

Asriel: A little, yes. But different at the same time. I don't know how to describe it.

Me: I can understand that feeling.

We stayed in silence for a while, until he stood up and walked behind me, it surprised me by hugging me from behind.

Asriel: Thank you, for everything.

Me: What did I do?

Asriel: For hearing me, and for making me smile all of these nights. This little paradise has been exactly that for me, especially when all that I get during nights are nightmares.

I was surprised when I heard this.

Me: Nightmares? Why?

Asriel: Did I ever tell you about the fight against the last colossi?

Me: The mental attacks?

Asriel: It wasn't exactly that. The shock was aimed to hit the soul directly, to smash your will with your deepest fears. I can tell that that creature, the colossi, it wasn't something to be taken lightly. Everything with a soul would actually lose against it.

Me: But the girls told us that you resisted, and saved them from their own hell.

Asriel: I don't know much either, maybe it's something that has to do with what I am. The important thing is... I saw their lives.

Me: Their memories?

Asriel: No. To put it simply, I lived their lives in their souls.

Me: Do you mind if I take a look?

Asriel: You can do that?

Me: Of course. Let me see, I'll make sure to not take any life essence or memories from you.

Asriel: Please do, I don't want to lose the few memories I have right now.

I grabbed his face with my hands. As our lips got closer, I started to inhale the memories from his soul.

The story of their lives. Ruby. Weiss. Blake. Yang. They all had difficult lives in a way, but all of them knew how to make the best of them. Then I saw Asriel on the side, living everything, feeling everything, all at the same time. It was... complicated.

Our eyes met, and I saw so many emotions. Too many to keep track of, too many to even be able to process them all. I got what I wanted from him, so I stopped before I start consuming his life essence or his memories.

Me: You know, seeing their memories made me remember my own life. I think I have experienced similar situations to all of them.

Asriel: Really? Can you tell me about it?

Me: You want to hear it?

Asriel: Well, you always listen to me every night, I want to return the favor.

I thought about it for a moment, rested my chin in my hand, and finally deciding to tell him about my childhood.

Me: This happened when I was just seven years old...


I reached the coast of Valoran after sneaking in a boat that transported fruits, vegetables, and some plants that grew only in Jonia. I escaped the merchants and hid the whole journey. I heard that the artist that made my pendant lived on this continent, and I needed to find him to know who and what I am.

After walking for days without a clear destination, I started to think that this wasn't a good idea. I didn't know the languages that people used on this continent, I didn't know the cultures or the geography of the place. I was completely lost.

More days passed. I was living in a forest, hunting some animals while practicing my magic, although it was very limited. I didn't have much knowledge yet, so my extensive gallery of spells only consisted of a magic orb that I knew how to cast by mere instinct.

Day by day, the feeling of loneliness became stronger. The need for human essence, the hunger for cooked food. Everything started to come to me, but then I had a stroke of luck.

One day, an old man was walking through the forest I was hiding in. He was wandering around, like he was lost. I sneaked closer to him to see what was wrong.

Old man: Oh dear, I truly got lost... *crack* huh?

I hid by jumping to the closest tree. I can't believe it. Stepping on a stick, good job Ahri.

Old man: Is someone there?

Judging by his appearance, he is not dangerous. Plus, if he becomes some kind of threat, I can use him to practice my magic. Jumping down the tree, I made my presence known to the man. He just stood there with his eyes wide open.

Old man: What is this? A child, lost in the woods?

Me: Sort of.

Old man: Oh, so you speak my language. Judging by your appearance, I thought you would only know how to speak Jonian.

Me: I can speak the languages of this continent too.

Old man: So, where do you live, young lady?

The man asked as he walked closer to me, causing me to instinctively take a defensive position. He raised his hands in sign of surrender.

Old man: Calm down, I'm already too old to be able to hurt you.

Still hesitant, I let my guard down, at least in the surface, I was ready to attack at any second. But I wasn't able to feel any ill intention coming from the man.

Old man: Do you live close to this forest, in a nearby village?

Me: I've been living in this forest for some days.

Old man: You don't have any home?

I shook my head. He kept staring me with sad eyes, then.

Old man: Do you want to come with me?

Me: What?

Old man: I don't have much, my wife and I live in a small house of the nearest village.

Me: Why are you offering me that?

Old man: What is wrong with trying to help a child in need?

Me: But I'm a vastaya, I thought that they were hated on this continent.

Old man: Not in our village, we live away from Noxus reach, and usually don't follow their beliefs. We like to be in peace close to this forest. Tell me, can you use magic?

Me: I-I do.

I created the small sphere of magic energy in my hand. The magic flames danced around with the form of a little fox. The man seemed to be greatly surprised, like he was seeing a miracle.

Old man: Splendid! You seem to have a lot of talent in magic!

Me: Really?

Old man: Yes, you are, my wife and I would more than happy to receive and take care of such a talented girl. Though, you'll have to hide it if you don't want to be taken by the Noxians for their army. They are recruiting people for a new invasion.

Me: B-but, are you sure that you want to accept some stranger into your house, so easily? Even worse, with the risk of the Noxians hearing about this.

Old man: I can't just abandon a child in the middle of the forest. Not when I have the chance to help.

The man gave me a warm smile, a smile that made me feel comfortable. He didn't have any bad intention. Something inside me was telling me that, like an instinct. But then I remembered something I heard when he came closer.

Me: Uhhmm, aren't you, like, lost?

The man immediately froze in his place, eyes filled with surprise. Right after, he was on all fours, lamenting his mistake in a very comical way to me. I walked closer to him, and patted his back with a wry smile.

Me: M-maybe, do you have anything with the smell of your house? Or your wife? Something that you brought from the village?

Old man: Huh? That's right! I took this!

He took out a precious pendant.

Old man: Even though I gave it to my wife as a gift some years ago, she keeps insisting I use it every time I go out of the village. She says that it's to give me luck. And to be always close to me.

That's so sweet! I want to be like them when I grow up!

But wait...

Me: That pendant, it has a little magic infused with it.

Old man: Excuse me?

Me: Y-yeah, it has a weak aura, but I feel it. Actually, the pendant does increase the luck of the person wearing it.

Old man: Oh my! This makes it even more special then.

That made me chuckle a little. He really seems to be a nice and funny man, and he gives the aura of a natural father too. Maybe I could...

It doesn't matter right now.

I need to concentrate, I have another objective on this continent.

As we were walking towards the house, guided by the smell, I wanted to know more about this place. The more information, the better.

Me: H-hey... Mr...

Geoff: Geoff. That's my name. Since my family is nothing more than mere farmers, and doesn't possess any particular strength. We don't have any last name. We weren't recognized as citizens of Noxus, and, even worse, Demacia is at the other side of the kingdom. The journey would end up killing us. To add more wood to the fire, we can't reach for Jonia, either, since the maritime routes are well protected by Noxian fleets.

Me: How do you live, then?

Geoff: We support each other. Harvesting, hunting, selling to the pirates and the Noxian merchants. I imagine that there are a lot of things you want to know about this continent.

Me: Y-yes.

Geoff: Well then. My wife Bianca and I would be more than happy to help you out.

Me: Why are you going that far just for me?

He stopped for a moment. I stopped as well, to not leave him behind. He walked to me and gently grabbed my shoulder, giving me a warm paternal smile and a little chuckle with it.

Geoff: This is something that my family has kept as their ideology for generations. Help the ones in need as much as they need, not as much as you can. You need guidance. Not just on this continent, but in life too. If you left Jonia, then I think your family must have been a very dysfunctional one, or a nonexistent one.

Me: The second. I came here to Valoran because I want to know more about this.

I reached for a little pocket in my skirt, and took out the pendant. Mr. Geoff looked at it like he has seen it before.

Me: Do you know anything about this?

Geoff: Not much, just that it is a crafting of a talented and recognized sculptor in all Valoran. Some of his works ended up in Jonia, huh? What's more, in the hands of a little vastaya girl.

I looked to the ground in disappointment. I was expecting at least a little more information from him, but apparently he was as confused as me.

Geoff: Maybe my wife would know something about it. Come on, we have to reach the village before sunset.

I think that I can trust this man for now. He doesn't seem like a bad person, after all. I just hope that one day, I can finally find my family.

I know this is really short, and that I said that it was going to come out in saturday, it was a matter of both our dear aditor being busy with personal stuff, and I was in the same position. But here it is, I'll make sure to upload the chapter of Working for idols on wedenesday or thursday by the way. However, I hope you liked this short chapter, this will start a series of extra chapters explaining the past that I'm giving to Ahri, if there is any other extra chapter soon, it'll be more about her past. I'm planning on release all the extra chapters I have in mind and I haven't upload them by then when the book is over. (I hope this sentence wasn't as horrible writen as I feel it was) Thanks for reading this and thanks to Wolfyrino for editing this. Bye >:3

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