Confusion and a new resolution

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Three days have passed since the incident with Marie, things calmed down with time, everybody agreed to stay a week on the forest relaxing, seeing how their entered on a battle to the death on their first day of being summoned.

Funny enough Marie seemed really comfortable hanging around with the girls and not just with Asriel like she originally thought, she even called Ruby and 2B big sisters, but her relationship with Ahri was still tense, getting to the point where both didn't talk to each other. But what really made things clear, at least for Ruby and 2B, was how both usually where discussing which one of them would be with Asriel most of the time.

Asriel was most of his time with Marie or Ahri, usually playing with the first one or sparring and hunting with the second one. Ruby was also an active member of the sparring sessions, while 2B was normally just watching them, Marie sited herself at 2B's side to watch the sparring session, but principally to hear whatever song Asriel was playing when he had to fight. Apparently, the ability that Asriel used three nights ago was the manifestation of an angel called "Gabriel", what was more surprising was that he immediately learned how to use it with mastery, according to him, it was like the information of the angel was already there on his mind. The angel had the capacity give a boost to the caster and affected one's abilities, increasing the speed, strength, perception, etc. it could even be able to restrict enemies or leave them stunted with soundwaves. Asriel knew that the angel was able to control people minds, like a hypnotizing song or whatever, but he decided to hide it from the girls and avoid using it.

Right now, Ruby was sparring with 2B while Asriel and Marie where watching from afar, they where on the titanic plain again to avoid damaging the forest, Marie's suggestion, and be able to move freely and without trees or roots on the way.

Naturally the sparring session ended with 2B as the winner, Ruby was laying on the ground tired, 2B got closer and started to remark her mistakes during combat, like her recklessness and how she hurried herself to attack instead of waiting for the right moment. Asriel was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed while Marie was sitting on his lap, both amazed for 2B's mastery with the sword. But their where interrupted by an irritated voice.

Ahri: Can someone tell me what are all of you doing?

The four of them looked a little scared for hearing her tone.

Marie: Tsk, why do you have to always ruin the fun? stupid fox.

Ahri: All of you know what time is it right?

Ruby: Uummmm...

Ahri: It's dinner time! Now stop losing time playing and come to eat immediately.

2B: I don't really need to eat actua...

Ahri gave her a scolding stare making her stop at the middle of her sentence.

Ahri: If you don't show proper manners then this little rascal here is going to start imitating you, so take off that bandage/visor or whatever and come here to eat dinner properly.

2B: Y-yes ma'am.

Marie: Who are you calling little rascal!? Huh?

Ahri: Obviously you, don't think I didn't hear what you called me just now.

Asriel tried to calm her down, but before he could even try to do a simple gesture, Ahri spoke.

Ahri: Oh no, don't even try to defend this child now because these three days you haven't done anything else than being spoiling her, instead of educating her like a good father would do. You let her eat like an animal, give her whatever she wants whenever she wants it, ignoring any bad behavior coming from her, you need to be educated as much as her, I really don't think you are acting like a father would do. So, for now on, I'll be educating both of you.

Marie: WHAT!!??

Ahri: What you heard, if this kid over here is going to be your father then I'll take the roll of the mother, because you both need it.

Asriel was looking down in shame for his bad parenthood, while he was questioning himself how to be a better parent, he was left alone with Ahri, but didn't noticed it.

Ahri: Hey! would you kindly return to reality?

Just as she said, he returned to reality and looked around searching for the others.

Ahri: They are already on their way to the old tree, listen here I want to talk with you, in private.

Asriel gave her a confused look, then nodded signaling he was ok with it.

Ahri: I know there only been four days, since we know each other, and three days since you became "father", but you seriously need help to raise that kid. And help on your life in general, you are almost as childish as Marie.

Asriel looked down ashamed one more time.

Ahri: Look, I'm not blaming you for anything, you barely know anything and the things you know makes you question yourself how you know them, I'll be honest, to me you are still a child, at least on your mind. That's why I want you to let me help you with her. Let me help you in general.

Asriel gave her a surprised look, but still he was genuinely happy for her offer, so he nodded energetically, making Ahri chuckle at this.

Ahri: You really are cute, if you need help, don't doubt and just tell me, ok?

He stood there for a second, smiling at her, and finally hugged her, Ahri was surprised at the beginning but she returned the hug, when they separated he grabbed her arm and started running to the old tree to eat, she smiled at his childish actions and let him be.

When they arrived, everyone was waiting for them to start eating.

Marie: There you are, why did you take so long? You didn't do anything to papa right? You stupid fox.

Ahri was going to reply but Asriel moved faster than her and stood in front of Marie with an angered face, signaling her with his finger and then signaling Ahri.

Ruby (whispering): What is he trying to say?

2B (whispering): I don't know.

Ahri: He is telling you to say sorry.

Marie: What? Of course n...

Asriel nodded to Ahri's comment, pointing to the ground as trying to say "right now"

Marie: But...

She received a severe look from her treasured dad, finally giving up and apologizing to Ahri.

Marie: I'm sorry.

But her dad kept looking at her, telling her it wasn't enough.

Marie: I'm sorry for calling you stupid, and I won't call you like that again.

Asriel made a satisfied look on his face and sat down at his daughter side, Ahri smiled seeing him acting like a father for the first time and sat down too, right at his side. An improvised table was in front of them, with dishes and glasses filled with water.

Ruby: No matter how many times I see this, I still can't believe you made all of this with magic, Ahri you really are amazing.

Ahri: Something like this is easy for a mage of my level.

She showed a proud face with a cocky smile, actually, every single dish, glass, spoon, kitchen knife and other kitchen utensils where made by her easily. She was a mage back on her world so something of this level was like a child play.

Ahri: All of you washed your hands?

Everyone nodded to her, except for a little girl, who just looked away hoping that she wouldn't be noticed.

Ahri: Marie?

Marie: I...

Ahri: *sigh* come here, I'll wash them.

Ahri casted water out nowhere (apparently) and washed Marie's hands with it, then used a little breeze to dry her.

Ahri: Ok, everything's ready, let's eat everybody.

She said with a smile, receiving the same as return. The dinner a little quiet today, no one seemed to have anything to talk about, but Ahri noticed that Asriel was occasionally sending glances to her, looking away every time she looked back at him. So, she decided to trick him a little, when he looked away from her she stood up silently and positioned herself on his blind spot, putting her index finger on her mouth asking the others to stay quiet. When he looked back at his side was surprised for her sudden disappearance, and started looking for her on an obvious way, Ahri got close to his right ear and whispered to him.

Ahri (whispering): What are you looking for sweetie?

This surprised Asriel a lot, but it didn't have the effect she expected for, his face was completely red, and his breaths shake from time to time, soon he stood up and walked away, ashamed in an inhuman level.

Ruby: What was that?

2B: I've never saw him like that before.

Marie: Papa?

Ahri saw all that with an amazed expression, but soon it became a mischievous smile.

Ahri (thoughts): Was that? His weak spot? Maybe I should confirm it, but that would be another day.

Ruby and 2B decided to act like they didn't see anything, while Marie was confused for what just happened.

Marie: I don't understand, what happened? Why papa walked away?

2B: I don't know either.

Ruby: And I actually don't want to know.

-Time skip-

It was nighttime already, Asriel was with 2B taking a walk while hearing some music on Ruby's scroll.

2B: I think you use that thing more than Ruby, you know?

Asriel simply shrugged to her remark, giving a smile as saying, "what can I say?" making her chuckle a little. He stopped the music and opened the app to talk.

Asriel: I wanted to ask you, how different is an android to humans?

2B: Why do you want to know?

Asriel: Because the only human I know is a hyperactive girl wielding a deadly mechanical scythe, and because every time I see you interact with the others I can't see any difference? So, I want to know if I am the one who doesn't notice something obvious.

2B: Well, now that I think about it, I don't know if there is a real difference, comparing the androids I knew in the resistance camp and YoRHa to all of you, I don't see much difference. I even knew an android that was like Ruby.

Asriel: How so?

2B: She always was smiling and acting cheerfully, believing easily what others say, she once sent me a message about other operators reading their fortune seeing another planet. She seemed really excited about it.

Asriel: Did that really worked?

2B: It was useless chatter for me, but hours later she sent me another message saying she got the worse lectures on love, work and luck, and told me that it was stupid to trust your future to something like that.

Both laughed to the funny anecdote, But Asriel couldn't do other thing than stare at her, a beautiful smile covering her face, making her even more attractive than she already was. She wasn't using her blindfold/visor, her beautiful eyes where visible, shining with a cyan color. Asriel was absorbed by her beauty for a moment, blushing a little while seeing her.

2B looked back at him, still smiling, causing him to turn away his gaze for the shame, she noticed how he was looking at her and looked away too.

Asriel started typing on the scroll to keep the conversation.

Asriel: And how you used to be on your world?

2B: I-I was c-colder I think, 9S always said I was super serious, always concentrating on the mission and avoiding trivial things.

Asriel: 9S? Who is he?

2B: Remember when I said I had a partner? a scanner model.

He nodded after remembering their conversation the first night, smiling a little for it.

2B: He was very sociable, always curious and kind hearted, although it was easy to exasperate him. I really miss him.

Asriel: Sounds like he is special to you.

Even if the app couldn't give an intonation, somehow 2B noticed that Asriel had a hint of disappoint on his face, she didn't understand why thought.

2B: He is, something about him made me feel calm. Like I feel comfortable around him.

Ruby: You finally arrive! We were telling stories of our old worlds.

Asriel didn't even noticed that they went back with the others, Marie immediately noticed his saddened face and came closer to him.

Marie: Is everything ok papa?

Asriel looked at her and gave her a saddened smile and a thumbs up like he was ok, but Ruby got worried too.

Ruby: Well you don't look ok.

He just waved his hand to say not to worry, making everyone doubt.

Ruby: If you say so. Why don't you sit with us around the fire? I was about to tell a story from my times on Beacon academy.

Both Asriel and 2B sat down around the fire, he sat close to Marie and Ahri, while she sat down close to Ruby.

Ruby: So, I was just hanging around the place, looking for everybody...

Ahri (whispering): Are you alright?

Asriel looked confused for a moment, but simply nodded, still with a disappointed look on his face.

Ahri (whispering): You are just like Ruby, I'll put this clear, I know that something is bothering you, spill the beans already.

She cornered him to answer, making him uncomfortable, but he finally gave up and gave a look to 2B.

Ahri (whispering): B?

After he nodded she understood.

Ahri (whispering): She likes someone else, right? *sigh* I realized that you like her since the first night here. I don't know what to say to you, you'll have to get over it by yourself I guess.

He sighed and returned his attention to Ruby's story.

Ruby: She then asked for her book back, hahaha, so I simply yelled at her "Later!!!" hahahahaha! the look on her face, I can't believe she could read that and like it.

Ahri: I thought that you were the one with bad tastes.

Ruby: I know I don't have refined literary tastes. But that book was just filth.

Renard got close to Asriel and started talking to him

Renard: Are you ok buddy? You look kind of down.

Asriel (thought): I just discovered 2B already love someone.

Renard: Ooohh, I'm sorry about it.

Asriel (thought): Don't be.

Ruby: I have been wondering, Asriel and Renard are usually looking each other to the eyes.

Ahri: Don't tell me you are into that Azzy, and here I thought that you were normal.

Asriel didn't understand what she wanted to say with that, but soon after he realized and became mad at her, mixed with shame, and started giving soft punches on her shoulder.

Ahri: hahahahaha! okay, okay, explain why! explain why! hahahahaha!

Asriel kept an angered stare on Ahri and pointed to his head, then to Renard head and intertwined the fingers of both hands.

Ruby: Your minds are connected?

Both Renard and Asriel nodded to her.

Marie: Renard, why you didn't tell me about it?

Renard: You never asked.

Asriel (thought): you can talk to her too?

Renard: Yep, she and you are the only ones that can hear me.

Marie: Did he told you something?

Renard: Yes, since he can't talk he only talk to me telepathically.

Marie: Papa can do that!?

Suddenly an idea came to Asriel mind, trying to put it to practice, he called the angel and raised a pipe from the ground at his side, giving it a single command.

???: Testing, testing, does this sound good?

Everybody looked confused for a second but immediately after an amused smile came to their faces... and then burst into laughter. The reason was simple, the voice that came from the pipe was the voice of a little girl, very similar to Marie's

Asriel (?): Ok, this isn't what I expected.

Ruby/2B/Ahri/Marie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Asriel (?): Please stop laughing! I was just testing if this was a viable way to talk! It's not my fault if it sounds like a kid!

Ahri: HAHAHAHAHA!!! please stop talking!! I'm going to pee myself!!

He deactivated the pipe, stood up and walked away in shame, waving his hand as a goodbye. The fouR girls calmed down and talked about trivial things for a while until Ahri decide to touch a delicate subject for a woman.

Ahri: Sooooo, any of you had a special one back on your worlds?

Ruby: I-I didn't have any boyfriend or anything. What about you 2B?

Ahri: Yeah, tell us B, do you have anyone?

2B: A lover? I never thought about romance back in my world, I use to consider it unnecessary and troublesome for the mission efficiency.

Ruby: Aaaannd, how about now?

2B: N-now? I-I don't know, I don't think I'm suitable for a relationship.

Ahri: Really, I thought you and Asriel where already a thing.

2B: W-wh-what? Of course not!

Ruby: Really!? You and he seemed really close to each other. I thought that you were...

2B: No! I'm not suitable for a relationship, I don't know how to express feeling, or recognize them well.

Ahri noticed the little spark of hope on Ruby's eyes after hearing that 2B and Asriel weren't dating. It wasn't hard to figure out what was she thinking, so Ahri decided to make things clear.

Ahri: Ok, now I get what is going on here, you two like him right?

2B/Ruby: WHAT!?

Ahri: Ok before you two start saying nonsenses, I understand you just like him, it's not like you are completely in love and will follow him to the end of the world. So, let's stablish some rules.

Marie, who was listening everything in silence finally entered the conversation.

Marie: Rules? What, are you stablishing dominance over papa?

Ahri: No, we three like him, but we are not going to make a competition or anything, for now we are just going to keep going like we normally do.

2B: You think I like him? And you like him too?

Ahri: He is hard to ignore to be honest, Marie said it already, he is to perfect to let him go. Someone so pure is almost imposible to find, besides, we don't know how long he's going to stay that way.

Ruby: Well then, how are we supposed to act normally now that we know the we all like him.

Ahri: Again, we just like him, it's not like we want to marry him immediately. I'm not going to go crazy or feel depressed if he choses one of you or find another woman.

Marie: I see, what you try to say is that we must let everything happen how is supposed to, getting to know each other and let feeling appear little by little and whatever happens, just happens.

Ahri: Exactly, you are more mature than I originally thought.

Marie: I had to learn how to see people's intentions after all. Five years living alone with Renard weren't that simple, you know?

Ahri: I guess we are not so different.

2B: What if someone does an advance with him?

Ahri: Well, as long he is okay with it, it's fine, just let things go naturally, ok? I'm going to sleep now.

Ruby: Sleep well.

Marie: I'm going to sleep, Renard is tired too.

When the little Dryad and the Kumiho abandoned the place, Ruby and 2B stayed there still thinking; at the end both decided to go to sleep too.

-Asriel point of view-

This is confusing, having memories of past relationships would help, yet, it's just the fourth day since I woke up and I'm already having trouble with women. *sigh*

Ok, I need to stablish my feelings, do I really like any of them? Is it bad? Or I'm just panicking for nothing?

Ahri: Hey, what are you doing here?

I turned around and saw Ahri walking through me, she was swinging her hips like she usually does, I have to admit that it always stole my sight, there was something hypnotic about her, no matter what she does she made it with elegance and beauty.

Ahri: Don't you think you are staring too much?

I lose myself again in thoughts, so I gave her an apologetic look and invited her to sit at my side.

Ahri: Today has been confusing for you right?

I nodded at her, I'm not going to overthink why does she always appear to know what is in my mind. I guess I'm just too simple.

Ahri: You are not as simple as you think you are, you know?

There it is, why I'm not surprised? I can tell she read me like an open book every time we're together.

Ahri: You are not the one with the problem, ok? It's just that I always had to see people's real intentions.

What does she mean by that? She saw my confused face and kept explaining.

Ahri: You really are something special. I know you are uncomfortable here with us, and it's understandable, you are the only male here, and you are not sure about what you know, what you feel and what you have to do, but still try to make everybody happy.

And again, she knows exactly what's inside of my mind, she is amazing no matter how many times I think about her.

Ahri: It would be nice if I could talk to you, if we could actually have a conversation, to hear what you think and not have to assume it by looking at you. Even if you can use Ruby's scroll or the angel to "talk" I never felt comfortable with it. I remember what you called me the first day we met, you said that I was beautiful, from the bottom of your heart, I think I want to hear it coming from you, and not an intermediary.

I want to tell it to you directly too, there is a lot of things I want to say, but I don't know why I can't talk, I don't even know if I was born like this or it was an accident. I just want to tell you how beautiful you are, to all of you, I want to thank you for being at my side these days.

Ahri: I imagine there is a lot that you want to understand, a lot that you want to know, a lot that you want to say. You may be wondering why we are still at your side, that we could just walked away and leave you behind.

I understand that none of you would be able to abandon someone in need of help like that, but I still can't understand why you risked your life against that monster when Marie tried to kidnap me.

Ahri: But above everything else you must be wondering why we put our life on the line during that battle. I'm sure Marie told you what happened during that fight, but I'm sure she didn't tell you everything. During the fight she asked why we didn't abandon you; and to be honest, I want to be with you, not in a romantic way thought... at least not yet.

She said the last part in a lower tone and I couldn't hear it, the more that I hear her, the more I want to know about her, I'm not sure why thought.

Ahri: I want to see what you do in this world, your achievements, your failures, you seem like someone that might go far, I want to see that journey, I want to ask you, would you let me witness the story of your life? Would you let me stay at your side?

I looked at her, directly at her beautiful golden eyes. I just gave her a smile, she didn't need anything else anyway, she always knows what it's on my mind. But I still want to say it to her, I want her to hear me. So I tried to say it, I could only look at the ground ashamed while I tried.

Asriel: I... w-wa...nt... y-y...ou... t-t...o st-s...tay... at... m...y...

I tried with all my heart to say it, I don't know if she understood what I tried to say. When I looked back at her, she was smiling, that damn smile, as if she wasn't beautiful enough, is this how you feel when someone steal your heart? Or is something else?

And then... she hugged me, much to my surprise, normally I would be flustered and ashamed, but now I just feel... good. I really can't understand what is happening on my mind, on my heart right now. But she, Ruby, 2B, Marie and Renard always make me feel like... home.

Ahri: Hey, there is something that all of us have been preparing for you, Marie seemed especially exited for it; and I think this is the perfect moment for you to hear it.

I was confused, she just walked away. Should I follow her? I stayed there wondering myself what to do. Moments later she returned with Ruby's scroll on her hand, handing it to me. It was on the music gallery, on a song called "Home".

Ahri: Just press play.

Tears where running through my face, I can't believe they wrote and prepared this on just a couple of days, but I was glad, really glad about it.

Ahri: Do you like it?

I stood up, looking at her, just to give her a hug

Ahri: I assume that is a yes.

I stay like that for a couple of minutes, she didn't reply to it, so I just enjoyed the moment. But then she offered something that I didn't expected.

Ahri: Do you want to run away with me?

And there it is, another chapter of this little story, I'm sure you can see where is this going to, next chapter I'm going to develop even more the relationship of these two little foxes, thanks for reaching this note, see you next time, bye.

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