Natural partners

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-Ahri point of view-

Assy was in front of me, giving me that usual confused face that always look so cute in him, I guess I wasn't so concise.

Me: I'm not telling you to abandon everyone and never come back if that's what you're thinking, I mean to just chill out in the forest, I was planning on going anyway, sooooo, you want to go?

He seemed relieved after hearing that, I guess I should be more precise from now on, however, he didn't think much of it before saying yes.

Me: Ok, we better get going if we don't want to waste this beautiful night.

We started to walk without a destination, just to pass time, he seemed happy while seeing the trees and flowers, like he loves being surrounded by nature, I like to see him that way, smiling so innocently, he remembers me to Sona, I just hope that doesn't give me urge to push him to the ground and take his innocence away.

Now that I think so, this is the first time that I'm genuinely attracted to a man, I mean is not like there was any competence in Runaterra, most of the males in the league where idiots and all the hot guys were whether crazy or already taken by other girl. I mostly spent my time with my friends, mainly women; I still remember my first relationship in the league, a failure that I'll never forget.

I looked back to Assy and saw him thinking about something, he looked serious, I honestly think he look hot when he does that, he really is a perfect combination between cuteness and hotness; to make things worse his usual dressing doesn't help, that bandages all over his upper body made him look really good, I have found myself looking deeply into him more than just once.

He snapped me out of my thoughts when he touched my shoulder, he was pointing somewhere, it didn't take long before I noticed where he was pointing, the shrine, the place where all began. It would be good to give a last check on that place before we leave the woods.

Me: So, you want to give a last check on the shrine? Ok, I'm curious too, so let's go.

He nodded to me with a serious look before star walking.

I followed him and decided to break the silence.

Me: Now that I think so, I haven't told you much of me doesn't it?

He denied with the head and gave me a face filled with expectation.

Me: Well, what can I say? I'm just a bastayan who lived by herself on a treacherous world, at least that's what I normally would say to people, but being honest, I never felt normal, even among other bastayans, some of them even called me traitor for having relationships with humans.

He gave me a face filled with compassion, I got to be honest, I don't like receiving compassion from the others, mainly because no one do it sincerely, but Assy here is another story, so I didn't get mad at him.

Me: Well, I know that saying something like "I never was normal" sounds like the stupid kid in class that wanted to be a superhero or the girls that want to be interesting to the others, but it completely describes me, I've never saw any other bastayan with nine tails, most of them had various animal's traits, but even other bastayans with fox traits didn't have nine tails. It's not like I really talked to a lot of people through the years either.

We reached the shrine when I finished telling that part of my story, I guess is enough for now, I don't want to say my entire biography just now.

Me: We arrived, let's check for any clue of what is this or who and why constructed it.

He gave his usual nod and started to look around for any clue. We spent several minutes looking for something, but nothing important appeared, just a weird draw of some sort of dragon or whatever on the floor where we all woke up. It was starting to get boring, Assy looked disappointed for not finding anything important.

Me: Don't be disappointed, we will find out who are you and what are you doing here with us.

He smiled a little after hearing that, which made me smile in return, but I decided to look away from him, I don't wanna be charm by that damn smile again, I looked to the little lake in front of us, the moon was reflexing on its surface, giving me a great idea.

Me: Do you want to swim a little?

He looked at me surprised, then turned to the lake and shrugged, somehow, I feel a "Sure why not" coming from him, like he just said that to me right now.

Me: Ok then, do you want to enter like that or you want to chance?

He looked at me, he was wondering himself if I could change his clothes, I knew it.

Me: Yes, I can change our clothes, so you want to?

Another nod, I thought about a suitable swimsuit for him, for a moment I felt like I want to put him on a single piece one, just covering the important parts, but I decide to give him a spandex, covering from the waist to the knees, but it still was tight, I need to see what's down there after all.

He looked satisfied with it but gave me an awkward look when he noticed where I was looking, it looked really good if you ask me, a generous size. He turned around and I took a reeeaaally good look at his lower back, one word: Nice.

Me: Where you expecting something else from me?

I simply shrugged to his exasperated gaze, and I obviously noticed the red on his checks.

Me: Ok then, my turn, try not to droll all over me, ok?

And I changed, a one-piece swimsuit; I looked at him curious about his reaction... and I wasn't disappointed.

He's eyes where wide opened, he looked like he was burning every inch of my body on his mind, even if it was him I felt uncomfortable, so I said it.

Me: Quit staring like that please.

He looked at me at the eyes with a scolding face, I guess is fair if he stares at me like that, I did the same with him.

Me: Ok, I did the same, I know, do whatever you want.

He raised an eyebrow, still giving me that gaze that was saying "Seriously?" no matter how you look at it. But finally, he gave up and walked towards the lake, I saw him putting a finger on the water and giving me thumbs up, then he simply jumped to the lake without a second thought.

I stayed on land for a moment, putting Ruby's scroll on the ground with random music playing, and walked to the lake swinging my hips as usual, he was floating casually on the water, inciting me to jump inside too. I followed his example because of the mood and jumped, of course I did a beautiful flip on the air to show off, which worked perfectly, because he clapped at me when I took out my head of the water.

Me: I know, I'm amazing, please praise me more.

He chuckled at this and throw some water at me, of course I returned the favor; and like that we played and relaxed for an hour there.

Assy decided to dive a little while I was laying there floating on the calm water, out of nowhere he burst out of the water and came close to me with a worried face, which made me worry too, he stopped in front of me and grabbed me by the shoulders, then pointing down to the bottom of the lake, he apparently found something there.

We both dived to the bottom, I used magic to give us a bubble of air to breath; when we reached the bottom I saw what he was pointing, it was a slab, 1 or 2 meters long, with a weird draw that made no sense at all, like the where pieces wihthout an oreder, I looked at him with a wondering face, he signaled me to follow him, both swam back to the surface and he quickly went out of the lake, I followed him still confused.

Me: Where are you going? What was that slab on the bottom?

He reached the top of the shrine and pointed to the ground. The draw of the odd shaped dragon, then pointed to the lake, I realized what he wanted to say with that.

Me: Are you saying that the slab in the bottom of the lake is a puzzle?

He nodded and looked again at the weird drawing, trying to memorize it.

Me: Ok, you memorize the left of it and I'll take the right.

And with that we kept looking the draw slowly to memorize it well, I could use magic but that wouldn't be fun.

When both finished memorizing our sides we went back to the lake and dived again, on the bottom, using the bubbles again, we started to solve the puzzle it was relatively easy, we passed some pieces to the other when we didn't recognize them, meaning they where part of the other side, and in just 5 minutes we finished it.

We saw it shine for a moment, blinding us.

When we recovered our vision, we weren't on the lake anymore, it was a little room, the walls and the floor were of the same stone as the shrine, but the most attracting aspect of the place was that above us was the night sky, or better said, it was like the outer space, stars where everywhere, you could se planets and even some comets here and there.

I looked for Asriel, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

Me: Asriel! where are you? Scre...Stupid! He can't scream back to you genius, I need to find him, now.

I change back my clothes and ran through the hallway in front of me, but when I reached the end the exit got closed instantly by a giant rock door.

Me: Don't fuck with me! Open this damn door immediately!

A strong thump sounded behind me, when I looked back I saw a giant spider at the other side of the hallway.

Me: What? Do I have to kill this bug to keep going? Fine!

I dashed to the spider without a second thought, it tried to hit me with two of its legs, but I jumped over them and landed on its head, shooting a fireball and piercing through, killing it instantly.

Me: I hate bugs. But that was easy.

The giant rock door opened at the same moment, letting me see another room. I ran through the hallway once more and when I reached the next room, it closed on both sides again. The room was a simple square, with 10 meters approx. on every side.

Some mosaics on the floor started to illuminate, all had a white shine on different symbols, obviously there was an order to follow, but I couldn't see any clue that could lead me to the answer, after a couple of minutes of looking for any pattern or clue I gave up and decided to trust in my luck stepping on a platform with the shape of a wing; and apparently I'm unlucky, because when I stepped on that platform started to vibrate, obviously a bad sign, I anticipated the danger and covered myself in blue flames as a shield.

The platform burst on a mini tornado and throwed me away.

Me: Hhyyaaa!!!

I crashed against the wall and ricocheted to the ground, laying with my back on the ground, my tails made the impact a little comfier, it hurt anyway. But while I was on the ground, I could notice something on the sky above me, some stars where making shapes, after a couple of shapes it stopped a couple of second and then started again, the order apparently was: a crown, a book, a clock, a rabbit, an axe, a key, a brush, a wings, an organ, a throne and a tree.

Don't know what it means, but the organ remembers me to Asriel's angel Gabriel. Maybe this shrine really has something to do with him.

I saw the symbols on various platforms, some really far away from each other.

Me: I guess I'll have to jump between them.

I jumped on the first platform, the crown, it kept his white color; next I jumped on the book, it shined silver; the clock, shined red; the rabbit, shined cyan; the axe, shined a reddish pink; the key, shined blackish blue; the brush, shined green; the wings, shined orange; the organ shined yellow; the throne, shined purple; and finally I jumped on the tree, which started shining with all the other colors at the same time, finally the door opened.

After passing through, it closed again.

Me: As expected I must say.

The room a circle shaped one, and it was really tall, I really couldn't see the ceiling, it was also pretty spacious, it had like 20 meters of diameter, but the weird thing is that the room looked empty, so I assumed there was going to be another bug or something.

Me: Ok if there is something else to kill bring it!

But then water started to flow through holes on the walls, and some moving platforms appeared here and there on the air. I'm getting mad at this place.

Me: Uuuggghhh, who you think I am!? Lara Croft!? I'm obviously hotter!

As the water kept flowing I saw a door way up on the wall, closing slowly.

Me: You have to be kidding me!!!

I quickly started jumping from platform to platform, but one suddenly started shaking and fell down, I jumped on the last second and grabbed the next one but then I saw something moving on the water, something with a giant snake vibe, and I don't like snakes, so better not let that thing reach me. I hurried up the platforms, jumping from one to other, using some horizontal poles to swing and launch myself higher, when I finally reached the door I jumped through it, falling on the floor with my face first. When I heard the door close I stood up and complained.

Me: Now I kind of envy the cats, I hate landing with my face.

When I looked to what was in front of me I just saw a flying orb in the middle of a platform, it looked like a balcony, I walked forward, closing distance with the orb, being as cautious as possible. When I reached the orb, I notice that the balcony was suspended over a giant abyss. Hesitantly I decided to touch the orb, when I did I heard the sound of wing flapping.

I looked every direction but no matter where I looked I could only saw the void, even the platform disappeared, it was just me, floating on the void, not being sure of what to do I just stayed there waiting for something to happen, but suddenly the sound of wings flapping became stronger; and I saw it...

A giant beast, it remember me to the draw in ths shrine, but this things had a humanoid body, and the wings I heard where nowhere to be seen. I didn't know how to call it except for that, a "beast" "THE BEAST"

The beast and I looked to each other to the eyes, I could sense some sadness was painted on his eyes. But that sadness became rage, roaring at me, the shockwave hit me, making everything go black again.

I woke up again on a room, same sky, the floor and walls where made of other material, it was white and seemed perfectly cut, but this time HE was there, Asriel was there at my side, somehow wearing his usual attire, I have to say I really like to see that bandages tight to his chest, hiding the skin but letting everyone see his well sculpted body. I couldn't do anything else but smiled and ask him.

Me: Assy? Where have you been?

He gave me an apologetic look and offered me a hand to stand up, which I took of course, when I was back on my feet, the ground started to shake again, and saw the entire room was the same, from the ground in front of us, a giant pile of stone was taking shape, little by little it took form, and in front of us there was a giant golem, made with the same material as the room. I prepared a fireball and fired at it, he simply received the attack, but nothing really happened to him, Asriel looked amazed by the enemy, but he put a serious look right after.

Asriel: Gabriel!!! Opera!!!

Soon after, pipes appeared from the ground and started shooting soundwaves to the golem, making it stumble back, he looked at me and hurried me to attack too.

Me: Let's see if he is as strong as he looks.

I started creating more fireballs and orbs of deception around me, the fireballs and orbs started to pulsate at the same rhythm of the soundwaves, giving them more energy, I signaled forward making a gun shape with my fingers, and pulled the trigger.

The fireballs and orbs impacted directly on the golem's head, making him fall backwards. But it wasn't enough, it simply stood up again, and directed its eyes to us, it steps ahead and started running to us, making me yell.

Me: He's charging!!!

Both jumped away form the golem trajectory, seeing him crash with the wall behind us, breaking it, pieces of the wall flew everywhere and a dust cloud formed instantly. One tock was about to hit Asriel, I was about to yell at him, but he reacted in time.

Asriel: Forte!!!

After calling another buff from his angel he punched the rock flying towards him, knocking it away. Asriel looked at my direction and started running towards me, when he reached me stood in front and stopped a giant rock that was flying towards me, the rock was punched just like the one that was directed to him. I didn't saw it, I got distracted there, if he wasn't here then I...

I got to concentrate, we are on the middle of a fight, another mistake could cost us our lifes, I can't let him be the only hero in this, I'm not the damsel in distress; the dust cloud strated to dissipate.

When we get a better view of the golem, he was holding more rocks on his hands, some of the rocks started floating and created two more arms for the golem.

Me: You have to be kidding me, he can do that?

Asriel: Crescendo!!!

The pipes started to appear everywhere, the golem noticed it and throwed some rock to them, breaking a several number of pipes, but they immediately repair themselves, noticing that breaking the pipes was useless he directed his attention to us. Asriel looked to me, I could see what his intention was, we have been practicing THAT during these days, being away from the others to make it a surprise.

I smiled to myself and prepare, because the show was just starting.

Me: Feel lucky friend, you are about to hear a private concert just for you.

I looked at Asriel and nodded to him, right after both yelled with all our might.

Asriel/Ahri: GABRIEL!!! DUO!!!

-Third point of view-

Music sounded around the entire room, a giant organ appeared behind Asriel and Ahri, while Ahri started singing, accumulating more soundwaves inside of her, Asriel was waiting behind doing the same. Right after Ahri's tails caught fire, her eyes shined golden and cyan fire claws appeared on her hands, every single claw was 7 inches long.

On the other side Asriel's fists and feet where covered on a yellow bright that soon became something resembling plasma.

Both charged forward to the golem at max speed, the golem launched an abnormally fast punch with one of his right arms while swiped the floor with a left one.

Ahri avoided the punch by jumping over it and dealing cuts every single meter, severing the entire arm; Asriel jumped too, but he simply landed on the left arm with a descending kick, smashing completely the arm, the golem reacted and jumped to create some distance, using some rocks on the floor to create a canon on his right shoulder.

The canon began to shoot to the duo, both avoiding the energy shoots, the golem collected more rocks and made his arms bigger, while the shooting was destroying more pipes and parts of the walls, the golem kept making use of the falling rocks and started to make more arms, when the duo stopped dodging the shoots, the golem had more than 20 arms, both Ahri and Asriel smiled and kept singing.

The golem threw his arms to smash them, but the duo simply avoided every single attack like they where dancing, jumping on the arms from one to another, breaking and slashing every time the chance appeared. Both synchronized, both moving knowing what the other was going to do before they do it, soon enough Asriel reached the golem's head and started a barrage of punches, while Ahri made a flurry of slashes on the chest, bisecting all the arms while Asriel crushed the head, destroying the body completely.

All that was left was a crystal orb floating, suddenly more rocks where attracted to the crystal, it was the golems core. it was regenerating, before they could react a barrage of rocks assaulted thm and threw them away. When they where on their feets again, looked to each other and grebbed the other hand. The duo simply smiled, they where at the other side of the room, it was tim to end it; both started running at max speed, blue flames and yellow plasma covered both making them look like a comet; the golem reconstructed completely and threw a giant punch to the duo.

They collided with the fist, for a couple of second the arm resisted the charge, but soon after crack appeared on it, the comet kept moving like nothing was there and pierced through the golem, leaving only his core alone for a second time.

Ahri slashed it while Asriel finished it with a punch from above, crushing the rests on the ground.

The song ended, and the pipes vanished alongside the organ, Asriel fell to the ground tired. Ahri hurried to his side, when she reached his side he was smiling proudly, she returned the smile.

Ahri: We are a great team.

He simply nodded like usual, making her chuckle, right after that, the final door opened, shining brightly, Ahri helped Asriel to stand up, and put his arm around her neck, supporting him at walk, traversing the light.

When they passed through the door they realized that it was already noon on the outside, in front of them was the lake, and behind them the shrine shined before vanishing without leaving a trail.

Both looked at each other confused, but they decided to return to the old tree and rest; they may think about it later, now it was time to sleep! and just like that, they took Ruby's scroll from the ground and started to walk back with the others.

Ahri: I couldn't end my story about my life back in Runaterra, so I'm going to keep talking until we arrive ok?

He nodded, as always.

Ahri: I always thought I was different, some people may say I was blessed; I was beautiful, strong and talented, must people would say I had everything, but I always saw my particularities as a curse; I was beautiful, and that made people think of me as an object, a prize for the males that tried to conquer my heart; I was talented on magic, I just was better than others in using a tool made to kill; the only thing that I actually thanked was my intelligence, I never let anyone trick me, never felt on the trap of a thief, I developed my senses to avoid any kind of unnecessary problem, it wasn't weird if someone invited me to drink and put a drug on my wine to rape me, or try to sell me as a slave.

Asriel looked at her, the emotions on his eyes where mixed, anger to those who tried to hurt her, sadness for hearing how she thought about herself, and compassion for seeing someone that suffered more than he really thought. Of course, Ahri noticed those feelings inside him, but just kept talking.

Ahri: And even so, I made to get friends, they weren't a lot but the ones that I consider like that definitely won my confidence, but still I never feel full, there was something missing, soon enough I figure it out, I didn't find anyone to call my beloved one, so I started searching for love, I was so naïve back then. Long story short, I never found it, I kept looking for something that I needed to wait for. But then I was summoned here, and just in these 4 days, I've been feeling... alive. I guess this little wierd family is all that I needed all this time. 

Asriel smiled at her and how she feels about him and the others, he thought for a while, and decided to risk it all, he was going to steal a kiss from her. He just wanted to see her happy after all, maybe, maybe he could take that position as her bleoved one...

But before he could try...

Marie: PAPA!!!! Where have you been!? Did this woman took you away!? What have you done to him!?

Ruby: Who took my scroll last night!?

2B: Are you ok? Why are you helping him to walk?

Ahri: Ok, first of all, I'm going to sleep.

Asriel nodded repeatedly and followed her.

Ahri: We'll tell you later... Or tomorrow it depends on when I'm waking up.

Asriel waved at them as to saying, "See you later!"

Ruby: W-wait! just like that!? explain yourselves!

2B: Are you sure you are ok? none of you are hurt?

Marie: What have you done to my papa!? you perverted fox!!!

Renard: Why won't you let them rest for now? they seem tired.

Marie: I won't ignore this!! what did you do to him woman!!

When both arrived at the improvised dormitory, they just threw themselves on the same bed, cuddled together and fell sleep ignoring the world around them.

And here it is, a chapter completely dedicated to Ahri, I'm going to be writing chapters like this for now on, to go deeper on very girl's mind and show how they see this wierd world. Next onewill be Ruby! see you later! thanks for rading! aaaaaand BYE!!!

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