Reunion on the plains

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 -Ruby point of view-

It was our last day on the forest, we were planning to leave and begin a journey to find a way back to our worlds, right now we were eating breakfast, Ahri and 2B went fishing and catched a lot of different fishes; curiously 2B decided to skip breakfast, apparently one android ate a mackerel on her world and died poisoned, weird, she looked ashamed telling the story too; luckily the android was ok, they made to pass her memories to another body, the way androids live never seems to stop amazing me.

But one thing was bothering since yesterday, so, I decided to ask the pair involved.

Me: Sooooo, where did you two went last night?

I looked at Asriel and Ahri, both seemed expecting the question, giving a look that said, "I can't be helped isn't it?".

Ahri: We decided to take a little walk at the moonlight.

Marie: A romantic one?

Our little friend seemed angry while asking that to Ahri, now I'm almost completely secure that she don't like Ahri, maybe because of the fight the first time we met each other, Ahri acted even more stubborn than usual that night, I haven't seen her like that again after all.

Asriel denied with a gesture, he looked calm, something weird considering he usually become really troubled with that kind of commentaries. Then Ahri kept talking.

Ahri: It wasn't anything like that, we just wanted to relax and you where all asleep already, so we just went by ourselves.

2B: Ok, but why did you appear until midday? What made you feel so tired that you needed to sleep the entire day and night?

Asriel had a troubled look on his face, like if something bad came to his mind, but the surprising thing was that Ahri was as confused as us with his reaction, she normally seems to know what is happening on Asriel's head.

Ahri: Is everything ok?

He simply waved his hand; how does he expect for us to not worry if he puts that kind of face? I'll try to ask him later, actually, we haven't passed much time together on these days, I need to recover terrain on this love race... right? I really haven't thought about my feeling lately, I've been thinking a lot on my family recently.

Aaaaggggghhhhh!!!! Yang's advice would come in handy right now, I'm still an immature girl I suppose, I miss my team too, it's not like I don't like to be surrounded by Ahri and the others right now, but... I don't think someone could blame me for missing my team.

I returned to the real world when Ahri spoke.

Ahri: Well, returning to what happened two nights ago, yes, we went to take a walk and relax, but things got more spicy than we originally thought it would.

Spicy? What does she mean by that? Does she mean something more... mature? I can feel my face become hotter, but I can't help it, if Ahri and Asriel really made those kind of things...

2B: Spicy?

Marie: What do you mean by saying that?

I could see a strong killing intent coming from Marie.

Ahri: I mean that something out of our expectations happened, we decided to check on the shrine one more time, trying to look for any clue of what's going on, sadly we didn't find anything, at the begging at least.

I felt my heart rate coming back to normal, but right after it became faster again, but a different reason.

Ahri: we decided to swim a little on the lake, and while we were having fun we discovered a weird puzzle on the bottom of the lake. When we solved it, a strange light blinded us and transported us to some kind of dungeon.

I felt my spirit rise after hearing that, a dungeon? After being summoned to another world? I wanted to know more by any means. I couldn't hold my emotion and exploded.


Ahri: wow wow wow wow wow, slow down, there is no way for any of you to enter there anymore, well you or anyone else.

2B: Why?

Me: Yeah, why!?

Ahri: because when we finished it, the shrine disappeared.

I felt my illusions falling apart, why did I had to sleep that night? I could have been part of an adventure on a dungeon! On another world! Like a fantasy novel character! Life is so unfair!

Asriel patted my back out of nowhere, giving me an apologetic look, I get it, he knows I was the one that was exited for that kind of thing and is apologizing to me for not include me on the little adventure.

Ahri: I apologize too Ruby, I think we should have wakened all of you when we discovered the puzzle. I promise the next little adventure is going to be yours.

Now I feel a little better for two different reasons, 1, I was able to understand what Asriel was trying to tell me, and 2, I own the next adventure! I can't do anything else but smile.

Marie: Sometimes I think you are more a kid than I am.

Me: Quiet you!

Marie: Jajajaja, I really like you more than that fox.

Ahri: I'm right here you know?

Asriel scolded Marie for being rude to Ahri, again. We finished eating and stood up, I was planning to past the rest of the day exploring the plains, so I was relatively occupied the rest of the day, but an idea came to my mind.

Me: Hey Asriel, I was planning to spend the day on the plains, and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me, maybe we could find something that help you recover some memories, you seemed to know about the place so is probably a place you have been before.

He thought about it, but almost immediately he accepted with his usual nod, making a fist with his hand, I guess he is exited.

Marie: I want to go with papa too!

Asriel looked at me, asking me if it was ok for her to accompany us.

Me: I was planning on run at high speed so if you can keep up the pace, I don't see why not.

Marie: Don't worry, you haven't seen how fast Renard is, we won't be left behind.

Renard climbed to her shoulder and nodded to me with a defiant look, that fox is really amazing, I want one too! We where ready to leave, 2B and Ahri didn't seemed interested on the idea so they stayed on the old tree. This is going to be fun!




I was running at high speed through the plains enjoying the fresh air and the music that Asriel was playing, you know, to be able to follow me, while Marie was riding a giant Renard; the plains were really vast, more than I expected, There were more hills, lagoons and giant rocks than I expected, I never expected that running through the plains would be so much fun! I feel like the blue hedgehog of that game Yang always played when we were kids, I liked it, but I was more of a shooter games player anyway. Marie snap me out my thoughts yelling something behind me.

Marie: Ruby can you slow down!? Renard is getting tired!

Renard: How does she have that much energy!? On that little body!

Me: Ok, sorry if I was a little too fast!

I stopped and ran back with them, the moment Marie dismounted him, Renard fell limp to the ground panting, I saw Asriel walking to him and petting him, I guess I really pushed them to their limits there.

Marie: Tell us big sis, what was your plan here on the plains?

Me: I didn't have any, I just wanted to run around and see if I find any weird creature or animal.

Renard: We already accomplish the part of running around, can we stop and sleep for the rest of the day?

Asriel looked him to his eyes, are they talking to each other?

Renard: Hey! Sleeping is one of the greatest pleasures of life!

Marie: Can't say no to that.

Me: Are you three talking to each other?

Marie: I don't know about papa, but I'm talking with Renard right now.

Me: I hope I could do that too.

Asriel gave a curious look to Renard, I seriously want to know what they are talking about, well at least I want to know if they're talking. Suddenly Renard shined and turned back to his normal little fox self, he still looked tired while walking through me, I crouched to pet him a little, but suddenly a spark appeared in front of his eyes, connecting with mine. I was surprised by it, but the next thing almost made me scream.

Renard: Are you happy now?

I was shocked for a second, but the next moment the excitement dominated me.


Renard: Ok, please calm down young lady, it's not that of a big deal.

That helped me to calm down but still I was excited, I was talking with a fox! I was communicating with an animal!

*BOOOoOOOooooOM* (Weird boom in the distance)

Me: Was that an explosion?

Marie: I think it was, lets check it out, come on papa!

I saw him nodding at her little daughter and start running, but not everyone was so excited for the idea.

Renard: For five years I had to take care of that girl, and now that she got a father, he is just like her. Please someone end my suffering.

Me: It's not that bad isn't it?

Renard: I'll lose some lifespan for all this.

Me: Ok, now I see you are lazy. Move that paws.

Marie mounted a giant Renard once more and I dashed to catch up with Asriel, we reached the top of a hill and looked down, only to see the last thing I ever expected, a giant group of weird rock golems attacking something, a big dust cloud obstructed my vision, so I couldn't see what they were attacking, the group was conformed for at least 50 of them, every one was like 1 and half meters tall, I have to admit that they looked really strong , it was the first time that I get to see them so I asked to the ones that have lived here the longest.

Me: Marie, Renard have you seen that kind of enemy before?

Marie: We never leaved the forest before, I always felt out of place outside the forest, it's the first time I see them too.

Renard: Have you seen them before? Where?

Me: Who?

I wondered myself for a second before realizing it, the only one that could have said that was Asriel, since none of us three knew those enemies, I looked at him with a wondering face, could this be like that time when he knew about the plains and the forest out of nowhere?

Renard: He said that Ahri and him faced a bigger type of golem on the dungeon, but that ignoring the size, those over there look exactly the same.

I turn my sight to the group of golems one more time, the dust cloud was dissipating, allowing me to see what they were fighting against.

I... I couldn't believe my eyes... Were those?

Me: YANG!!!!

I ran; I ran as fast as I could, those were my friends, that was my sister; I could feel the tears falling through my face, but I couldn't care less, I needed to help them. But my scream distracted them, a golem was about to hit one of them on the head and...

It stopped, WAS stopped, he was there, a chord resounded through the battlefield. Asriel was holding the golem's arm, he simply raised it on the air and smashed it on the ground; soon after Renard charged forward taking some golems with him, while a smaller version of the leshen we fought various nights ago attacked others.

But I didn't pay attention to it, I just ran to her arms and hugged with all my strength. I couldn't, I couldn't hold back my tears.

Me: Yang, you are here! I missed you so much! I missed all of you!

The three girls around me got closer and gave me a group hug, they seemed confused, I can understand that, but I simply don't care right now, they're here, and that's all that I care about.

But now is not the time, there is a fight to finish, I stopped the hug and turned to see Asriel, he was holding the golems with a sound barrier, I saw him smiling and giving me thumbs up, "take your time" he said, at least that's what I felt he said.

Yang: Ruby, what's going on?

Wiess: Who are they?

Blake: Why is giant fox fighting over there?

I cleaned my tears and gave them an amused look.

Me: right now, we have a fight, the guy over there, the fox and the tree monster are on our side so let's finish this rock heads.

Yang: Ok, I don't know what the hell is going on, but I won't turn back to a fight like this.

She ran towards Asriel's side and landed a punch in a golem's chest, sending it flying, I saw her shaking her hand, I guess it was a hard thing to punch, Wiess and Blake prepared themselves for the battle.

Me: These guys look strong, don't let your guard down. Asriel! Give us a concert!

He smiled at me and raised his hand, pipes started to rise from the floor and a song started to sound, I felt the energy running through my body, my Crescent Rose was ready to cut.

Me: Everybody! GO WILD!!!

I dashed forward, and slashed some golems without mayor problems, I didn't feel any resistance, it was the same as cutting butter, the blade slide inside them like there was nothing there.

I saw Asriel punching some golems, Yang was at his side doing the same, shooting every now and then to the golems; Wiess and Blake were fighting together, covering each other, I could notice the surprise on their faces seeing their current strength. Like that, the little battalion of golems didn't last much, the song was just midway when Asriel deactivated his angel, dispersing the pipes.

Marie: They weren't anything big, I thought they would put a challenge at least.

She said that while going out of the leshen's belly.

Renard: It was inside my expectations actually. For the story Asriel told me I imagined that they wouldn't last much against us, specially with Asriel's angel activated.

He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, Marie simply put a proud face while the leshen was fading into flowers behind her. I have to admit that seeing the same monster that almost kill us the first night here vanishing into flowers still felt surreal.

Me: I still can't stand the idea of that thing almost killing us the first night.

Marie: I told you already!! I'm really sorry for that!! When are you going to forgive me big sis!?

Yang: Wait! Almost killing you!? What does that mean!?

Blake: And why is she calling you big sis?

Wiess: What is going on in general!?

Asriel got close to me with a perplexed face and touched my shoulder, he signaled my team and made a gesture asking, "who are they?" I smiled and told him to wait a moment; I stood in the middle of both parties and calmed both down. Then I introduced my old friends and sister.

Me: Asriel, Marie, Renard, this are my teammates, I told you already about them, remember?

Marie: They are big sis's friends?

Me: Yep, and before you ask.

I moved to Yang's side and introduced her to my new friends.

Me: This is my step-sister Yang Xiao Long; she is kind, funny and is always ready to party.

Yang: Thanks for the introduction but I'm seriously curious about what is going on here.

Me: I'll get to that let me finish.

I moved to Wiess's side.

Me: This is my BFF Wiess Schnee, she is and educated, elegant and cultured girl, heiress of the most important dust company on the world of remnant.

Asriel gave a confused look at the last part. But there is one last friend to introduce.

Me: Aaaaannnddd, this is Blake Belladonna, she loves books, is a quiet girl and always have that mysterious atmosphere around her; by the way she is a faunus.

Blake: RUBY!

Marie: Soooo, she is like that fox girl back at the forest? I can tell I'm not gonna like her already.

Asriel gave crouched and looked at her with a mad face.

Renard: He is saying that you shouldn't say something so rude to someone, and that you need to stop insulting Ahri every single time you see the opportunity.

Marie looked at her dad with a bothered face. Then looked back a Blake with a face that showed hesitation to keep speaking, but she apologized, reluctantly.

Marie: S-sorry, I shouldn't put you in the same category of that filthy fox.

Asriel gave her a small punch on the top of her head, scolding her with his gaze; Marie, with her hands sobbing her head, apologize again to Blake.

Marie: I-I ap-apologize f-for being r-rude. T^T

Asriel smiled to Renard, I guess he is thanking him for telling what he was thinking.

Renard: Don't mind it, I wanted to scold her too, recently she is using a really inappropriate language for a girl of her age.

Me: She really don't like Ahri, huh?

Renard: Yeah, she still thinks is going to steal her precious papa from her.

Marie: I won't let that woman take my papa away from me!

The three of us were looking at the little warrior yell her battle cry with an amused face, I could still hear the conversation behind me thought.

Yang (whispering): It was my impression, or Ruby was talking directly to the giant fox?

Wiess: (whispering): I think so, do you think she is losing her mind in here?

Blake (whispering): We should take her away from here before it's too late.

Me: Who are you calling crazy!!

Yang: Noooooo, what!? We are not calling anyone crazy or anything, but don't you think is best if we go away from here, like, really really far away from them?

I saw them looking at me with worried smiles, these three thinks that I'm crazy.

Me: Renard, can you connect their minds to yours too?

Renard: I can only do it once every three days, sorry. They'll still think you are crazy for a while.

Me: Perfect, as if I wasn't the weird one in the team already.

I facepalmed to the ridiculous situation, didn't took long before Asriel came close to me and put a hand in my shoulder to comfort me, please don't give me that smile, please don't give me that smile, please don't... he did it!

I could feel my face going red and looked away giving him a thumbs up, I could tell he have a confused a face right now, that damn face is the reason that the other two girls on the forest are the same as me, this guy is simply charming, and the worst part is that he isn't conscious about it!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Wiess yelled out of nowhere.


Asriel was scared and took a step back, I looked at Wiess a little mad for scaring him, I feel like a big sister protecting her little brother... nop, better throw away that thought, it feels weird thinking that I like my little brother; He is not my little brother! Stop thinking weird things!!!

I simply put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Me: *sigh* Let me explain everything until now.

-Time skip-

It took me a couple of hours, but I finally made it, I explained everything until now, and they believed it! We had to show them how Renard changes his size, Marie's giant leshen and Asriel's angel, but we made it, but still, some questions raised during our explanation, and even more when they explained what happened to them.

Apparently, they woke up here after going to sleep on our room in Beacon, but the weird thing came there, they said that I was with them last night, but I've been six days here in this world. I remembered the night they described to me, it was the night before I woke up here. But that only made wonder, why did I arrived six days ago, and they arrived today? Why we were separated like this? we could randomly appear on this world in different days each one, or even on different months; but weird enough we were separated like this, and it was easy for us to reunite when they appeared, all this seems awfully suspicious.

I could tell Asriel was equally confused by this. But then Blake mentioned something that caught my attention.

Blake: What's more confusing is that Ruby wasn't attacked by the giant bird that attacked us, I swear that it waited for us to wake up to attack.

Marie: A giant bird?

Yang: Do you know something about it?

Marie: I think so, it looked like it was made of stone, and had grass on its wings?

Blake: I made to have a good look a it, it's exactly how you described it.

Wiess: What is that thing?

Marie: I just know it has been here even before I was born, I could feel its essence on the forest from the moment I had conscience, and even then, the essence had years impregnated on the tress.

Asriel seemed to realize something and hurriedly asked me for my scroll, I gave it to him expecting something important.

Asriel: It was an ancient deity of this plains, in the past it was well know that there were huge creatures living on these plains, but the ancient kingdoms considerate these deities as an insult to their beliefs, the people that worshiped them were hunted, alongside with the creatures, being considerate heathens' deities and the believers being accused of heretics. It is believed that only a couple of this ancient creatures survived and that they developed a deep hate for the humans that once betrayed them.

Me: Wow, those sudden memories are really useful don't you think?

Asriel: They are, but they are pretty weird and made me feel dizzy.

Me: Just rest a little, you'll be ok.

Silence fell for a moment there, I hate those umcorfortable moments.

Blake: Is getting late.

Night was starting to arrive, but right now my mind was occupied for the story of the creatures of these plains, something tell's me they're more important that we thought. Maybe...

Me: I think we should hunt down those creatures.

Yang/Wiess/Blake: WHAT!!!???

Marie: Why are you proposing that?

Me: Because if we let those angry giant monsters just wander wherever they want they may end up destroying a nearby village or hurting some travelers. Besides there's somthing suspicious about them.

Asriel: I think you are right; besides, I feel like it'll be better if we put them to rest, they have suffered enough.

Wiess: how can you say that so easily?

Asriel: I don't like the idea, but I like the idea of let those creatures free to create all the chaos they can before dying less.

Yang: We are not sure what are we facing in first stance.

Asriel: You are right there, we don't know how strong they are in battle; Maybe it would be better if I return latter with Ahri and 2B to fight them.

Me: I think it'll be better if we do it by ourselves, as fast as possible.

Blake: Why is that?

Me: Because we are already here, and more time could mean victims; Above that is the chance we might get some answers about you being summoned too, that bird was there waiting for you to wake up doesn't it? It could easily eat all of you while you were unconscious, but it decided to wait.

Wiess: Well, you are right there. It is our only clue until now.

Me: Then it's decided, tomorrow we will be hunting for the colossus!

Yang: I'm half excited and half scared for this.

Asriel: You'll be ok, I promise that I'll protect everyone.

Yang: It is a shame that you're mute, but I guess it make you look cutter when you react to a girl's teasing.

I saw my sister winking at Asriel, and he blushed! Can you be a little harder to impress at least!? Uuuugghhhhh, we better go to sleep.

-Another little time skip-

-Asriel's point of view-

Everybody was sleeping, but I couldn't, I didn't know exactly why, but I guess it was related to the creatures of these plains, I was sitting on the nearest hill, seeing the horizon. The stars were covering the night sky, *sigh* Ahri is going to be so mad when we arrive tomorrow.

I heard steps behind me, when I looked back I saw Yang walking closer to me.

Yang: can't sleep?

I denied with a gesture, she looked interested, sitting next to me, she started talking.

Yang: You have been six days here with my little sister, right? How it has been until now?

I smiled at her remembering the usual cheery atmosphere that Ruby always shared with us, I guess that was enough for her since she smiled and looked to the sky.

Yang: Can I ask you something?

I payed attention ready to hear her question, but I guess I wasn't prepared after all.

Yang: Could you stay at my sister's side from now on?

That surprised me, it wasn't like I was planning to abandon her anyway, but still. It felt different from a normal question.

Yang: She likes you, only in six days here with you, she looks like she wants to stay at your side, I just want you to not disappoint her.

I think I know what she is referring to, but I'm not completely sure.

Yang: Just remember that if you hurt her, nobody is going to find your body, get it?

I nodded half amused and half scared, I couldn't distinguish if she was completely serious, I felt a little joke tone on her, but at the same time she sounded serious.

Yang: And I don't know, maybe I'll end up growing on you, well, only time would say, whatever, rest well, I'm back to sleeping.

I waved at her... I didn't understand what just happened, she was trying to flirt with me? No, she was talking about Ruby liking me... Liking me!?

If I was sure of something, it was that I wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

There it is, another chapter, I feel like it took me a little long to write this, whatever, next chapte will be Ruby's point of view too, her little arc isn't finished, and the team RWBY is complete again! they're going to join this wierd adventure! anyway thanks for reading aaaannnndddd bye!

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