Below the shadow of the colossus

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-Ruby point of view-

I was waking up, as I opened my eyes I felt a soft but firm sensation on the right side of my face, which is weird, if I remember well, I was sleeping on the floor, I wasn't using any pillow or anything, so, what is this feeling?

I raised my head a little to see what I was using as a pillow... and...

I saw Asriel smiling at me, he had an awkward smile on his face, I think I was, using his legs as pillow? But it supposed to be backwards isn't it, I can feel my face turning red, my heart rate was increasing, I don't know how to react! I don't know what to say! Is this supposed to be a romantic moment!?

Yang: Can I ask why where you sleeping on this hot guy's legs?

Me: I wasn't! I didn't want to! I don't know what happened!!

Renard: You both woke me up midnight, he simply got closer and sat down at your side and started to hear music, but you snuggled close to him and put yourself in the position you just woke up.

Me: Wait, so it was me who...

I saw Asriel still smiling awkwardly to me, I can believe I cuddled to him while I was sleeping!!!

Well I guess it isn't so bad, if its him I don't mind it at all, I mean, he won't make a ruckus for something like this, but I think I know who will.

Yang: Hey little sis, is there something you aren't telling me? Like, I don't know, a romance going on or something?

Me: Please stop.

Blake: There is something I wanted to ask since yesterday but, what kind of relationship do you both have?

Asriel made a simple smile, he looked calmer than I thought he would be, why is he acting so cool about it, he should be as nervous as me. But I need to clear up things.

Me: We are just friends, nothing more! And none of us want to go any further, right?

Asriel smile disappeared, but I didn't see any disappointed on his face, does this means he doesn't even care? Or is he dissimulating? I really don't understand about love at all.

Me: Well whatever, we are here to find that giant bird, right? Let's begin the search!

Weiss: The child over there is still asleep.

Asriel got closer to the sleeping Marie and held her on his arms princess style, taking her closer to Renard.

Renard: Don't worry, is not the first time I held her while she is asleep, I'll take care of her.

Me: Is really weird for me hear only the half of the conversation between you two.

Yang: I still don't believe that this huge fox talks, but I saw him becoming tiny little fox last night and that girl over there controlling plants; aaaaaand that hot guy over there making a giant organ appear out of nowhere.

Blake: Where are you going with this?

Yang: To being honest, I forgot what I was saying halfway through

Weiss: I don't have any doubt that you and Ruby are sisters.

Me: Should we be offended by that or no?

Asriel waved his hand, so I guess I can ignore Wiess's commentary.

Me: Well, let the hunt begin!

All of us cheered out loud with excitement, but...

Marie: Nnnnnnggghhhhhh.

Me: Ups, the girl is still sleeping. Let's just go.

-Time skip-

Its been hours and we haven't managed to find the supposed creatures, how is even possible to not see a creature that is supposedly giant! We even fought some golems around the plains, the only thing that helps is Asriel playing music to create atmosphere, at least he is trying I guess.

Marie: This is boring, we really need to hunt those creatures?

Me: Seeing how they basically try to kill everything that moves; yes, we need to hunt them.

Blake: I could use a book right now.

Yang: It's not like we have a lot of clues either.

Weiss: But we still need to defeat those creatures.

Me: Ok, lets stop for a moment, randomly walking through the plains doesn't seem to be good enough, anyone have an idea?

Everybody was thinking on a way to get to the giant bird or whatever, I mean, I could dash through the plains, but I can't cover the entire region by myself and I don't think the others would be capable of follow the pace. While I was still immersed on my thoughts, Asriel came closer with a questioning face.

Me: Do you have an idea?

He nodded me, but looked hesitant to tell it, he wasn't sure about it, but anything is better than walk around aimlessly, I saw Asriel looking to Renard, as if he was asking for help, Renard looked to us and told me Asriel's plan.

Renard: He said that he could create a giant soundwave to attract the creature.

I put a face of realization, it was a great idea, we can lure that thing to us and fight it, it was brilliant, I looked at Asriel and gave him a thumbs up. But he still looked hesitant to it, Renard explained why though.

Renard: He is still not sure about the idea, a soundwave of that size could be really dangerous, not to mention how destructive it could be.

Aaaannnd my hopes were crushed, just like that; he's preoccupations are reasonable, but it just put us back to the starting point. Until Blake spoke.

Blake: Well, at least we could keep walking while thinking, at least we will cover more terrain before getting an idea to hunt down that thing.

I was immersed on my thoughts again, there must be a better way to continue the search, it's not like we are going to fins it's lair by just being lucky. I felt someone touching my shoulder, I turned to see Asriel pointing somewhere, when I looked where he was pointing I saw a giant canyon close to us, we were on the top of a hill and I didn't even notice.

Me: Oh, do you think the creatures might be there?

He shrugged and look at the canyon with a questioning face.

Me: Oh, maybe you can do the soundwave thing on the canyon, the sound would be trapped on the walls and will travel through.

Weiss: You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea, can you do some sort of sonar with those powers?

Asriel thought for a second before shrugging again, we walked closer to the canyon, as we got closer to it, Asriel questioned with his gaze to us if it was ok for him to try it. We all agreed, he took some steps to the front of us and prepared himself, some could easily see that he was concentrating on using the angel like he wanted to, I mean, even if he practically mastered, he had never used like this before, a single pipe raised from the ground from the ground in front of him, making us look in expectation, I can tell he doesn't like it, he is shaking a little.

The pipe suddenly released various soundwaves, but all of them were soft and just made echo between the walls, good to see he can so this without tearing apart the ground around him.

Seconds passed, he didn't give us any type of answer or signal, I guess he is concentrating on the sound or something.

Yang: Yeah, I don't think that bird is over there, I guess we came here for no...


Blake: That's the creature, that's the same sound it made yesterday while it was attacking us.

Me: Asriel you are the best!

I jumped to him to deliver a hug from his back, he found it, we were close to it too, I could feel the excitement running through my body.

Me: Ok team! Time to hunt a giant bird!

Yang: Just like on the initiation!

Weiss: I don't think the same strategy would work this time though.

Blake: Then we will adapt to whatever it sends us.

We started walking through the canyon with caution, the path looked like a zig zag so we checked every corner before keep advancing, the ground felt like it was going down little by little, Asriel kept using the sonar every now and then to confirm that the creature was still there, every time he used it, the creature would scream back at us, I could tell it was angry just hearing it's "answers" to the sonar. I gave a little glance at Asriel like I usually do in secret, I'm not weird, I'm just... curious, whatever when I saw his face, there was concern on his eyes, I could be that he was feeling that something was wrong? My doubts were interrupted by Renard, apparently talking to Asriel.

Renard: Is there something bothering you my friend?

Marie: Hmm? Papa is worried?

Renard: I see, do you think it may be a problem?

Me: A problem? what are you two talking about?

Marie: Don't leave us out of this, if we want to beat that thing together then all of us need to know every possible information.

Renard: Are you sure of that my friend?

Me: Seriously, what are you talking about?

Weiss: Are the guy and the fox talking with each other?

Blake: Apparently.

Suddenly Asriel and Renard stopped, everyone else stopped too. Then Renard said something that made me feel preoccupied.

Renard: I see what you mean, then I'll take her back to the forest and inform to Ahri and 2B, just promise me that you'll be ok.

Asriel gave a decided nod to Renard, Marie and I seemed confused by this, so I made the question.

Me: Asriel, what is happening?

He gave me a concerned look and then turned to the direction where the bird sounds came from.

Renard: Apparently Asriel is feeling like there is something wrong about this entire situation, so me and Marie are coming back to the forest.

Marie: What? I'm not leaving before the battle even started.

Renard: Yes, we are, this isn't a suggestion, he is not asking us to, he is giving us an order.

Marie: And you are going to follow it?

Renard: Of course, and you above everyone else will too.

Marie: Bu...

Renard: Nothing, your father had given you an order. And I am going to follow what he orders me, since he is your father: and now he is my master too.

Marie: Master?

Me: What do you mean by that?

Yang: Wait, what is going on here? I'm just hearing random thing here and there.

Me: Give us a second please, I'll explain in a moment.

Renard: Have you heard about a master and his familiar? The contract between two individuals to create a bonding, I explained this to Asriel the morning next to our little disorder the first night we meet; when I connected our minds, I made a contract with him, I'm his familiar, he is my master, you can said that he is my owner, that's why I can communicate with him, I can hear his thoughts for that.

Marie: I was wondering why you never used telepathy with me, so that is why.

Renard: Indeed, that's why, we both are heading back, I don't matter if you like the idea or not.

Me: Marie, I don't think Asriel would do that if he doesn't think it is the best option.

Marie was making a face that showed all her disapprove, one could easily tell that she didn't want to do it, but she couldn't disobey her father. She jumped down Renard and walked closer to Asriel, hugging him.

Marie: Don't leave me alone again, please.

Asriel crouched and returned the hug, giving a confident smile to her, raising his right hand in front of him, making a fist and keeping his pinky straight, Marie did the same and grabbed his finger with hers.

Marie: That's a promise.

She returned to Renard's back and both turned around before running away, I explained to my team what happened.

Me: Ok girls, Marie and Renard will go back to the forest, apparently the situation could be more critic than we originally thought, Asriel feels like there is something suspicious about this and the location is not helping. There might be some surprise prepared for us ahead.

Blake: I see, you send them back to protect them.

Asriel nodded, his face still showed concern.

Weiss: I understand that, besides I don't see much experience on that girl, she could have become a burden during the fight.

Yang: Be a little more sensitive please.

Weiss: What? I didn't say anything wrong.

Asriel nodded to Wiess reply, I guess there is no use on discussing about those things now, the enemy is ahead, we need to be prepared for everything.

Me: Let's go everybody, we a fight to finish.

Weiss: We haven't even started it.

Me: You ruined the moment!

We kept walking through the canyon until we reached a open area, the walls started to separate in a giant circular canyon, if you look at it from above you could call it a hole, there was a huge lagoon on the place, it covered the entire hole actually, the water was just a couple of meters ahead of us, an old stone bridge was ahead of us too, leading to a platform on the water connected to other platforms, if you looked carefully you could notice that they were part of an ancient structure.

Weiss: This looks like it was part of something bigger.

Blake: Maybe an ancient castle that was submerged on this place.

Yang: Look at the edges of the canyon, I think this place was once up there, maybe an earthquake sunk all this place.

Me: Asriel said that the creatures here were hunted, maybe one giant creature caused this during a fight against the ancient kingdom.

I looked at Asriel, he was completely aware of his surrounding, he heard our conversation and nodded to my supposition. I can believe a living being could do something like this, what if we are facing something like that? Could we really survive it, maybe is because of this that Asriel send back Marie?


The creature! It appeared flying over the lagoon, it looked huge, I can tell it's 20 meters long from wing to wing and around 40 from head to tail, it really looked like a bird, but it gave the impression of being made of rock, even grass was growing on it, but you could distinguish flesh on various parts of its body, however it seemed to be pretty resistant. I turned to my team, we looked to each other, Asriel looked back to us, giving a serious stare, we returned the stare and prepared to fight. But before we could do something, in the other side of the lagoon, the water started to... boil?

A huge amount of bubbles started to appear and little by little we saw how another rock and flesh creature raised from the bottom of the lagoon, it had two great horns on the front of his head, each tip started to glow on a orange color, glowing stronger second by second, we prepared for an attack and ran through the bridge to the first platform, dispersing ourselves to other ones and be a harder target if that thing was planning to shoot something, but instead of that a soundwave resounded, for a moment I thought it was Asriel using his angel, but I saw that the horn's glow was pulsating. I looked to every direction looking for Asriel, I spotted him, he was still on the bridge, he was holding his head, I used my Crescent Rose scope to look at him, his face showed pain, something was hurting him.

A big pulsation of the creature's horns resounded through the area, making Asriel fall to the ground and twist his body in pain. Everyone noticed that, while I started running to his side I yelled to the others.


I saw how Yang ran through the platforms getting closer to the creature, but the bird attacked her and dive into the bridge she was using, destroying it and sending her flying, I stopped on that instant, I didn't know what to do, time become slower for me, Asriel was suffering, but my sister was in danger too, where I was suppose to go, I looked at Asriel and saw him pointing to Yang's location, I understood, I needed to save her first, he could resist for a while, I turned back and used my semblance to dash as fast as I could. I quickly passed through the broken bridge and jumped down.

Me: YANG!!!

I made to grab Yang's arm and threw her up, Blake was swinging with her weapon and grabbed Yang, using her momentum to reach a damaged tower resting diagonally in another tower.

Weiss used her glyphs and made a path for me before I could fall on the water, I reached a close platform and directed my attention to Asriel, I felt the time going back to normal, Weiss reached my side and made some glyphs, using dust to shoot at the horns of the creature, I shoot some dust infused bullets too, while Yang and Blake did the same from the tower, the creature move his head a little to the side and moved its arm to create a giant wave.


Yang and Blake hid behind the tower, while Weiss created an ice shield covering both of us.

When the wave passed us, the shield cracked and we both ran in different directions, Weiss ran to face the creature from a closer place, while I ran back with Asriel, the wave didn't reach him, but some minor waves started to shake the bride he was on.

Seconds later a tower close to Asriel tumbled down and broke a part of the bridge he was on, I saw something on the water, something was moving, it wasn't the rock or rests of the structures, it was something alive, there was another of those things.


Blake/Yang/Weiss: WHAT!!!???

I saw the creature in the water getting closer to Asriel, it was going after him, I needed to accelerate. I heard the bird screaming close to me, the damn thing was diving directly towards me, I put more strength on my legs and dashed to Asriel, but the bird was faster.

It broke through the platform I was in, sending me flying, I recovered midair and jumped on the rocks around me, using my semblance to burst into rose petals and pass through some of them, right before I could reach the bridge, the creature that was underwater emerged from below the bridge and send Asriel to the air.

My heart stopped, fear came to me, I couldn't reach him in time.

The bird emerged form the water in front of me sending me backwards with the wave it created.

But I saw it, the bird tried to catch Asriel, but the snake attacked too making both collide, Asriel was pushed by the giant wave and landed on a platform considerably far away from the others. But the bird didn't gave up and came flying toward me, I ran and jumped to other platform, the bird was following me really close, when I turned to the water I saw the snake swimming towards me, both were competing to see who would catch the food first, I started running through a bridge with various turns, jumping to another one that looked like the wall of a coliseum or something, the bird was attacking from above getting close but without diving anymore, while the snake was destroying the base of every path I took to make me fall on the water, I saw the situation of my team, Yang was ON the freaking creature giving punches to its head!

The horned creature moved his head side to side trying to throw away Yang, while Blake was using the elastic lace of her weapon to pull from one of its horns, Weiss was using her glyphs to help Blake pull the horn, I decide to use the creatures persecuting me as an advantage and directed myself to the horned creature.



Like that she jumped from the head to the left horn and directed her attacks to the point where the skin and the horn connected, as for me, I ran through a weak looking bridge, as I expected, the giant snake broke the base of it, I jumped from it and landed on a thicker platform, just to see the whole structure to fall over the snake head, I heard a painful screech and saw it submerging in water again. The bird was still flying over me though, but that was good, I needed to direct it to collide with the horned creature, I shoot some bullets to regain its attention, good thing, it worked, bad thing, I had a giant mad bird directing his entire attention to me, so I dashed away.

While the bird was following me, I steal a glance to Asriel, he looked to be unconscious on the platform he landed, I was worried for the snake but I couldn't let my attention go away from the bird, I turned to look for a path that would lead me to the horned creature, and saw Yang, now in a platform, receiving a punch from the horned creature.

Me/Blake/Weiss: YANG!!!!

She was threw away by the punch, alongside with the platform, but she recovered midair with a clearly angered face, her hair started to burn, she used a rock as a standing point and jumped from rock to rock until she fell over the creature again, dealing a HUGE explosive punch on the horn, shattering it completely, Blake and Weiss pulled one last time while I shoot some gravity dust bullets to it, finally tearing apart the horn.

Black blood started to flow out of the wound, now was my turn to break the last horn, I ran towards the right horn through a bridge connecting to a tower, the bird passed me and attacked the bottom of the tower making it fall, I used the wall of the tower as a new path and dashed at max speed, the bird was following me not to far behind me.

I finally jumped out of the tower passing the horned creature, the bird couldn't avoid the collision and teared apart the second horn. I thought on a plan to finish off the horned creature.


Yang/Blake/Weiss: GOT IT!!!


A male voice resounded on the entire place, surprising us a lot. When we turned back to the origin of the voice, we saw him.

Suddenly we all heard a song resounding through the entire area, I looked back and saw an organ raising from the water, Asriel was standing on the platform. The tiredness vanished, I could tell everybody was feeling better, it was time to take down one of them.

I distracted the bird again, shooting to it and separating it from the others, while Weiss used her enhanced semblance to raise the horn in the air; Blake tied the lace of her weapon to a pillar and ran to secure the other side on another one, creating an improvised slingshot; Yang ran at her max and jumped on the lace, shooting with her gauntlets to give herself more momentum; when the lace reached its limit Yang was launched with great force towards the horn, Weiss pushed forward with her rapier, throwing the horn to the wounded creature, but that thing covered itself with its arms, stooping the horn from piercing its skull.


A golden blur collided with the giant horn, Yang started punching repeatedly the horn to push it forward, while Weiss helped her with her glyphs keeping her in the air and thrusting forward the horn.

But the giant's arms kept stopping the horn from advancing. The bird on the other side was still chasing me, I guess it was mad at me for making him crash on the horned one. But the snake returned and destroyed the platform I was on. Asriel used a soundwave to put me out of the way of the bird, I landed on a crumbling tower and saw how Yang was punching as fast as she could, she even looked like a stand from a certain anime.


With that she gave one final punch infused on her semblance's flames, pushing the horn through the arm of the giant, but there was still the other one.


Both nodded at me and Weiss used her glyphs again to throw herself and Blake towards the horn to help Yang, Weiss was involved on a white aura while Blake was on a black one, both auras pushed at the same time as the golden one, pushing the horn further and piercing the skull of the giant creature, black blood started to flow like a waterfall from its head.

The girls landed safely on the platform in front of the corpse of the colossus, which started to sink into the water.

It was my turn to finish one of these creatures too, I shoot some bullets to the water snake and caught its attention again, I looked around to find anything to help me kill at least one of these monsters; and I found a mass of rocks that was on the edge of the canyon over us, I smiled and made the snake follow me to the wall, but there was no platform that lead me there.

Suddenly a lot of glyphs appeared on top of the water making a path, I turned a moment and saw Weiss smiling at me, I returned the smile and kept running through, when I was about to reach the wall I jumped and landed on it, the snake followed me and jumped out of water, I jumped from the wall and landed on its back, running through its body and finally jumping with all my might from its tail, the snake crashed with the wall, making the rocks over it tumble and fall over it, when the snake took its head out of the water the giant rocks fell over it crushing its skull and pushing it to the bottom of the lagoon.

I landed on a tower, turning to see my friend celebrating.

I let my guard down, there was still one beast alive; and when I turned my sight to see what was behind me, it was too late...

OK everyone, here it is, finally. It took me like two days to write this because I didn't have any idea how to represent the fight and the little search for the creatures; whatever I think everybody noticed the obvious reference to shadow of the colossus, the title, the images, yeah, all that. I tried to give a little reason to kill those creatures, and it'll be more explained for the colossus itself on the next chapter, and another surprise coming from Asriel. With all that said, thank for reading, comment any way you like and BYE! 

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