His world

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-Third point of view-

Asriel was waking up, his body was burning with pain, but the worst thing was his head, it felt like it would explode at any second, he tried to look around him, only to see a giant lagoon on a canyon, he was close to the wall on a small platform, it looked like an old structure that was submerged centuries ago, the pain continued to attack him while he was trying to recover and analyze the situation.

A voice was resounding on his head, causing his suffering to increase, it was like every single word was a sword piercing his brain.

???: DiE!!! hUManiTy BeTraYED Us!!! YoU All DesERVe to Die!!!

The pain, the sorrow, the feeling of betrayal and spite was accumulating on his heart, while the voice kept going.

???: tHIs WorLD!!! EveRYTHing!!! EVErytHING mUSt...

???: WE gaVE eVERythING TO HuMANity!!! ThEY toLD Us THaT TheY NeEdED US!!! ALL WaS JuST LIES!!! EVeriThiNG MuST...

???: EvERYthinG must DIE!!!

The suffering was horrible, every inch of his body was suffering, his mind was braking little by little.

Muffled voices resounded at the distance, he couldn't understand what was happening he couldn't ignore the pain. Memories of itself started to run through his broken mind, memories of a shrine, three girls looking at him confused, a little girl, a tree, a fox. Nine tails, a red cape, a white katana. Those broken memories where running through his mind, it was his own efforts to stay sane.

The screams intensified on his head, every second that passed made him sunk into desperation, the pain, the loneliness, the feeling of betrayal, the hate was accumulating on his mind.

The darkness was surrounding him and cornering in his heart, crawling closer to him second by second, He was making a great effort for not being consumed by the hate, trying to push away the negative feelings.

The inner conflict felt like a horde of dark creatures crawling toward a single flame, fading slowly as the creatures got closer to it.

When the flame was completely surrounded by darkness, a sudden pulse of energy resounded and threw away the creatures, the flame took the chance and surrounded itself with a wind barrier, the creatures throwed themselves in a suicide attack, but another pulse of energy weakened even more the darkness.

On this opportunity Asriel made an internal scream.

Asriel: I'M NOT ALONE!!!

???: YoU ArE NoT DIferenT FroM US!!!

Asriel: I'M NOT YOU!!!

???: TheY WiLl AbANDon YOU!!!


The flame was surrounded by a tornado and threw away all the darkness.

Asriel woke up completely, looking everywhere for his friends, he finally spotted them on a platform


Yang/Blake/Weiss: GOT IT!!!

It wasn't the moment to doubt or feel dizzy, Asriel throwed away his tiredness and prepare his angel, he couldn't let them do all the work while he rested on the side of everything.


The music started to resound on the battlefield giving energy to his friends helping then in the fight, but before he could reunite with them on the center of the lagoon, a voice resounded on his head, it sounded like the laments of the horned creature but much more calmed and sinister.

???: Your power, I've seen it before, centuries ago.

Asriel (thoughts): What do you know about it?

???: Only that you don't own it.

Asriel (thoughts): Then who is the owner of it?

???: The original owner of that angel lived in another world thousands of years ago, but that is all that I needed to know about it; and you too, I won't let you leave this canyon alive after all.

Asriel (thoughts): You think is going to be that easy?

???: You tell me, your friends are just making it easier for me right now.

Asriel (thoughts): What?

He zoomed out of his thoughts and saw the horned colossus being stabbed on the head with his own horn, black blood started to pour out from the wound, but there was something else, one could not see it right away because it was black too, but it looked more like a cloud rising from the corpse that was sinking underwater. It was like the blood was boiling and the gas resulting from it was directing to the bottom of the lagoon.

Asriel (thoughts): What is that thing?

???: The souls of those colossi are coming to me, to their legitimate owner.

Asriel (thoughts): Colossi, that's how these things are called? And who are you?

???: That's something you will know when your friends finish the job.


Asriel looked to the origin of the sound, rocks where falling from the top of the canyon and landed on the snake colossi, killing it and dragging it to the bottom of the lagoon.

The black mist kept coming out of the body, until it was impossible to see it down the water. The situation seemed to be worse than he thought, there was this feeling of something terrible was coming.

But at the next moment his heart sunk in fear, the time seemed to feel slower, he could see the bird colossi just some meters away from Ruby, its beak was fully opened ready to eat her alive. He could feel how the strength was concentrating on his legs, jumping on a desperate try to save Ruby, for a moment everything stopped.

A track of wind, a line was drawn in the middle of the air.

The bird colossi was still in the air, his beak closed, there was no blood or anything on it, it only bit the air.

Yang's face reflexed terror. The time seemed to return to normality, she looked to the bird flying away from where Ruby was, the three huntresses followed the wind trail and found Asriel standing on a tower with Ruby behind him, but what surprised them was what Asriel had on his back and arms.

On a tower far away where she was originally, Ruby opened her eyes, the only thing she could see was a serious looking Asriel, he let her down an looked at himself surprised by what he had just done.

The path he covered just now with a simple jump was at least 400 meters, and just a second passed since he jumped. Even so the memories of him acting everything felt so fast yet so slow, he flew for a moment catching Ruby and taking her to a safe place.

She was completely amazed for what was in front of here, from one moment to another she was hundreds of meters away from where she was, without any harm.

But what caught Ruby's attention was the same thing that her team was dazed about, on Asriel's back were a pair of metallic wings, both had something that looked like crystal spheres of a different color on each one.

(I guess is more than obvious now that the angels are going to be the ones from Date a Live)

He was showing a serious face towards the bird colossi, obviously mad at it for trying to kill Ruby; the bird was now standing on another tower far from them, Asriel prepared his new wings, the colossi did the same, both apparently were going to fly to the other and collide in midair.

Ruby: Asriel, what are you planning?

He jumped in the air started to gather wind around him while the bird flew in his direction, the wind concentrated on his right hand creating a giant lance, the right wing's spheres shined and on a single instant, he dashed forward, hitting the left wing of the bird colossi, destroying its balance.

Asriel kept flying and arrived at the wall of the canyon, landing on it and running at max speed, when he coverer a quart of the wall he jumped again towards the bird, still struggling to keep itself flying. The strike threw the bird upwards, keeping it on the air, Asriel reached the other side of the wall again and running once more.

He keep doing the same pattern without letting the bird rest for a moment, flying toward it and striking with his lance over and over again, keeping it on the air to receive more strikes until he landed on the center platform of the old structure; the lance vanished in light and a pendulum appeared on his left arm, moving it to throw the chain to the bird, tying the beast without problems.

Asriel jumped again, passing the bird and now in the top he pulled the chain, bringing the giant creature with him; the pendulum vanished, and the lance appeared on his hand again. The next move was obvious, he dashed down at high speed and landed on the central platform creating a shockwave as he landed.

Both wings on his back were shining. Everyone was dazed by the sudden power exhibition, but when they raised their gazes, they spotted the most surprising thing, the bird was blown in pieces, the only rests where its wings, head and tail, the rest of its body was brutally blown away without leave a single trail of it.

But Asriel didn't let his guard down, he knew that it wasn't the end.

???: You did it anyway. Even if you knew that I was going to take advantage from it.

Asriel (thoughts): Come here, I'll end you personally.

???: As you wish, thief of angels.

Asriel (thoughts): Great, my first nickname.

Ruby jumped down the tower and ran directly to Asriel, the rest of her team ran to him as well, all of them looked happy and relieved, but Asriel's face was still showing concern.

Suddenly the bridges and several platforms were demolished for strange pillars of black blood emerging from the lagoon.

Ruby: WHAT IS GOING ON!!!???

Weiss: WHAT IS THAT!!!???


The blood started to gather in front of them creating a mass of the dark liquid, when the girls reached Asriel's side, the giant mass of blood begun to pulsate and a pair of wings emerged from it, the same wings from the bird, but at the next moment a giant snake emerged from behind the mass, a pair of claws extended down the wings and the mass took a more familiar shape, little by little a body was being formed, until what was in front of them was another colossi, but this one looked far more strong and resistant.

Its body was fully covered on the same stone/flesh than the others, but this was pitch black and instead of grass it had feather like plants, shining on a dark purple bright, the creature resembled to a griffin, Bird head, lion like claws, a pair of wings, but it had other's characteristics like a snake tail that resembled the snake colossi that Ruby just killed, while a pair of horns where on its head.


Its horns started to shine the same way that the horned colossi from before, but the same trick wouldn't work twice, Asriel summoned Gabriel and called a barrier to defend him and the girls, reinforcing it with a powerful wind barrier.

The shockwave collided with the barrier and shattered it without any problem reaching Asriel and the team behind him.

The five submerged on horrible visions of their own worst nightmares.

-Ruby's nightmare-

I was standing right in front of me, I didn't know how, but I was, the vision in front of me was horrible.

Dead bodies where everywhere, I could recognize a lot of them, they were... they were my family, my friends, all the people that I cared for.

I was standing there, with my scythe was completely covered in dark red, my dress was dripping blood, but none of it was mine, I was holding someone with my left hand.

I couldn't believe my eyes, Yang was there she didn't have any member, it was just her torso and head, her blood was spilling everywhere, tears covering her eyes.

Yang: W-why? W-w-why ha-ve y-you done t-this?

I didn't answer, I just saw myself smiling and decapitating her.

I turned to see myself, black veins where covering my skin, white as the snow, a wicked smile was painted on my face.

Nightmare Ruby: So, will you join the fun?

-Yang's nightmare-

I was alone in the darkness.

In the middle of nowhere.

I didn't know what to do.

The coldness dominated the endless darkness.

I didn't know what to do.

I just could scream for help.

Is anyone there!?

There was no response, just silence.

I called for help once more.

Please! Anyone! Help me!

But nothing happened.

I tried to scream again.

But nothing happened.

I ran as fast as I could.

But I found nothing.

I punched the ground in frustration.

Nothing happened.

I called for help one more time.

Nothing responded.

Darkness enveloped me.

I tried to struggle.

But nothing happened.

I was angry.

I was scared.










I was...


-Weiss's nightmare-

I was watching myself from above, on my room, without moving, I tried to move, tried to stand up, but my body didn't answer me. I was just seeing everything from outside, then my father entered though my room, with tears on his eyes, and talked while crying.

Jacques: I swear this isn't what I wanted, I just wanted you to become greater than everything I was, I thought that if I controlled everything on your life, if I just give to you everything that I thought was necessary, then you'll achieve the perfect future I was planning for you.

Suddenly my brother Westley entered the room too.

Westley: Father, it's time.

Jacques: I can't leave her, I want to be at her side in the end, it can't compensate for the time I wasn't there, I know, but, I can't keep going, if I don't do this.

Westley: Father, I know how you feel, I know it's hard, I also feel terrible for my sister's situation, but ever since Winter died on the war you have been living a terrible life, you avoid eating, you have fallen unconscious for the lack of sleep.

Winter... died?

Jacques: I don't care, I won't leave her, I won't let her die like this.

Westley: There's nothing we can do, she can't be cured, father, she'll die no matter what we do, please, you are killing yourself slowly by living like this, I love them too, and it tear apart my heart what happened to them too, but please.

With that, Westley

My father stood up, almost falling down on the try, but he managed to stand on his feet my father walked towards the window.

I knew exactly what he was going to do, I tried to call for him, but my voice didn't sound, I ran and tried to stop him by force, but I just passed through, like a ghost. I couldn't believe what was happening.

My father got close to the edge of the window, I tried to scream one more time, but my voice was gone. I saw him jumping. My world crumbled down, I couldn't do anything. I failed on saving my own family, I've failed to save myself. I failed in my entire life.

-Blake's nightmare-

I was tied to a bed, bruises all around my body, I was bleeding on various spots, I could see my naked body, and in front of me, was him.

Adam: You never listened to me, you decide to betray ME and your kind.

He undid the ties of my legs and hands, but immediately after tied my hands behind my back, he then took me and drag me by the hair for various rooms and stairs until we reached the roof of the building.

Now out in the roof I could see the entire island of menagerie burning.

Adam: This is what happens to the weak, they burn and die by the hand of the strong, do you get it now?

I could see people been slaughter on the streets, children, women, men defending their families, all of them were executed right away.


Adam: They forced me to do this, the people of this place simply submitted to the humans, these people are the sickness of our species, and now that there are no humans anymore, they needed to be eradicated too. And you would become my love, no matter if you refuse to it.

I heard someone going out to the roof with us.

White fang guard: Sir, we took care of Ghira Belladonna, his body is now burning on the streets of menagerie.

Adam: Good, what about Kali.

White fang guard: She is entertaining our stressed soldiers on the basement.

Adam: A personal decision of you I imagine.

White fang guard: Sorry but the high members didn't want to use the captured women like everyone else. So, I gave them the widow of the ex-leader of the wife fang to make them shut their mouths.


Adam: They just received what they deserved, and you, you'll be my personal doll for the rest of your life, my love.

He kissed me by force, I tried to resist, but I felt his sword slashing my right arm.


Adam: Stop putting resistance, or I'll take the other arm.

I couldn't stop crying, I was desperate, so I stood up and with all the energy that I had left, I jumped.

Falling too my end...

-Real world-

-Asriel point of view-

I received the pulsation head on, without any fear in my heart, the pulse passed through me, I could feel the same pain as before, the same dark feeling accumulating inside of me, but this time it wouldn't work.

I wasn't that weak. I couldn't be.

But I didn't fight it, the darkness on my soul, it was mine, no one else is going to control it, this hate, this desperation, this sorrow.


I recovered myself from the initial impact and turned to see the girls, they were unconscious on the ground, black fog covering their hearts.

I looked back to the colossi in front of me, the incarnation of spite and hate.


I called my angels, this might be the strongest thing I'm going to see in a long time, I'm going with my all here, I couldn't afford to scape, I couldn't afford to lose.

For me.

For Ruby.

For Weiss.

For Blake.

For Yang.

Ruby, Ahri, 2B, none of them abandoned me that night, even if they could do It so easily, just because they were everything I had back then, and is still that way. If they stayed for me, then the least I can do is to answer with the same coin. I'll stay, I'll fight!

The song started to resound through the hole lagoon, no, through the hole plains, resounding my determination.


(you can think whatever you like of the game and the franchise, but if you don't like the music, I don't know what's wrong with you)

The creature threw some weird looking black blood tentacles, grabbing the girls behind me and dragging them with it, his body turned a little more humanoid, it then spread its arms making the entire canyon shake, the walls started to expand and made the hole lagoon even bigger, the expansion caused some giant underground water deposits explode and let the water spread more, the process lasted for a couple of seconds before stopping and revealing a canyon that had more than 3 kilometers in length.

I prepared myself and dashed forward at maximum speed, I heard a sonic boom behind me, I guess I broke through the sound barrier now; the griffin flew away slightly slow, but I somehow still felt like it was fast, at least enough to keep its distance, but suddenly giant black glyphs appeared behind him and started shooting at me, the energy shoots impacted on the water as I kept avoiding them moving from side to side, passing below structures and dashing to the side.

When I reached the creature, it infused itself in a dark flame that remind me to what Yang did during the last fight, delivering a strong punch to me without letting me avoid it.

The attack send me flying to the other side of the canyon, I recovered myself and used the pendulum to create a tornado, grabbing giant rocks and pieces of the structure nearby me to throw them at the creature, the giant projectiles flew towards the griffin at high speed, but it avoided them easily by moving aside leaving a shadow clone behind, then it burst in black rose petals towards me.

I barely avoided the charge and started running on the water to make some distance, but the creature followed me from close shooting more dark missiles with Weiss's glyphs, I avoided must of them, but a few made to impact my back, damaging my wings.

I turned and saw the creature slashing the air with its claws, making some sort of wind blades, but wind is my domain now, I moved my left hand throwing the pendulum and creating my own wind blades, then moving it like a whiplash and attacking the creature with strikes that broke the sound barrier each time.

The creature kept avoiding becoming black rose petals or leaving behind a clone to receive the impact, then I decide to attack directly, I vanished the pendulum and called for the lance.

When I saw it returning to its physical form after becoming rose petals I dashed again at max speed to strike with the lance. But the creature used a glyph to protect itself dealing a strike on me with its giant tail covered on black flames, throwing me away.

I couldn't beat that thing if it kept using the girl's abilities, I had to change my objectives, I needed to free them from their nightmares, I spotted the four blood balls floating behind its head and started running, avoiding everything that beast send me, shoots, giant rocks, even giant fireballs, I reached a good spot, one of the blood balls was visible and I could attack, I flew at max speed and dived on it.

-Blake's nightmare-

I was falling, I could see the rage in Adams face.

I knew it was my end...

But a song started to sound in the entire place, it sounded like it was giving me hope, like it was resonating on the entire world, a gentle breeze enveloped my damaged body, a light spread through the red sky.

And I felt someone, someone hugging me from behind, chin was on my left shoulder.

A voice sounded, I voice I've never heard before. Gentle and full of hope, I felt love coming from it.

???: It's not the end, you can't give up just jet, keep standing strong, unmovable, unaffected, Persevere as much as it is needed. Face your own fears and defeat them with your hopes and dreams.

I was surrounded by dark shadows, but I wasn't scared, they were gentle, they were my own will. I'll fight for what I believe.

I'll face my fears


-Real world-

-Third point of view-

Asriel burst out of the blood ball with Blake at his side, she was covered on a powerful black aura, her own power, engaged thanks to Asriel's angel, both started running at high speed over the water.

The creature screamed in pain, attacking like crazy everywhere; Blake saw a chance and jumped towards it slashing with her weapon covered in the same black aura at the creature's tail; Asriel charged against the multiple giant rocks and fireballs that the beast was throwing, with his lance on his hand it looked like a living arrow piercing through the attacks like they were not there.

The creature was defending itself against Blakes slashes with glyphs when Asriel spotted another blood ball and dived into it.

-Wiess's nightmare-

I was just standing there, crying in silence for my father and sister, everything was wrong, none of it should happen, my brother is now alone, everything feels like it was my fault, I couldn't speak when I most needed it, my voice, my existence.

All is gone now.

A soft and warm breeze touched my face, I could feel someone cleaning my tears, giving me hug to comfort me. An inspiring song sounded out of nowhere, but it didn't bother me, it gave me a new hope.

Warm, lovable, reliable.

That's all I could felt in there, a voice resounded, giving me the same feelings.

???: You are not wrong, for wanting to take your life in your own hands, your fate is for yourself, you are the owner of your own destiny, be Patient, someday you'll show everyone how strong you really are. You'll be able to live by your hopes and dreams.

Pure white snowflakes surrounded me, shining a bright bluish white light.

I'm not wrong.


-Real world-

Asriel burst out of the second blood ball, Weiss followed him covered in a bluish white aura, Asriel was normally running in the water with an orange and yellow bright surrounding him.

Wiess used her rapier and her glyphs to attack the creature from afar while Blake slashed it from a closer range, the creature decided to burst into black rose petals and then shooting giant fireballs at the three, but Asriel dashed faster and positioned himself behind the distracted creature diving on the third blood ball.

-Yang's nightmare-



That was all.

Nothing around me.

No one around me.

Just emptiness.

Then a warm breeze.

A Powerful song resounded.

Someone pulled my hand.

Someone gave a warm hug.

It felt warm.


Filled with love and affection.

I felt.


A voice sounded.

???: You are not alone, there's always someone willing to sacrifice themselves to the darkness and take you out, you shine brighter than must of people, because you always fight without hesitation, you protect others, help them, but you always forget that you need someone else too. That's unfair doesn't it? lets make Justice to your kindness together. Let your hopes and dreams bright as strong as you always do.

I'm... not... alone.

I'll keep shining.

I'll keep fighting.

I will...


-Real world-

Yang and Asriel broke out of the blood and ran through the water to separate themselves from the creature.

The beast screamed in pain and burst into black rose petals to avoid the barrage of attacks that were coming to it, meanwhile Yang ran after it with Blake and continued the barrage of close attacks together, keeping the beast in one position.

Asriel took this chance and positioned himself behind the creature one last time, the last blood ball was there, his last friend was trapped inside. He dived one last time without hesitation.

-Ruby's nightmare-

The Ruby in front of me started to laugh uncontrollably, her laugh sounded full of sadness and pain, but anger was mixed on it, it was the most horrible scene I've ever seen.

She dashed towards me with her scythe ready, I closed my eyes in fear. But nothing hurt me.

A song resounded, a powerful and indomitable wind attacked the wicked version of me. He appeared.

Asriel was in front of me, rose petals started to surround me and all the place was covered, we were illuminated just by the red light of my aura, but I felt him hugging me, his gentle voice resounded through my heart.

Asriel: You are not a monster, you are the most kind, lovely and cheerful girl I've ever know and you'll always going to be it. You were there when I needed you, even if you barely knew me back then, even if you could just walk away and leave me behind, you stayed. Now I'll do the same, for you, for me, stay Determined to keep moving, let your hopes and dreams guide who you are.

I know what to say, he knew what I was going to say too, both yelled from the bottom of our hearts...


-Real world-

Ruby and Asriel were free, both were running on a path of wind and rose petals, getting away from the beast.

The creature made a painful scream and looked at the five persons in front of it with hateful eyes, it decided to make on last attack, to obliterate everything in front of it, to finish this stupid game once and for all.

But the beast wasn't the only one thinking that way.


Yang/Blake/Weiss: YEAAAAHHHHHH!!!

They prepared themselves, gathering energy coming from the song of Asriel's angel, he ran back, as far as possible, his wings detached from his back and positioned themselves as a bow, the pendulum enrolled itself on the wings and the lance took the position of an arrow.


In that instant, the creature released a barrage of blood tentacles, destroying everything on their path. Team RWBY dashed forward slashing and punching away every tentacle that came to their way until they reached the creature.

Blake slashed its wings.

Yang pulverized its arms.

Weiss pierced the snake head of its tail.

Ruby slashed the chest of the colossi.


They jumped away, each one landing on a wind trail that Asriel leaved behind before, grinding over the wind rails to a secure platform.

When they landed on it, they witnessed, the strength of the angels.

(You can stop the music now if you haven't yet)

Asriel released the lance, throwing it as an arrow, piercing the beast skull before it could reach the water, the skull was completely blow apart, there wasn't even flesh or blood flying around, a perfect hit, a perfect and powerful shoot. The rest of the corpse was falling to the water lifeless.

Seeing this, Ruby simply yelled.


-Time skip-

Asriel and the team RWBY were sleeping in front of the entrance of the canyon.

Ahri, 2B, Marie and Renard were watching the scene in front of them in silence, still processing what was in front of them. Until Ahri broke the silence.

Ahri: He is going to have to answer a lot of questions once he wakes up.

2B/Marie/Renard: Yep.

Asriel was sitting against a rock, the only thing out of the ordinary, was that the entire team RWBY was hugging him; Yang was behind him with her arms around his neck and her breast over Asriel's head; Blake was hugging his right arm, putting it between her twin hills; Weiss was doing the same as Blake on the other arm; while Ruby was cuddling against his abdomen. It was beautiful scene of a handsome guy being embraced by four beautiful girls.

But of course, the four looking at it weren't happy about it.

Ahri: And he better has a good excuse, or else...

Aaaaaannnnnddd there it is, I don't know, I feel like the chapter might have some gramatical errors or paragraphs that don't make much sense, but I guess is ok since english is not my mother lenguage and I'm basically practicing a lot in here. However I hope someone finds this story interesting, thanks if you readed evrything until here, I really apreciate it, thanks again, see you next chapter, Bye :D 

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