Arriving to the city

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-Asriel point of view-

We where walking out of the forest, Ahri was mad at me when we reunited after the fight with the colossi, I kind of understand why she is mad, but that give me a doubt, does she like me romantically? I mean, seeing how upset she was when she saw team RWBY cuddling to me, that could be a possibility, but I'm not sure, I guess I'll get that in consideration for now on.

But the thing I have been noticing until now is that team RWBY have been acting shy around me, the four seem to have their own kind of reaction, Ruby stutter a lot, Weiss try to act uninterested, emphasis on try, Blake is more quiet and talk as less as possible, while Yang does the opposite and talk more that she actually want, sometimes saying embarrassing things about her.

But the situation was something I understand completely and is something that has been affecting me too.

We returned to the forest at night and honestly, I wasn't in the mood to start the trip to the closest city. But I couldn't sleep that night either, my mind was overflowing with a lot of thoughts.

The visions of the colossi, all those feelings and thoughts. Where communicated to me, it wasn't just them using some kind of magic to torture to me, it was different, hundreds of years of their life, where passed to me, it wasn't me looking from outside, somehow they make me live their life, I felt what they felt, every experience that they had, I had them too, but they made the negative emotions have a bigger repercussion on my mind.

And when I saved the girls from their nightmares something similar happened, I wasn't just waking them from their nightmares, I somehow connected with them, like we know each other from a lifetime. I still remember what I told them to wake them up, I know for sure that was what they needed to hear, but the important thing is that, I knew what to say. I knew them.

I can tell they have a strong attachment to me; and I guess I have one to them too. But I don't think I could keep a relationship with them, well, that's not something I should worry about right now.

Renard: So, what is it now my friend? You have been showing a pretty concerned face all this time.

Me (thoughts): Huh? Yeah, I think that I've been a little distracted lately. Don't worry about that, I was just thinking about myself and so.

Ruby: Eeeemmmmmm, are you concerned about the beast we fought yesterday?

I looked to Ruby with an indifferent face before shrugging at her.

Yang: Should we be worried for that?

Blake: He just seem to be thinking about his own stuff, I don't think is something bad.

Ahri: Seeing you well, I see a change in you Assy.

Me (thoughts): And as always, she knows exactly what's going on in my head.

Renard: You know, I think your relationship with her is really especial.

Ruby: W-w-what do mean by that!?

Renard: Well, I don't know much about relationships, but I know that communication is something important; and those two can easily know the other intentions and emotions with just seeing each other.

Marie: Renard, don't tell me you think that fox is a good companion for my papa?

Renard: Actually, I do, I also think that she might be a good mother for you, on these days she had been accomplishing that role anyway.


Yang: Wow! Calm down little girl, she isn't that bad right?

Marie: You have just been with her for a couple of hours, but I've been with her for more than a week, I know her ill intentions against my dear papa.

I was just walking without caring for Marie's tantrum, I know I should go there and calm her down, but right now I was more concerned for what Ahri said, did I really change? What does she mean with that? She didn't continue talking so I guess she don't care, but still, do I feel different?

Ahri: Don't overthink about it ok? I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I just feel a more mature aura around you, whatever happened on that canyon, it helped you to grow up.

I guess she is right, but I can't tell for sure, the colossi tried to destroy my hopes in this world, they showed me the worst of the people.

Betrayal, hatred, pain, abuse, greed.

I guess they failed then, I am now conscious about the cruelty of this world, but that doesn't mean I have to lose hope, even if there is evil out there, there is also goodness in this world.

I still remember clearly what I saw when I entered the girl's nightmare, it's weird to say that I know almost everything about them, their struggles, their achievements, their convictions. I wonder how they would react if I tell them that I practically saw their entire life.

I guess I shouldn't think too much about it, just like Ahri said. I finally paid attention to the little commotion behind him.


Ruby: W-W-WHAT!!!???


I don't know if I should be paying attention to that, but I'm going to let that be, I'm not touching that mined field.

Ahri: Yeah, I thought the same.

2B: I don't know if it's a good idea to enter this conversation.

Ahri: Don't worry, just stay out of the commotion and you'll be ok.

2B: What about Asriel?

Ahri: He's doing exactly that, just look at him.

I think I'm just going to ignore the world until we arrive to the city.

-Time skip-

-Third point of view-

A couple of guards were on duty, both with a bored face playing cards on the ground, one of them complaining about their jobs.

Guard #1: Why do we accepted this job again?

Guard #2: Because we never know when a creature of the forest will attack the city.

Guard #1: But nothing ever happens on this damn city, I'm seriously thinking about moving to the capital and help in the war.

Guard #2: *sigh* If you really desire to be in a war, then you are just an idiot.

Guard #1: Shut up old man, what do you know about war?

Guard #2: Yeah, what do I know about war? It's not like I'm a veteran of the old war against the Allion empire.

Guard #1: That lie again? If you really were a veteran, you'll be begging to return to the battlefield.

Guard #2: You really don't know what is to be on a battlefield, you are just a kid. Oh! look at this, I won.

Guard #1: Whatever, I don't care what a stupid old man does.

The older guard sighed again and stood up to watch over the forest one more time, returning his sight to the city, the defensive wall was there, some people on the city call this wall useless and a waste of resources, thinking that anything could attack the city coming from the forest, they were right in a sense, since basically nothing has come out of the forest in decades.

The city was ubicated right next to the ocean, so the city's principal sustenance was obviously maritime products, they where the last city in the territory of the Callian kingdom, the government of the humans on the world. But even with the reach of the kingdom's capavilities, there was not much information of what was beyond the rumored plains.

Even if the city was accustomed to have a pacific life and practically don't have any conflict, it had the wall protecting against anything that could attack from the forest, something that caused discomfort in the citizens, mostly the young ones.

The old guard was vigilant over the proximity of the woods as always, unlike his partner, he was serious with his duty, always ready for any attack coming from the forest; sometimes a pack of wolves would try to attack the little farms at the other side of the wall, being the old guard who usually take care of the threat while his young partner just watched from behind with a bored face.

At the distance, the old guard could see the figure of an animal, followed by a group of people, he couldn't hide the surprise on his face, but immediately he took his weapon, a simple spear, and prepared himself, the young one saw him prepare and asked irritated.

Guard #1: What is it? Another pack of stupid wolfs?

Guard #2: A fox.

Guard #1: Leave it be, maybe he just wants to eat a sheep from the farms, it's not going to harm anyone.

Guard #2: I doubt a fox of that side would have enough with just one sheep.

The young guard looked confused at his partner, he turned his sight to the forest, his eyes were wide open after seeing the scenario in front of him, a fox with the size of two adult man was walking towards the city, but the most confusing thing was the group of people that was walking so calmly around it.

But the thing that caught the attention of the young man above everything else was one woman in particular, he saw her from the distance, mesmerized by her beauty, he was so astonished that he didn't noticed when they reached the wall, so the old guard talked.

Guard #2: Who are you and what are your intentions on this city?

The woman that got the young guard attention stood ahead of the rest and talked politely to the guard.

Ahri: Pleasure to meet you sir, my name is Ahri, those behind me are my friends, don't worry, we are not a threat to the city, we are just travelers that want to rest and resupply on the city.

Horace: My name is Horace, I'm one of the guards of this wall protecting the city, this is over here is my partner Jerian; I see myself forced to ask you, do you have any identification?

Ahri: Sadly, no. We came from the plains, actually, we are not entirely sure where do we are.

Jerian: Well let ME be your guide lady, I can assure you that you'll have a great time at my side.

She stood there with an unamused face, while behind her, without anyone notice it, the only male in the group was giving a killer glare to the young guard.

Ahri: Yeaaaaah... No, could you be kind enough to guide us Mr...

Horace: Herdian, Horace Herdian.

Ahri: Mr. Herdian then, could you give us a guide in the city?

Horace: I'll be glad to, but I got to ask about the "little" guy over there.

The guard pointed to the giant fox behind the beautiful woman, right after a little girl jumped down the animal and walked to the old man.

Marie: He is my friend; don't worry he can become smaller. Renard, you are scaring the poor man.

The fox made an amused face and shined, turning into a baby fox.

Horace: Wow, that's not something you see every day.

A small girl on a black and red dress stepped ahead and apologized to the guard.

Ruby: Sorry for causing you trouble sir, we just want to get information about the continent and so on.

Horace was about to talk, but Jerian interrupted and tried to act seductive to Ahri once more.

Jerian: If you need it, I can tell you some places where you can have fun, in fact what do you say about you and me going out to dinner or something.

While the young guard was making his attempts to invite Ahri to a date, Asriel got closer to Horace, touching his shoulder and pointing Jerian with a questioning, and a little irritated, look.

Horace: Don't mind him. Now why don't we go to the city hall and begin with your identifications?

Ahri ignored completely the young guard and directed to him.

Ahri: Thank you very much, we'll be following you then, please lead the way.

Asriel got close to Ruby with an unexpressive face, touching her shoulder and making gestures to ask for her scroll, she reached her pocket and took out the device to handle it to him, until yang spoke.

Yang: Hey, since you don't seem to be interested on anything right now, why don't you use my headphones, that way you'll be the only one listening music.

Asriel gave her a confused look, then she took her headphones out of her purse handing them to Asriel, he didn't know what to do with them, she helped him to put them on and plugged them to the scroll, then signaled him to go ahead.

Asriel still confused put a random song, he showed a surprised face when the song started to sound on his ear, immediately after he smiled and gave Yang a thumbs up.

And like that they entered to the city, Asriel was amazed by the sight in front of him, close to them were a couple of farms, areas with cows, some horses here and there, people harvesting vegetables, even some kids were running here and there playing with each other and their pets.

Asriel felt how Marie stood closer to him and took his hand, while Renard climbed to his head.

Marie: Look at those kids, they look like their having fun.

Renard: Maybe we can come here other day and see if they want to play with you.

Asriel directed a smile to his little daughter, as to encourage her to do so, hugging her closer to him. She just smiled and kept walking.

But of course, the apparition of a group of beautiful women and girls wasn't something that would pass just like that, people were talking at the distance, the majority couldn't be heard for any of the group, but Ahri and Blake could hear them all with their ears.

Boy: Hey look, there is some strange people there.

Girl: Who are they? I've never seemed them before.

Farmer: Is that Horace? Why is he taking this people with them?

Teen guy: Who cares, those girls are beautiful, look at that fox beast man, that's definitely the most gorgeous woman that I've ever seen.

Guy's girlfriend: What did you say just now?

Ahri's face turned to a forced smile hearing that little conversation passing by.

Asriel on the other side was a little confused, he was able to hear those little conversations too because of his recently discover angle Raphael, the wind was something he was connected now so he could sense even the littlest perturbation on the wind flowing, so even if he was using the headphones, he could somehow "hear" the talk around him.

But those conversations made him wonder himself something, were the girls around him really that beautiful? Of course, he thought that they were like that, but he never really got a standard, the only people that he knew all this time were they, so he never knew if they were just the average of society or if they were above. He gave a better look to the most recent people on the group, first looking at Weiss.

She was a girl a little taller than Ruby, with a fine almost white skin, a long white hair tied on a ponytail on the back of her head, slightly to the right; a silver little tiara holding the ponytail. Her eyes were like crystals shinning on a pure and hypnotizing sky blue; her body was well built, keeping a perfect figure of a woman, but her breast was a little smaller compared to the rest of the girls on the group. The way she walked showed elegance and gave the essence from a lady, her bluish white dress and boots with high heels only worked to engage her beauty and elegance.

She noticed that someone was watching her form close and turned to Asriel direction, her eyes encountered with Asriel's for a second, making her apart her sight in shame. He understood why she acted like that and decide to stop staring at her, changing his objective to Blake.

She was also a fair skinned girl, but she looked a little less like porcelain, her features were well defined though; her hair was long and black, with a cute bow on the top of her head, her golden eyes shined with a somehow fierce aura. Her body was also perfectly delineated, her breasts being notoriously bigger than Weiss's. her clothes where like a perfect fit for her too, with the superior part being a black and white sleeveless blouse with a scarf-like neck; But the lower half was the part that caught Asriel's attention, she was using white tight shorts with black and purple stockings, ending on a pair of black high heels boots.

Even if she wasn't as elegant as Weiss, the way she walked and moved her hips was mesmerizing, it wasn't like how Ahri moved, she moved like that to be seductive, but Blake was just naturally attractive.

She noticed Asriel's glare too, but for his misfortune, she caught him looking at her lower back with an inquisitive glare, she purposely coughed to drag his attention to her eyes, giving him a face that mixed how ashamed and mad she was.

Asriel looked away ashamed, facepalming for being so obvious.

He tried to be a little more discreet while looking to Yang, she was the older of the team RWBY, and her body surely showed it, her figure was simply astonishing, her clothes only engage all the sex appeal that she had, a brown mini jacket with short sleeves, having a big cleavage showing a yellow top that engage her voluptuous breasts; she used a orange scarf that fitted her long beautiful golden hair, without any doubt, her most distinctive characteristic; while her fine face features were complemented by her crystal purple eyes. On the lower part one could see a pair of mini-shorts with a transparent mini-cape and the purse/bag she used, her long beautiful legs were exposed until the knees where her long socks and boots started, the left leg had the sock pulled up the knee and a purple lace before the boot, while the right legs had the sock pulled below the knee and no other decoration, seeing her from close, she had a huge beauty and sensuality that no one could ignore.

Of course, Asriel's plan of being discreet didn't work, mostly because Yang was aware of what Asriel was doing since he looked to Weiss, even if she looked cool and calm outside, her head was a mess.

Yang (thoughts): Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! He is looking to me! I can feel his eyes slowly inspecting every inch of my body! Ok, calm down Yang, you are accustomed to this kind of stuff, you like to show off! But, this is the first time a guy whose opinion you actually care is looking at you like that, I wonder what kind of things is he thinking about me right now? Is he thinking on doing lewd things with me or the other girls!? No, stop, Asriel is not that kind of guy, right?

Asriel stopped looking at Yang and turned away again, making her relax on the inside, his mind was still thinking about all the girls around him, he always considerate them beautiful, and thinking it a little more it wasn't weird if the other people did it too.

Meanwhile the guard Horace excused himself for a moment to go and talk to other guards, when he returned he apologized to Ahri and the group.

Horace: Sorry about that, I needed to ask some other guard to take care of the wall while I was helping you people.

Ahri: Don't worry about it.

Jerian: I told you, you could stay behind while I escort this delightful lady to the city hall.

Horace: Do you even know the process to follow there? Besides, she is not the only one here.

Jerian: No but that doesn't really matter, some of the staff there could do that. And she is the only one I care about.

Horace: You seriously give me headaches.

Ahri: Could we keep going please?

Horace: Sorry la...

Jerian: Absolutely my little foxy.

Ahri showed an emotionless expression to Jerian, Horace, seeing this, sighed and kept walking to guide the group.

The girls had mostly unamused faces, 2B on her side had an emotionless face just like Ahri, Marie was showing a face that mixed disgust for the young guard, and amusement from Ahri's situation. But there was something that caught 2B's attention, making her whisper to Ruby.

2B (whispering): Is Asriel making an annoyed face?

Ruby (whispering): Huh? Really?

This caught the attention of the rest of her team, all of them looked discreetly to Asriel, except for 2B, she just looked without any discretion or wish to hide it. He was clearly annoyed, his eyes were directed to Jerian, his left eye clearly twitched every time he tried to flirt with Ahri; all the girls looked to each other, they were thinking the same, he was jealous. 2B didn't understand that and thought that he was just annoyed for the pompous personality of the young guard, just like her.

This obviously didn't pass under Ahri's radar, she was completely aware of the possible reaction of Asriel, but still surprised her to see him acting like that; she was completely ignoring Jerian's flirting on that moment by the way, but one commentary caught everyone's attention.

Jerian: Hmmm? What are you looking to that guy? The only one you should be paying attention is right here my beloved fox.

Horace: Jerian, quit it already, can't you see she is not interested?

Jerian: Shut up old man, can't you see that this is how a man conquer a woman? Making my way towards her heart, then making my way towards her rest place and taking her on a night of passion and lust until the morning arri-aaaaahhhh!

He fell to the ground pathetically, there wasn't any rock or anything that could cause him to trip and fall like he did. He raised his head from the floor confused by it; Ruby and Yang were holding their laughs as hard as they could, Weiss and Blake were smiling discreetly, 2B had a relieved expression too, Marie was chuckling a little; Jerian started walking ashamed for the pathetic scene he caused, Ahri saw this and turned a moment to see Asriel, giving him an amused look, he was looking away, but the annoyance on his face was still there; they continued they way through the city like that, attracting people's gazes, sometimes it was the beautiful women and girls walking, others was a young guard suddenly tripping and falling down comically.

They finally reached the city hall, it was a notoriously big building, two floors with large windows on the second one, some pillars on the outside holding the structure.

Horace: here it is, you can make your register on the reception over there, just go there and ask for a registration.

Ahri: Is there anything else we need to do it?

Horace: You will need to give your personal information, name, age, thing among those lines.

Jerian: You know my beautiful fox, you could go on a date with me, and who knows, maybe you could end up using my last name.

By this point, Ahri was notoriously tired of being constantly dealing with the young man attempts of courtship, making Asriel to finally intervene, he stepped between them looking at Jerian with a tired face, then out of nowhere he grabbed Ahri by the waist, held her closer and kissed on the cheek.

The only one that wasn't surprised by his action was Horace.

Horace: Jojojojojojo! I imagined it, there you got Jerian, she already had a boyfriend, you should have asked that first don't you think?

Jerian: But, why did you never tell me man?

Ahri was astonished for a moment, but she returned to normal, understanding what was Asriel doing, he was helping her to get rid of the insistent guard. Now with a warm smile on her face, she played along with Asriel, but taking advantage of the little situation and testing Asriel's guts.

Ahri: He didn't say anything because he is mute, and I didn't say anything because I was honestly expecting you to give up. I'm sorry but my heart and body belong only to him.

She grabbed Asriel's chin after saying that, softly putting her lips on his. Making everyone not just be surprised, but also yell and create a commotion on the entrance of the city hall. Ahri keep the little act after that.

Ahri: Sorry everyone, we were keeping it on secret to all of you because we weren't so sure about how to tell you about it. Besides you know Asriel is quite shy about these things, in fact this was our first kiss, you can see it on Asriel's face.

And just like she said Asriel was completely flustered, but he was trying to act unaffected, obviously failing, because he was blushing madly. All this pink atmosphere made Jerian feel uneasy, and on his shame, he decided to retire from the place.

Jerian: Eemm, sorry, I... better go back to guard the wall, see you later old man, sorry for the inconvenient I caused you lady.

Just like that he walked away, with a sad atmosphere around him, everyone felt kind of bad for him.

Ruby: I don't know how to feel right now.

Ahri: Don't worry about it, he will probably find the proper woman for him, but right know he was being kind of an asshole, the worst part is that he isn't aware of it.

Horace: I still think he would grow up one day, but right now I've got to say, you two put a pretty convincing act right there.

Ruby/Weiss/Blake/Yang: YOU WERE ACTING!!???

Ahri: Thanks to you too, you played along well there.

Horace: I noticed you were annoyed by my partner, sorry for him again, but I wasn't expecting your friend acting that way to help you.

2B: None of us either.

Horace: Well then let's start with the citizen registration prosses.

Everyone nodded and entered the ominous building, except for Asriel, he was still stunned, 2B then walked out again and dragged him by the hand.

Finally, I finished this chapter, I hate being sick, but whatever, it's here, a city, and a kindom, the next cahpter I'll explain how is this world work, the countries and all that; anyway I hope someone like it and I'll see you next time, bye.

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