The city hall

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-Third point of view-

The group entered on the city hall, a lot of people was there, people that worked there on the majority, Horace was guiding the group to the reception, everybody followed calmly, except 2B who was dragging Asriel by the hand because he was still immobile, soon, they reached the receptionist, which recognized Horace from afar, calling from him ignoring the surroundings.

???: Dear!!! What a surprise to see you here, weren't you supposed to be guarding the wall?

Yang: Wait, dear?

A mature woman was the one calling the guard from behind the reception desk, she had long shiny brown hair that fell to her waist, crystal like brown eyes, her complexion was the one of a young woman, she appeared to be on her late 20's. She was using a blue skirt and a white blouse as a uniform, no matter how you looked at her she was exactly the kind of woman most people would be trying to conquer.

Horace: Adelyn, honey, I was doing that, but these travelers came from the forest and need to get a registration.

Adelyn: Oh my! Travelers from the forest? That's rather unusual!

Horace: I know, I know; so, could you help me with this? I'll help you too, so we could go to have our anniversary dinner as I promised.

Adelyn: Awwwwww, I love how you always prepare something especial for our anniversary, I couldn't ask for a better husband.

The entire group saw Horace with a face that showed their awe, but suddenly someone took Horace right shoulder, he looked back and saw with a proud face giving him a thumbs up, his face made it clear, everyone understood what he wanted to say.

"You, my friend, are an honorable man, you got all my respect"

Horace: Thanks, I just try my best to keep her happy, isn't that the job of a man? To keep happy the person he loves?

Asriel nodded with a determined look and both shared a hand shake; a couple of meters on their side, the girls were having their own conversation.

Ahri: Good, Asriel found a good example to follow, it was good that we came to the city.

2B: Is that how a man should act during a relationship?

Weiss: Of course, a man should be educated, considerate, kind, romantic, they need to be the perfect definition of a gentleman.

Yang: Ok maybe not the perfect gentleman, but they have to be one, also strong to be able to protect his beloved one, even if she can protect herself.

Blake: I think that for me, the most important part of a man is that he made you feel safe and comfortable.

Marie: A man must be pure and kind no matter what

Ruby: We can teach you about this if you want, just ask us any doubt you have.

2B: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

Adelyn: Emm, sorry for interrupting you but, if you are going to make registrations please come here.

Ahri: Yes, sorry for keep you waiting, who is going to go first?

Marie: Let papa do it first.

No one objected, so Asriel came closer and prepared himself, she placed a paper on the desk and gave a pen to him, he started to fill the paper answering the questions, when he finished Adelyn took a crystal from the back of her desk and handed it to him, she used gloves to hand it for some reason.

Adelyn: this is going to measure your physical, magical and psychological capabilities, the results would be showed on this plate over here, alongside with everything you wrote on the paper I handed you.

Asriel looked to the left of the woman, Horace took the paper and put it below a curious device, it looked like a sphere holded by some metal support, it started to shoot some kind of lasers to the sheet of paper, like it was scanning it.

Adelyn: In case you are wondering, that is a status printer, the information of the sheet and the information coming from the crystal will be put on a plate with this device. Now grab the crystal please, using your naked hands, it has to contact directly with your skin.

Asriel unraveled his bandages on the right hand and took the crystal with a curious face, right after the crystal shinned like crazy on every single color, blinding everyone close to it and illuminating the area,

calling the attention of every person on the building; after everything calmed down, everybody was looking to the crystal on Asriel's hand, it was shining with every color, including an ominous black, staying on a color for a second and changing to another, 2B was the one who broke the silence.

2B: What does that light mean?

Adelyn, still surprised for the sudden outburst of colorful light didn't responded, instead, it was Horace who talked.

Horace: It supposed to shine on a color that show who you are, it manifests the color and bright of your soul. But I never heard of anyone who shined that way, besides, the color it shines doesn't mean if you are good or bad, for example, if you shine in a dark purple it doesn't mean you are evil or something. But still, I can feel a terrible aura coming from the crystal every time it shines black.

Asriel made a concerned look, Adelyn recovered from the little shock and signaled Asriel to put the crystal on the status printer.

Adelyn: Please, put the crystal over the status printer, don't worry it'll float in the air.

He obeyed her and let the crystal floating over the sphere.

Horace: Just for you to know, the standard values on this world for male humans is from 20 to 30 for the adults, teenagers had from 15 to 25 on their stats.

Ruby: So, this world measures the power just like a videogame, I knew it we are on a fantasy RPG world!

Adelyn: A what? Excuse me I didn't understand.

Weiss: Don't worry for what this girl say's, it's impossible to understand her so don't worry about it.

Ruby: Hey!

The printer stopped, the crystal simply vanished; everybody looked expectant to Asriel's status. He reached for his plate, but when he looked to it his face showed confusion, and above all he was seriously disappointed.

Horace: What's wrong buddy? Not as strong as you thought?

Asriel handed the plate to the man, when he looked at it his eyes widened, he couldn't hold the surprise.

Horace: Why there's nothing here?

Adelyn: What? Let me see it dear.

Just like that she took the plate and gave it a look with her own eyes, and just like her husband, she couldn't believe what was in front of her. The plate showed this:

Name: Asriel                                   Age: ???

Species: ???                                    Class: ???

Strength: ???                                  Agility: ???

Speed: ???                                       Intelligence: ???

Vitality: ???                                      Defense: ???

Adaptability: ???                           Magic: ???

Soul: _____

(Impossible to describe)

Adelyn: This have never happened before, why is no information about anything? And why the soul is just a line? It looks like a blank space, why it isn't showing interrogations like the rest of the plate?

Horace: Do you think the printer is broken?

Yang: Maybe it ran out of ink.

Ruby and Yang laughed at the little joke, Weiss showed an annoyed face to the sisters for it, while Marie stepped ahead, she looked to his father and hugged him, she was consoling him, she knew Asriel had a little hope that this process could show what he was.

Marie: Don't worry papa, one day we will find out who and what are you, you'll have all your memories back, I promise. Just promise me that no matter what, you'll always be my beloved papa.

He hugged her back, and just like when he tried to talk with Ahri, he got close to his daughter ear and spoke.

Asriel: I n...n...nee...d I'll ab...ab...and...on Yo...u w...i...ll al...ways b...e my d...d...daug...hter.

Everybody saw this with a warm face, a beautiful feeling was spreading all over the place, somehow everybody felt revitalized just by seeing a father hugging his daughter. Horace and Adelyn smiled to the two.

Adelyn: It actually remember me to our daughter.

Ruby: Do you have a daughter?

Horace: Yes, she is on the capital, she is the honorable guard of the prince of the Callian kingdom.

He was obviously proud of his daughter, his face showed it all.

Yang: We'll ask when we finish with this registration thing.

Adelyn: You are right young lady, who is going to be the next one then? We need to check if this printer is broken or something.

Ahri: I'll do it, I don't care if my status show or not, I just want to have an identification to avoid problems.

She sat down on the chair in front of the desk, confidently filling up the registration sheet, less than a minute later she finished and handed the paper, receiving her own crystal, everybody around the place was expectant to see how the crystal would shine this time, some even stopped working to see.

The moment Ahri touched the crystal, it started to shine on a strong cyan color, she didn't close her eyes, the bright caught her sight, without bothering her, like she was seeing inside of her. The shine blinded everybody again, when the light calmed down, the entire place was expectant, another abnormality happened on the same day.

Ahri put the crystal over the printer, slowly vanishing on the air as the printer shoot the laser over the plate, Ruby was especially excited about the situation.

Ruby: I bet you she is going to have a huge potential, and her stats are going to be over the average of everything on this world.

No one denied it though, everybody was almost secure about it, after all, Ahri usually showed that she was the strongest and the most mature among everyone in the group.

Ahri: Don't get hyped about it, I don't think I'm that of a big deal, mostly because most of my fights were with Asriel giving me a huge boost on my power.

Horace: Ok, the average for the females on the fox people are around 30-50 on most of the stats, but they are practically useless for magic, so the average is from 1 to 5 in magic.

Ahri: Useless for magic? Is there a reason?

Adelyn: Just a characteristic of the species, the people that has the most magical talent are the elf species, they are around 70 or 80 points on their early years, they are truly the prodigies of the world on magic.

Ahri thought for a second, it was weird that this world had difference on species, on her world it didn't matter the species, as long as you have talent or dedication you could become a great mage, she had the fame of being one of the most talented mages on the league, but she vaguely used it because she wasn't interested, she lived relatively comfortable, she just needed to learn the basic, she trusted more on simple but effective spells, and her own physical abilities.

She saw the printer stopped and she took the plate, her face quickly turned on a troubled one, concerning the others.

Adelyn: As I thought, the printer may be broken doesn't it?

Ahri: It most, if not, I don't explain myself this.

Asriel took a look to her plate from the side, his eyes widened, he would have screamed, if he could; Asriel took the plate off Ahri's hands leaving her surprised and making a cute sound.

Ahri: Eeekkk!

Asriel was still looking at the plate amazed, he then looked back to Ahri, to the plate, to Ahri, to the plate, to Ahri, over and over again for a couple of seconds, his face was full of admiration towards his nine tailed friend.

Marie: What's wrong papa?

2B: I imagine the plate says something amazing.

Ruby: I told you! she is special!

Ahri: I'm telling you, the printer most be broken, what appears on the plate can't be the truth.

Horace: Let me see what it says, maybe is just an exaggeration from him or something.

The plate showed the next stats:

Name: Ahri                                                Age: 521

Species: Ancient Kumiho                    Class: Ancient Deity

Strength: 300 SSS                                   Agility: 700 SSS

Speed: 700 SSS                                        Intelligence: 700 SSS

Vitality: 300 SSS                                       Defense: 300 SSS

Adaptability: 800 SSS                            Magic: 1000 SSS

Soul: Nine tailed beast

(The owner of the ancient cyan flames, the last great fox spirit. Affinity with all elements)

Horace was speechless, not only the huge level on every statistic, "Ancient kumiho" that was the part that got him concerned.

Horace: May I ask you lady; can you tell me from what species are you?

Ahri: I'm a bastayan, to be honest, I was summoned to this world for unknow reasons, just like all of my partners her, expect from the child and the fox.

Adelyn: Summoned, so that's why you came from the forest.

Ruby: Is it common to be summoned in this world?

Horace: I mean, is not something of everyday, but it's possible, actually, I'm a descendant from a human summoned from another world.

Yang: That at least answer some questions.

Blake: But also rises others.

Ahri: Well, I'll come to make a new plate and register later when you could repair the printer.

Horace: I'm sorry, but... the printer is alright, I think you are the one that is out of the common sense.

Ahri: What?

Adelyn: Dear, can I see the plate please?

Horace: Here.

The usually calmed woman suddenly raised a scream, surprising all the people around.

Adelyn: A KUMIHO!!!???

Suddenly all the workers and the citizens around became noisy out of nowhere, yelling and making a ruckus everywhere.

???: WHAT DID SHE SAID!!!???







???: NO ONE IS!!!

The ruckus continued until a woman appeared from the bottom to the hall, giving a strong aura, obviously she was the one on charge of the place. Everybody went silent when they heard the door opening, they knew who was coming.


She looked towards Adelyn, making her shake like a scared puppy. The mature woman was wearing an elegant office suit, her long blonde hair was tied on a ponytail, no matter how you looked at her, she was the boss of the place, and just by the reaction of the people, even the civilians, she was someone to be scared for.

The woman walked towards Adelyn with an angered face, no one made a single sound, they just limited themselves to see from the distance.

???: Adelyn, may I ask you what happened? Depending on the answer you may lose your work here.

Adelyn: Emm, y-you'll see, I w-was m-making t-t-t...

Ahri: Hey! Who you think you are to talk that way to her!?

The woman directed a furious gaze to the origin of the voice, but Ahri didn't react, she just walked closer to Adelyn and keep firmly standing between the woman and the friendly receptionist.

Ruby got closer and whispered to Ahri.

Ruby (whisper): What are you doing!? Don't you see this can cause us problems!?

Soon the entire team RWBY got close and tried to make Ahri stop.

Weiss (whisper): Can't you see this could be troublesome!?

Blake (whisper): Ahri, let's stop this.

Yang (whisper): Yeah, what of the arrest you or something!?

Ahri: I don't care who you are, but this woman here was just doing her work normally, the people around made a ruckus out of nowhere just because she was surprised a little. It's not her fault.

???: Who you think you are to talk to me like that?

Ahri: I'm just what you see, a simple woman, nothing more.

Adelyn: Miss Ellyn, sorry about the disorder, I was just making a register to this people and was a little surprised for the status of this woman.

Ellyn: A simple status plate could make a mess of this proportion? I'll judge by myself, and if it's not something that worth a surprise then you can say goodbye to your job.

Ahri: That again!? You can't fire her just for a little surprise!

Ellyn: Shut up and give me that plate. Now.

Ahri: Tch! You bitch, here, it worthless, the printer is broken, the plate is full of nonsenses.

The woman saw the plate still with anger on her face, but on an instant her face became surprised, she didn't say anything, just walked to the printer, exanimating every inch of it, a moment later she looked to Ahri and talked.

Ellyn: You, come to my office.

She was pointing to Ahri, but the fox didn't show an amused face, irritation could be seen on her expression.

Ahri: And why should I hear what you say?

Ellyn: *sigh* I'm going to be honest, I understand the situation now, don't worry, Adelyn is safe now, I would have done the same on this situation. Do these teens come with you?

Ahri: Yes, why?

Ellyn: Then please come too, we'll continue the registration on my office, Adelyn, come with us please.

Adelyn: S-sure.

Ahri: See? Was it hard to act more kind?

Ellyn showed a curious face, but soon after she started to laugh.

Ellyn: I like you, there not much people out there that could stand unfaced to me like you just did. I insist, please come to my office to keep going with your registration and your friend's. There are some things I'll like to discuss with you all.

Horace: May I ask, can I come to? I was the one who guide them on the city from the wall.

Ellyn: Does that mean that they come from the forest? Sure, we will need you there too.

Horace: Yes, and thanks madam.

Ellyn: Please follow me then.

Everybody was surprised by everything that happened on just a couple of minutes, but even like that they followed the woman to her office.

After just two minutes of walking they arrived at a big office, just entering you could see a huge window as the replacement for the wall opposite of the door, the sight of the sea and a palace on the distance was amazing; the office on the other side was well decorated, a desk in front of the large window, with two big sofas in the front of it with a glass table on the middle of them; a printer was on the table, as well as some registration papers. The floor was covered on a notoriously expensive carpet, some equally notorious expensive art pieces were decorating the walls, the place was obviously the office of an important person.

Ellyn: Please take seat. I'm sorry for my last outburst, is just that lately the noble from the sea palace is making my life impossible, they keep pushing me to make people to enlist on the army to go to the war in the north.

2B: War?

Ellyn: I'll explain, first I'll need everybody to make the registration.

Ruby: Then I want to go next.

Ellyn: Please go ahead then.

She made a gesture to Adelyn to hand the girl a paper, while Ruby was filling it, Adelyn gave other to the rest of them, so everybody could be ready to just use the crystal.

Ruby: There it is.

Adelyn: Thanks, miss Ellyn, where are the crystals?

Ellyn: Don't worry, I'll take care of that.

The boss got closer to the middle table and touched a circle plate at the side of the printer, right after a crystal materialized on the air, with gloves, she took it and handle it to Ruby.

2B: What kind of technology is that?

Ellyn: You don't know?

Ahri: We all were summoned from different worlds.

Ellyn: Summoned? That's something unusual for being from the forest.

Ahri: There are thing that I want to ask but first let's finish this.

Ellyn: I agree, I'll be better to have all the information before anything else.

Ruby was hearing the conversation from the side, she looked to the crystal in front of her and took it. Like Asriel's or Ahri's it shined with intensity, but not enough to blind everyone, the colors were silver and crimson red this time though.

Ellyn was watching how Ruby placed the crystal over the printer with an inquisitive gaze, something that Asriel noticed.

Asriel (thoughts): She isn't a threat, I can't feel any ill intention coming from her, she is just doing her job here, I guess Ahri is an important person, besides, it looks like we all are out of the normal one way or another. It was clever to separate us from the public and continue the registration in private, who knows what else could appear on the plates and what kind of problems it could cause.

The printer stopped, Ruby took her plate and asked for the standards of a female human on this world to Horace.

Ruby: Horace, could you?

Horace: Oh! Yes, the standard for a female human is around 15 to 25 on the status, just like the male teenagers, but seeing you might be a fighter the standard of a female soldier is around 40 or 50 on the statistics.

Ruby: Then I'm more than just happy with this.

Her plate showed the next:

Name: Ruby Rose                      Age: 16

Species: Human                         Class: Silver eyed warrior

Strength: 150 S                           Agility: 300 SSS

Speed: 300 SSS                           Intelligence: 200 S

Vitality: 175 SS                            Defense: 150 S

Adaptability: 250 SS                 Magic: 400 SSS

Soul: Light of hope/ Rose of the wind

(The descendant of the great heroes of the world, nightmare of the creatures of Grimm)

(Capable of bursting on rose petals and accelerate at speeds beyond the sound barrier)

Ruby: I'm an ancient hero! No doubt that I'M the principal heroine of this story!

She stood there with a proud face while everybody was looking at her with an amused look, Weiss was annoyed though, Asriel on his side was making a warm smile.

Weiss: I'm going next please.

Weiss stood from the sofa while Ruby showed her plate to Ellyn. Her cystal shined on a bluish white color, the same intensity as Ruby's.

When the process was complete, she looked to her plate with an unamused face, which quickly turned to a proud smile when she saw her statistics.

Name: Weiss Schnee                        Age: 17

Species: Human                                 Class: Ice Queen

Strength: 150 S                                   Agility: 200 SS

Speed: 200 S                                        Intelligence: 300 SSS

Vitality: 175 SS                                    Defense: 250 SS

Adaptability: 300 SSS                       Magic: 250 SS

Soul: Ice summoner/ Glyph sage

(Every one that falls to the queen is now her property)

(Capable of use a great diversity of powerful glyphs that engage the caster and allies on combat)

Weiss: Why does this thing say that I'm an Ice queen?

Yang: Told you!

Blake: Don't mind it.

Blake was the next one on made the process, meanwhile, Ellyn was thinking on what she saw on Ahri's plate. It was something that never happened before, the kumihos were extinct miles of years ago, it was impossible that one appeared right now, the situation was perfect thought, in the middle of the war, the thing that was needed the most was hope; and the apparition of an ancient deity could be the thing that would turn the tables. Even if the statistics were inferior to the ones registered on the past, she probably never trained seriously her abilities, probably she just centered on surviving, if she concentrated on getting enough strength, well, they were called ancient deities for a reason.

The process for Blake ended, her csytal shined on a purple and black color. Ellyn payed attention to the results.

Name: Blake Belladonna                  Age: 17

Species: Faunus                                   Class: Feral assassin

Strength: 150 S                                     Agility: 300 SSS

Speed: 250 SS                                       Intelligence: 250 SS

Vitality: 200 SS                                     Defense: 150 S

Adaptability: 300 SSS                        Magic: 150 S

Soul: Indomitable panther/ Shadow step

(Fierce, savage, perseverant, no one will move the beast from their place)

(Capable of leave a persistent shadow on the last place the user was, the element can be manipulated with magic and infused mineral)

Blake: I still feel uncomfortable for the color the crystal shined, I feel like the evil one here.

2B: Asriel also shined with a black color didn't he?

Yang: My turn!

A few minutes later. Her crystal shined a bright gold.

Name: Yang Xiao Long                           Age: 17

Species: Human                                       Class: Dragon warrior

Strength: 400 SSS                                    Agility: 175 S

Speed: 175 S                                              Intelligence: 180 S

Vitality: 400 SS                                          Defense: 400 SSS

Adaptability: 150 SS                               Magic: 150 S

Soul: Dragon's shine/ Damage retribution

(Brighter than the most, shining as a guide to the weakest)

(Capable of return the damage received with the double of strength)

Yang: Sweet!

2B: I guess is my turn now.

Minutes later, with her crystal shining a pale yellow and silver.

Name: YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B)                    Age: ---

Species: Android                                                 Class: Exterminator

Strength: 500 SSS                                               Agility: 500 SSS

Speed: 500 SSS                                                    Intelligence: 150 A

Vitality: 500 SSS                                                  Defense: 500 SSS

Adaptability: 500 SSS                                       Magic: 50 E

Soul: Virtuous Heart

(Always there, always prepared, loving until the end, fighting until the end, loyal until the end)

2B: I don't know how to feel about my intelligence.

Marie: Don't worry big sis, you are intelligent, you are just not a genius.

2B: I guess 9S would have more than 600 points there.

Marie: Who?

2B: No need to worry about it, you should start doing you own identification, I bet you are really strong.

Marie: Fufufufufu, you'll be impressed, I'll make that fox over there like a little baby compared to my capabilities.

2B: I bet you will.

Ahri: Hey!

Marie tried to fill her own paper, but she appeared to have problems with it, some worried noises were coming from her. Ahri, seeing this stood up and got closer to the girl, crouching on her side she started to help her.

Ahri: Here, took the pencil like this, now start writing your name. Come on little by little. M-a-r-i-e. there you go now your age, good, you were paying attention when Asriel and I were teaching you how to write. Now answer this...

Asriel was seeing them with a warm face, he always felt happy seeing those two acting like mother and daughter, somehow it made him feel like he was in a family. He always felt grateful to Ahri for helping him to educate Marie, like she was her mother; thinking about it, everyday Ahri seemed like the perfect woman in Asriel's eyes, she was smart, strong, kind, protective, beautiful, talented, simply everything.

Before he realized the plate of Marie was already done, it had the next statistics.

Name: Marie                                    Age: 5

Species: Dryad                               Class: Natural mage

Strength: 10 E                                 Agility: 20 D

Speed: 15 D                                     Intelligence: 100 S

Vitality: 25 B                                    Defense: 30 B

Adaptability: 75 A                         Magic: 300 SSS

Soul: Force of nature

(Protector of life, mother nature)

Ellyn: Well then, I'll tell you everything you need to know about this world and what means what it's in your plates. Any question?

Ruby: What does the letters next the stats means?

Ellyn: Those are the rank of the stats, it means how much talent you have on that specific area, it goes from E to SSS, being the E the lowest and SSS the best of the best, it also shows how developed is that statistic; For example three people have 100 points on strength, but the first one have an E, the second one have an A and the third one have an SSS, the first one have no talent for the stat and is not recommended to keep concentrating on it, also is not well develop so even if they have the same stat as the others is weaker than the second and the third, while the second has a good talent and potential on the skill; finally the third one is basically a prodigy, not just based on the talent, because is impossible to reach the SSS stat with just that, it is needed years of training to reach the rank even with an abundant talent.

Ahri: Well, I just want to know, what should I do with my plate? It's obviously broken or something, my stats can't be that high.

Ellyn: Sorry to be the one who tells you, but your plate is in perfect conditions, the printer that made it too, those are really your stats.

Ahri: Are you saying that I should believe that all my stats are SSS with hundreds of points on them? Even more, what is this about me being an ancient deity? Besides, if it's not broken, how do you explain Asriel's plate? It's literally empty.

Horace: I don't know how to explain the boy's plate, but yours is real, we are more surprised then you, the kumihos were supposed to be extinct. The fact that one appeared may cause a great commotion on the kingdom, no, on the entire world.

Ahri: I don't want that kind of problems!

Ellyn: May I ask you, where are you from?

Ahri stopped her sudden outburst and looked to Ellyn with a confused face.

Ahri: I'm from another world, Runaterra.

Ellyn: Are you completely sure about that?

Ahri was taken back with that question, she was completely sure about it, right? she was born in runaterra, she grew there, all her life that was her world, how could she not be sure about it? But it was Ruby who asked what everybody was thinking.

Ruby: What do you mean?

2B: Are you suggesting that she might not be from her world?

Ahri: That's impossible, I'm sure I was born in Runaterra. My pa...

Weiss: What's wrong?

Asriel got closer to Ahri, putting a hand on her shoulder with a worried face, she looked pale, like she realized something that she didn't want to.

Ahri: I-I don't remember having any family there. I don't remember having anyone to call my parents, I was the only nine tailed fox there.

Asriel's eyes showed surprise, but he remembered, the talk both had before entering the shrine and that dungeon, she told him that she never had any family, that she always was different from other bastayans, no one like her. He gave her a comforting look.

Ruby also remembered, the night Ahri told her that she didn't had any family to return to.

Ruby: Ahri, could it be that...

Ahri: I don't know, but now I have an objective on this world. Asriel, I guess you are not the only one trying to discover its own identity.

Blake: Do you think you can find answers on this world?

Ahri: I don' know, but I won't discard the possibility.

Marie: I never saw you this worried before.

Ahri stood there thinking about herself, with Asriel at her side showing a worried face. The room felt silent, but Ellyn broke the silence once more.

Ellyn: About you boy.

Asriel turned to her with curiosity.

Ellyn: What happened to your plate is something that had never happened before, she said that you were looking for your identity, how's that?

Marie: Papa don't have any memories of who or what he is.

Ellyn: Papa?

Ruby: He adopted her, she was alone in the forest.

Ahri: More like she adopted him as her father.

2B: Yes, that would be a more precise way of saying it.

Ellyn: How so?

Ahri: We'll tell you on another time, right now we want to know more about this world.

Ellyn: Yes, of course, the plate information may be related to your memories, but I'm not certain about it. Well then, let's change the topic, you were curious about this world. Let me explain you about this world and its actual situation, I welcome you to our world, to Serath.

Ufff, finally, the next chapter i'll explain the situation of the world and how things work on there. About Ahri, yes I'm going to give her a diferent origin than the official, because I can and I want to, she is going to be more important than you think. Also the identity of who and what Asriel is, is going to be a loooong time before that come out to the plot. The next one or two chapters are going to be mostly a daily life on the city, with diferent explanations of how the world of Serath works and all that. Hope you like it, thanks for reaching this part, see you next time, bye.

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