First quest?

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-Ahri point of view-

We were going out of the city hall, our little talk with the director ended at a really late hour, the moon was already on the sky, just to make things worse, we don't have any money, even if we received a map of the city, with enough indications to let a newcomer know where is every kind of store, restaurant, hotel and so.

But without money we had zero possibilities of use any kind of service on the city. While I was thinking on a way to make money at least for the night, Horace, who was still with us made an offer.

Horace: I imagine you don't have any money, right?

Me: Yes, we are on a little predicament here.

Horace: Well, my house is a little big, so maybe I could give you shelter for the night.

Me: Oh my, I couldn't accept that, I don't want to importunate you and your wife.

Adelyn: Don't worry, the house feels pretty empty after all, since our daughter leaved to be a royal guard.

Weiss: I don't want to be the negative here but, we are eight persons and a little animal, are you sure your house would be big enough?

Horace: Well, the old room of our daughter could be used by the little Marie, but the rest would have to sleep on the sofa or the ground.

Blake: Is not necessary, really, we don't want to be a burden to you.

Adelyn: Nonsense, we can't let such nice people to sleep on the streets.

I was still thinking on a way to make money, I really don't want to be a burden on the Herdian's house, while I was looking around searching for an idea I noticed something.

Me: Wait, where is Assy?

Ruby: Huh? Wait, he's gone!

Yang: When did he vanished?

Horace: Isn't he over there?

Horace pointed behind us, he was a couple of streets away, looking to a little building, we got closer to him and heard the one-sided conversation that was happening.

???: So, you say you know where to get peach mushrooms? If that's true, I can pay you 1 platinum coin for each one.

When I heard this my eyes widened, I could tell some of the others had their jaws almost on the ground by hearing this. To make things clear, this world, Serath, had a quite simple monetary system, based on different coins used on all the governments of the world.

It was simple, they used different coins made of different materials which gave them certain value; the bottom of the coins was the lapis lazuli, if you needed to give it a value to it, it would be just 1 unit. The next coin was the copper one, with a value of 5; the next was the silver, with value of 20; then gold, with value of 100; and at the top was the most valuable coin, the platinum one, which by the way had a value of 1000. It was a simple and easy to learn system.

For example, an apple usually cost around 2 lapis coins, while a normal meal would cost you around 4 copper or 1 silver. Other things like clothes would be variable depending on who made them, or the materials used on them. But the standard could be bought by some silver coins.

Returning to the actual situation, we just hear that Asriel could receive a platinum coin for each of something, seeing how everybody was dead quiet, I decided to step in.

Me: May I ask what are you gentleman talking about?

???: Hmmm? Oh, you see, I was closing the restaurant, complaining about a little problem here. You'll see, my restaurant is one of the biggest and most refined establishments on the city, we are especially proud of our peach mushroom soup, this mushroom is almost impossible to obtain, since is one of the weirdest mushrooms on the world, and its just the most exquisite ingredient on the world. The normal price for each mushroom is actually what you heard, a platinum coin each one. They are basically the most expensive ingredients in the world too. The meal cost 3 platinum coins so it's not much requested, but we normally are able to sell at least one each three months, also our inventory is really small so it's not easy to prepare.

Adelyn: Oh right, this restaurant is the only one in the continent that serves that dish.

Horace: That means that you are the famous chef Mario Massinni?

Mario: Indeed, pleasure to meet you. However, I was closing the restaurant when this young man over here came closer with a pamphlet of our famous peach mushroom dishes. He made to explain he was mute and signaled the mushroom photo, he basically told me that he knows where to find the mushroom, so I made the offer you heard.

Me: Assy, I haven't seeing that mushroom before, where did you saw it?

He made some curious gestures, first he mimicked a bird, then a snake and finally he used his fingers as horns, I didn't understand anything, he looked cute though. But suddenly someone behind me yelled out of nowhere.


Blake: Wait! There!?

Weiss: I didn't see anything like mushrooms there!

Yang: Well we were kind of fighting for our lives there so...

Horace: Wait, the colossi? I thought that those deities were hunted thousands of years ago, isn't it?

Ruby: Supposedly? yes, actually? not really.

Blake: Some were still alive.

Adelyn: Wait, "were"?

Yang: Yeeeeaaaaah we killed them.

Horace: Wait, I knew you were out of normal, but killing ancient deities? I mean, if miss Ahri helped on the fight then...

Me: I didn't participate, the ones who killed them were these four girls, and Asriel over here.

Adelyn: But even if they have huge stats and powerful souls, the colossi were known for induce the most horrible darkness to the ones that received their punishments, even the strongest warriors fell to them on the past.

Weiss: And we almost fell too, but Asriel saved us, I don't know what happened to his plate, but he is by far, the strongest of us all, he even can give a huge boost to our abilities on the battlefield.

The married couple looked to Asriel with an amazed expression, then looking to the girls one could notice that they were blushing, I can tell the married couple could guess the feelings those girls had for Asriel, I laughed a little for this, he looks so uncomfortable by their gaze, however, there is more important matters now.

Me: So, Mr. Massinni, you said that you are willing to pay a platinum coin for each mushroom?

Mario: Of course, I'll pay the right price for such amazing ingredient.

Me: Then wait for us tomorrow, we will bring as much as we can for you.

Mario: Mamma mia, this is splendid, may I see your plates to make the task something official?

Me: Of course, Assy, come here and show yours too. We are taking this little mission together.

He took out his plate and both showed our plates to the chef, he took out his and held it close to us.

This is something else of this world, the way that someone made a contract, the plates are just perfect for that; taking advantage of how the plates are the identification of someone, the contract are made on them, by holding them closer, just like we just did. The person who made the petition, and the ones who take it basically made a promise or something; the result is reflexed on the plate, showing the task that someone is following, for this to work both sides have to be willing to accept the other, the person who made the petition have to accept the ones that offered to accomplish it and the ones making the petition have to accept the conditions of the contract. If any side is not willing to accept, then the plates wouldn't do anything.

The three plates shined for a second; Ellyn was kind enough to show us how to hide the statistics of our plate, so we don't make any more problems. When the plates stopped shinning and all that, it showed the task we accepted.

"Search for peach mushrooms for Massinni"

Awfully simple I may say.

Me: Well, we'll see you tomorrow to give you anything we find.

Mario: Splendid, have a good night ladies and gentlemen.

Me: Thanks, have a good night too.

With that, he turned around and walked away.

We had the opportunity to make a huge amount of money on just one night.

2B: May I ask why did you take the task for yourselves?

Ruby: Yeah, we could help too.

Me: Is because we are going to make this fast, the mushrooms are on the plains, even more, far away from the forest, it would be better if we just made it as quick as possible.

Ruby: But I'm fast too. Why don't add me?

Me: Because you need to sleep, 2B could have followed us but she isn't fast enough, with that said, B? Could you take care of everyone for tonight?

Yang: Wait, so you are sending us to the bed like little kids?

Me: Bullseye.

Weiss: This is unacceptable. Where are going to stay anyway?

Me: *sigh* Horace, Adelyn, could you receive them on your home for tonight? We would pay you for the inconvenient tomorrow.

Horace: Jojojojojo, don't worry, I was the one who suggested that to begin with, you don't need to pay us for it.

Me: Sorry, but I need to insist, I don't want us to be inconvenient on your rest place, so at least let me pay you with something. I know, what about we pay for the meal tomorrow?

Adelyn: Well, I guess we can't say no to that.

Horace: You really are someone that I couldn't say no, alright, I accept the offer.

Me: Well, we better get going, we'll see you tomorrow here on the restaurant at noon.

2B: Understood.

I saw 2B with a thankful look, she was carrying Marie by the way, she got asleep on B's lap during our conversation with Ellyn on the city hall, Asriel wanted to carry her, but B denied it and keep her by herself, they all are spoiling that girl.

I turned to see Asriel, he was looking to the sky with a blank stare, he has been doing that a lot recently, like something was on his mind, he always seems to be thinking about something important. I can tell he is concerned by something, and that he doesn't want to show it, so we won't be concerned about him, but that guy just can't fool me, I'll take this chance of us being alone for the night, he will tell me what's wrong whether he like it or not.

The rest walked away leaving Asriel and me alone.

Me: Well, let's go to the wall and then to the plains.

He returned his gaze to me and nodded, I can still see behind the unexpressive face that he is showing me, but right now is not the moment for that. We walked through the city, the buildings had a modern design, it remembered me to a combination between Demacia and Piltover. There was technology on this world, I could see some T.V. on some stores, I never used them though, well only on the dinner hall of the league, I wanted to see some matches. This world was actually on a pretty good situation, even if they say that there is a war; of everything I understood from Ellyn was that this world was had four great governments.

The first one was the human kingdom, that controlled the west continent, it is called the Callian Kingdom, most of the population is human, but other species are welcomed here, good thing is that there is practically no racism on the kingdom, that being because the Callian kingdom has an excellent relationship with the Allion empire. The most important contribution of the Callian kingdom to the world was the technology that was developed there, always searching for better and safer ways to use the natural resources without abuse of them.

The second great government was the Allion Empire, it was conformed mostly by different demi-human species, like elves, beast men, even some crossbreeds. They rule the east continent with a more traditional way of living, they used the technology that the Callian kingdom creates, but normally they don't center they resources on that, they are more like a culture of artists on various senses, you could say they provide variety to the world, also it was an common thing to respect the nature itself and it was part of the education of the new generations in both governments.

Even if the kingdom and the empire were separated governments, it wasn't strange seeing all the different species living together on a city, a lot of humans lived in the Allion empire and a lot of beast men and elves lived on the Callian kingdom, you could say that they were brother nations or something. But the relationship between both nations wasn't like the actual one since the beginning, it was quite recent actually, it never was any huge hate between them, but just 40 years ago they weren't that friendly between each other, they were more like, just there, not bothering each other, but there was one event that caused a little war between them, the discovery of a certain smaller continent on the north, in the sea right between the nations.

When the both nations send expeditions to investigate the new land, both discovered the rest of an ancient civilization and the possibility of the existence of ancient creatures of the past. Both discovered the continent of the ancient Mahiri Kingdom, and with that the possibility of investigate the ancient culture and the new resources on the land, both nations wanted to claim the land as their own, but none of them wanted to give up, so the war started, it wasn't long, both governments lost a lot of resources on the war, a lot of people, but the war only lasted a year though, the population of both nations demanded the war to stop, and the king and emperor decided to create a peace treaty, since none of them considered the other as a real enemy and both were only discussing over the land, they decided to share it, creating a neutral city, which was ruled by the combination of the laws on both nations, the city was called Mahiri, in honor of the ancient kingdom that lived in the continent centuries ago. To be honest, I feel like everything sounds just too easy, I can't believe this world is this peaceful, in Runaterra it would have been settled with a match of the league. Thinking well about it, my world was pretty peaceful too.

Since then both nations have cooperated to make expeditions to the depts of the continent, but no much advance has been made until the present; the city became a symbol of convivence and acceptation between the two nations, and little by little the rest of the cities and villas on both continents had followed the example of the original neutral city. On the actual times, the Callian kingdom and the Allion empire share laws, cultures and resources, it was practically one big nation, just that each side had its representant, the kingdom had the king and queen, and the empire the emperor and empress, obviously. If any big decision is going to be made, both rulers would have a reunion and discuss about it.

On all that there were the other two great governments, but those two didn't interacted much with the others. First were the Celestial people, basically they were just angels, kinda reminds me to Kyle, we weren't really close, but I liked her, and we used to get along well. However, the Celestials were mostly scholars, not really interested on interact with humans or demi-humans, they just want to receive knowledge, the more the better for them, so usually the most significative interaction was giving them books and recently digital information. The little I know about them is that they are really curious, they have a great battle potential too, so is better if you never anger one, is rumored that they have the capacity to burn down an entire city since their childhood, but most of them are not willing to interact directly with the world, they basically only lived on their little floating country, something that give relieve if you think about it. By the way I think I saw something similar to the floating country on a book, but I can't remember the name right now. Whatever.

The other great government was the demon race, on the south. They are just there, not interacting, but it's know that a lot of their people also lives on Allion and Callian, they got a good relationship with the kingdom and the empire, but they mostly stay on the side of the situations most of the time, of course they don't ignore when someone needs help; it's important to remark that the demons are actually passionate warriors, but they never started any war, they mostly organized great worldwide tournaments, they actual ruler was chose by being the strongest of them, a queen if I remember well. I think she is normally on a tower constructed by her and her generals, supposedly the one that conquer all the floors and defeat the demon queen would become the new ruler.

But on the end the four races normally help each other and live in peace, truly a beautiful world.

But the reason that there was a war was something that involved all the nations, technically there wasn't any war, on the traditional way, the four nations were fighting three great menaces to the world, three great creatures that made the colossi look like a house pet throwing a tantrum. The three original beasts, the earth ruler, the Behemoth; the sea ruler, the Leviathan; and the ruler of the sky, the Calamity dragon.

To be honest, I feel like the names were pretty obvious and simple, I think they all have a real name ancient as them, but the people just call them like that to make it easy for them. The three beasts had been on a little cycle of awakening, destroying everything on their path, and then return to their slumber; thanks to the cooperation between the four races, none of the nations have suffered a significative damage, but the threat is still there. The worst part is no one knows where the beasts are but is rumored that the ocean between the three continents is the home of the Leviathan, since there isn't any witness of the beast on the coasts at the other side of the continents, the beast habitats the center of the world basically. The behemoth was even worse, since it has attacked on the three continents, so there is the doubt if there is only one behemoth, or somehow it could travel between the continents some way. To make things worse the dragon haven't seen spotted anywhere, even if this may be a good thing, the fact that it is the strongest beast is the part that got the four governments worried, they don't know where it could attack, or when, the most popular rumor is that the dragon lives on the north, on the unexplored continent.

However, right now we where on the north continent, specifically on the Mahiri city.

Before I noticed, we reached the wall, I guess I was too immersed on my thoughts; a guard stopped us and asked for our plates of identification.

Guard: Your identifications please.

Me: Of course, they are right here, hey, aren't you the guard that supplanted Horace this afternoon?

Guard: You know Horace? Oh! Now I remember you, I saw you behind him when he asked me to cover him, you are the ones that came from the forest?

Me: Yes, we are, right now we got a petition and we wanted to leave the city to accomplish it.

The guard took a moment to see the plates, he saw the petition and showed a surprised face.

Guard: You are going to look for peach mushrooms?

Me: Yes, is a little petition from a chef of a fancy restaurant on the city.

Guard: Let me guess, Massinni? He always is offering a lot of money to everyone that could bring him those mushrooms.

Me: It was him.

Guard: Then there is no problem, you can pass, everything seems to be in order so go ahead.

Me: Thanks gentleman.

I made a little reverence to him, I could see him blushing a little, a smirk appeared on my face, I like to see good people feeling a little flustered by my beauty, it's gross when someone disgusting see me though. Asriel was making an interested face, I could notice him seeing the guard with a cautious face. I like to see him jealous.

We passed through the door and soon reached the entrance to the forest, just a couple of meters away from us. Then an idea came to my mind.

Me: Hey Assy, what do you think of a little race, the first to cross the entire forest wins.

He looked at me with a cocky smile, I know exactly what he is thinking, "Do you think you are as fast as me?" and for the record, I am; I always was proud of my speed, a fox isn't slow, and with some magic, I am a blue comet.

Me: Don't look so low of me, I can run at your speed if I want.

He crossed his arms and gave me an "are you serious?" look, this guy is making me feel a little annoyed by his attitude. So, I better put him down of his cloud.

Me: Well what do you say about a little bet?

He seemed to be interested, got him.

Me: The one that wins can order the other whatever they want, no restrictions.

That surprised him, but after thinking some seconds he saw me on the eyes and accepted. He's doomed.

We both prepared ourselves, I've never used the dash for a long period of time, I mostly used it just to attack fast on the league, but if I want, I can use it for a long time spawn, it is more of a boost if you think about it, but it consumes a lot of mana though, but I doesn't matter, four, no, three minutes are enough to pass the entire forest.

Me: Ok, I'll give the start, when the orb explodes, then we start.

I created a little orb of fire and made it float in front of us, three seconds later it popped, and both ran as fast as we could.

I could tell that Asriel was surprised when I leaved him behind, I couldn't see his face though, but I bet he didn't expect me to be this fast. A blue trail of energy was behind me, I looked exactly like a comet. I thought I had already won, but not much after I heard a big boom. I looked to my side and saw a orangish yellow comet at my side, moving as fast as me, when the energy dispersed a little I saw Asriel running there, with a serious look on his face, I returned my attention to the front and avoided some trees, he made the same, we where head to head, until he gathered some wind on his hand, a chain appeared out of nowhere on his hand, he throwed it to a tree in front of us, making it fall, he avoided it instantly, while I tripped with the obstacle.

But I made a little trick too, I used a very simple magic to create a little hole on the ground, he fell in like an idiot; when I managed to land safely, he jumped out of the hole. We looked to each other eyes, a grin appeared on our faces, and just like that the race continued, sometimes we clashed with each other, repelling us with our auras.

When we were close to the and of the forest I used my triumph card, I simply jumped over him, making him look at me suspiciously, but since I was using a skirt, his eyes meet my underwear, making him blush and distracting him, I just heard a loud noise. I went out of the forest, stopping little by little, when I was completely static I turned to see the forest, Asriel ran out of there a second later, with a red face, I couldn't hold it more.


He started to softly punch my shoulder as a little kid throwing a tantrum, to be honest, I missed that innocent and childish part of him.

He calmed down right after that, still completely red.

Me: Don't think bad of me, I didn't cheat or anything, I just jumped over you, no one forced you to look up.

He gave me an irritated look, I really like seeing him like this, it's just too cute. Well, better take advantage of the situation and make my demand.

Me: By the way, you have to do whatever I say, remember?

His face went pale, my god, he is so funny, but I can't laugh right now, what I want is something serious.

Me: I'm going to tell you right now, I want your essence.

I saw him made a shocked face, but that's right, I have used a lot of mana since we came to this world, and even if his angel helped me on the most important fights I still need to get life essence.

Me: You better prepare yourself, because when we collect those mushrooms, you are going to be mine. And I'm not going to be gentle just because it's your first time.

And just like that, I started to walk toward the place where he and team RWBY fought against the colossi. Leaving a shocked Asriel behind me.

-Asriel point of view-







There it is, another chapter for the story, hope you like it, there's no muche else to say sooooo, Bye.

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