Extra chapter: Weiss' "date"

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-Weiss POV-

Today was a normal day, we recently had arrived at the city and after Asriel and Ahri got some money with some weird mushrooms, we found an inn where we would be staying while we stay in the city.

I was currently dressing in my room, I have to say I'm comfortable with my room, it was enough, it had a T.V. a comfortable bed and a bathroom with a bathtub. All in all, it was a pretty decent place to stay.

I went out of my room and went down to the dinning hall to wait for the others, I could go and wake them up but all seemed annoyed by me doing it, well everyone except Asriel and 2B, the first one woke up without mayor problem and acted normally around me and our little android girl didn't even bother to sleep very often, she said something about being unnecessary for the moment or something.

Me: *sigh* Why am I the only one with the enough discipline to plan well my sleep hours?

As soon as I ended complaining I felt a hand over my shoulder, when I turned around I saw a blonde handsome guy with a confident smile looking at me.

Allair: Excuse me lady, but I couldn't avoid noticing that you are so lonely this beautiful morning, let me introduce myself, I'm Allair De 'Clair. And I was wondering, would you like to take your breakfast with me?

I looked at him with a curious look, he didn't seem to be a bad person at first sight, he was very polite too, but sadly I wasn't interested on the idea.

Me: I'm sorry but I'll have to decline right now, I'm waiting for my friends.

Allair: Oh, I'm sorry if my intromission was inopportune then, if you change your mind I'll be on my table over there.

He bowed elegantly and walked away to his own table, I was taken by surprise to be honest, I didn't expect him to be that well educated, I thought that he might be the kind of guy who would insist and end up being a jerk, it was a pleasant surprise.

Minutes later I saw Asriel walking down the stairs to the dining hall, he noticed me and waved his hand to say hi, I returned the salutation and signaled him to come, he walked towards me with a smile on his face, he looked around confused searching for the others I guess, and while he was distracted a waitress accidentally collided with him, throwing the food on her plate everywhere. However, Asriel reacted on time and catch not only the waitress with his right hand, but he grabbed the plate with his left and catch all the food she was carrying, he even saved the drinks making the liquid fall in the glass without much effort. I guess he had a little help from the angel that controls wind.

He gave the plate to the waitress and walked towards me with a relieved expression. Everybody was looking at him by the way.

He sat down next to me and waved his hand again, with an awkward face this time. I had to say that I have been passing most of my time with him this last days.

Me: Good morning Asriel, can I ask what distracted you there?

He made a troubled expression and looked everywhere as if he was looking for someone, but he waved his hands in front of him to say it didn't matter and looked to the menu.

Me: Do you want to eat already? or do you think we should wait for the others?

He looked to the dorms direction and returned to look at me, he signaled back and made a gesture like he was sleeping, he then pointed to the menu.

Me: So, you say we should eat.

He nodded and looked at the menu again, I did the same and both of us ordered.


After taking breakfast we were having a one-sided conversation, though he seems to not be bothered, he looked really interested in what I was saying.

Me: The only thin I ask for it that they give a little more dedication to the training and to learn from this world. We need all the knowledge we can get to return, and for what we fought back in the canyon we will need to be better in every single aspect.

He nodded completely serious looking, I don't know if he is really listening to me or he is just nodding every time I say something while ignoring me.

Me: Do you... do you think I'm an annoying person?

He made showed surprise in his eyes for a second, but immediately put a serious face and gave me scolding look, he denied it and grabbed my shoulder, giving me an encouraging smile.

Meanwhile I heard a little commotion coming from the stairs.

Ruby: We overslept!

Yang: The ice queen should be really mad at us.

Ahri: Asriel wasn't in his room, do you think he is down here already?

2B: Could be.

They keep calling me ice queen, am I really that cold and bossy?

They noticed us and came to the table, but Blake, Marie and her little fox were anywhere near my sight. Ahri seemed to notice that I was looking for them because she explained me where they were.

Ahri: If you are looking for Marie, Blake and Renard, they went to the rural area to visit Marie's new friends, Blake offered herself to go with the little girl.

Me: Oh, so... does anyone have a plan for today?

2B: I'm going to be in the public library learning more of this world.

Ahri: Me too actually, I'm quite curious about some things that Ellyn didn't explained to us.

Yang: Booooriing! I'm going to look for the best places to eat and check out the touristic side of the city.

Ruby: And I'm going too.

I stood there in silence, and in a little of expectation to be honest, I hoped someone would invite me to tag along.

But no one offered me anything, Ruby and Yang left saying that they would eat something in the restaurants, Ahri and 2B said that they didn't needed it anyway and left the place too.

I felt a little alone to be honest, but someone out a hand in my shoulder, making me look, Asriel gave me his usual smile and pointed towards to the main entrance, I guess he is inviting me to go out and hang around the city.

Me: Do you have any idea of where to go?

He denied with his head with a smile.

Me: Well, I've seen some flayers in the city about a new exhibition in the museum, would you like to go?

He nodded right away and made me smile in return, so we left to the museum.


We arrived and paid the entrance normally, we payed for a total access so we could see everything in the museum.

We entered the first exhibition, some statues of the ancient civilization of the plains were exhibited in the hall, we saw some vessels, some ancient tools, normal things of a museum, but we stopped in the statue of the colossi, they looked exactly like the ones we fought in the canyon. I saw Asriel and he saw me, both of us had awkward looks in our faces, then a nervous chuckle came from me and we continued walking with obvious discomfort.

The second exhibition was full of paints from famous artist from this world, one in specific called Asriel attention, a painting made by some G. Giovanna, it was that typical art piece that had some splats of paint here and there in different colors.

Me: To be honest, I know this kind of art pieces have a deep meaning referent to the mind of the artist, but I always considered them as just something a child could do with paint and a canvas. This is not very different form my world's art actually.

He looked at me with a curious look and then returned to see the painting, laughing in silence and going to the next painting, I kept giving my opinions of them and he kept smiling and occasionally laughing.

We kept going like that towards the different exhibitions in the museum and without us noticing it was afternoon already. The museum had an elegant restaurant that the high-class people usually used, I could tell Asriel felt a little overwhelm by the atmosphere and was constantly looking for his outfit and then looking to mine and the other people's.

We were about to sit on a table when we casually heard a conversation of some people that seemed to be the ones in charge of the place.

Owner: We were going to present live music for the meal and dinner, the De 'Clair family is going to visit today and if we don't give them the perfect reception we are doomed.

Employee: I'm sorry Mr. Buccerati but the musical aggrupation we haired had a little altercate with the authorities about some illegal things or something, I'm not well informed about it but sadly "Vento aureo" will not have a presentation today.

Me: Excuse me, do you have any problem with the establishment today?

The man turned to me and Asriel and I could see him a little better, he was a tall and handsome man, he was using a white business suit with some golden adornments here and there, his black hair was in a bowl style and his eyes were blue. He looked at me and immediately apologized.

Mr. Buccerati: My apologies ma'am, but our spectacle of live music during the meal and the dinner is apparently cancelled, we will return the money that you paid for the event.

I was surprised by the honesty and humility this man showed, he sincerely apologized for the situation and even offered a refund for the failed event. But... maybe I can help with this, after all, is a musical event, I have plenty experience in giving concerts, and Asriel besides me have an angel that uses music. Awfully convenient if you ask me.

Me: Sir, I now this have nothing to do with us, but maybe we can help you in this little predicament, you'll see, I have plenty experience in giving concerts and my friend over here know how to play the organ and a variety of different instruments. Maybe we could help.

Mr. Buccerati: Do you mind giving us a little demonstration?

I turned to see Asriel and he nodded he raised a pipe from the ground at his side and played a soft and calm melody, I singed a little in synchronization.

Me: Some believe in fairy stories, and the ghosts that they can't see. I know that I can do so much, if I could just believe in me, mirror, mirror, tell me something, can I stop my fall?

We both stopped and looked to the man expecting an answer. He thought about it for a moment and then said.

Mr. Buccerati: I sincerely ask for your help in this matter.

Me: We are more than happy to help.

Mr. Buccerati: But regarding his actual clothes...

He said pointing to Asriel, making him look down ashamed.

Mr. Buccerati: We will give you more proper clothing, don't worry gentleman, besides, consider it as a gift for your help.

He looked up surprised and bowed to give his thanks.

Mr. Buccerati: As for you, young lady, we will pay you an amount of 20 gold coins, or 2 platinum, whatever you prefer.

I was shocked, the entrance and the meal and dinner cost us an entire platinum coin, I denied the idea at first by the way, but Asriel insisted and we ended up paying such ridiculous amount of money.

But we could recover it and even go out of the place with more money that we had at the moment we entered. This is unbelievable.


We made a presentation for the meal and it had a good acceptation coming from the people, so Asriel and I were hanging around in the museum passing for the exhibitions we haven't seen before the dinner presentation.

Asriel was now using a tuxedo, which looked perfect on him, I mean, he had that usual air of a sexy adventurer, but now he looked more like a handsome and elegant gentleman of the socialite. I was accustomed to see guys from my age using that kind of attire, and sadly I was accustomed too to the guys trying to flirt with me because of my family's last name, I wonder what would had happen if had met Asriel in that situation. I mean, I feel pretty attracted to him, he is one of the best mannered and kind guys I've ever met, not to mention that he is physically attractive too. I wonder how does he look at me? Does he see me as a potential romantic interest or as a simple friend?

I kept enjoying the time around him, laughing at some curious things we found, taking some pictures with my scroll and basically smiling together, we were having fun.

Soon the night came, and we were called to give a presentation in the restaurant, we were told that the presentation was really important since some famous critic family came to see. I think the family was called De 'Clair, that guy that came to me in the morning had the same last name actually. But I needed to concentrate in the concert, we were presented as the "Winter Melody" and we started


Everybody acclaimed us both, but the ones that kept in silence as to be analyzing our presentation and the place in general were the ones that we were told were the De 'Clair family, so I walked towards them and gave them a simple question to make their experience better.

Me: Since you are the special guests tonight, is there any music style you would like to hear to accompany your dinner at this beautiful night?

The young man that I immediately recognized responded to me with a polite and happy tone.

Allair: Me and my parents are actually pretty accustomed to hearing the same slow music in this kind of events, so I was wondering, could you play a more vivid song? Something that give us energy and made us almost jump out of our seats.

Me: Quite peculiar petition, but certainly a wonderful idea, so please enjoy your dinner and I hope you enjoy our music too.

I walked back to the scenario and Asriel gave me a confident look, I understood immediately and let the musci start.

Me: Please enjoy.


He started with a slow melody, I could see discomfort in the guest faces, but the song kept going taking a faster melody.

When the song finally ended, everyone stood up and started to clap and cheer for us, even the De 'Clair family seemed to be pleased and did the same.

The night kept going normally after that, Asriel and I received our payment and Mr. Buccerati gave us a recommendation card, apparently, he had influence in the artistic business.

When Asriel and I were walking towards the inn, someone called us from behind.

Allair: Excuse me!

He stopped in front of us.

Allair: Miss Schnee, I have been charmed by your beauty and elegance, since this morning that I saw you in the inn, my heart was stolen. I need to know, if you would be willing to accept my feelings, would you become my woman?

I made a troubled expression, people noticed this and started to gather around us from the situation, I was shocked, I mean, I never expected that he would make that kind of proposal! I can't just accept right away!

But to my surprise, music started to sound from my side, pipes raised from the ground and Asriel started to sing, making me dance with him.


When the song finished, Allair was speechless looking at us, Asriel was hugging me tight, our faces were so close! I could feel his breathing, but I understood what he was doing, so I played along with him.

Me: I'm sorry Allair, but as you can see, I currently in a relationship with my partner here, I'm sorry if his actions were a little sudden, but he is mute, and the only way he can use his voice is singing with magic. Also, he is a little iverprotective towards me.

He seemed a little shocked, but seconds later made a calm expression and gave us a little sad smile.

Allair: I-I understand, sorry for causing you troubles, I wish you a happy life together then. Please make her happy dear gentleman.

Asriel nodded to him and walked closer to shake his hand.

The crowd dispersed and Asriel and I decided to took a taxi to the inn.

-Asriel POV-

Weiss seemed to be tired and ended up sleeping in the taxi in our way back to the inn. When we arrived, I paid to the man and carried Weiss until her room, I saw Ruby, Yang and Blake waiting for us out of Weiss' room, they approached us the moment they saw us.

Ruby: She is asleep huh?

Yang: I guess we'll apologize tomorrow.

Blake: You two should pay more attention to your action consequences.

Ruby/Yang: Yes ma'am.

I made a confused face to them, making Ruby explain to me what they were talking about.

Ruby: It's just that we forgot to invite Weiss to come with us today, and even worse, we haven't passed much time with her the last days.

I yawned and returned a tired look to them.

Blake: I imagine that you were pretty busy today, isn't it? You better go to sleep, and we should go too. Come on girls, Good night Asriel.

Ruby: Yeah, you're right, good night guys.

Yang: Sleep well.

Yang turned to me, she saw Weiss and then towards me.

Yang: Next time, I'm the one who will get you awake until night, ok?

She winked at me and walked off, I simply shrugged it off and opened Weiss dorm with her key and placed her in her bed, but I was honestly was too tired to return to my room. I saw Weiss sleeping as I sat on the bed side, she looked cute when she sleeps. I honestly came to like her a lot, I actually like her stuck-up attitude, she usually is all bossy and act full of dignity, but I always saw it as something special of her. She could be impatient, perfectionist and arrogant, but she is a kind hearted girl, I have to admit that the moments she acts kind and gentle are hard to resist as a man, she had her own charms, she'll notice them one day.

I was stood up to walk to my dorm, but I returned to see Weiss bed, it looked so comfortable...

Why the hell not?

I entered the bed with Weiss. But I swear I saw a smile in her face before falling asleep.


-Weiss POV-

I woke up in my bed, I could tell it was quite early, as always, but one thing called my attention more than anything else, I felt someone hugging me from behind, and when I turned around to see who it was...

I saw Asriel sleeping peacefully at my side, cuddling to me, my face went completely red, I didn't know how to react, but it felt pleasant, warm, I stood there thinking in what to do but at the end.

Me: I guess I could sleep a little more today.

I cuddled to him a little more and fell asleep once more, with a smile in my face.

Here it is a little chapter dedicated to Weiss, it happened during the month they passed in the city. As you could notice, there is not much detail in this chapter since is supposed to be simpler and tell a sotry separated form the principal plot, I had an idea for some other extras but I would like to hear suggestions and ideas for other chapters. Hope you liked it, thanks for reading, bye :D

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