The rebel android

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-Asriel POV-

I was currently in the Titanic plains, on my own, it was early in the morning, before dawn, I was walking without care of where I was heading to, I just had a lot of things in my mind at the moment.

So many questions, about me, about Ahri, about our future, about the others, about Marie. I couldn't process everything right away. Ahri was still asleep, she ended up more tired than I thought she will.

However, the questions in my mind didn't stopped. The angel that Mordian was using and now I have is different from the others, the Seraphim's that choose me have a conscience, they are alive, and this "phantom" is more like a plant, is there, but it doesn't have it own free will and just adapted to me, maybe because I was a better host than Mordian, maybe because it acts symbiotically, I don't know for sure, but is something weird.

Most important, I killed him. I told Ahri that I didn't care about the person or living being, I just cared to protect her and the others. I didn't think of killing that man as something wrong, but it was because he was a monster? or because I simply don't care about other's life? Would I feel remorse if I kill an innocent to save the ones I care about?

What does Marie think about me as her father right now? She wanted me because I was "pure" because I didn't have any ill intention towards others, but now is different, my hands are covered in blood, and it will only go to worse from now on. Will she still see me as her father? Am I worthy of being called that?

On the other side, what does the girls see in me? I know how Ahri see me, she knows that I'm still forming myself as a person, that I'm still getting consciousness of myself and she wants to be part of that process, but the others seemed to be attracted to me for no reason. I'm no one, I didn't even have a name, a reason. Even so, I somehow made them feel comfortable around me, they seem to be happy around me, but is it really for being around me? Or is it because of them being with each other?

Do I have a real reason to exist? Or I'm a leftover of this world?

My thoughts were interrupted when I reached some ruins, some golems noticed me and got closer, these things, what are they anyway? This ancient civilization, the colossi, why did I never question myself that before?

I simply lifter my hand and raised some digital spears from the ground with phantom, the golems were annihilated right away. I used phantom since I couldn't use the Seraphim's anymore, they were resting for the damaged they took with my fight against the unleashed Ahri and to be honest, I feel reluctant to use them from now on, just because they are simply too much power for anyone, I only used them on their highest against Ahri, not even the colossi needed much of the effort I used against her, mostly because even if I moved beyond sound with Raphael, Ahri was just faster, even if I used the strongest flames of Camael against her, she simply made something stronger.

Just what is Ahri in reality? Just how powerful these Seraphim's are?

So many things I guess will be answered with time. I should talk with Ahri about all this later.

I was taken out of my thoughts again, but this time it was because a golem fell form a tower at my side, I turned to see and just found the rests of one, like it was destroyed by something. I looked up to the tower of the ruins and saw another golem falling in pieces towards me. I avoid the golem and decided to look, so I used phantom to fly and reach the top of the tower.

I saw a woman, she looked oddly familiar, her white hair reached her waist, she was using a simple blouse and shorts, mostly like just underwear, her shoulders had weird lines, like they were plates connected, her legs had the same kind of lines, she looked beautiful, her blue eyes were also a familiar trait, she looked at me and raised a spear menacingly.

???: Who the hell are you?


I landed in the tower and looked closer to her, a second later I understood why she looked so familiar, she looked like 2B in various senses.

???: Answer already or I will take you as an enemy.

Me: You barely know anyone, and you are already threatening his life?

???: If you can talk, then answer the fucking question.

Me: Such a beautiful lady saying such rude things? Charming in its own way. But well, I can't answer your question.

???: Why?

She had a threatening tone in her voice, I can tell she is ready to kill.

Me: Because I don't have an identity, I barely have a name, its Asriel by the way, but beyond that, nothing, I'm basically no one.

???: You got to be fucking kidding me.

Me: Sorry but I'm not. So, following your example, who are you?

???: Why do you care?

This woman is really rude, isn't it?

Me: Just tell me a name.

A2: YoRHa Type A No. 2

I opened my eyes widely, I thought it was a possibility, but I never thought it was the right answer.

Me: You are an android then.

A2: How do you know?

Me: I know one myself, is actually a good friend of mine.

A2: Who is this android?

Me: She is called 2B, do you know her?

A2: I do know her actually, how is she even alive?

Me: What do you mean?

A2: I killed her.

I immediately took a more defensive position, I was ready to attack her.

Me: I'll give you one chance to explain before I kill you.

A2: She asked me for it.

I was taken by surprise.

Me: She did what?

A2: She was infected by a cognitive virus that the machine life forms spreaded out in the YoRHa units.

Me: And how you weren't infected then?

A2: I might be YoRHa unit, but I deserted years ago, I'm no longer part of their puppets following a fake cause.

Me: Fake cause?

She ignored my question and kept talking though.

A2: Let me ask you something first, I had never seen this place before, not in earth, what is this place?

Me: This world is called Serath an-

A2: This is not Earth?

Me: I guess not.

She stood back for a moment, I guess she is processing the situation, she definitely is from 2B's world, but I had my own questions too, why she called the YoRHa units puppets following a fake cause? I thought YoRHa fought against the machine life forms to return the Earth to humanity, what was fake on that?

A2: Tell me, are you... a human?

I stood there confused for a second. To begin with, am I a human? I never stopped to think about it before.

Me: I-I don't know, well I guess I'm not seeing this...

I made some sparks of my magic cover the areas where my ears and tails should be, making them appear. She looked at me with an amazed look.

A2: What are you?

Me: I guess I qualify as a vatayan now.

A2: Is there any human in this... world?

She seemed hesitant to say it was another world, it's understandable I guess.

Me: Yes, there is an entire continent ruled by them, but they are practically everywhere.

A2: There are alive here then.

Me: What do you mean by that?

A2: In earth, humanity went extinct centuries ago.

Me: What? I thought they were in the moon, waiting for the androids to recover the planet an-

A2: Lies. They are extinct. The messages from the moon server are mere audio tapes replayed over and over again. 

I could tell she was getting angrier the more she talked.

A2: We never had any propose! we were just peons on and endless war!

Me: Wait, calm down, I didn't know that yo-

A2: Shut up! You don't know how much I lost in that meaningless war.

I just stood there dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say, she was in a really bad state. But then something came to my mind.

Me: Do you have a reason to live?

A2: What?

She was just a step away from bursting into tears, but I had something in mind, maybe it could help.

Me: Do you have any reason to live?

She stood there with a pained expression, she looked to the ground.

A2: Not anymore.

The atmosphere felt heavy, tension was in the air. But I made an offer to her, maybe we could help her.

Me: Then why don't you come with me?

I saw her giving me a surprised and doubtful look.

Me: None of us have a reason to exist, but maybe we can find it together, don't you think? I have a family, at least for me they are my family. Maybe you could join us, start again, and find a new purpose to live.

A2: Why should I believe you?

I... was speechless, she was right, why should she believe me? Why would she risk herself and accept the offer of a total stranger? more importantly one that claims to be a nobody.

Me: I-I...

A2: Keep it, I'm not interested.

She dashed away, floating, she was inches from the ground and still didn't touched it, after some seconds she was covered in a black and red aura and jumped from the tower.

I ran to the edge of the tower and saw her running away, occasionally dashing the same way as before and covering in the same red and black aura. It was so sudden, one moment we were hostile to each other, next we felt empathy for each other and the next one she just ran away. I felt a curious connection with her, not the same as Ahri of course, but still a strong one, I guess we are not so different from each other.

The morning sun was raising at my back, so I decided to return to the city. Still with a lot of confusion inside.


I reached the hotel and saw Ahri and the girls talking with no other than Ellyn, what does she want now? As I walked closer I could hear the conversation.

Blake: So, is going to be tonight?

Weiss: We barely got time to choose any dress.

Yang: I guess we should go immediately after this.

Ellyn: I'm sorry if it was sudden, but the prince Arthur wanted to do it as soon as possible, as well as the citizens.

Ahri: You don't have to worry about it, we will be there tonight, I promise Ellyn.

Ruby: Do we have to?

2B: It would be rude not to go.

Weiss: Specially since we are the special guests.

Ruby: Fine, but don't expect me to dance or anything.

I finally decided to enter the conversation and ask what was going on.

Me: Can I ask what are you talking about?

They turned to me and said the usual greeting, then Ellyn bowed to me and gave me a card that said: "You are specially invited to the ceremony and dance tonight to celebrate you as the hero of the city"

I looked at the card with a twitching expression, hero of the city? This have to be a joke, I just fought because I was protecting my family, I couldn't care less of the city was destroyed. Well I guess I did care since I repaired the damages with phantom, does that mean I did to help the innocents too? Or it was just a secondary effect of my actions? Whatever the answer was.

Me: I-I don't deserve this recognition, you d-don't need to-

Ellyn: Nonsenses, this was a petition form the prince himself.

Me: Arthur did what?

Ahri: Don't try, you can' convince her, it's going to happen no matter what you do.

I turned to see Ellyn, she normally is cold and strict with her work, but I have seen her in her more human side, I still remember that night when I helped her with the inhuman amount of work she had to do. However, she looked really exited from this idea, even if she had her normal expressionless face, I could notice the excitement in her eyes, I couldn't say no.

Me: I'm going to be there tonight.

Her eyes sparkled, I swear they did, she kept her expressionless face anyway.

Ellyn: Thank you very much, I'll be expecting you tonight then.

Me: Yeah, sure.

She walked away just like that, leaving me more troubled than I expected. I turned to see the girls and sighed.

Me: Soooo... A dance tonight?

All of them: Yep.

Me: * sigh* is going to be a long day.

Ruby: I don't like the idea either.

Yang: Come on Rubes! It'll be fun!

Ruby/Me: I doubt it.

We saw each other, giving a thumbs up to the other and then turning to see the others.

Ahri: Come on Assy, is not that bad isn't it, is our first party as a couple after all.

Me: Yeah, I guess if you are there I might enjoy it.

2B: She is not the only person here, you know?

I looked at her with a troubled face, but then something came to my mind, that android, I needed to ask her about her world and about A2.

Me: 2B, I have something that I need to discuss with you, alone.

Ahri noticed my serious atmosphere and didn't say anything, Ruby on the other side.

Ruby: Hey wait! What about us?

Weiss: You could pay attention to us too.

Yang: Yeah! Ahri and 2B aren't the only women in the world, you know?

Blake on her side seemed quiet, I guess she understood by seeing my face that I wanted to talk about something serious.

Blake: Girls, I think this is a serious matter, we should focus on our own thing for now.

Me: Thanks Blake, and yes, it's something serious that involves 2B, so I need to talk with her in private.

They went quiet and looked to each other worried, 2B on her side walked towards me and asked.

2B: Where do you want to talk?

Me: Wherever we could be alone.

2B: Then my room should be enough, let's go.

I nodded to her and turned to Ahri and the others.

Me: We'll reach to you later.

I stood there for a second and then noticed someone was missing.

Me: By the way, where is Marie?

Ahri: She is still asleep in my room.

Me: So, there is where she was last night.

Ahri: It was hard to convince her.

Me: I imagine, whatever, see you later.

I followed 2B leaving the others behind, I checked Marie while we were passing in front of Ahri's room and finally entered to 2B's room.

She stood there in the middle of the room while I sat down on the bed, I patted my side offering her taking seat, she did it and asked.

2B: What did you needed to talk with me?

I sighed and looked to her eyes, she definitely looks better without her blindfold/visor. I shrugged that thought off and decided to go slow.

Me: Tell me a little more about YoRHa.

2B: Why do you want to know about them?

Me: I want to know more about your world, about how do you look at it.

2B: If you say so, YoRHa was conformed by androids that were designed to confront the machine life forms in Earth to erase them and free the world for the humans that were taking shelter in the moon.

Me: How much do you know about the humans in the moon?

2B: Not much, the council of humanity used to send messages to the YoRHa units on Earth to encourage them to keep fighting for a better future.

Me: Any information of how humanity subsisted in the moon?

2B: Why do you want to know that?

Me: Because I suspect that humanity was extinct in your world.

She looked at me with a confused and a little angry look.

2B: Why do you think that?

Me: Do you know any android called A2?

Her eyes opened widely, she immediately made a serious face and asked me with a certain angry tone.

2B: What do you know about her?

Me: You are not taking this so well.

2B: Of course not, protect the humans was the only reason for us to live.

Me: Well I met this A2 in the plains this morning, she was fighting some golems in a tower inside some ruins. We talked a little and she called YoRHa units puppets following a fake cause.

2B: She betrayed us, nothing she could say have any value.

Me: What? How can you say that?

2B: What she says is going against our very propose of existence, how could I believe what she says?

Me: She can't be just telling lies like that, what could she make against an organization as big as YoRHa? a lie like that won't help her anyway, it will only put a price for her head, why would she take that risk just to say a lie?

2B: Still, that can't be true, if what she says is true, then every single android that died did something meaningless, I lost so many friends back there, it can't be true!

Me: She told me you asked her to kill you.

She stood there speechless, I could see her eyes were filled with fear, it hurt to see her like that.

2B: I did. I was infected for a cognitive virus from the machine life forms, I had no option.

Me: Something else is there, you are not telling me everything.

2B: YoRHa was destroyed completely that day.

It was my turn to be speechless, could it be that...

Me: Could it be that-

2B: Everyone died there, I killed so many of them, they were the same as me, it broke me. I already was in the edge by killing him every time, I already suffered enough for being designated to kill the one I cared the most. And I tried, I tried to not form any kind of bond with him, but I couldn't. Every time I talked with him, his innocence, his curiosity, his kind heart, he just made me love him, I couldn't avoid to see him as a little brother, I couldn't save myself, I couldn't be there for him, I couldn't avoid killing him, every time he ended learning something he shouldn't, every time I was designated to kill him and reset his memories.

Me: 2B-

2B: That why I can't believe that what she said is true! Because if is true, then everything he lived for was meaningless. Every time I killed him was meaningless. I can't live with that.

Me: I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Silence fell on the room, I just stood there and finally walked to the door, I only said one last thing before leaving.

Me: I don't know what is like to live with a purpose in life, I only made to create one by myself. Ahri, Marie, Renard, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang... You. You are my purpose in this meaningless life until I find why am I here and who am I. Until then, I don't have any identity, or real meaning. So, I won't interfere with yours ever again, but please know this. We will always be there for you whenever you need it. And I'm sorry if I assumed somthing without knowing the entire view of the situation.

I stepped out of the room and find Marie looking at me.

Marie: Is everything ok with my aunt B papa?

Me: Not really, but that's why are we here, to be there whenever she needs us. Come on, I was told we have a party tonight, we need to go to prepare ourselves, your aunt B will join us later I hope.

Renard was on her shoulder and just kept looking at me with a worried face, I made a weak smile and walked with them to the city.


3 hours before the great party, I'm not in the mood anyway, I honestly feel overwhelmed by all the sudden situations. Luckily for me, Ahri noticed that I wasn't in the best condition. She told the others to keep going while we both talked a little, I can tell team RWBY was aware of me too, but they let Ahri take care of it.

We walked through the streets a little and reached the center plaza of the city, I honestly thought people would start coming to us to ask for photos or something, but no one got closer, they looked at us with sparkling eyes sure, I even heard some kids calling me hero and calling Ahri the beautiful beast, sounds like a fairy tale to be honest. Is this how it feels to be a celebrity?

Ahri sat down in a bank right next to the fountain and patted the free spot in her side, she started the conversation when I sat down.

Ahri: Well then, what got you so out of yourself?

Me: Funny that you said that, I honestly don't know what is like to being "myself"

Ahri: That is what's making you feel that worried?

Me: Not entirely.

Ahri: Then say it, we promised to tell everything to the other, didn't we?

Me: Where should I start, it's not just the feeling of not knowing who or what I am, there's also the part where I killed someone just two days ago, the fact that I didn't feel anything for it, how I question myself my own true nature. But that's just a minor thing when I think about the worst right now, I'm worried about 2B.

Ahri: That's so typical of you.

I was confused by her statement, what did she mean by that?

Me: How so?

Ahri: You might be dying yourself, but you still worry more for the others than for yourself.

She chuckled and gave me a comforting smile. For me was like everything else vanished, my sight and heart were stolen for that smile, she grabbed my head and placed it on her legs, she then started caressing my hair and kept talking.

Ahri: I noticed that almost since the first week after I met you. You put your family always before yourself, no matter the situation. You did it when you fought against the colossi with team RWBY, you did it many times with Marie when I scolded you both, you did it with me when I lost myself, and now you are doing it with 2B. So, tell me, what is wrong with 2B and you?

I closed my eyes to the feeling of her hand caressing my hair and remembered what she mentioned, I put a lot in risk during the fight against the colossi, the girls don't know it, but I absorbed all the darkness and negative emotions they were experiencing on those nightmares, that added to the darkness that reached my heart during my own nightmare.

I remember all the times I got scolded by Ahri for taking the fault instead of Marie.

I remember how many times I basically died in my fight against the lost Ahri, all the pain I endured to take her back, I actually overwhelmed Camael back there.

She was right, I always care more about my family than myself, I guess that is something I can call mine. So, I started to tell her the story of why I was worried about 2B.

Me: I found another android this morning, she called herself A2, for what I understood there, she was a rebel unit from YoRHa, I made it to talk with her, she told me that YoRHa was a fake cause, that the reason of existence of the androids was nothing more than a lie.

Ahri: But for what 2B told us, the androids existed to free the world from the machine life forms that the aliens send to Earth, they were supposed to return the planet to humanity, right?

Me: Yes. But what A2 told me was exactly what would make that pointless, humanity is extinct in 2B's world.

Ahri: What?

Me: I don't want to believe it, but A2 didn't look like she was lying, in fact she looked like knowing that make her suffer, I saw the pain of a loss in her eyes.

Ahri: So, you think she was saying the truth.

Me: Yes.

She stood quiet for a moment thinking, then asked with some concern in her voice.

Ahri: How did she take it when you told her?

She was obviously talking about 2B, I showed discomfort in my expression and said honestly.

Me: She almost broke down, I feel like I destroyed everything she always cared for.

Ahri: You didn't, if it's true and everything she had lived for was a lie, then we are going to be there for her, that's all we can do, we can't change the world.

Me: I'm so glad that you were one of the women that woke up with me in that shrine.

Ahri: I know, what would you do without me? Come on praise me more.

I felt her tails covering me, when I looked to her, she had a proud smile on her face. She is right, what would I do without her?

Back to the story, I decided how I will use the special chapters from now on, basically I'm going to use them whenever I'm out of ideas for the principal plot. So, now you know, whenever you see "extra chapter" it means I ran out of ideas :,D   Oh and this is going to be the arc when Asriel will develop his own personality, starting to be more self conscious as you can see. Whatever I hope you like it, thanks if you reached this note, hope to see you next chapter too :D Bye.

Ps: Oh! by the way... I'm updating this on Ruby Rose's brithday! Yay! happy birthday to one of my favourite fictional characters!

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