Disaster night

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-Asriel POV-

The night arrived, and the party was in just an hour, I was still worried for 2B since this morning. But right now, I was seeing the dresses the girls were using. I guess I can distract my mind seeing them, I mean, I still think that Ahri is far superior than the other girls, but they are obviously beautiful girls.

All of us were in my room, the entire team RWBY was in my bathroom dressing up. And again, I was still thinking about 2B to be honest.

Ahri: Are you still thinking about 2B right?

Marie: Do you think that she is going to be ok for tonight?

Me: I hope she would be able, I seriously want to talk to her again.

Ahri: It won't do much don't you think?

Me/Marie: How so?

Ahri: Think about it, what would you tell her? Ask her to forgive you because you said something you were curious about? Even more, something that made you feel concerned about her, if she needs to talk to you, she will come, don't worry. I'm also a little concerned though.

Yang: We are ready!

We turned to see the girls going out of the bathroom with their dresses.

I was... confused, why did they choose that style? They looked beautiful though.

Marie: What's with the style?

She talked for me, they simply answered casually.

Blake: We thought these ones look good, don't they?

Ahri: They do, definitely, it's just that the style feels a little out of place.

Weiss: Well, Mahiri is an international city, there a little from everyplace of the world here.

Ruby: She is right, we are not going to be the only ones using this kind of dresses.

Yang: And we can try a different style for a change.

Marie: Well, you are right, besides you all look beautiful, so I think the dresses are perfect!

Ahri: You all have a point, I'm ok with it then, you look beautiful.

Suddenly everyone centered their attention to me, making me feel uncomfortable, but I kept my composure.

Me: Why are you all looking at me?

Blake: You are not going to say anything?

Me: Ok, I'm not a professional or anything, I can't give an elaborate opinion about this, but if you want me to try, I'll say something, the designs fit every of you perfectly, alongside with giving emphasis to your body curves, and still giving place for you to look cute and innocent, especially Ruby. All in all, you all look gorgeous.

The four of them seem to be pleased by my opinion, I don't know how to feel about this to be honest.

Ahri: Ok, our turn Marie.

Marie: What do you mean with "our"?

Ahri: What you heard.

She grabbed Marie with one hand and the dresses with the others, entering to the bathroom and pulling the little kid inside with her.

I was just there looking at the empty air when Weiss called me.

Weiss: Asriel, are you ok? You look distracted by something.

Me: Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm a little worried that's all, don't worry, I'll be better during the party.

We were in an uncomfortable atmosphere, but suddenly some noises start to come from the bathroom, noises that we instantly recognized with Ahri and Marie yelling at each other.

Ahri: What is wrong with the dress!?

Marie: I don't want to go to the party looking like this!

Ahri: We took so much time choosing this dress for you!

Marie: But I don't like it!

I felt like an arrow pierced my heart, I was with Ahri all the time looking for a dress for her. I guess I just don't know what does she likes. I stood up and walked to the corner of the room, sitting on the ground hugging my knees close to my face.

Me: I thought it was pretty, I thought she would like it and choose it for her.

Ruby was almost bursting in laughs, same with Yang, Weiss was making a complicated look and Blake was patting my head to comfort me.

Blake: Don't feel bad, Ahri showed us the dress before and we all thought it was a good choice.

Yang: She is not lying, you know? We thought she would like it too.

Ruby: Even I thought that it looked good.

Weiss: The problem should be her then.

We put attention to the bathroom once more, looks like Ahri was starting to get mad at Marie. But we heard something that froze us in fear.

Ahri: 그 복장을 지금 입어 라 (Wear that dress now)

We all stood there with scared expressions, we all knew that Ahri only talked in her mother language when she was seriously mad. I think 2B said something about that language being called Korean in her world, but Ahri told us that it was the language used in Ionia, her homeland.

No more sound came from the bathroom after that and some minutes later both went out of the bathroom. Marie's face was like a tomato, she was wearing a white and green dress with some ornaments, the dress resembled the petals of a green gladiolus. She was using white sandals with some matching flower designs.

Ahri on her side was using a... curious attire, I looked to see the other's reaction, all of them were looking with troubled expressions.

Ahri: How do we look?

Marie (whispering): please don't say I look ridiculous, please don't say I look ridiculous, please don't say I look ridiculous, please don't say I look ridiculous, please don't say I look ridiculous...

Ruby: You look... AMAZING!

Yang: You are both so beautiful!

Weiss: You really took advantage of "using any style" don't you?.

Blake: Well, Ellyn told us that we could go using any type of dress or formal attire. Now that I think so, she mentioned that the royal level adventurers were going to be there too, didn't she?

Ruby: You are just making me feel even more nervous about it.

The girls kept going with that discussion as I walked closer to Marie and Ahri.

Me: Those four really get along pretty well, you two look just perfect by the way.

Ahri: Marie is the one who is going to steal the lights tonight.

She crouched and grabbed her knees with a scared expression, I guess this little girl doesn't like attention.

Marie: I want to go back to my tree.

I kneeled at her side and told her in a sweet tone.

Me: Come on Marie, you are our little princess, I want to see you shine brighter than anyone. Don't feel ashamed, or nervous, you look beautiful, so stand up with a proud face and show them the mighty of a dryad.

She closed her eyes and started to gather courage inside her and then stood up with a jump and raised her hands in fists. Her face was completely red, but her eyes were filled with determination.

Marie: I'm a proud dryad!

Me: That's my girl!

I hugged her and decide to carry her in my shoulder.

Ruby: You surely look enthusiastic now.

Yang: That's the spirit!

Weiss: Just don't make a mess.

Blake: Come on, the party will start in 30 minutes.

Me: Are we going in a taxi?

Ahri: Nah, Ellyn told us she would send a limousine for us.

Me: Wow, isn't that a little too much?

They all chuckled and directed themselves to the door, but right before Weiss could open the door, someone open it from outside. We all saw with curiosity, to our surprise, it was 2B.

God! she looked amazing! her long dress fitted her figure perfectly, but she was using her blindfold/visor for some reason, well, I guess it fits her anyway.

2B: Asriel, can we talk a moment before we go?

Me: S-sure.

I put Marie down and walked out of the room, the others kept their pace and walked away giggling, Ahri however stopped at my side and whispered something to my ear.

Ahri: I think you are drooling a little there.

She chuckled and walked away swinging her hips, she truly takes any chance to tease me. However, I turned to see 2B and payed attention to what she had to say.

2B: I wanted to apologize for my reaction this morning. I was rude and reacted in such a strong and threatening way... I'm truly sorry!

I was taken back for that, I never expected her to apologize.

Me: Wait, wait, wait, wait, why are you apologizing? It was my fault for not thinking before talking, I said things that I shouldn't. You did nothing wrong.

She was the one that was taken back this time, I know her well by now, she is trying to keep her composure.

2B: Whatever the truth is, please tell me you will be there for me whenever I need you, just like you were there for Ahri when she needed you the most.

I was... conflicted, I don't know if its right to make that kind of promise to another woman when I already have Ahri, but I can't simply ignore 2B's feelings in this situation, she is still my family.

Me: I will, I promise. You stood there when you barely knew me, risking your life. The only thing I can do is to answer with the same will.

She stood there with a bright smile, she is really cute, I think if I wouldn't know Ahri, I would surely fell for this woman.

Both of us walked to the entrance of the inn and saw the others entering in a limousine, team RWBY was notoriously exited, well except Weiss. Marie was jumping out of excitement right next to the door before entering with a jump. Ahri was standing outside talking with the driver, a woman apparently, I guess Ahri made that petition to Ellyn. Me and 2B walked closer and they noticed us.

Ahri: There you are you two.

Driver: Pleasure to meet you, I'm going to be taking you to the docks tonight.

Me: The docks?

Driver: Yes, the party will be in a ship. Well, something among those lines.

2B: Oh right, we didn't tell you right?

Me: I guess you forgot about that.

Ahri: Well, before anything else, are you not going to wear anything else?

I stood there confused for a second, then I looked down to my attire and noticed that I was wearing my usual clothes. I facepalmed and used phantom to create a better outfit for the night.

I stood there for a moment, I moved a little to check the mobility of it. But I noticed that everyone was staring at me, even the girls inside the limousine were taking out her head through the windows.

Drive: I-I'll be in the car!

She walked to the driver seat and entered in a hurry, I swear I saw a blush on her face, I then turned to Ahri and 2B with a confused look. It didn't help, 2B was covering her mouth and nose with her hand while looking away, while Ahri was looking at me with a smirk on her face, but that make me realize what was happening.

Me: I guess it looks good on me.

2B: Indeed, I'll be in the limousine, excuse me.

She fast walked to the door and entered the vehicle, Ahri on her side was still looking at me, her tails behind were moving happily and two even formed a heart, I don't know if she was making that on purpose.

Ahri: You know, I'm really considering not going to the party and take you to my bed right now.

Me: M-maybe l-later.

I walked to the door, but I heard something that made me both happy and scared me.

Ahri: I'm going to dry you up tonight.

I felt shivers down my spine and entered the vehicle, Ahri entered immediately after me, and like that, we directed ourselves to the party.

It's going to be a long night.


-Ahri POV-

Driver: We arrived!

Me: Thank you for driving us here.

I saw the others going down the limousine while I was giving my thanks to the woman.

Driver: Don't worry. I saw what happened two nights ago, are you sure you are ok? Nothing hurts or anything?

Me: Oh, how kind of you to ask, don't worry, Asriel treated my wounds and had been there for me. I'm good thanks to all of them.

I turned to see the people that now I can call family, with a warm smile in my face. The girl looked to them too and returned the smile to me.

Driver: Well, I have to return to my own family, have a good night.

Me: Thanks, same to you.

We both said our goodbyes and she drove away, I turned to reunite with the others and found that Asriel was looking to the city with a serious expression. The others didn't seem to notice so I got closer to make sure that everything was ok.

Me: What's going on?

Asriel: I think I saw someone hiding on that alleyway.

Me: Did they looked suspicious?

Asriel: I think they had white hair. I'll check it out, don't know how much it could take, but I'll get to the ship later, ok?

He was about to run but I grabbed his arm to stop him.

Me: I don't like the idea, we are not in our best condition, it could be dangerous.

Asriel: Don't worry, if anything bad happens I could just erase them from this world with a move of my hand, I'm not exactly defenseless.

Me: I know but, I want to have you there for me, I don't know how people might see me there, remember that I could have kill them when I became that monstrosity, if something happens, then we take it down together.

He sighed and gave me a smile, leaning closer to me and giving me a little kiss in the lips, I stood there with a red face for a second, he then grabbed me by the waist and walked us to the group.

They saw me blushing and gave me some scolding glares.

Yang: A little too soon the be flirting, don't you think?

Marie: Seeing that it is her the one blushing, tell that to my papa.

He looked away with a wry smile.

Asriel: Let's just enter the place, ok?

They all rolled their eyes and we walked towards the place where the party was going to be made. A bridge connected the docks where we were standing and the ship that was going to hold the party, and the ship looked curious, it was obviously made for the purpose of making parties there, it was like a little plaza, there was a little building at the side that appear to be the kitchen and several tables with people in there already, it also had a little scenario.

We arrived at the entrance and found Ellyn receiving the guests.

Ellyn: Good evening, I see you came, please go ahead and enjoy the party.

Asriel: Good evening Ellyn, thanks for the invitation again.

Ellyn: Don't mention it, you all are the special guests after all.

He laughed dryly, and we all entered the place, immediately after a butler came to us and guided us to our table, luckily it wasn't the most notorious one, I was expecting it to be a huge horizontal table in front of everyone in the ship, but it was just a table with enough space for twelve people. Just as normal as the others.

As we all sat down someone called for Asriel with a happy tone.

Arthur: Asriel! Ladies! Is so good to see you here tonight.

The prince came almost running to us with a wide smile on his face, in a sense he looked like a child saying hi to his friend in the elementary school. Amelie was behind him with a brown long dress that fitted her just perfectly.

Asriel: Arthur! Nice to see you here, I was scared that someone we don't know wanted to start an uncomfortable conversation.

Amelie: Please prince, don't go running around like a child.

Me: I see you have to deal with your own childish man.

Amelie: Greetings Ahri. And everyone else too.

Me: Don't be so formal, we all are friends.

Ruby: Yeah! Is good to see familiar faces here!

Weiss: I agree.

I saw Asriel and Arthur already immersed in their own conversation, I guess it's going to be a girl's conversation on our side. Amelie sat next to me and we all start to chatter normally, I guess tonight is not going to be that bad.


-Third POV-

Asriel and Arthur were talking about the kingdom reaction to the little invasion two nights ago.

Asriel: Your father took it pretty well actually.

Arthur: He has a lot of confidence in me, so he trusted me when I told him that the responsible was already dead and that the city was repaired thanks to you.

Asriel: I guess the king has a good image of me then, that's good, the last thing I need is to have problems with the kingdom.

Arthur: Not just my father, the emperor of the Allion empire also heard about the incident and communicated with my father. I told them the situation and the possible threat of more angel's hosts.

Asriel: What about the localization of the other Seraphim.

Arthur: There is not big advance in that area right now, we are contacting the demon kingdom and even the Celestial people asking for information, there is going to be a reunion of the leader of the four governments to discuss about the topic.

Asriel: This is reaching levels that I don't like, but since the threat is powerful and practically unknown it's a necessary move.

Arthur: Yeah, but enough of that for tonight, we are here to celebrate, and by the way, which one of the girls came here with you as her partner?

Asriel: Hmm? Ahri of course.

Arthur: Really? I thought you and Weiss were a thing.

Asriel: Wait, what? Where did you hear something like that?

Arthur: Is something that the high-class people in here is still saying, you claimed to be her boyfriend some week ago after making a presentation in the Museum restaurant. The De 'Clair family mentioned it already to some people.

Asriel felt how all his blood went to his feet, he looked everywhere like crazy looking for the rich family and spotted them at the distance, seeing the chance he stood up.

Asriel: Sorry Arthur, I need to discuss something with Ahri and Weiss.

Arthur: You lied that night, right?

Asriel: Yes, and I need to keep the lie or Weiss' reputation is going to be ruined, and Ahri is going to kill me.

Arthur: Go ahead, good look dude.

Asriel then walked towards Weiss and tapped her shoulder, signaling her to follow him, then he did the same with Ahri and directed them to a quiet area behind the kitchen.

Weiss: Ok, Asriel, why are we here?

Ahri: What have you done this time?

He made and awkward face and talked with a little hint of fear in his voice.

Asriel: The De 'Clair family is here.

Ahri didn't understood but Weiss immediately reacted.

Weiss: What!?

Ahri: Wait, what is wrong with that? Who are they anyway?

The white-haired duo stood right to each other and explained everything to Ahri, nervousness was all splattered in their faces.

Asriel: Do you remember that night when I brought Weiss already asleep?

Weiss: The day we went to the museum.

Asriel: Well, during that day we found that the restaurant of the place was going to receive a visit from the De 'Clair family.

Weiss: They were supposed to have live music for the dinner to make a good impression of the rich family.

Asriel: Apparently the are critics that rate high-class restaurants all around the world.

Weiss: And the band they hired had a problem and couldn't make it.

Asriel: So, we offered ourselves to help.

Weiss: We made the presentation and all that. Oh right, in that morning a random guy tried to invite me to take breakfast with him, even when he was a kind and well-mannered guy, I rejected him politely.

Asriel: Well that guy was the son of the De 'Clair family.

Weiss: Aaaand he fell in love with me.

Asriel: He practically proposed her to marry him that night.

Weiss: And Asriel stepped in and acted like he was my boyfriend.

Asriel: And he left us with that idea in his head.

Weiss: The bigger problem is that his confession attracted a lot of people.

Asriel: So basically, all the city thinks that Weiss and I are a couple.

They both stopped there and took some air, Ahri was standing there massaging her frown. She then looked at the two with a tired gaze and talked with the same tone.

Ahri: You two made a huge mess, you know? I'll tell the others to play along, but please, don't make a bigger mess tonight.

The two culprits of the situation sighed in relief and walked back to the table. But it was empty. They looked everywhere and suddenly the worse scenario happened.

Ruby, Blake, Yang and 2B walked closer to them, each one with a handsome young man behind them, they were smiling awkwardly. Apparently they didn't noticed the others doing the same, and finally they all said at the same time.

Ruby/Blake/Yang/2B: This is my boyfriend Asriel!

Everybody stopped there, the four girls were giving a blank stare of surprise and fear while Weiss and Ahri just stood there, facepalming. Asriel on his side was giving a lifeless smile to the empty air.

The one that broke the silence was Ahri.

Ahri: 똥 (shit)


On the city, close to the dock there was a young boy, he looked around fifteen our sixteen years old, just the same as Ruby. He was walking around some closed stores with a wondering face.

???: I don't know where I am right now, but I saw some people around these streets.

He scratched behind his head, his white hair was moving with the wind of the night. He kept walking through the streets, completely lost, while he kept wandering around, he ended in an alleyway, in the dark place a male voice came from behind him.

Delinquent: You shouldn't be walking around so carelessly at this time kid.

???: Do you know where is here?

Delinquent: What? You don't even know where you are?

???: Not right now, tell me, how does this city is called.

Delinquent: You are in Mahiri stupid boy. Now, enough chatter, give me everything you have, or I'll kill you.

The man was holding a knife while he was walking closer to the young boy, menacingly. But the boy didn't answer in any way, he was merely standing there with a serious expression.

???: I don't have anything.

Delinquent: I don't believe you, just look at your clothes, they are pretty fancy in my opinion.

The boy looked to his own clothes, he was just wearing his usual attire, black shorts, black boots and a black trench coat. Nothing more. He then tried to make a silent move, he concentrated and tried to enter the man's system. But nothing happened.

??? (Whispering): What!? Why can't I hack him?

The man seemed to lose is patience and charged to the young boy, but before the knife could contact the boy vanished, appearing right behind the man. When the man turned to see the boy, a black samurai helmet impacted him in the stomach, sending him away unconscious.

The boy stood there confused, he walked closer to the man, with two helmets floating in his back, disappearing in yellow pixels. He saw some blood coming out of the crook's mouth, but it looked different to the usual blood, at least the one was used to.

???: What is this, this looks more like the blood of the animals, this doesn't look like an android at all. That added to the fact that I couldn't hack him, is he a human!?

The boy couldn't believe what was in front of him, a living human, but that mean, that maybe the other people he saw earlier weren't androids, they were humans.

???: Humans? Mahiri? I don't recognize that name, no city in the human history was ever called like that. But that can't be truth. He can't be a human! They are extinct! Where am I!?

The boy started running from the place aimlessly, his head was just a barrage of thoughts, a lot of possibilities came to his mind, but nothing seemed to be reasonable.

But he suddenly stopped in another alleyway, he couldn't believe his eyes, he was in front of the docks of the city, but just one thing called his attention, just one person, one woman.

He recognized her, it was impossible for him to forget about her. She was surrounded by other girls and seemed to be smiling naturally. That made him smile in relieve, she was happy, she was alive.

9S: 2B, you are here...

There it is, another chapter, I feel like the part of 9S is kind of bad writen or a little hurried, however I'll take more time to explain all about the inner problems that 9S has, actually I need to explain a lot of things in the next chapters. However, that'll be, as I said, in the next chapters, so I hope you enjoyed this one, thanks for reading it, and please leave any opinion or coment that you want, hope to see you next time, bye.

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