No hero

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-Asriel POV-

I was standing in front of the girls and some guys in the middle of the party, we were all quiet, just because all these girls got the brilliant idea of proclaiming me as their boyfriend to avoid the guys that were trying to flirt with them.

The blonde guy that was trying to get something with Ruby looked at me from head to toes, I returned the glare, his body was well built, and he was honestly a handsome man. I guess that I'll just explain that these careless girls said things without thinking first, I guess he'll understand that they were just nervous and talked before thinking.


Blond Asshole: This weird albino is your supposed boyfriend? Sounds like a lie to me, especially since a lowlife scum like him would never be able to even hope for such beautiful women to direct their gazes to him. Come on ladies, why don't you come with a real man?

Once more we all were quiet, the other guys seemed as surprised as us with the response of the blonde idiot. They even gave him some disgusted gazes before excusing themselves and retiring, why couldn't this idiot be like them?

Right before I could say something Amelie came closer to talk, I guess.

Amelie: How is the party going? Is everything ok?

Blonde Asshole: Oh! Miss Herdian! Pleasure to see you here, I would never get tired of seeing your beauty.

Amelie made an unamused expression and rolled her eyes.

Amelie: Yeah you do Volzak, you always say the same.

Volzak (Asshole): It's simply the truth milady, and now that you are here, I was going to ask you, who let this scum enter to this high-class social-gathering?

He pointed at me, right now I was holding Ahri back before she jumps to the man to slice his throat, meanwhile Marie came closer and made to hear the idiot's commentary, I had to hold her back too.

Amelie: This "scum" over here is the honor guest Volzak.

Volzak (Asshole): What!? Are you telling me that this lowlife albino is the so-called hero of the city?

Me: Yeah, to be honest, I don't like being called hero.

A tired expression was splattered in my face right now. I was petting both Ahri and Marie's heads by the way, both were smiling cutely, I swear Ahri is giving me the sensation of being petting a female Renard, just with a ton of sex appeal. I actually feel envious about that little fox that stayed sleeping in my room.

Volzak: Hmph! So, you are the one that "saved" the city while I was absent, you probably just were there when someone else defeated the enemy and took all the credit.

Me: Completely, I was in the bathroom when it happened, and speaking of which I'm feeling the need to go right now, excuse me. By the way, 2B could you look after Ahri and Marie meanwhile? I don't want to return and see this guy dead in the floor and Ahri cleaning the blood from her clothes. Same for Marie.

2B: S-sure...

Her expression was twitching, I swear, but I simply went to the bathroom and entered, after knocking the door of course.

To be honest, I didn't need use the bathroom, I just wanted some private time to check on something. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

When I opened them, I was in the middle of a white empty space.

Me: Huh, I thought my head would be... less empty.

Camael: Well that's just because you haven't seen it completely, at this rate even I am going to end up in love with that kumiho, your head is filled with her.

Me: Emmm... sorry about it.

I turned back and saw not just the fire orb that I saw back when I was dead, but this time there were other spheres flying there. A cyan one, an orange one and a faint yellow one.

Camael: You could at least say hello to us, don't you?

A little laugh escaped from me, the curious thing is that I was a black and red fox right now, like an adult Renard. Then the four orbs started to change form and finally took some curious shapes.

The cyan orb, Zadkiel I guess, took the obvious shape of a puppet bunny. The orange orb, Raphael, took the shape of a falcon. The faint yellow took the shape of a siren, obviously Gabriel. Camael finally took the shape of a Fenix. Making a question rise in my mind.

Me: Are this your real forms?

Camael: No, these are just representations we thought would fit ourselves.

Then the rabbit puppet jumped towards me and stopped a couple of inches away from my face, opening its jaws and talking, with an incredibly childish tone.

Zadkiel: Yo! Little Azzy, is good to finally see you directly, you are soooooooo cuuuuuuteee right now!

Me: Emmm, thanks? S-same to you.

Zadkiel: Kufu~ gyahahahahahaha!!

Gabriel: Zadkiel, please stop making our host feel uncomfortable.

A chain tied up the rabbit and pulled it away from me. A fox feeling scared of a rabbit, can you believe it? Whatever, Raphael raised Zadkiel in the air with the chains, holding her upside down.

Zadkiel: Nyuuuuuu!!! Raphy! Cut it out!

Raphael: Calm down first.

I stood there sitting on the empty air, weird. Camael got closer to me and started a normal conversation, something that I appreciate.

Camael: That aside, why did you came here?

Me: I wanted to check on you, see if you are feeling better.

Zadkiel: That's so sweeeeet!!!

I gave them a dry laugh.

Camael: Well, now that you are here, we can explain something really important. We are not tired or weakened for the battle against the kumiho.

Me: So, what is the real deal?

Gabriel: The one that is not in good state is you.

Zadkiel: You can't endure our power to its fullest!

Camael: I'm going to explain more, you certainly can use us at our fullest, but just one at a time, well, right now, not even that. The only reason that you survived that fight against the kumiho is because you used all of us at the same time and you thought carefully every move during the fight, one thing different at how you acted at that time, and you would be hopelessly dead.

I loudly gulped.

Me: So, what can I do right now?

Raphael: You can't use us at our fullest in a long time, but you can use limited versions of our power. For example, you can control the wind with me, and move at the speed of sound, but you can't summon the lance or the pendulum anymore. If you were able to use me at the apex, you would be able to use lightning too, even move at the speed of light, you could erase an entire city in less than a second with a lightning rain or a massive tornado.

That's too much!

Gabriel: With me, you are only able to summon a pipe for every other Seraphim you made a connection with, right now you only are able to summon four, and each pipe can only boost one person at a time, and you count as one. The boost works the same, right now you can quadruplicate your power, and use sound waves to do a minimum restrain to an enemy or anything. Oh! And you can make a "little" suggestion to intelligent creatures, almost like hypnosis. If you ever use me at my apex, then I can boost your strength a unlimited times, it would be as string as your feelings in the moment, I would even be able to make shockwaves strong enough to push a mountain.

I'm getting scared...

Zadkiel: Oh! Oh! Oh! My turn! You can reach the absolute zero with my powers right now! But only if you touch something! Still! You can freeze the air! But only in a limited area! And I don't know the limit to be honest! I don't like being the most limited! I want to be at full power! I want to create a new ice age! BECAUSE I CAN!!!

Zadkiel is a little... special, let's say it like that.

Camael: I guess that leaves me, right now you can't do much with me, relatively. You can control any kind of natural fire, and some fire generated by magic, as long as you are stronger than the caster who fired it. Besides you can heal any injure, but only on other people, right now you can't instantly heal yourself, still you heal faster than the normal, a broken bone would take less than an hour to heal. I think you might imagine what I can do at my apex, a volcano would be ashamed at my side. Oh and you obviosuly can't summon the battle axe.

At this point, I don't know how to feel about them.

Me: You know, I feel a little scared that you are inside my body.

Zadkiel: You should be!

Gabriel: Don't listen to her, you should return to your friends, maybe that man from before is still bothering them.

Camael: We'll be waiting for your return.

Zadkiel: I'll be waiting to play with you!

Me: S-sure, I'll be here to play another time.

I closed my eyes once more and concentrated to go out my mind and return my consciousness to the real world. I opened my eyes and looked at the door of the bathroom, I think I spend around 5 minutes inside there, I don't know for certain.

I went out of the bathroom and saw the girls being surrounded by a lot of people, and even before getting closer I could hear the blonde idiot yelling something.

Volzak: So! Where is your man right now!? The man that calls himself the hero of the city and proclaim that own these innocent women!

Ok, I know what he is doing, trying to make me look like a villain and then beat me to look like the real hero, and I can use that on my favor, after all, I never planned to be a hero in the first place. I might as well play the bad guy role for a while.

I walked through the crowd with caution to not push anyone, I have manners after all, and reached the center, the girls were sitting on our table trying to completely ignore the situation. I thought they might be trying to make this guy shut up, but I see that they don't care at all.

I walked up closer to Ahri and asked what was going on there.

Me: So... what's with the guy over there?

Ahri: Just saying nonsenses, we all are just ignoring him.

Blake: Shouldn't we do something?

2B: Why should we?

Yang: Well, it involves us after all, besides it's our fault that he is like that, we should have thought in a better excuse than tell Asriel was already our boyfriend.

Weiss: Yeah, you should be ashamed.

Ruby: Wasn't you the first one that used that excuse?

Weiss: I-it was different!

Yang: In what part of it exactly?

Weiss: The part where I was the first one.

Blake: Sure. But the problem here is that man over there, remember?

When she finished saying that, Volzak noticed my presence and walked closer to our table, directing himself to me.

Volzak: You! Disgusting man that uses these women as your toys! I challenge you to a duel right here!

Me: Well that escalated quickly.

I saw Arthur and Amelie behind the crowd, they surely were going to settle down this situation, maybe I should let them take care of this.

Volzak: If you don't believe me, just look at that woman with the fox tails and ears, it's the same that almost kill everyone in the city! He dares to bring that monster over here!

Ahri was taken back by that, team RWBY directed a disgusted face to him, 2B seemed to be reaching behind her back for the sword that just materialized. But I stopped her, she took off her blindfold and gave me a questioning look.

Me: I'll take care of him.

I looked at Arthur and Amelie and signaled them to stop and started walking to the man.

Me: Hey, were you looking for me?

I honestly had a tired expression, seriously, just 10 minutes of knowing this guy and I already had enough of him for the rest of my life.

Volzak: You! That's right! I challenge you to a duel!

Me: Just one question, why?

Volzak: To prove that you are no hero!

How would a duel prove something like that? Whatever, I'll make it work.

Me: Sure, I wanted to prove that too.

He made a confused face for a second, but he returned to normal at the next second, this is going to easier than Mordian.

Volzak: Well, let's go to the bridge between this platform and the docks.

Me: Another question, why? Again.

Volzak: Because we won't fight in a place filled with tables and people, obviously.

Me: I got a better idea.

I walked towards the edge of the platform and then jumped to the water, standing over it with crimson ripples, I didn't use any seraphim, or even phantom, I only used simply magic, Ahri taught me some beginners level magic during our dreams the night we spent together. We both still wonder how I used that fire magic back in my fight against Mordian, maybe Camael had something to do with that, I'll ask later.

Me: Let's fight in the sea.

The blonde asshole made an unsure face, could it be that...

Me: You know how to do this, right?

I swear I saw a drop of sweat going down his face.

Me: Do you even know the basics of magic?

He only stood there, speechless. I jumped back to the platform and got closer to him, looking at him with an even more tired expression.

Me: So, you can't even do something as simple as that? And you come to challenge me to a duel? Fuck off, I don't want to keep hearing you anymore.

I walked pass him stomping my shoulder with his and pushing him to the side, he just stood there looking to the ground.

Volzak: Who thought you? That fox bitch?

I stopped walking, I could feel the angry gazes coming from team RWBY and 2B. Even Marie was giving him a furious gaze while grabbing Ahri's sleeve with her left hand and making a fist with her right one. Ahri on her side just had an irritated face, but I can see behind her expression, she is still feeling bad about what happened, she still thinks that it was her fault.

Volzak: Come on, answer me, did that wild beast thought you? I know and respect a lot of beast-men, but that thing over there, is an abomination, we all saw it two nights ago.

He's dead.

-Third POV-

Asriel was standing still, giving his back to the man that was insulting his most beloved person. Due to his hair covering his eyes, no one could see the rage in his gaze, and then, a boom resounded in the area.

No one saw what caused, but they heard from where it came, no one said a word, until a woman in the crowd screamed in fear.

Ahri stood up immediately and the others followed her example right after, but no one moved after that, just because a pressure that was coming from the front was keeping everyone still.

Volzak was standing there in the same position that he was before, but Asriel's arm was piercing through his stomach. The only ones that saw what happened where the prince and his personal guard, alongside with two guests that were in the crowd watching everything.

Asriel then took his arm out, the victim just fell to his knees, but without any injury, not even a scratch. He looked dumbfounded to his own body, passing his hands through the area where the lethal injury should be, making everyone stare at him equally surprised.

Volzak: H-how? I-I swear t-that...

Asriel: I healed it. And there is not going to be a second time.

He turned to the crowd. Pointing towards his family.

Asriel: This goes for everyone, if someone tries to hurt them in any way. You'll pay for it.

Everyone was speechless.

Seeing the sudden atmosphere Asriel walked towards the bridge that connected the platform and the docks, he didn't say anything else, he just walked away.

When he was in the street already the people in the platform could finally move, it was like they were freed from an enormous weight that kept them in their places. Some fell to their knees while others just returned to their tables with relieved expressions.

Ahri and Marie stood up and ran behind Asriel, 2B and team RWBY did the same the next moment, they were about to reach him when he turned in a corner, but in the moment where they turned the same corner, he was gone.

Ruby: Where is he?

Yang: Did he escaped!?

Weiss: Why did he...

Ahri: Let him go.

They all looked at her, surprised.

2B: Are you not worry?

Ahri: I am. But he needs to calm down before we could talk to him. And we need to do the same.

Marie looked at her with a serious face before giving her opinion.

Marie: She is right. This fox over here knows him better than any of us, even if I don't like it. And if she says that papa needs to calm down, then he needs it. I won't question it.

Ahri: Besides, what are going to tell him? why did he do that? We all know the answer, he would do anything for us, we had said it by ourselves. We are everything he has.

Silence fell on the street for a moment, until 2B asked the question that everyone had in mind.

2B: Then what should we do?

Yang stepped forward and shouted half angry and half scared.

Yang: We can't just overlook how he almost killed someone!

The vastayan only looked at her coldly.

Ahri: And now you complain about it?

Weiss: What is that supposed to mean?

Ruby: Yeah, what do you mean?

2B: Wait, you don't know?

Yang: Know what?

2B looked at Ahri, but she just looked away, she then understood, Ruby and her team didn't know that Asriel killed Mordian two nights ago.

2B: How do you think Asriel got the same powers that Mordian used that night?

Blake was the one who understood what 2B was implying, making her ask in a scared tone.

Blake: He didn't. Please tell me it was someone else.

Ahri: What did you expect to happen? if he wouldn't done it, then I would have done it.

She replied with a cold tone. Blake stood there looking at the ground.

Yang: How can you say it so lightly!?

Ruby: Yang! Wait!

She strongly grasped Ahri's sleeve while her sister tried to calm her down, her eyes weren't her usual light purple, they were ignited in a strong crimson as well as her hair was covered in flames.

Ahri: Because I am everything that man said.

Yang's hair turned down and her eyes returned to normal, Ruby also stopped pulling her sister back.

Ahri: I have killed thousands. And he accepted me even knowing that, I'm not going to turn my back to him just because he killed one monster and for what he did tonight. Even if he makes the biggest genocide in the history of this world I would stay by his side. He made me realize than even the worst person can change if they just try, and more importantly, if there is someone there for them.

2B: He did the same for you four, you know?

They turned to see the android.

2B: During your fight with the colossi. He told me about it one night that I asked him about it, he described it in a letter. The colossi were creatures that only remained there by their hate, during the fight, the horned colossi attacked him directly by sharing his life, polluting Asriel's soul with their own sorrow. He endured it enough for you to save him.

Weiss then came to realization.

Weiss: Wait a minute, that amalgam also attacked us in that way, and Asriel was the one who took us out. We weren't affected beyond those nightmares because he...

Ruby: The same way he absorbed all the hate and despair of that colossi... he absorbed ours?

Ahri: It has been affecting him since then. You never wondered why did he had a change of attitude all of a sudden?

Yang: So, he basically took the bullet for us.

Ruby: But why he hasn't told us about it?

Ahri: He told me.

Weiss: Yeah, but why you and not us? We were the ones that cause that.

2B: Exactly for that, because he knows you, practically better than yourselves, the same way he "lived" the life of those colossi...

Yang: He lived our lives?

Ahri: He might say that I'm the only woman for him, but his heart belongs to you four too. The reason why he hasn't told you about this is because he doesn't want you to see what he has become, he wants you to be happy. And he thinks that you'll never be it at his side. We are together because we are both broken, both of us didn't had a reason to live in reality, so we decided to be the other's reason.

2B: You made him who he is right now, Ahri already made her choice on him, and I did it too. It's your time to make yours.

Ahri: You have a place to return to, I didn't, 2B didn't. We chose to stay with him wherever he decides to go.

After some silence, Ruby spoke with a sad tone.

Ruby: You made a promise to me.

Ahri: I promised to find a way for you to return home, and I'll keep it.

The vastayan looked away with a hurt expression, the silver eyed girl looked at her and saw noticed it, Ahri was thinking the same way that Asriel, she didn't want her to be involved with someone with such past. But.

Ruby: I don't know why, or how you did it, but even if you say that you killed so many. I don't believe that you are a monster.

Yang: Ruby, are you...

Ruby: I don't know the Ahri of the past, but I know the Ahri in front of me. I don't care what you were, you are still are the loving big sister that take care of everyone else that I met in that forest. Even now, you are still trying to protect me, right? I don't need protection from you, you'll never hurt any of us.

She jumped towards the kumiho giving her a tender hug, Ahri stood there surprised for a second, but she returned the hug right after. Yang was looking at her sister still uncertain of what to think.

The girl that stayed quiet until the moment finally took a step forward and said what was in her heart.

Marie: I wanted him as my father because he was a pure and innocent person, I thought that he was going to be a kind and loving father for that reason. And even after supposedly being consumed by evil and impurity he never stopped trying to be the best possible father, I don't understand much about life itself, but I know that someone that carries that weight under his back and still try to make others as happy as possible is someone that deserves to be loved.

Ahri: I'm still amazed by how mature you are kid.

Marie: Six years might sound like too little time, but I've been conscious of myself since the first day, we dryads are something worth of respect!

Ahri then looked towards the three that haven't decided yet.

Ahri: You don't have to answer right now, as I said, you have somewhere to return to, we had nothing already.

Weiss: I know, it's just that, it's too much to process right now.

Yang: Yeah, I feel like I'll need time to contemplate the hole picture of what is going on in my life right now.

They turned to Blake since she had been looking at the ground.

Blake: I'll return to the inn for tonight, goodbye.

Everyone understood that she was affected, her friend from Remnant understood better what had her specially conflicted.

Ruby: Give her time. We need to return to the party to meet the other royal adventurers. It was the reason of our invitation after all. Yang, Weiss, are you two coming? or you want to go back like Blake?

Weiss: I'll go with you.

Yang: Me too, I need a drink.

Ruby: No alcohol!

The big sister passed her arm over her little sister's neck and hugged her closer.

Yang: Get off my back, I'm old enough.

Ahri and 2B looked at the three walking back to the platform in the sea with warm gazes.

2B: What do you think they'll decide.

Ahri: It doesn't matter, as long as I know that they will keep smiling, I'll be fine.

2B: Whatever you say big sis.

Ahri: What?

2B: I'm not saying it a second time.

She said as she started to walk back to the party.

Ahri: No! please say it again!

Marie: There's no way to fix these women. Hey! Wait for me!

And like that, they walked back to the party in the sea.


-Blake POV-

I was walking back to the inn with so many things running through my mind, I don't know what to do right now, do I still want to go back to Remnant? Or I want to just leave it in the past? How should I decide? What should I say to Asriel? To the others?

As I was lost in thoughts, I heard a voice coming from the other side of the street, I saw a group of five young adults talking to a girl, even from here I could see that she was beautiful, perfect symmetric features, long black hair, slender but well sculpted body and a precious porcelain skin. She looked like a bisque doll.

I saw how she lured the men to an alleyway and raised some questions in my head, I didn't want to get involved but I heard screams coming from there, but they were suddenly cut out. I thought the worse and ran to the alleyway, what I found there was a nightmare sight.

Blood was everywhere, some limbs were in scattered in the floor, and in the center of all that there was that girl, she was wearing a crimson and black dress, with a gothic style, her hair was tied in two ponytails, one that reached her waist and the other until her neck, she turned to see me and I saw her eyes.

A yellow clock-like eye was staring at me with curiosity.

???: Ara ara~, you came to see? It's a shame but I don't have the time right now~. However, I think you might understand that I can't leave any witness~.

I was about to run away, since I don't have my weapon and I wasn't dressed for a fight, but then I felt someone grabbing my legs and arms form behind, I tried to free myself with my semblance, but it was useless, one by one I felt more and more hands grabbing me and restraining my movements. The girl came closer to me and talked in a seductive tone.

???: I'm sorry~, you just were in the wrong place at the wrong time~.

I felt how the hands pulled be to the ground, then more hands came from my front, allowing me to see them... they were shadows, I started to be swallowed by the shadows while more hands kept pulling me inside of them. I was terrified.

The last thing I saw before the darkness...

Was her left eye, did the clock moved backwards...?

There it is, this arc is going to be long and a little complicated, I'm going to center in Blake, Asriel, 2B, A2, 9S, Jeez that's a lot. However, I'm introducing an important character, since I was using the angels form date a live I can't leave her out of the story, you know who she is, we all love her. Oh! and I'm going to correct some mistakes in the previous parts. Everything said, thanks for reaching until here and I hope to se eyou next time, bye.

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