Time eater

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-2B POV-

We were in the party once more, Ahri and Marie were talking with Ellyn to calm things down, I was currently sitting again in our table, seeing Ruby trying to rise up the mood of her friends, and by their faces, it wasn't working.

I don't know how they are feeling, not entirely, it's actually hard to feel sympathy for them when I don't really know how they are feeling exactly, I can imagine that they're confused, but I can't recognize something beyond that.

My thoughts were others though, I keep thinking about Asriel and what he did earlier. Was it right? He didn't harm the man, he was completely unharmed when we saw him, was it an illusion he made with phantom? Or maybe he healed the wound with Camael?

Was it something bad? Yang and Weiss seemed to be very shocked about it, even scared. Should I be like them? I made my decision weeks ago, I didn't have anything to return back in my world. I don't even know if 9S is still there, I don't know if he survived the fell of YoRHa, but I just want to leave behind all that pain.

All I wish is for him to be enjoying this freedom at my side, see his innocent smile once more.

I turned my sight to the crow of people, my visor was tied in my left arm and my eyes were visible, I noticed some people looking back at me, I returned the glare, but their faces went all red and they turned away.

My gaze wandered more until I was just looking at the city, my eyes were caught by something in one of the roofs that were visible from the platform. The silhouette of a women, at least that's what I'm guessing since I'm seeing a dress.

I couldn't help but feel some... threatening atmosphere coming from her. I saw back to the girls and thought on what to do, Ruby, Weiss and Yang aren't as strong as me, while Ahri wasn't in a good physical state. Taking them to a possible threat could mean unnecessary danger, but then something came to my mind.

I untied the visor from my hand and putted on my face once more without anyone noticing it, then facing to the silhouette in the rooftops, she didn't move, almost like she want me to keep noticing her presence. But the visor gave me a signal, a familiar one, the ominous energy I felt from her wasn't just me, she was emitting actual energy, more specifically, the energy from a Seraphim.

I looked back to the girls, Ahri and Marie were still talking with Ellyn and seemed to be more comfortable now, Ruby was still trying to raise the mood for her sister and friend. I'll do this by myself then.

I stood up like I would normally do, but Ruby immediately noticed.

Ruby: Where are you going?

Me: I don't like this mood, I'm going to walk a little around the docks for a while.

Weiss seemed to be interested.

Weiss: Can I come with you?

Even with my emotionless tone, they seemed to be suspecting something.

2B: Sorry, but I need to think some things by myself.

Weiss: S-sure, if you say so.

Like that I left the table and walked towards the entrance until someone grabbed my shoulder, I turned back and saw Ahri there, looking at me with a curious face.

Ahri: Where are you going?

Me: I'm going to walk a little to relieve some stress.

Ahri sighed and then looked around, as to see if anyone was watching us.

Ahri: You are going to investigate the rooftops, right?

My eyes widened.

Me: You noticed?

Ahri: Yes, let's go.

Me: Wait, you are not in condition to...

Ahri: I can defend myself, besides, I need to go there by myself.

Me: Why?

Ahri: Asriel is up there too.

She walked towards the streets and signed me to follow her, is this really fine? She shouldn't be doing something so reckless... but I guess I can't convince her to turn back, not even Asriel can. I followed her and the moment we entered in an alleyway she waved her hand with some blue energy, my clothes were covered in blue flames and when they turned down, they were my normal ones, my combat attire.

Me: I thought you couldn't use any kind of magic.

Ahri: Supposedly I couldn't, but thanks to the night I spend with Asriel I gathered some life essence, enough to use basic level magic.

Me: Just don't force yourself, please.

Ahri: You are so kind, don't worry.

We used some metallic stairs in the building we saw the mysterious silhouette, when we reached the roof, we saw a girl using a black and crimson dress, her hair was tied in two ponytails that were different size in each side.

???: Ara ara, I suppose you didn't come here to have a nice talk, don't you?

Ahri was looking around confused, looking for Asriel I guess, the girls in front of us tilted her head in confusion for that.

???: Could it be that you are looking for someone here?

Ahri: Where is he?

???: Where is who?

Ahri: I know that Asriel is in here, where is he?

???: Asriel? I don't know who he is.

She then directed her gaze towards me.

???: You look like that other woman.

Me: Who are you talking about.

???: She didn't tell me her name, but she looked a lot like you, her hair was longer though.

Is she talking about A2? Asriel told me that she was in this world too. But while I was doubting Ahri kept the conversation with the mysterious girl.

Ahri: First of all, who are you?

Kurumi: Oh! Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tokisaki Kurumi, a pleasure to meet you.

Ahri: We'll see about that. Let's just get to the point, a white-haired man, as tall as me, golden eyes.

She stood there thinking, until she made a gesture like she realized something, but what she said next was simply unbelievable.

Kurumi: Hmm? Him? I just ate him.


-Ruby POV-

No matter what I try to do, I can't make them change their mood, they just want to be silent and grumpy! But I can't blame them, I'm also a little shocked about how Asriel acted tonight, and well the worst part of it was that I was feeling a little conflicted too. I decided by myself that I wanted to give Asriel and Ahri a home with me, I made that offer to Ahri, and now that I know about 2B's circumstances too meant that she was included in that too.

The problem is that I'm responsible of the inner conflict that Asriel was living right now; looking back to the fight with the colossi, we were conscious that it was a necessary measure, but I don't know if what we got out of it was truly worth it. It's true that the creatures were a possible threat to the city, and a big one, but we only got bad consequences out of that; we made a better connection with him tough, and I felt good with that.

Yang: Ruby.

When 2B told us that Asriel knows us perfectly and his heart was stolen by us, I honestly felt happy; but knowing that the connection he has with us means that he carried all of our pain and dark feelings just make feel terrible with myself. He never showed us those struggles, I remember sometimes when he was acting especially considerate with us, now I know it was because he knows who we are and what do we like and want.

Yang: Ruby?

I can't imagine how strong he must have been to carry the weight of the pain of four different persons on his back, keeping a smile while doing so. I have struggled by myself with my own grief, and even I broke down sometimes, even the sightless things were enough to make me burst into tears, like those times I made a big deal out of some foolish ideas. I still remember when I got trouble for fighting Cardin because he made fun of Weiss' scar, or the time I wanted to dye my hair to match the color I represented in the team like the others, even that time I was forcefully looking for a boyfriend.

Yang: Ruby!

Still, I made up my mind, and I want to talk with Ahri and Asriel about this more properly, I know I'm not as important for Asriel as Ahri, but I want him to be honest with me too, I want to be his confident, the same with Ahri, I don't want them to be alone, they are my friends after all, and I want them to be part of my family too.


I was surprised and fell backwards with my chair. I think I heard someone chuckle about it.

Me: What is it sis?

Yang: Arthur wanted to introduce us some people.

Me: Seriously? Good... I guess.

I responded while I was standing up and accommodating the chair in its place once more, that being said I turned my attention to the young prince and noticed two people at his side. One was a young man with golden long hair that resembled me to a lion, I saw a pair of feline ears on top of his head, as well as a tail that also remembered me to the great feline, his light brown eyes were looking at all of us with curiosity. His body was a little bigger that Arthur's but gave the feeling of someone that was extremely flexible, he looked to be quite close to Arthur since he was hugging the prince with confidence.

The other person was a woman the same height as me, with tar skin and white marks around her body like a tiger, her hair was white and had the same lenght than mine, her ears and tail where white too, her complexion was similar to mine on various senses, but she had a serious atmosphere around her. She was using a beautiful white dress with a diamond cut on her back. I saw her eyes for a moment, until she returned the glare, her pure blue eyes suddenly intimidated me.

I turned to see Arthur once more.

Me: May I ask, who are they?

Arthur: Well, you wanted to know them, this guy at my side is on other than my old friend Tarian Ornis, the golden lion!

Tarian: A pleasure to meet you ladies.

He bowed to us with elegance that matched the title of royalty, if I'm not mistaken, he is...

Me: Do you mean the son of the emperor?

Weiss: The royal adventurer!?

Tarian: Please just call me by my name, it's embarrassing to be recognized like that all the time, besides, we heard of your participation in the defense of this city, you are famous knights around the world already.

Yang: Wait, famous!?

Arthur: Yes, the news of the attack towards the great Mahiri city spread around the world fast, your names are already known for helping the people in danger and protecting them until you reached the shelter in the city hall.

Me: It wasn't that of a big deal.

Arthur: How modest you are, well then, sorry but I have to introduce this lady over here too.

He turned towards the tiger girl and begun the presentation.

Arthur: This over here is the royal adventurer Shiera Akimba, the white fang!

I saw Yang and Weiss feel a little uncomfortable for the title this woman used, I'm a little glad Blake is not here right now, this would have been even worse for her. However, the woman stepped forwards and saluted us with a bow too, but this one looked a little more... clumsy, like she didn't know how to do it properly.

Shiera: *cough* A pleasure to meet warriors as skilled as you, I'm looking forward to hearing more good news and adventures with your names on them.

Me: A pleasure too, my name is Ruby Rose, I'm the leader of team RWBY!

Tarian: Team ruby?

Me: No, not Ruby, RWBY. R. W. B. Y.

Arthur: It stands for their initials.

Me: Exactly, I'm the leader so I'm going first as the R.

Weiss: My name is Wiess Schnee, heir... just a teammate that take the letter W in the name of the team.

Me: And my BFF!

Weiss: Again, no.

Yang: Jeje, I'm Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's older sister, stepsister by the way. I stand for the Y at the end!

Arthur looked around and noticed the missing people.

Arthur: May I ask, where are the others?

Me: Ahri and Marie were talking with Ellyn, 2B left to go to walk a little, and Blake returned to the inn after the little incident.

Arthur: I-I see, is Asriel ok?

Yang: We don't know, he just left.

She said it with some spite in her tone, I guess she is still a little mad at him for what happened. Arthur seemed to notice her tone too, he turned to me with a worried face, but I gestured him to let it go. The felines at his side gave a confused look at us, I guess they arrived after the little spectacle.

Arthur: Ok, why don't we just talk to ease things out a little? ...

Then I both Tarian and Shiera seemed to notice something in the distance, they looked towards the city with a worried expression.

Shiera: Do you hear it?

Tarian: Yes, shots are coming from the city.

Weiss: What!?

Yang: We need to go then!

Arthur: You don't have your weapons; besides you aren't dressed for combat right now, it could be dangerous...

Shiera: Don't speak for all of us.

She then started to run away towards the city, how can she run in those high heels!?

Tarian did the same and started running, seconds later Amelie came closer to us.

Amelie: Arthur! Where are they going!?

Arthur: They said that they heard shots coming from the city. I'll be going too.

Yang: We are going too! You might need some backup!

Amelie: Their right, don't underestimate them.

Arthur: Fine, but you are going to be only the backup. Leave the fight to Tarian, Shiera and me.

Amelie: I'm going too, I'm your personal guard remember?

Arthur: Sure, I know I can always count on you.

The girl blushed a little and gave him a determined, but till embarrassed nod. Like that we all ran behind the lion and the tiger.


-2B POV-

I was currently fighting against the girl called Kurumi, well, against dozens of them, she somehow created multiple clones of herself, the problem is that no matter how many I take down, more appear over and over again from the shadows.

Kurumi: Are you sure you want to keep going? You'll end up exhausted if you don't give up~

She talked in a formal and at the same time pompous tone, as if she was taking me for a joke.

Me: Am I a joke to you!?

The original gave me a dumbfounded look before bursting into laugher.

Kurumi: Ahahahaha! Of course not, not much people can say that they resisted the same time as you, though I feel a little curious about that fox girl we left behind. Maybe another "me" should pay her a visit.

Me: Don't you dare to hurt her!

I stepped forward and used my katana to block numerous bullets coming from every direction, some of them made to go through my defense and caused some injuries, but I made my way to the original Kurumi, I slashed with strength and made to sever her left arm. A torrent of blood came out of the arm, she looked genuinely surprised and backed away, I saw a clone flying closer to me from the side and I jumped over it to avoid the charge, immediately after I summoned my gauntlets and hit the clone directly in the head, crushing her skull in the process. Two other clones came from behind and started shooting at me, I changed to my spear and rotated it in front of me to stop the bullets, but then I felt a hand graving my leg, I turned to see what it was and I was surprised to see a shadow hand grabbing me, the clones didn't wasted this chance and charged before I released from the grab of the hand and jumped over the clones that were charging at me. Until I heard a clone saying something.

Kurimi clon: Zayin!

The next thing I knew was that I had dozens of bullet wounds around my body. I simply fell hopelessly to the ground and felt the inorganic blood spilling out of my wounds, for some reason they didn't aimed for any vital organ or anywhere it could be a lethal wound. Two clones grabbed me by my arms and held me up, the original called a name that solved all my doubts about the origin of her power.

Kurumi: Zafkiel. Dalet.

A shadow started to flow towards the gun in her right arm, she then aimed the gun at her head and pulled the trigger, but instead of blood, shadows spread around the air, then the severed arm flew back to its original position. She then turned to me with a disgusted expression.

Kurumi: Now that wasn't very kind of you, isn't it?

She pointed the rifle in her left hand towards my head, I gave her a furious expression behind my visor, but she never pulled the trigger, instead I heard the voice of one of the clones.

Kurumi clone: Should we really do it?

Kurumi clone: "I" is right, we don't need to kill anyone else tonight.

Kurumi: *sigh* You are right "me", we are not psychopaths after all. Now let me ask you, do you know anything about the localization of other Seraphim's?

She asked me, I didn't answer, she said that she ate Asriel before, but she don't seem to be aware of him being the host of four Seraphim's. A clone then hurried me to answer.

Seconds passed by, and I kept silence, until.

Kurumi: Well, I don't need you to answer, I can always do this. Zafkiel. Yud.

I saw more shadows gathering in her gun, she then aimed it to my head and was about to pull the trigger, but then a voice called our attention.

???: 2B!!!

A golden and black katana flew towards the clones that were holding me, even if they made it to avoid the weapon, a second later a pair of black samurai helmets came flying towards them too, the clones were hit by a helmet each one, sending them to fly away and crashing on the ground.

I fell limp to the ground and then felt someone grabbing my head and turning my hole body to face them...

And I couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of me...

Me: 9S? ...

9S: Is good to see you again 2B.

He took off his visor and I could see the tears sliding down his face, my own tears flowed too, and I hugged him immediately, even if every muscle of my body was screaming in pain.

9S: Don't move like that! You are injured!

Me: I'm sorry, it's just that I'm so happy to see that you are fine.

9S: I'm not entirely fine, not that I see you like this.

He then laid me down gently on the floor and materialized his sword towards Kurumi.

9S: Leave her alone!

Kurumi: Ara ara! A kid suddenly came to the rescue!? How astonishing!

9S: Don't screw around! I'll kill you for this!

What!? That's not right! he would never say something like that!

He then charged with a huge killing intent towards Kurumi, swinging his sword violently, throwing it forward while spinning continuously, Kurumi on her side just avoided the sword with an unamused expression; one clone then came flying towards 9S and shot at his leg, hitting easily, he screamed in pain but answered back throwing his gauntlets/helmets towards the clone, she made a cocky smile and blocked only with her arms, but the attack had enough strength to throw her back and brake her arms in the process, another clone appeared from the shadows at her side and shoot her in the arm, repairing them.

9S continued to attack every clone that came closer to him for a while, receiving some shots in the arms and legs, but immediately answering with his sword and his gauntlets, I don't know what happened to him, he seems terribly aggressive, even psychotic, what happened to the kind-hearted boy I met back at YoRHa? Even so, none of his attacks connected and he ended up falling to the ground severely injured.

I gathered all my strength to stood up and ran to him, kneeling at his side and hugging he closer to me.

Me: Don't you dear to hurt him anymore!

Kurumi: I simply answered to his attacks, I didn't want to fight tonight in the first place.

She shrugged so easily, making my anger boil.

Me: And you still say that you ate Asriel like it was nothing!?

Kurumi: I simply felt a huge amount of energy coming from him, I got interested, even know I keep sucking his life time, but it just doesn't end somehow. I'm honestly confused, I don't know how he is still alive. And to make things weirder, I don't feel like I'm taking any time from the white-haired woman and the cat demi-human I ate earlier.

Me: You bitch.

Kurumi: Now don't be so impolite, I'm merely defending myself from your harassment!

Me: You are killing my friend right now! And you dare to say that you are innocent!?

She charged more shadows in her gun and pointed towards 9S, pulling the trigger without a second thought. I couldn't cover him or even react, I was just as injured as him, then I saw the canon of the gun pointing directly towards me, I heard another shot before falling unconscious.


-minutes earlier-

-Third POV-

Ahri jumped down of the building right after 2B and Kurumi stared fighting and left the place, she was about to start running following the shots but then someone called her from behind.

???: Young lady! I suggest you return home and not going out! We'll take care of the situation!

Ahri looked towards the man that called her, a blonde-haired man with lion ears and tail was running towards her alongside with a tar skinned woman the same height as Ruby.

Ahri: Yeah, sure.

She answered sarcastically and turned around to run towards the fight when another voice called her from the distance.


She turned back and saw Arthur, Amelie, Ruby, Yang and Weiss running towards her too, she made a frustrated growl and decided to ignore them to run after her android friend. But she was shortly cut off her race once more, but this time it was because someone grabbed her leg and stopped her, she turned back to she who did it, but she only saw a shadow hand grabbing her.

Suddenly a familiar voice to her sounded from the closest alleyway.

???: Ara ara~ You don't think I'll let you interrupt the fight between "me" and your friend, right? You need to have manners and wait for your turn.

Ahri: Y-you!? But how!?

In front of Ahri, the same girl that leaved while fighting 2B a minute ago was standing right there, some yards away from her.

Kurumi clone: "I" can do a lot more than you think...

With that being said multiple clones started to appear from the shadows around the street, everybody stopped in their place, until Arthur reacted.

Arthur: Amelie! Protect Ahri and the members of team RWBY!

Amelie: Understood!

Amelie poured some magic into one ring in her left hand. Magic started to surround her and some second after with the magic already dispersed, Amelie was standing in the same place, her left hand was covered in a metallic glove, her dress was replaced by a leather armor with a metal protection in the left shoulder, a red ragged cape was undulating in the night wind; she was holding a great-sword that resembled the one Arthur used while her left hand was holding a sinister shaped knife. Far from making her look like a knight, she looked more like a huntress of some sort, the armor seemed to be made specifically for her since her body features still easily came to view. She pulled up a scarf and covered her mouth.

Arthur saw that his partner was ready so he put his hand in the ground and a vortex of black fog appeared, he then pulled his great-sword out of the ground and made a battle stance.

Arthur: Shiera! Tarian! Help me out!

Tarian: You got it brother!

Shiera: Got it!

Shiera ragged her dress lower part letting everybody see her legs and what was attached to them, both legs had a dagger attached with some holsters while Tarian on his side took out a simple golden stick that looked like it was made of gold, his hand started to create sparks and the gold stick shinned with a lightning, leaving behind a golden spear.

The clones of Kurumi chuckled a little at the response coming from their adversaries.

Kurumi clone: I wasn't planning on fighting tonight, I just came here to eat, but if you try to kill "me" then "I" will answer with the same coin~

The clones started to laugh hysterically, Ahri couldn't help but notice something was off about the girl, something that felt familiar to her somehow...

I'm honestly exited for adding Kurumi in this story, I'm going to try my best t give her the same work she got in the original series, it's funny because the little battle with Kurumi was a constant check to the wiki to know the names of the different bullets and the exact abilities she uses. However, talking beyond this would be a spoiler of why is she here and all that so... Please remark any posible mistake or anything so I can fix it. Thanks for reading and bye :3

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