Little interrogation

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-Ahri POV-

It was morning, as I was waking up I noticed someone was hugging me, then a smile came to my face, Asriel was there, sleeping peacefully at my side, I carefully got out of the bed, trying my best to not wake up him.

I stood there for a second, just watching him, I'm sure he is special, I don't know why, but something inside of me tells me that he is. I want to believe that we can make a future together, but only time would show if I'm wrong or right.

But this is not the moment to think about this, I want to take a bath, but I'm just wearing lingerie, I can't go back to my room, seriously, what was I thinking last night? Whatever I'll just use Assy's bathroom. He wouldn't mind if I do it anyway.

-Weiss POV-

I was going to Asriel's room to wake him up, it was almost time for breakfast and Marie arrived already, I went to Ahri's room to wake her up too, but she wasn't there. I thought about asking Asriel if he knew where she could be, he probably knows where and what is she doing, those two seems to know everything of each other.

As I walked closer to Asriel's room I heard some voices coming from the bottom of the hall, a young couple was walking towards me, I guess they were going to eat together or something, I stepped aside to let them pass, but the I heard a little commentary coming from them that caught all my attention.

Young girl: She might be going to the room of that guy.

Young guy: You mean where the fox girl entered last night?

I immediately turned back and questioned them.

Me: What did you just say!?

They were surprised by my sudden outburst, but I can ignore something like that!

Me: What happened last night!?

Young guy: Wow, wow, wow, wow, we just saw the fox girl that normally is around here knocking to the door of your friend and then entering.

Me: Did you hear anything!?

Young girl: We didn't hear anything! She just knocked and entered after! Nothing else!

They walked away after saying that, almost running, but I can't focus on that right now. What was Ahri doing last night!? Why did she come to Asriel's room!? Is that the reason why she wasn't on he room!?

I need to go right now. I walked faster to Asriel's room, I'm kind of worried, what if Ahri made a move on him? I don't like to admit it, but lately I have been thinking better and better about him. We get along better every day, making our relationship deeper and closer, I see him as a special person, I feel comfortable around him, like he could protect me from anything.

I think he is conscious about my feelings, and about the feelings of the rest of my team, but he just stays out of the situation. I don't know if he thinks that is problematic, or if he doesn't have any interest on me or the others. I don't know if I am really attractive to him.

I reached the room while I was thinking that, and without thinking it twice I opened the door, good thing it was open, but I instantly freeze when I saw what was in front of me.

Asriel was sitting on his bed with his legs covered by the blanket, he had a tired expression, like he didn't sleep well, I think I know the reason.

Because Ahri was going out of the bathroom ONLY covered by a towel.

Both looked at me with a surprised face, quickly changing to a scared one. I heard Ahri trying to talk but I couldn't hold back.

Ahri: Listen Weiss, we didn't...


-Third POV-

The entire group was reunited on the dinner hall of the inn where they were staying, but the atmosphere felt a little heavy, like anyone was truly enjoying their food. In fact, everyone was looking directly towards two certain individuals. Sitting next to each other.

Ahri and Asriel were noticeably ashamed, they never thought that they were going to be discover that fast, even worse that Weiss would be the one that found out about them.

In the middle of the uncomfortable situation someone finally talked.

Weiss: So? What do you have to say in your defense?

Ahri: We didn't do anything last night, ok?

Yang: Then why was you on his room?

Ahri: I wanted to sleep with him, just that, nothing beyond.

Blake: And just like that you went to a man's room with minor clothing?

Ahri: Again, I'm sorry about the lingerie, I don't know why I convinced myself of using them.

Ruby: Let's just forget about the clothes for a moment, the question is, what happened last night?

Asriel was looking away ashamed, he was actually happy that he couldn't talk for the first time, at least like that he didn't had to explain anything. But the attention centered in him thanks to Ahri.

Ahri: I regretted my idea of sleeping with him and tried to leave, but he just grabbed my blanket and hugged me, and out of nowhere he decided to kiss me.

RWBY/Marie: WHAT!!!???

Everybody in the inn looked towards them, making them shup up for a moment seeing that they were the center of everyone's attention. After the people around returned to their own business Marie asked with a clearly angered face towards his father.

Marie: Papa, is that true?

Everyone, even 2B, looked with a questioning look on their faces, waiting for Asriel's response. He saw the expectation on their faces and decided to be honest. He wouldn't hide it to anyone, specially to his family.

He nodded with a determined face, it was completely red though. Right after that he hugged Ahri by the waist with his right arm putting her closer to him.

Marie: Does that mean that you... y-you l-lo-love her!?

He simply nodded, Ahri was a little surprised by how he was dealing with the situation, even if he was incredibly ashamed, he was firmly confessing his feeling for her in front of everyone. A warm smile appeared on her face.

Blake: Does that mean that you are dating now?

Ahri decided to show the same strength that his beloved one.

Ahri: Yes, we are. Right now, we feel like we can make something special with each other. We love each other, is something that has been forming since day one. And now is something we can't ignore anymore.

No one said anything for a while, until Ruby said with a convincing tone.

Ruby: I see, I thought about it since the first day too, you two always appeared to be interested on each other, if you are happy now, then I can't ask for anything better, both of you are like another big sister and brother for me after all.

Yang looked to her sister's eyes, she was truly happy for her friends, but she couldn't trick her, she saw sadness on her little sister's eyes, of course Yang felt it too, after all she developed some feelings for Asriel too. But if he didn't feel the same, she couldn't do anything.

Yang: I'm with Ruby, I like to see you two happy, don't screw it up any of you two, ok?

Blake was also thinking how to react to the news, since the beginning she knew that all her friends felt the same way that her for the same man, it was obviously impossible that everyone would end up being happy at the same time, he had to choose one of them after all, but she couldn't avoid to feel sad for not being the one. But she couldn't act mad or anything, Ahri was her friend too, she had to endure the disappointment.

Blake: I wish the best for both of you then.

On her side, Weiss was showing a stoic face, but she was disappointed on the inside. She couldn't complain, she didn't spend as much time as Ahri with Asriel after all, it was only normal for him to fell in love with Ahri. But still.

Weiss: *sigh* Sorry for bursting in on your room like I did, and for acting that way, be happy together.

After being completely silent during the entire time, 2B finally decided to join the conversation.

2B: I'm definitely not the best to talk about this topic, but I honestly think you two are a good couple. But I can't hide that I'm a little jealous though.

Ahri: Jealous?

2B: I only wish to be able to have a romance one day, just that. Enjoy yours.

Asriel gave them the girls a thankful smile, he expected that something like this would happen, team RWBY would make a little commotion, then they would calm down and will accept the situation, while 2B would accept it since the beginning. He simply knew all of them well, a month interacting directly with each one was on his back after all.

But two individuals didn't give their opinions, the daughter and the little fox. Asriel looked to both, Marie was sitting between Ruby and 2B, hugging Renard close to her chest. The first on talking was Renard.

Renard: I imagine that you won't change your decision, right master?

Asriel (thoughts): I told you to not call me like that, but yes, this is something that I can't ignore. You have noticed it since the first time you saw us together.

Renard: Indeed, I'm aware of the peculiar connection between master and big sister Ahri.

Asriel (thoughts): Seriously, what's with the way you are calling us? you are part of the family, you don't need to act so formal, I've been telling you the entire month.

Marie: Papa.

Asriel looked at her with a kind face, waiting for her question.

Marie: Do you really love this woman? It isn't a trick from her? Or you confusing your own feelings?

Asriel stood up and put his fist on his chest, looking to Ahri and then to his daughter. Renard jumped from Marie's hands and stood in front of him with a serious look. Asriel seeing them like that, gave them a determined look.

Asriel: I love her.

He made a great effort to say it, Marie looked to his father shocked for what he did, she then adverted her gaze with a serious atmosphere. Not long after she stood up and walked away from the table, stopping a couple of meters away. Asriel stood up too and moved in front of her. Renard ran towards Marie, climbing to the shoulder of the little girl.

Marie finally looked to her father eyes. A big smile was on her face.

Marie: If papa decided to say it with his own voice, then he truly believes it on his heart.

She jumped toward his father chest, giving him a hug, Renard climbed to Asriel head and made happy fox noises.

Marie: I have one condition though. For both of you.

Ahri was taken back for the unexpected commentary, Asriel too. Marie stopped hugging her father and grabbed the chair Asriel was using a minute ago. She stepped on the chair, Renard jumped from Asriel's head to Marie's. Both gave a serious look to the couple, and with an authoritarian tone, she spoke.

Marie: You two would never abandon the other, you'll be there when the other needs you, both protecting the other.

Ahri and Asriel made a confident smile and gave her a thumbs up, making her smile. She then turned to Ahri and gave her a cocky smile.

Marie: Don't think that this make you my mother or anything, ok? You still have a long way before I accept you.

Ahri: Oh my, don't worry, you too are far away from being my daughter. Keep working hard and maybe I'll consider it.

Marie frowned to this and replied with an annoyed face.

Marie: This fox. Hmph! Just don't you dare to hurt my beloved papa. Or I'll make sure you regret it.

Ahri: Oh! I like to see you trying!

Renard made a troubled face and jumped back to Asriel, clinging to his chest, but he almost fell because he tried cling to Asriel's bandages. He immediately grabbed the little fox, hugging him to his chest.

Renard: Somehow, this feels even more awkward than I imagined.

Ruby: You are so cute when you act all clumsy like that.

Renard: I'm not cute!

Asriel (thoughts): Yes, you are.

Renard: I'm not! I'm a fearsome beast!

Ruby: Right now, you are cute baby fox. Think about it, an entire month has passed, and you haven't grown even a little. Why?

Renard: That's because my grown is attached to Marie's, I am his partner for life, I'll grown up at the same rhythm that her.

Weiss: I'm still not accustomed to hearing Renard's voice.

Blake: Me neither, don't worry about it.

Yang: I was greatly surprised when I heard his voice though, he sounds like a cute little kid after all.

2B: To be honest, when I saw his giant form I imagined a strong and powerful voice, as a dominant alpha, but when I heard him the first time, I couldn't avoid hugging him and scream for his cuteness.

Ruby: Yeah, I remember, I thought we lost you there.

2B: I'm still a woman, I may be distant sometimes, but I'm still a normal person. I can think some things are cute.

Yang: Yeah, normal. Can a normal person slash through a battalion of minor leshens reinforced by an angel?

2B: You blew them away with only your fists too.

Yang: And you blew ME away with yours!

2B: You need to improve your battle techniques then.

Blake: You broke my weapon during our training too.

Weiss: And mine! I still think that spear isn't normal!

Ruby: It was hard to repair them; the dust deposits of Myrtenaster and both blades from Gambol Shroud where severely damaged. I took me three days to fix them.

Weiss: Your weapons are simply ridiculous! Those 4 white weapons are absurdly resistant.

2B: Well I heard that a legendary blacksmith made them on my world. I even found his apprentice, and he helped me upgrading the weapons.

Weiss: You even upgraded them!?

Ruby: I want to go to your world to meet that blacksmith! Maybe they can upgrade my Crescent Rose and made it as strong as your weapons!

On the side of the conversation Renard and Asriel were quiet. Staring to the little discussion between Ahri and Marie and seeing 2B talking with team RWBY about weapons and training.

Renard: When did they left me out of the conversation?

Asriel (thoughts): Since 2B entered the conversation.

Renard: Even when they were the ones begging to hear me talk, now they are just ignoring me. *sniff*

Asriel (thoughts): Don't cry please.

Renard: I'm not crying! ... *sniff*

Asriel (thoughts): There it is, no matter how strong you act, you are still a kid just like Marie.

Renard: I'm not a kid! I'm a powerful and mighty divine beast!

Asriel (thoughts): Yes, you are little boy.

Renard: I'm not a litt...

He stopped midway and just enjoyed how Asriel was petting him. Just as he was doing that, he felt a sudden pain on his head, it wasn't anything big, just a little discomfort. But it wasn't the first time, the last days he has been feeling the same sudden pain; he even felt sudden temperature changes. Sometimes it was a great heat, like his skin was burning, others it was like he was freezing. Right now, it was neither of those, it was just a little pain on his head. But that wasn't the moment to pay attention to it, he went to the medic when no one was noticing, but the doctor said that he was perfectly healthy, except for his damaged throat, which was the reason of his inability to talk normally.

The pain stopped and Asriel decide to ignore it for the moment.

Later that day 2B and Asriel were going to the guild of the city, even if the world was technologically well developed, it still was a world of swords and magic, there were also guns by the way. They have been taking regular works from the guild to keep having money, after all they couldn't live only with the money of the mushrooms, it will run out eventually, so basically everybody registered as a member. Ellyn helped them to not create a commotion on the place for their stats, because they needed to show their stats to the guild members to get a level there.

On Serath there was the usual adventurers, they weren't that popular though, excepting the strongest ones that had their own fame and were seeing as celebrities, adventurer wasn't a very popular vocation, the majority of the people that wanted to fight and protect people enlisted on the armies either of the empire or the kingdom, there was inclusive people that decided to live on the demons country because of their love for fighting, basically warriors, the women of the demon race was quite popular between human males too.

The levels for the adventurers on the guild was simple, divided by levels based on chess pieces. The levels were these, the lowest was the pawn, the next was the rook, then the bishop, then the knight, then it was the higher level, divided on queen for the women and the king for the men. Being just five levels, it was quite hard to climb to the next step on the level stair. The pawns were quite common, alongside with rooks, they were the usual on the multiple guilds around the world. Some bishops were around the guilds too, they weren't very common, but it wasn't completely weird to see them, one could normally see around ten per guild. The knights were a different story, there was only around a hundred in both continents; the demon's continent had around 20 knights. But the kings and queens were the special beings, there was only 4 royal adventurers on the world.

To specify more, there was around 10,000,000,000 of habitants on Serath. 48% were humans. 49% were demi-humans. The celestial people had exactly 1000 people, being only a .0000001% of the population, leaving the last 2.9999999% to the demons. Of course, this wasn't an exact measure of the population, excluding the celestials, they had stayed the same for centuries, it was rumored that even for millenniums.

The four great royal adventurers were known around the world, the first one was the actual prince of the Callian kingdom, known as the Silver Wolf, Rias Arthur. The second was an acclaimed female white tiger demi-human, named as Shiera Akimba, and known as the White Fang; something that made Blake shiver a little. The third was another demi-human, a male lion, the son of the emperor of the Allion empire, Tarian Ornis, known as the Golden Lion. The last royal adventurer was actually a queen, the Demon queen to be precise, since the position of ruler of the demon continent was decided by who was the strongest. Her name was Velvet Reyna, besides her title as the Demon Queen, she was known by the name of The Crimson Draconian.

The levels of Asriel's group were pretty good too, extraordinary actually, the entire team RWBY was classified as knights, they mentioned that it was fitting with them somehow, something about choosing the knight pieces during an initiation. 2B was also classified as a knight, but just some steps closer to the queen level. Marie was classified as a rook due to her magic capability, Renard was classified as a rook level beast too. Ahri on her side was directly classified as a Queen, the only ones informed by this were the king, emperor and the other four royals, since the sudde apparition of a new royal would cause unnecessary problems. She was simply named the Ancient Kumiho for the guild.

Asriel situation was quite special though, he didn't get a high rank like the rest of his family, since all his stats were a mystery, he was simply classified as a Pawn until the situation change, and he wouldn't be able to rank up either. He didn't mind at all, he just wanted to be able to gain some money to sustain his family, even the level requirement on some misions wasn't important if he was accompanied by one of the girls.

However, both 2B and Asriel were walking towards the guild to look for a regular petition, they had enough money to be good for two months ahead though, but more money is never a bad idea. No one talked on the way to the guild, but right before arriving, a no-good looking group of people walked towards them, blocking the way for both, they were just five, but they covered well the small street. One of them, the leader apparently, talked to 2B.

Leader: Hey beauty, what are you doing around this place?

Asriel made an annoyed face, while 2B was inexpressive, she didn't answer. But the guy noticed Asriel's expression.

Leader: Do you have any problem with us asshole?

Sheep #1: Do you know who is he?

Asriel denied with not much interest, making a gesture to them to go away. But right after that a huge pain assaulted him, his body temperature decreased instantly, he was cold as a corpse, the sudden pain made him grab his head strong, kneeling on the ground. The man saw this and thought he was scared.

Doruan: Jajajajajaja! So! you are scared now!? How pathetic! Next time don't act so cocky in front of a superior! I am the strongest rook! Doruan!

After that he kicked Asriel on the face, making him fall on his back, the pain that the kick caused was pathetic though, but the headache and freezing sensation kept going making it look like he was hurt by the kick. Seeing this 2B was worried for what was happening to Asriel, but when she was going to help him, Doruan grabbed her by the wrist.

Doruan: Forget about that loser, come with us, we'll give you a good time.

She made an angered expression, she grabbed the arm the guy was using to hold her with her free hand, and started to put pression on it, making his arm crack loudly.

2B: Don't. Touch. Me.

Doruan screamed for the pain, 2B released his arm and turned back to help Asriel, but one of the Doruan sheep got closer to her to attack from behind with a little war hammer.

Sheep: Who you think you are!?

Right before the weapon made contact with 2B, she dematerialized for a second, when she formed again the four men were on the ground several meters away from her. The people around that saw the situation was amazed by 2B strength. Some whispers could be heard here and there.

???: What did she do?

???: Did she disappear for a moment there?

???: Those were the group of rook level thugs that have been causing problems around the city, isn't it?

???: Who is she?

???: Is that guy alright?

2B ignored the people talking and kneeled beside Asriel with a worried face.

2B: Asriel! are you ok!? What's wrong!?

Asriel was shaking for the cold, when 2B touched him she felt the low temperature on his body, making her worries grow.

2B: We need to go back with the others and take you to a medic!

Asriel didn't answer in any way, he was just enduring the pain that was spreading trough his body, seeing his state, 2B carried him on her back. Asriel couldn't hold it anymore and fell unconscious. When 2B felt the cold body fell limp on her back the fear dominated her.


When she didn't get a response, she ran as fast as she could, leaving a little blur behind her, she was desperately looking for the others when she remembered what Ruby told her. They were going to visit Horace and Adelyn, supposedly their daughter was going to return home today. She hurried more and ran a little faster.

After around 3 minutes of running at high speed she reached the rural area where the married couple lived, she saw the others reunited in front of the house, but everyone was looking to Ahri with a confused or a blaming face, 2B didn't understand what was going on, but it didn't matter on that moment. She yelled to call their attention.


Everyone turned to see her, just to see Asriel unconscious on 2B's back, with a terrible pained expression.

There it is, sometihng is wrong with Asriel, and apparently with Ahri too, I hope you like the story so far, thanks for reading this and I hope you read the next part too. Thanks again, Bye.

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