Hunted by the past

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-Ahri POV-

Right after Asriel and 2B left to find a quest on the guild, Marie suggested to pay a visit to Horace and Adelyn since they told us that her daughter would be on the city. I was curious too, so I went with them. We were on the streets almost on the edge of the urban zone, while we were walking a food stand called my attention, it was little and sell various snacks, specifically the chocolates called my attention, I was a huge fan of it after all, I call it my little addiction. Curiously enough I gave some chocolate to Asriel some weeks ago and he simply loved it, I think he loved that first chocolate more than he loved me back then. However, I stopped for a moment to buy a couple of them, I paid them and looked back to the others, but they weren't there anymore, and when I looked to the food stand, it wasn't there either.

The entire street became empty all of a sudden. I looked everywhere searching for an explanation, but there wasn't anyone around; at least that's what I thought, but then a voice called me, a voice that I never imagined that I would hear on this world.

???: Soon my little fox, you'll be broken as I promised, and then, you'll be my precious doll. Emotionless, unwilling, perfect.

After that I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder, I turned instantly with a fire orb ready on my hand, but the only one there was Blake. The people returned without me even noticing it, I looked everywhere confused and scared. The bag of chocolates were still on my hand, but I didn't care on that moment. I dispersed the fire.

Blake: Ahri, are you ok? Did something happen?

Me: I-I'm not sure, I guess it was my imagination. Don't worry.

As I kept walking through the street I was paying completely attention to my surroundings, looking for anything suspicious. But nothing came to my eyes, or my ears, just the usual city noises.

Soon after we reached the rural area, however I was still aware of everything round me. The others noticed this and asked with concerned expressions.

Weiss: Are you feeling alright Ahri?

Me: Huh?

Blake: Yeah, you seem distant since you bought those chocolates.

Yang: Maybe they have a little bit of alcohol?

Me: N-no, I don't like that kind of chocolates, is just that I thought of something and it has been nailed to my head.

Marie looked at me with a serious look, Renard too, they probably noticed that I'm nervous. But that's only natural, I hoped to never hear that voice again, if it was really him, then I'm going to kill him once and for all.

However, I didn't pay more attention to that and kept walking. Thinking it well, we could use a taxi or something, there were vehicles on this world, but honestly, I prefer to walk, I never liked the individual vehicles idea.

When we finally reached the house, we didn't saw anyone out, but I can feel three souls inside the house, I knew well Horace and Adelyn's souls, but the third one was someone I've never meet, but since it had the same essence that the married couple I assumed it was their daughter.

They were walking towards the principal door for our luck, moments after they opened the principal door and saw us, the usual couple greeted us with warm smiles.

Horace: Jojojo! What a great surprise!

Adelyn: You came to meet our daughter, isn't it?

Marie: Indeed! We are exited to meet the daughter of gentle and cute people like you!

Adelyn: Awww you flatter me.

The good atmosphere was flowing like usual, I liked to be around these people, they always give you a kind and comfortable welcome, they were without a doubt the kindest people I've found in my entire life, and that's not a short time.

However, from behind the married couple a young woman made her way to us. She was a certainly beautiful, she inherited all her mother traits, and some of her father's, she had the long and shiny brown hair of her mother while the strong green of her father eyes shined on hers. her body was well built, on could see her muscles easily, but they weren't so exaggerated, even with them, a perfect defined figure of a woman was visible, she appears to have a body image similar to Yang's but with smaller breasts of course; after all, from all of us, the only one that can compare with Yang in size was me. That aside, she was wearing simple clothes, black reaped jeans, and a white sleeveless blouse, a pair of brown leather boots, and a nice-looking collar with some sort of pendant on it, a silver wolf head was painted on it.

She introduced herself to us.

Amelie: Hello there, my name is Amelie Herdian, I see that you are friends of my parents.

I was going to introduce us, but Weiss made it faster than me.

Weiss: Indeed, we are, pleasure to meet you, my name is Weiss Schnee, this are my teammates Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and our leader Ruby Rose.

Ruby: Wow Weiss, I never thought you would introduce me as your leader by your own initiative.

Weiss: Well you are, so why should I deny it?

Blake: Good to see that you are not complaining anymore.

Weiss: Hey! She has proved to be a competent team leader multiple time already.

Yang: Yep, that's my little sis, always shining wherever she goes and whatever she does!

Yang hugged her little sister with strength, leaving the poor Ruby like a deflated balloon.

I chuckled a little by this, but then I felt someone touching my tails, like they were stroking them, I turned around to see who it was, but I found an empty space, when I returned my gaze to the group again, no one was there anymore, not even the house. I was alone on the field, then the same voice resounded on the field.

???: You thought you could run? That your past would leave you? You can't run from your destiny my doll.

Me: So is it really you. I honestly hoped that I would never see you again. Mordian.

A man materialized in front of me, it leaved some kind of static, like it was a video image, I didn't know what he was doing, but he looked really different from what I remember. He was wearing some kind of smocking, but some thing made it look more threatening somehow, it resembled to a vampire in a way, but things like a chain holding from the left side of his pants and the use of a gabardine instead of a cape made it different somehow. The most distinctive part of his attire was the oni mask that he was wearing.

Mordian: Is good to see that you remember me my love, I'm glad.

Me: Cut that shit. Don't you dear to call me in that way.

I gave a threatening aura, I can tell he was shocked for a moment, I noticed him moving backing slightly, but he regained his composure easily.

Mordian: I see you are still as energic and full of life as before, that is seriously disgusting, a beauty like yours should be cold, emotionless, perfect.

Me: You came to this world just to keep trying to make me accomplish your stupid fetish? I didn't think you were that stupid. I'm not the same that I was in Runaterra, this is Serath, here I'm hundred times stronger. Don't know why though.

Mordian: And I see that you still don't understand my vision, I'm just trying to free you from those repulsive emotions, I'm trying to make you the ideal woman, no, the ideal you.

Me: I'm plenty satisfied with myself thank you very much.

Mordian: You're just as close minded as you were back then, maybe if you had accepted your destiny back then, that old couple would have survived.


Rage was filling my thoughts, I couldn't stand him talking like that about them, that scar is deeply marked on my heart.

Mordian: I always found interesting how you were so sad about their lives and not about the countless innocent persons you killed through the centuries.

Me: I needed the essence.

Mordian: You could just kill them, you never needed to seduce them, to entangled them on your games, stealing their heart to finally steal their life.

Me: I've changed, I'm not the monster I was back then, I have felt the regret and guilt after taking their life.

Mordian: One could understand the reasons and feel empathy but understanding why doesn't erase the acts.

Me: And you think you are the best to talk about atrocities?

Mordian: I've never done anything wrong to anyone.

Me: All those women, all those girls, you broke them, took away their will to live, they were just sex dolls to your clients.

Mordian: The world is the one that is wrong, thinking that women like them, like you, need something so putrid as their own will, your real beauty resides on being mindless, just a doll without free will, there is where the true beauty resides, but only a few can reach that sacred level, and yet you, the perfect embodiment of all my pure and ideal standards, refuse to reach the perfection.

Me: You truly are disgusting. I can tell all this is an illusion, why don't you appear here for real, so I can burn you to ashes.

Mordian: Oh, my silly love, I'm real. This is my own reality, I've reached a new level, the absolute power, I can bend the reality to make it perfect whenever I want.

Right after that he dashed back a little, I dashed towards him to attack, my claws already on fire, he materialized a sword out of nowhere, I saw how it formed with some green cubes, he tried to defend himself, but I talked him down, raising my right hand ready to give the final blow.

But then I felt someone grabbing my arm, suddenly my surroundings distorted for a moment, static everywhere, like everything was an error in a video. When the static disappeared, I saw that Yang was grabbing my hand with a scared face yelling at me.


Everybody was yelling the same things, I turned down my claws in confusion and looked who was in the ground below me. My face turned pale when I saw Amelie on the ground with a terrified face.

Me: Wh-what!?

I stood and backed away a little, still shocked, I looked everywhere the house was there again, Horace was on a fighting pose, ready to oppose me. I couldn't process what just happened when Weiss yelled at me too.

Weiss: What the hell is wrong with you!!?? Suddenly attacking someone like that!!??

Me: B-but! When!? Where!?

Adelyn got closer to her daughter completely worried.

Adelyn: Are you ok sweetie!?

Amelie: Don't worry mom, I'm ok.

Horace: Explain yourself, please.

He looked at me with a concerned face, there was no hostility on his gaze though.

Horace: You are not the kind of person that would do something like this, and seeing how confused you are, I think something caused this.

Me: I-I saw, I-I...

I'm really not that kind of person? I have killed so many innocents in my life, could it be that I'm just... NO, I resolved myself a long time ago, I'm not going to live that kind of live anymore, there is enough victims already, enough people suffered by my fault. No more.

No one else will suffer by me.

Me: I saw...

I was interrupted when someone yelled from the distance. I recognized the voice, it was 2B, but wasn't she in the guild with Asriel?


I saw her running toward us with Ariel on her back, unconscious, and with a pained expression. Everyone immediately rushed to them.

Marie: PAPA!!!

Ruby: What happened to him!?

2B: I don't know he just started to hold his head with a pained expression! A-a-and when I touched him he was freezing!

Blake: Why you didn't take him to a medic!?

2B: I thought that I needed to bring him to you! I don't know what could be happening to him!

On the side of the situation I heard Amelie talking to her parents.

Adelyn: My god, Is he ok?

Horace: What is going on so suddenly?

Amelie: We need to get him to a medic quick!

I was about to talk, when the static returned, the word distorted, and his voice came from behind.

Mordian: What may be this? Could this be a secondary effect of you taking his life essence?


Mordian: Could it be that he is special to you? How disgusting.


Mordian: We'll see if you really are.


Mordian: I told you, all of this is real.

He made a knife with the same green cubes as before and throw it at me, I didn't move, an illusion is not going to trick me twice. But when the knife made contact with my shoulder, it pierced it. The pain rushed through my body.

The static appeared and disappeared like before, leaving me kneeling on the ground with the knife still in my shoulder. Everybody was looking at me again, even Asriel was awake now. I don't know what happened exactly.

Ruby ran towards me and crouched at my side, seeing the knife in my right shoulder.


Weiss: A KNIFE!!!???

I felt a hand on my left shoulder, I turned to see who it was, Asriel was standing at my side, still with a pained expression, his hand was burning, he was clearly on a bad state.

2B: Asriel! Don't move like that by yourself!

Even with the pain he was suffering, he still was making a worried expression for me. But soon after he could hold it anymore and collapsed at my side.

I burned the knife on my shoulder, but it disintegrated on green cubes as before, like it was... digitalizing? It remembers me to pixels. I didn't have any idea of what was going on.

We took Asriel to inside Horace house, Amelie offered herself to bandage my wounded shoulder. I apologized by what I did to her. But then the interrogatory begun again.

Weiss: Ahri, explain what is going on, now.

Her tone was strong, I looked down and thought in a way to explain what just happened, but I was lacking on any explanation too.

Me: If it's about Asriel, I don't know what is going on.

Blake: And about you attacking Amelie? And the sudden outburst?

Me: Outburst?

Yang: You started to scream at empty air like crazy.

Me: I don't know either, but I have an idea, I don't know why, or how, but someone of my past, of my world, have followed me to this world. And it couldn't be anyone worse.

Ruby: Who it is?

Me: His name is Mordian, he is... a psychopath, a monster, I passed some years of my life in Runaterra destroying his illegal slavery network. He kidnapped beautiful women, and tortured them, his objective was to brake completely their living will, to make them an empty shell, that could work as a sex doll for rich men.

Adelyn: That's horrible.

Me: He doesn't see it as something wrong or sick, he sees it as the natural way to be for the women that was blessed with beauty, he truly believes that making that to them is the way to make them perfect. Like he is saving them from themselves.

Horace: Ok, but what does this monster have anything to do with you here?

Me: He followed me, somehow, and get a new ability, somehow. He made... illusions, or better say, he manipulates reality on a small level. He has been talking to me creating and aisled space, when I attacked Amelie, what was in front of me was him.

Amelie: But you didn't say anything that time, and in what I assume was the next space distortion, we all heard what you yelled at him.

2B: What do you mean by not a monster anymore?

I made a complicated face, I didn't want them to know what I have done, the innocent blood in my hands.

Me: That's something I want to forget from myself.

I saw that Weiss was about to say something, but Horace talked first.

Horace: We understand, we won't force you to talk more about it.

Yang: But then, how you end up involve with him?

Me: I was one of his victims.

Everyone was taken back by the sudden confession, it was almost obvious, I don't understand why they are this surprised.

Ruby: Does it means... you...

Me: He never get to rape me or brake me. I escaped before he could do much to me, I had a lot of scars on me of course, but a friend of mine that was a good healer helped me.

2B: How did you escaped?

Me: I was an adult already, so I simply used magic, I saved the other victims in the facility, and burned the place with everyone else inside.

No one said a word once more. I can understand it, but I don't regret taking those lives, they were filth, monsters that abused from innocent women that never asked to be born like that. Males or females, it didn't matter, if they were implicated on that, they would have the same fate, just like every facility, everything burned to ashes.

Me: Now that he followed me, even with a new and mysterious power, I finally have the chance to end that bastard for good.

I stood up and went out of the house to take fresh air. Soon after someone else went out with me.

Ruby: Are you ok?

Me: No.

Ruby: Then why don't you ask us for help?

Me: Because this isn't your problem.

Ruby: But...

Me: Listen, I don't want anyone else to suffer for my fault, I have caused enough pain, I just want to start again, I thought that being on this world could give me that chance, I thought that Asriel would give me that chance. But that won't be possible while he is still alive, I need to end Mordian here and now.

Ruby: But what about Asriel? He is in bad conditions.

Me: I'll fight without him, don't worry, I'll explain everything to him later.

Ruby: He is unconscious on the sofa right now.

Me: *sigh* I'll talk to him, please be careful, we don't know when he might attack, and I'll be unable to fight for being talking with Asriel on our little world.

Ruby: I'm still jealous that you have your own dream world.

I chuckled at this and entered with Ruby to the house once more. I kneeled besides Asriel and when I got a comfy position, I started to sleep.

Now on the dream, I woke up in the little room with the futon, I opened the sliding door and saw Asriel seeing his tea cup with a worried expression.

Asriel: You came huh?

Me: Did you expected someone else?

Asriel: I heard the conversation outside. Do you really want to do this by yourself?

Me: I'll prefer to...

Asriel: You don't. Fine, I'll be at your side then.

Me: You got to be kidding me, you are in a terrible state. Do you even know why are you like that?

Asriel: I have to admit that I don't have even the slightest idea.

Me: Then my answer is a no.

Asriel: Then mine too.

Me: This is something I need to do!

Asriel stood quiet for a second and served tea on a second cup, then signaled me to sit down. I did and also took the tea cup, the tea he made was simply delicious, no matter how many times I taste it. 

Asriel: If you are going to go, tell me everything, without skipping anything.

Me: You mean...

Asriel: Why did you said you were a monster?

Me: Is better if you don't...

Asriel: Ahri.

I took a sip to my tea, I don't know if I should tell him what I am, what I did. I he figures it out, would he keep loving me?

Asriel: Yes, I will.

Me: You...

Asriel: How does it feels when it's you who is read like an open book?

Me: Touché

He smirked and took a sip from his tea, then looked at me with a warm gaze.

Asriel: Please, tell me what is making you feel so guilty.

Me: Do I ever told you what I am?

Asriel: A kumiho.

Me: Yes, but do you know how do we live?

Asriel: Not exactly.

Me: We need a constant supply of life essence, at least that's what I have experienced. The constant necessity to gather the life of other living beings. For years, centuries actually, I lived based on that, tricking men by seducing them, attracting them to traps, and killing them, stealing all their memories, their aspirations, their futures. Thousands of innocent people died in my hands, just to keep me alive, living a life that I constantly considered not worth of living. For decades, I wasted innocent lives just to keep mine, a life that I didn't even wanted to live. I...

Asriel: I heard enough.

Me: You...

Asriel: I understand. What you feel, but still, why do you think you were a monster?

Me: I killed innocents without remorse and...

Asriel raised his hand to stop me from talking.

Asriel: Without remorse? I see you filled with guilt that you have carried for hundreds of years. Don't come to me saying that you didn't regret it. If there is any monster here in this room, is me.

Me: What?

Asriel: Yeah, because, I'm actually glad that those innocent lives were lost, if that means that you lived enough to encounter me, then I'm glad that all those people died.

Me: How can you?...

Asriel: Listen here. I'm going to be honest... I don't care what happens to the people, innocent, guilty, heroes, monsters. I just care about you, about Marie, about my family. If I need to kill or anything, I'll do it, without a second thought. You, all of you, are my family, I don't know if everyone sees it the same way, but I don't care. If I have to be the villain, then I'll do it. If I have to be the hero, then I'll do it. If I have to abandon others in danger, I'll do it if everything means that you would be safe.

Me: You... you are willing to do everything?

Asriel: Yes, I don't know how Ruby and the others could react to this declaration, but I'm determined, this is my way of living now.

Me: Asriel...

Asriel: Don't feel guilty, don't think about yourself like a monster, and if you still going to do it. Then you're just going to be my beloved monster.

Me: You really are something special.

Asriel: I'm just a guy who doesn't know anything about himself.

I chuckled a little to this, sitting now at his side, I reclined my head on his shoulder and told him.

Me: I love you.

In the real world.

It was nighttime already, I was hearing everyone in the kitchen of the house talking about something, Asriel was still asleep, it was time.

I stood up and walked towards the door, and leaved, I was going to hunt down Mordian. He wouldn't hurt my new family, if he wants to face me, then he's going to get me. The only problem for him is...

I'm really angry right now.

This is going down isn't it, and yes, that was the resolution of Asriel, something that he cultivated during the centuries in the colossi's flesh. This is it then. Thanks for reading and Bye.

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